Battle Spot Titan's Sun Squad, version Phoenix (Doubles)

Yep, it's been a few months since the last one sooooooooo here we are. This one's actually pretty heavily tested and very successful, just looking for finishing touches really. 7:1 W:L ratio so far.




Charizard @ Mega-Y
Timid, 140 HP, 4 Def, 164 Sp. Atk, 4 Sp. Def, 196 Speed
Ability: Blaze (Drought)

- Heat Wave
- Protect
- Solar Beam
- Ancient Power

Garchomp @ Life Orb
Jolly, 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Speed
Ability: Rough Skin

- Dual Chop
- Protect
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake

Cresselia @ Rocky Helmet
Calm, 252 HP, 232 Def, 4 Sp. Atk, 4 Sp. Def, 12 Speed
Ability: Levitate

- Psyshock
- Moonlight
- Calm Mind
- Icy Wind

Klefki @ Sitrus Berry
Bold, 252 HP, 108 Def, 148 Sp. Def
Ability: Prankster

- Foul Play
- Thunder Wave
- Swagger
- Safeguard

Heracross @ Choice Scarf
Adamant, 252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Speed
Ability: Moxie

- Megahorn
- Knock Off
- Rock Slide
- Close Combat

Rotom-W @ Leftovers
Modest, 252 HP, 44 Def, 116 Sp. Atk, 44 Sp. Def, 52 Speed
Ability: Levitate

- Thunderbolt
- Protect
- Will-o-Wisp
- Hydro Miss

And now, member by member, with the "why" and "wtf these EVs".

Charizard is the same story as ever: Favorite Mega, and it's pretty good in BSD.
I recently broke down and went from my old bulky, slow, nuclear Modest baby to my previous fast and fierce one from the earliest incarnations of my team, hence why I skipped my usual numerical version number system and went to "Phoenix": The legendary Pledge Trio finally crashed and burned, and I started over from complete scratch. Bringing back the old Timid one since I was sick as fuck of being outran and having a huge dependence on Speed control. The damage difference is pretty big (200 vs 220, with my specific spreads) but not that detrimental.
The spread outruns max Speed, Jolly/Timid base 92 (+92) and max Speed neutral base 105 (105) Speed mons. Specifically, this allows me to outrun all non-Scarf versions of Lando-T. and those that speedcreep it, while only being outran by Timid Hydreigon (the vast majority are Modest and/or Scarf) which I can't touch anyway, and speed-ties with +100 mons that I'm going to lose to anyway. It's been very good so far; I see no reason to adjust it. Bulk tanks Fake Out + Return from Jolly MegaKhan, and most common Thunderbolts (252+ Rotom-W, Zapdos, Mega Manectric, and Magnezone all fail to KO unless Expert Belt/LO); again, it's been really solid and reliable. Remainder in Sp. Atk, no specific benchmarks.
Heat Wave and Protect are chosen because it's a Char-Y in Doubles. Solarbeam nails opposing Water mons, such as Milotic and Rotom-W which really plague Garchomp, and Ancient Power crushes opposing Char-Y, Talonflame, Rotom-H, and helps chip at Mega Mence and Gyarados along with Garchomp.

Garchomp is a return to my old VGC14 team. The glorious speed, power, and coverage of CharChomp is something very few can stomach, and it was highly successful in that meta. Nowadays, most people run Lando-T as Char-Y's main partner, which is logical: water weakness eliminated, Intimidate support, and obvious offensive synergy. Which, I'm ok with, but personally I'm really bothered by Landog's Speed. Scarf fixes this, sure, but eliminates Protect and Scarf EQ is really fucking shaky. Instead, I went with landog's long-forgotten rival with much needed Fire and Rock resists, superior Speed, and the nice perk of "not giving Milotic a free sweep". I'd be ok with Landog, but just feel more... comfortable with Chompy, despite the Lando-T/Mence weakness. Moveset is the same one Garchomp has been running since... uh.. gen 4 2014 and needs 0 explaination. Life Orb adds more brute force and KOs that Lum/Rocky Helmet simply do not achieve, and doesn't lock me into a move. Dual Chop breaks Sash mons, Smeargle and Gengar in particular (which easily live Lum) while also doing increased damage to Dragonite. Imperfect accuracy is annoying but I use it so rarely that it's simply not a problem.

Cresselia has enormous synergy with CharChomp, providing a Mence counter, Speed support, Ice coverage, an EQ immunity, and even an extra check to Kangakhan all in one. She'd had a turbulent moveset: such is Cresselia's curse. I've had great trouble against CM Cress in the past, and using it myself it can be a truly impressive win condition. For starters, one cannot simply "ignore cress, crush partner" with it buffing itself, and thanks to Rocky Helmet + Moonlight + Sp. Def buffs, it's outright obnoxious to KO, and isn't an auto-GG if it's the last mon. Psyshock smashes opposing CM opponents, allowing me a notable victory in a CM Sylveon vs CM Cress war I had recently. Psychic hits Khan harder and all, but I'm not overly worried about that since +2 Psychic sux just as much as +2 Psyshock.
Icy Wind lets me hit Sp. Def, offers solid Speed control + sash/balloon busting, and handles Mence/Landog 100% fine. CM and Moonlight set up and keeps her very healthy, and on the field a very long time while Khan suicides itself.
The EVs, I'm not gonna lie, that might of been one of my "Pepsi and vodka" ideas. Very open to spreads, but I do want Speed investment; I am running Icy Wind after all. Ideally, 60 Speed to outrun Garchomp after Icy Wind; it outruns the massive +100 crowd plus a sprinkle of speedcreep.

Klefki, odd story. I added it because Thundurus-I has horrible synergy with CharChomp. So much Ice/Rock weak. So little salvation. Klefki, on the other hand, has amazing typing, and since I already had 2 resists to both its weaknesses, I figured "Why not use that for my Prankster Dickwave spam?". I typically bring Cress as my "passive speed support", but Klefki has its uses - especially in Rain, where Moonlight is kinda shit and Klefki is very obnoxious, or against Milotic, where Icy Wind is not the best thing to spam. Prankster Safeguard keeps opposing T-Wave off my ass, along with cheese like Smeargle, HypnoBat, Sableye, and Swagger. Speaking of which, I figured "why not add injury to insult and Swag around like the fresh prince of bel-air" while smacking things with Foul Play. And hell, why not set up a +2 LO Garchomp or a +2 Scarf Heracross when there's nothing left to torment. Rock/Ice/Fairy/Dark/Flying resists are hugely appreciated. Spread tanks 252+ LO Hydreigon's Earth Power, and 252+ Heatran's Heat Wave, with the rest in Def to sit in front of Mega Salamence/Khan. Fun support, I even killed a full HP Char-Y with it once thanks to lucky rolls with T-Wave -> Swagger -> Foul Play. Sitrus helps Klefki heal and stick around; Cress has Moonlight, so Klefki needed Sitrus more.

Our Lord and Savior Heracross returns once again, to assure that Khan, Cresselia, Terrakion, Greninja, Weavile, Gengar (both sash and Mega), Char-Y, TTar, Ludicolo, Toed, Heatran, Rotom-W, Hydreigon (LO/Scarf/Specs), Non-Scarf Lati@s, and many other foes my team has issues with meet a swift and brutal end. I've tried Terrakion, and while it's adequately fast and strong, it's complete shit against Rain, and is useless against Cresselia - two things which are of very relevent threat to the four teamates above. Hydreigon was also an issue, Toed+Ludicolo was a bother, Gengar is a pain in the ass whether it's Sash + WoW, or the absolute fucking cancer of PerishTrap. Heracross solidly demolishes all of these threats. While it's probably obvious in Team Preview what he's likely to run (Mega or Scarf is pretty much all Heracross does, after all), it doesn't change the fact that's just so damn fast and heavy-hitting that it's very difficult to stop once the opponent's primary Fighting resist (Sylveon, Landog, or Mence, usually) is down or weakened, Our Lord and Savior scores 2+ KO's in rapid succession or just demolishes the foe's win condition / biggest speedbump. That said, I never lead with it: I switch it in on a resist, or after losing a mon. I've simply never regretted bringing it despite the obvious Fairy / Talonflame issue (Which CharChomp nails, j/s). Adamant outruns everything slower than Mega Manectric, upping the Speed to Jolly would be excessive and the power drop loses a lot of KOs; much like Scarf Landog.
Moxie looks really stupid at first glance, but take into consideration three things:
1) When people see Heracross, they know not to burn it. It's the poster child of Guts.
2) Prankster Safeguard + Guts works like Insomnia + Rest.
3) It's used almost entirely as a revenge killer.
As soon as it nets a +1 boost, it's an extremely threatening force that cannot be ignored and usually crushes a second foe before going down / I win.
Spread is obvious. Moves are Heracross' STABs + best coverage, Poison Jab is trash.
LO Ludicolo in Rain, Scarf Hydreigon's DM, and a surprising number of hits fail to OHKO it at full HP, so bulk isn't really needed as it has enough to handle everything it needs to.

Rotom-W is "the filler". It's been absolute trash; Rotom-W has been very underwhelming in both bulk and power every time I've ever used it. Hell, it's hardly a speedbump when fighting it. But, the resists are perfect: I need a Water resist, a Flying resist would be nice, can't be weak to Rock, and Electric is iffy because I have 1 resist (Garchomp) and 1 weakness (Char-Y). Rotom-W uniquely fits that bill, plus helps against Landog. So in theory, it's perfect. In practice, it's frail, usually falling in two hits, Sun-hindered Hydro Miss is reeeeally useless, and it really doesn't accomplish much compared to everyone else.
Spread tanks 252+ Mega Mawile's Play Rough, outruns Garchomp after Icy Wind, I don't remember what the Sp. def is for, and the rest in Sp. Atk for tickling my foes. Leftovers because Sitrus and Scarf are already used. Team is vulnerable to Landog, since Cress is the only one who isn't killed by it or afraid of Intimidate. Could use extra coverage on Water types too, so maybe BoltBeam. Ludicolo is demolished by Heracross so it doesn't /need/ to beat Ludicolo.
tl;dr version of RMT: first 5 mons work great. Cress probably needs a better spread but has so far been ok. Rotom-W is shit so I'm 100% open to final slot suggests. Need a water resist / something against Rain, but grass types add horrifying weaknesses across my chart and Water types are passive in sun and I have 2 passive mons already. I'm thinking something with BoltBeam? Hydreigon + Landog is scary to fight. :/
Well...I feel kinda stupid suggesting anything for you since you have like a bajillion more times experience with Doubles, but what could it hurt?

We were talking about Zapdos in Doubles, and maybe that could work in the last slot. Heat Wave benefits from Sun-it still won't be that strong cause it's not STAB, Zapdos will probably have to invest mainly in bulk, and spread, but better than nothing. Discharge works really well if the other Poke out is Harchomp, obviously, and can also work if your teammate has Protect. A boosted Cress also isn't gonna mind the hit one bit. A 30% chance to paralyze on both opponents if they're not immune, statuses, or Protecting is pretty good. While Zapdos deals really well with Rain it's not much vs HydraDog.

I remember you said AV Ludicolo is sometimes used as a counter to rain teams. AV means you can live a hit from Hydra just fine, and Landog probably can't OHKO even with Ludicolo's bulk since it doesn't hit super effectively except with U-Turn. Also Colo isn't weak to the problem types you listed,

Idk if that helped, but so long as it's not such a stupid suggestion I'm gonna get laughed at I'll be content lol. Would you be ok with it if I used this team to see how it does? Doubt I need to ask permission, but it can't hurt.
Well...I feel kinda stupid suggesting anything for you since you have like a bajillion more times experience with Doubles, but what could it hurt?

We were talking about Zapdos in Doubles, and maybe that could work in the last slot. Heat Wave benefits from Sun-it still won't be that strong cause it's not STAB, Zapdos will probably have to invest mainly in bulk, and spread, but better than nothing. Discharge works really well if the other Poke out is Harchomp, obviously, and can also work if your teammate has Protect. A boosted Cress also isn't gonna mind the hit one bit. A 30% chance to paralyze on both opponents if they're not immune, statuses, or Protecting is pretty good. While Zapdos deals really well with Rain it's not much vs HydraDog.

I remember you said AV Ludicolo is sometimes used as a counter to rain teams. AV means you can live a hit from Hydra just fine, and Landog probably can't OHKO even with Ludicolo's bulk since it doesn't hit super effectively except with U-Turn. Also Colo isn't weak to the problem types you listed,

Idk if that helped, but so long as it's not such a stupid suggestion I'm gonna get laughed at I'll be content lol. Would you be ok with it if I used this team to see how it does? Doubt I need to ask permission, but it can't hurt.

Uh, Zapdos might be ok, actually. I just had a very intense fight against a LO Zapdos; I'd have to run Expert Belt but that's not a bad thing. Resists Flying, synergizes with Garchomp, and the Rock weakness isn't that bad considering Klefki/Chompy resist it. I could run Tailwind for excessive speed support but nuuuh. Ice is nasty though. Chompy + Zapdos are weak, Klefki's the only resist.

Ludi is weak to Flying and Hydreigon, I dunno.

And yes, go ahead and use it. I wouldn't post full details if I didn't want people using it :P

edit: Just beat 2 players, one German, one USA, at 1659 and 1691 ranking respectively.
Both were 3-0'd and were about 100 points higher than me.
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Uh, Zapdos might be ok, actually. I just had a very intense fight against a LO Zapdos; I'd have to run Expert Belt but that's not a bad thing. Resists Flying, synergizes with Garchomp, and the Rock weakness isn't that bad considering Klefki/Chompy resist it. I could run Tailwind for excessive speed support but nuuuh. Ice is nasty though. Chompy + Zapdos are weak, Klefki's the only resist.

Ludi is weak to Flying and Hydreigon, I dunno.

And yes, go ahead and use it. I wouldn't post full details if I didn't want people using it :P

252+ SpA Ludicolo Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Hydreigon: 98-116 (58.6 - 69.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Ludicolo: 118-139 (63.1 - 74.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-2 252+ SpA Choice Specs Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Ludicolo: 58-70 (31 - 37.4%) -- 84.4% chance to 3HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Hydreigon Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Ludicolo: 73-87 (39 - 46.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Obviously I can't deny the flying problem, but how is Ludi bad vs Hydra? These are just some hasty calcs, but Ludi seems to have a good chance to live 2 DMs(definitely if you use proper EVs rather than max two stats,) lives two Dark Pulses, and always 2HKOs. Biggest problem I'm seeing is Dark Pulse can flinch you, but that only has a 20% chance of happening.

EDIT: Putting it in on PS and I notice your Cress has 4 EVs left over. Obviously putting them in Atk would be stupid, and putting them in SpA or SpD won't make a change at level 50, but why not put those 4 and the 4 in SpD in SpA. You've probably played with this team on PS and thus you would've noticed those extra 4, so is ere a reason you have 4 on SpA and SpD instead of just 12 in one or the other?

Also, would Discharge be better on Rotom-W? Granted you wanna replace it and that makes sense, just wondering.
Your team rocks. Granted this person did have a Plusle, but still.
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I used the Pledge team on cart. <3 that. I suck so I ended up with a 50% record. But I liked it a lot.

These are mostly rhetorical questions & suggestions....

Re; Bolt Beam: Have you considered Raikou over Rotom? Electric seems to be the best way to go . Mega Manectric could be too if you want to avoid Charizard getting targeted by opposing Landorus firing off Rock Slides. I know that's the whole point of the team so that's a total left field suggestion.

I wonder if Sylveon is a good idea? If you add HP Ice to it then I guess Specs power (or Ebelt) would be helpful.

I'm now totally throwing other random names to consider. Gardevoir, Cobalion, Virizion, Breloom, Rotom-Mow. I wonder if these could be a solution, the three grass types in particular?

I don't expect I've helped too much but I'm going to try this out so I hope you settle on a 6th teammate soon
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252+ SpA Ludicolo Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Hydreigon: 98-116 (58.6 - 69.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Ludicolo: 118-139 (63.1 - 74.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-2 252+ SpA Choice Specs Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Ludicolo: 58-70 (31 - 37.4%) -- 84.4% chance to 3HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Hydreigon Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Ludicolo: 73-87 (39 - 46.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Obviously I can't deny the flying problem, but how is Ludi bad vs Hydra? These are just some hasty calcs, but Ludi seems to have a good chance to live 2 DMs(definitely if you use proper EVs rather than max two stats,) lives two Dark Pulses, and always 2HKOs. Biggest problem I'm seeing is Dark Pulse can flinch you, but that only has a 20% chance of happening.

EDIT: Putting it in on PS and I notice your Cress has 4 EVs left over. Obviously putting them in Atk would be stupid, and putting them in SpA or SpD won't make a change at level 50, but why not put those 4 and the 4 in SpD in SpA. You've probably played with this team on PS and thus you would've noticed those extra 4, so is ere a reason you have 4 on SpA and SpD instead of just 12 in one or the other?

Also, would Discharge be better on Rotom-W? Granted you wanna replace it and that makes sense, just wondering.
Your team rocks. Granted this person did have a Plusle, but still.

Ludi vs Hydra was a hasty assumption on my part; I'm used to using Hydra against Rain Ludicolo which is typically LO.
Cress, the EVs I know I need to fix, I'll be adjusting it in a few mins. And no, I don't use PS! at all. I used the chat for like, 5 mins, and watch the occassional replay. :P
Discharge, no, I don't have enough immunities / Telepathy, and half my team lacks Protect.

He... Entrained Plus onto a physical DD Mega Ataria, I'm not sure this guy can be taken seriously. Plusle can be impressively dangerous, he was just... well... doing it wrong xDD


I used the Pledge team on cart. <3 that. I suck so I ended up with a 50% record. But I liked it a lot.

These are mostly rhetorical questions & suggestions....

Re; Bolt Beam: Have you considered Raikou over Rotom? Electric seems to be the best way to go . Mega Manectric could be too if you want to avoid Charizard getting targeted by opposing Landorus firing off Rock Slides. I know that's the whole point of the team so that's a total left field suggestion.

I wonder if Sylveon is a good idea? If you add HP Ice to it then I guess Specs power (or Ebelt) would be helpful.

I'm now totally throwing other random names to consider. Gardevoir, Cobalion, Virizion, Breloom, Rotom-Mow. I wonder if these could be a solution, the three grass types in particular?

I don't expect I've helped too much but I'm going to try this out so I hope you settle on a 6th teammate soon

Raikou- actually that might be good. Flying resist, handles Water types, Ground weakness is fine since half the team is immune/resistant, is adorbs. The one I SR'd for lacks HP Ice though, so that kills coverage. 31/31/31/28/31/31 Timid.
So I guess I was looking at Water types when I probably should be looking at Electric. Manectric, I like it as a pokemon, but on a double mega perspective, it's probably not worth it to T-Wave it myself with Klefki. Pre-mega, Speed's ok, bulk is horrible, power is iffy. Mega, improves across the board, but Char-Y is far more worth using. Raichu I've used before, could work again. Eelectross could be funny because Levitate, but the speed is meh and the power is again, meh. Thundy-T would be funny, but Rock/Ice.

Grass types: Rotom-Mow is the best bet overall, but still adds massive Fire/Ice issues. Virizion/Breloom add that + flying + fairy issues. Cobalion's typing is redundant. Sylveon... technically adds no redundancy (such is the beauty of Klefki) so that could work too. Doesn't really do much against AV Landog though and that's rather common. Same problem with Raikou; Landog eats it. :/
Raikou- actually that might be good. Flying resist, handles Water types, Ground weakness is fine since half the team is immune/resistant, is adorbs. The one I SR'd for lacks HP Ice though, so that kills coverage. 31/31/31/28/31/31 Timid.
So I guess I was looking at Water types when I probably should be looking at Electric. Manectric, I like it as a pokemon, but on a double mega perspective, it's probably not worth it to T-Wave it myself with Klefki. Pre-mega, Speed's ok, bulk is horrible, power is iffy. Mega, improves across the board, but Char-Y is far more worth using. Raichu I've used before, could work again. Eelectross could be funny because Levitate, but the speed is meh and the power is again, meh. Thundy-T would be funny, but Rock/Ice.

Grass types: Rotom-Mow is the best bet overall, but still adds massive Fire/Ice issues. Virizion/Breloom add that + flying + fairy issues. Cobalion's typing is redundant. Sylveon... technically adds no redundancy (such is the beauty of Klefki) so that could work too. Doesn't really do much against AV Landog though and that's rather common. Same problem with Raikou; Landog eats it. :/
For what it's worth, you may be able to get an HP Ice Raikou from the Wifi section. I got one and I dont even remember who gave it to me. Theorymon's giveaway may be the best place to check first. I think it's worth a try (but maybe not ahead of Zapdos for the advantage of not being as weak to Lando). I'm sure you knew that so it's almost entirely redundant.

While you're of course about Manectric and my other random suggestions, maybe a double Mega is an option but I can't think of any of the top of my head. The premier Lando killer would be Mamoswine but I suspect it's not viable in doubles as it doesn't appear as a killer on a PGL and I rarely saw it mentioned in VGC threads anyway.

Would Greninja work? It's the 10th most popular killer of Lando according to PGL. In many ways it would make the most sense, especially if Sashed with Ice Beam (the #1 finisher). The other thing would possibly be Ice Punch Mega Kang which seems to be number 1 killing opponent? The other options wouldn't fit brilliantly as they compound the weaknesses that you're aware of.
I thought I replied to this but it didn't post, I guess.
For what it's worth, you may be able to get an HP Ice Raikou from the Wifi section. I got one and I dont even remember who gave it to me. Theorymon's giveaway may be the best place to check first. I think it's worth a try (but maybe not ahead of Zapdos for the advantage of not being as weak to Lando). I'm sure you knew that so it's almost entirely redundant.

While you're of course about Manectric and my other random suggestions, maybe a double Mega is an option but I can't think of any of the top of my head. The premier Lando killer would be Mamoswine but I suspect it's not viable in doubles as it doesn't appear as a killer on a PGL and I rarely saw it mentioned in VGC threads anyway.

Would Greninja work? It's the 10th most popular killer of Lando according to PGL. In many ways it would make the most sense, especially if Sashed with Ice Beam (the #1 finisher). The other thing would possibly be Ice Punch Mega Kang which seems to be number 1 killing opponent? The other options wouldn't fit brilliantly as they compound the weaknesses that you're aware of.

Raikou, I'll look around; could use something fast and specially offensive.

Mamo is actually VERY viable in Doubles, typically running similar sets as Landog in Scarf and AV. Char-Y + Mamo I've seen before and it's pretty damn painful, in the end I decided on Garchomp primarily because of Speed and its inherent advantage against Khan, along with Fire types; especially Entei.
Greninja, I guess the fraility wouldn't matter too much; could just Sash it since Chompy is LO and have it check Landog/MegaMence.

But here's the current scoop on the team:

> Team is 1627 in ranking right now, has won 9 out of the last 10 matches. 3 of them were 4-0's on 1580+ ranked players. I'm #80 in the USA right meow. Demantoid is a poop and is sitting at #19. This is also my all-time highest ranking ever.
> Rotom-W is being switched out for a near identical one with HP Ice, Expert Belt, and an EV spread adjusted for the HP Ice EVs. Just switching WoW for HP Ice to help with Landog in Sun.
> Cresselia is getting a new EV spread: 252 HP, 188 Def, 4 Sp. Atk, 4 Sp. def, 60 Speed. This allows her to out-heal 252+ MegaKhan's Double-Edge with Moonlight (in sun), while Jolly + Return variants have less than 1% chance to 2HKO. The Speed outrus Garchomp after Icy Wind, is more than most Rotom-W invest, and the remainder gives a bonus point to Sp. Atk / Sp. Def on every Calm Mind by virtue of being divisible by 3. Should be muuuch more efficient than what I have atm.

If you're still trying to replace Rotom-W would Clefairy be a good option? It has lots of nice stuff for Doubles like Icy Wind, Screens, Helping Hand, Heal Pulse, Follow Me, and even Gravity.

It deals well enough with Hydra, and helps it's teammates deal with Landog since Friend Guard reduces damage dealt to them.