Other Metagames Top 1 in ag again with an uncommon yveltal set

Teambuiling process:

I start with this men for having a good viable defensive pokemon that can check for example Zacian-C and also couse steal rocks that is a pretty good hazard move.
I put it with Earthquake if i found some excadrills or maybe toxapex instead of a knock off or thunder wave that on him are a little bit better couse this team really not have a good pokemon that can kill excadrill giving rocks to opponent like the oponent to me. Apart from that Earthquake is easily usable to make pressure in Eternatus.

Well, to continue i decide to put a pokemon than can handle good vs a Kyogre and also vs some other special pokemons like Yveltal or a Xerneas(without this one used Geomancy) so i decided to put Eternatus. It's a pretty solid pokemon that do his job well and with Dynamax cannon can kill many dragon types very easily like Zekrom and reason why I put Sitrus Berry instead of Heavy or black sludge is that with this item Eternatus can handle better a Marshadow with Poltergeist that counters much this team and also for fast recovery Hp when oponent don't let me health.

To continue I was thinking putting a booster pokemon like Groudon with swords dance or bulk up but later i realiced if i put this poke the team would have serious counters like a Kyogre calm mind, Zekrom with substitute and leflovers(lucking in precipitable blades don´t hit) and other pokemons like a toxic Eternatus so i think this was a good idea couse apart of what i mention is a good counter also to Zygarde and offensive Necrozma-Dusk-Mane couse scald literally destroys Necrozma-Dusk-Mane and Zygarde take much damage from this attack including the 30% of burn.

When i haved the half on the team I was thinking that i need at least one walkbraker if not this team will be weak to many thinks so I was thinking and i think if what i put an ubers yvetal set on ag so yeah basically is an offensive yveltal with choice band but with roost for can stay more at the field and those 72 special defense IVS just for survive 3 attacks of astral of a Calyrex-S and it's really good choice band couse much people don't expect it and you can really destroy teams almost starting battles.
Moreover I choose Yveltal for been a nice counter to Calyrex-S.

After Yveltal i know this team will really have serious problems with baton pass pokemon, Calyrex-S couse choice band and no defoger on the team, so Ho-oh as can do all this and his ability is really anoying finally enter on the team. With thunder wave I can make sure the other pokemons on my team can outspeed whatever pokemon is but specially this to Yveltal to cand do in many cases 2OKHO. Instead of Sacred fire i put Flare Blitz couse is only a 10% of burn when in Sacred is 50% so this can make Thunder wave a really innecesary move on my team. Apart of all this Ho-oh can wall pokemons as Dialga, Genesect, Yveltal and others without many problems.

To conclude with the team i was really scared with Calyrex-S that i finally put a Marshadow. This poke with a life orb is really amazing how can destroy teams very easily normally with 2 attacks per pokemon without doing Dynamax, also i put this pokemon couse I need a good pokemon with a priority move apart from the sucker punch of Yveltal so in cases i let a pokemon with very low health this one can enter without any risk to kill it.

Now i will put some replays vs good oponents to show how to play this team and that actually works.
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8anythinggoes-1577857104-zaks778bjv5zno2kyi3cq0b4b425yjdpw(Vs Default)
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8anythinggoes-1577833481-iduz8nfiu6u14frxbi8lz5rma0qv8p2pw(Vs Mbouchon)
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8anythinggoes-1577580832-v4pkzj0myk2nk1n1f7cjbeqjt9sgkgjpw(Vs Rosa Flora)
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8anythinggoes-1578373653-b341o55ccxjfmw6df42rlp4y9mwn5snpw(Vs a high ladder player using HO)
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8anythinggoes-1578270139-gjwxty1j4sxtw9b6nyekszarwrtewfipw(Vs A pretty good high ladder player)
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8anythinggoes-1577590465-tb8yjoieoljhrq88svzaqgro20xcuu1pw(Vs again Rosa Flora)(with another account i have)

Link of the team: Band Yveltal+ Orb marshadow (pokepast.es)

yes, there is a chance the thread will be locked.
I'm going to try to explain as good as i can.
Necrozma-Dusk-Mane:With this i used as a priority to counter Zacian-C, bulky eternatus, offensive Xerneas couse bulky i have ho-oh that with his ability recovers his HP back of the damage Xerneas could do to him,more or less can handle a zekrom so i put also Earthquake for this reason and less relevant pokemons like Zamacenta for example. Later i continue explaining that i have to go dinner and if is this what you want i explain you.
I'm going to try to explain as good as i can.
Necrozma-Dusk-Mane:With this i used as a priority to counter Zacian-C, bulky eternatus, offensive Xerneas couse bulky i have ho-oh that with his ability recovers his HP back of the damage Xerneas could do to him,more or less can handle a zekrom so i put also Earthquake for this reason and less relevant pokemons like Zamacenta for example. Later i continue explaining that i have to go dinner and if is this what you want i explain you.
the rules say three lines per mons, you can edit your post with edit and look at other posts for inpiration. you dont need to make it as fancy tho :luvdisc:
Question: Why does Yveltal (which is Choice Banded) have Roost on it? Is it worth chip to Eternatus for minimal recovery after 2 Astral Barrages?