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Finals The World Cup of Pokemon VI - Finals [Won by Oceania]

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I would pretend that was a great match but Stallion really had no answer to the first mon Loven sent out. Team matchup strikes again, but it is pretty sloppy of Stallion to have a team so ill-equipped for a slight variation on a common threat.
I would pretend that was a great match but Stallion really had no answer to the first mon Loven sent out. Team matchup strikes again, but it is pretty sloppy of Stallion to have a team so ill-equipped for a slight variation on a common threat.
Cool story bro
I would pretend that was a great match but Stallion really had no answer to the first mon Loven sent out. Team matchup strikes again, but it is pretty sloppy of Stallion to have a team so ill-equipped for a slight variation on a common threat.

I would have dealt with it just fine tyvm if he didn't crit my first mon (toxic and then send in reuniclus or stay in depending). In any case it's fucking BW, hp grass rotom-w with expert belt isn't exactly common at all. If I ran Celebi/Blissey (the ONLY counters to that set btw, maybe the Latis too but not Dragonite who can get burnt) I'd open myself up to NP Lum thundurus or that fucking annoying u-turn scizor combo that works with rotom-w so well. Not to mention make my only Volcarona check trappable by Dugtrio. So yeah don't go calling the team building sloppy while you're sitting up on your high horse, just realise it for what it is (bad team match up and bad luck).
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