The World Cup of Pokemon VI - Semi Finals

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Oceania (3) Vs France (5)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (4) Vs USA West (4)

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Iconic Vs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins
Oceania (8) Vs France (0)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (4) Vs USA West (4)

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Iconic Vs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins

nigga franky to win tiebreak
Oceania (5) Vs France (3)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (5) Vs USA West (3)

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Iconic Vs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins
Oceania (8)Vs France (0)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (4) Vs USA West (4)

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
IcoincVs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins

Bloo wins tiebreaker.
Canada (3) Vs USA West (5)

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Iconic Vs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins

Nobody thinks i have a chance, that's great for me, i'll have no pressure
Oceania (8)Vs France (0)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (4) Vs USA West (4)

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
IcoincVs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins

Bloo wins tiebreaker.

What he said.

Krack vs Scofield and wilson vs phil are both really close, matchup wise. Definitely key games. My prediction: Canada will win this round if they even win one of those games.
Oceania (5) Vs France (3)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Vs Go10
PlayaVs Gabranth
Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Vs Boudouche

Canada (3) Vs USA West (5)
Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Vs Anachronism
AlaVs Loven
Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins

Good luck the the remaining teams.
Oceania (5) Vs France (3)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (4) Vs USA West (4) Via. Tie breaker

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Iconic Vs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins
Wow, close pairings... I'm predicting West vs Oceania on the finals, but Canada and France are pretty good so they can make it.
good luck west! its a tough team still.

Oceania (4)Vs France (4)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama - highlight round
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche - stallions having a hard time recently, this guy has the edge


panamaxis/Heist v Ojama
Oceania (5) Vs France (3)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (3) Vs USA West (5)

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Iconic Vs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins

These pairings are extremely competitive and nearly anything could happen. good luck to everyone.
Oceania (5) Vs France (3)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm VsBIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth - playaaa
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche
the french only have enough luck for 3 wins now.

Canada () Vs USA West ()

Krack Vs Scofield - close but Krack has it
wilson46 Vs Philip7086 - Philip will teach king wilson a lesson
Atticus Vs remlabmez - bosses play each other again to hard to choose.
Iconic Vs Anachronism - pretty obvious
Ala Vs Loven - loven lets get it
Gouki Vs Indra - get slayed
Jackal Vs Bloo - bloo is unbeatable right now
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins -f

if duh wins then west will just win in tiebreak so ya WEST.
Oceania (5) Vs France (3)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (5) Vs USA West (3)

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Iconic Vs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins
Oceania (3) Vs France (5)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (5) Vs USA West (3)

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Iconic Vs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins
Oceania (6) Vs France (2)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (4) Vs USA West (4)

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Iconic Vs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins

Predicting Ocn to win it all. Good Luck to the teams!
Oceania (5) Vs France (3)

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
Playa Vs Gabranth
Heist Vs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (3) Vs USA West (5)

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Iconic Vs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins
Oceania (4) VsFrance (4) - tie - Oceania

Golden Sun Vs Ojama
Earthworm Vs BIHI
Hipmonlee Vs Go10
PlayaVs Gabranth
HeistVs Cristal
panamaxis Vs Aqualouis
The_Chaser Vs Grimm70
Stallion Vs Boudouche

Canada (4) Vs USA West (4) - tie - USA West

Krack Vs Scofield
wilson46 Vs Philip7086
Atticus Vs remlabmez
Iconic Vs Anachronism
Ala Vs Loven
Gouki Vs Indra
Jackal Vs Bloo
franky Vs Seven Deadly Sins

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