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Finals The World Cup of Pokemon VI - Finals [Won by Oceania]

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Alright, time for my own member by member shoutout post.

EW - What can I say boss? You prove every year that your one of the most talented battlers in the HISTORY of pokemon. I agree with Hip, the biggest strength in your game is your decision making. I think a lot of players like to simplify the game one way or another through their team building, but that's simply not necessary for you. There's nothing you don't think of. It also makes rating your teams ridiculously hard lol. Tl:dr, you're boss.

Pana - I love talking with you dude and it never surprises me just how beast you are. You manage to turn pokemon into both an art and a science. There's plenty of deductive logic in your moves, but there's also unorthodox prediction. I like watching you play a lot.

MS - I will always have your back. It's a shame you got unlucky this year with a few team matchups this year, cos you're a very talented player. You know that you're my favourite guy to talk to in terms of team building and stuff. We speak the same language and see the game in the same analytic/conceptual type of way.

Hip - Good ole Hiptopher. What can I say about this 10 year veteran? There is no gen you can't learn and there's no denying your skills.You're a very gutsy player in general, both in team building and general risk/reward situations. I gotta learn to be a bit more like you. Thanks for the comments too btw, I really appreciate it.

GS - lol What can I say? Tour winner and world cup champion, can't get much better than that. I don't think there's anyone in the world that plays your style of pokemon better than you do. You are also very willing to learn, even with all your achievements. You don't always find that amongst the 'big names', and I really like that about you.

Playa - It took you a while to turn on the jets, but when you did, you reminded everyone why everyone on smogon should know your name. You're a fantastic tournament player dude.

Heist - Don't disappear on us again, fucker ><. You don't need me to tell you how talented you are. Definitely one of the best, best players in 5th gen.

Chaser - There are different skills in pokemon and each player has varying strengths and weaknesses. There is no doubt what your biggest strength is dude - deductive logic. You often make predictions that seem quite risky and bold, but then you would explain your moves, and it would just seem like common sense. You're fun to watch dude. Not a bad pokemon player either <3

Makiri - I will agree with hip in that you need to believe in yourself a bit more. I think you were quite busy with VGC at the beginning at the tournament, which is fine. however if you focused on BW, you would still be a very accomplished player in 5th gen. I was happy with you taking my spot in WC and I still am.

BK - Still the best captain. Still the most logical and fair leader in the world cup. I know I couldn't be there for you when you wanted me to be. Once again, I apologised to my team mates for not being half as active as I have in previous WC's. I appreciate the vote of confidence though.

Thank you to all our supporters. I really see a lot of you guys as part of our team. Frizy, ginganinja, fatecrashers, pluff, thorns, kotw... the list goes on. No one outside of oceania believed us when we said that this is the most talented world cup team we've put together ever. I still stand by that statement, and I guess they know now. During the past few months, I've been kicking myself for not being involved enough in the team. Every time we would go to a tie break or something, there's a part of me that wonders if I've done enough for the team. It's my privilege to be part of this great world cup team, even as a sub, and I'll never play for another. Broceanias for life.

edit: I feel bad for not giving shout outs to subs and supporters.

Frizy - My baby <3. I know you're upset for not making the team, but I also know that you'll be more focused than ever this following year. You'll break the game open soon enough. I also thank you for being so supportive. I really appreciate it a lot.

Ginganinja - Win that tutee tourney! I'm sure Eternal did a good job teaching you and I'm eager to see your game develop.

Sheeps - lol I'm sorry I wasn't around to talk. I'm sure we can have a few philosophy discussions soon ^^

KOTW - We like having you around here dude. I know some things didn't work out between you and the team, but we were glad to ahve you back. Talk to me about things you can improve on, I would love to see you make the team next year.

Fatecrashers: We need a 'oceania wins' pic! :o

GG to west for being such good sports! You've been our biggest competition for 2 years in a row. I smell rivalry!
Congratz Earthworm and Oceania!

It was an honor playing with you and I was rooting for the threepeat... You guys are great players and awesome gentlemen too!

Oh, and congratulations for US West too, you guys rock and made the best finals that we could ask for.

And finally, congratulations to every one of the 16 teams that played in the World Cup. It wouldn't be as awesome if it wasn't for every one of us.

See ya next year, hopefully...

And thanks Jackal for this great tournament... we're gonna make Brazil x Canada the next year's finals, for sure.
What great tourney we had !
Thx everyone who contributed to make it as awesome as it was.

Gj Earthworm and OCN, and US West to be their strongest opponent.
Well, now I know what it feels like to be left at the altar. And with my luck, and at this rate, that will happen too.

I normally try to not complain about hax and accept defeat graciously, but this finals round was complete and utter bullshit. Oceania is the most undeserving trophy winners ever, not a single person on that roster deserves a trophy for this WCOP season. US West was a better team and outplayed Oceania and somehow managed to lose by conditions we had no control over. If ever a winner deserved to have an asterisk by their names, this would be it.

No, this wasn't any sort of cosmic balance, karma, or whatever you want to call it, not that I believe in those anyway. If those did exist, we would have won. This was nothing short of highway robbery that allowed an unworthy team filled with unworthy players and personnel to get (notice how I didn't say "win" or "earn") a trophy. No, it wasn't "meant to be", because nothing happens because it's supposed to. Oceania's first 5 "wins" came down to (in order): a freeze, a 50/50, an overheat miss, a freeze, and a choke. Not a single convincing win in the bunch. Not a single instance of being out-teamed or out-played. Oceania might get the trophy, but it is definitely not deserved, as deserve had nothing to do with this. US West was better. US West is better. US West know this, and anyone who paid any attention to this series would know that, hell Oceania probably know that. It is nothing but a meaningless trophy.

This is all before we even get into all the shady under the table dealings Oceania pulled, while showing no loyalty to any of their players. I don't know if I should be more pissed at the people behind the trade or the people that allowed it to happen. But hey, at least Makiri gets to keep his WCOP trophy without playing a single playoff game. And yeah, let's reward constant asshole behavior from Oceania, from the top to the bottom of the organization. Speaking of which... look at Stallion, thinking this trophy makes any sort of a difference, acting like it allows him to act like even more of an asshole than usual. You are still just the same player as before this all started, a player that has never accomplished anything. And if you did ghost any of those finals matches? You should be embarrassed if that is the best you could do. You and I both know just how much you lucked out here, no matter how you try to justify it to yourself. Funny thing though, if we won I was going to make a post bashing every single one of the Oceania players, and it would have been a hell of a lot better than your weak ass post.

I have no idea how a team can be bailed out by such improbable last minute luck time and time again. I guess the saying is true, "No one wins, one side just loses more slowly." This wasn't just "hax is part of the game" or "those are the breaks" kinds of hax, it was literally "no fucking way that could possibly have just happened" hax, in every important turn of every game. Hell, it was so improbable Smogon promptly shut down for a week afterwards rather than process it (and I should've followed suit...). Oceania has to tell me, what demon did you sell your soul to for this? Because I obviously sold mine to the wrong one. I guess it isn't true that the devil you know is better than the one you don't...

To US West, now. First, thank you to all of our fans and everyone who supported us and helped us out throughout the regular season and the playoffs. To the players and management: we had a good run, I'm sorry it had to end that way. Back to back finals appearances is still plenty impressive. You all individually exceeded my expectations, you guys won, rose to the occasion, and had my back whenever I needed you guys to. I'm proud of every one of you, and you are all champions in my book, for whatever that is worth.

But fuck Oceania, and fuck this game, I'm through with it.

What the fuck happened to my Kate Beckinsale avatar?! It looks like Smogon really doesn't want me to stay...


scofield you are amazing
Well guys, this has been such an awesome tournament. Although I didn't get to play, I feel that I've greatly improved my game due to test battling and just being around such great players. I'm proud to be a sub for such a great team. I'd like to thank BK for giving me a chance to be on the team, and just the whole crew for being supportive throughout this whole endeavor.

Thanks to Jackal for hosting such a great tournament. Looking forward to the next WCOP!

also, fuk yondie

GOCEANIA im so happy for you guys :D

and yea congratulations to US WEST for getting to finals!

Grats OCN
Since all the west old guards dating back from dppt are seemingly leaving. Then its time for me to put away smogon again all together. I wasn't gonna come back at all to Smogon, but I came to visit for two reasons. And one was that I wanted to see US West go for the title one more time even though I would not be playing. I am extremely disappointed in how things ended. But anyone who stayed loyal to US West from beginning to end know this was not all for naught. Niggas know we gay, so we will always be circle jerkin and having Philip7086 eat the last piece of bread.

Great job 2011 US West and shoutouts to the old guards TAY, Philip7086, SoT, remlabmez, duskie, scofield. BTW where da fuck is warthog?
grats oceania 3 years in a row is no mean feat, the rest of the world need to step it up. hard luck west, know you are my bros so better luck next year and hope to see you guys in the final (losing to whoever i'm playing for ;) )
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