Sword & Shield NU has and is still going through many challenges due to the two DLCs and tiering shifts, immensely adjusting how we've built teams. We went from using Nasty Plot Ninetales and Ninjask to Silvally-Ground and Rotom-C. Honestly, I blame this all on EviGaro and the entire RU tiering council. Flygon, Bronzong, Roserade, Golisopod...is there anything else you want?? Nonetheless, with the tier going through several different metagames, this year's Top 10 titans thread very unique experience compared to the previous years.
The big question that we will try to answer with this thread is, which of all the Pokémon were the 10 most influential throughout Gen 8?
From June 2nd to June 19th, you will nominate Pokémon which will be voted on for the top 10 most influential Pokémon throughout Gen 8. After that, you will all evaluate all the nominations and individually rank the Pokémon from 1-10 by vote. Of course, all the nominations will count as long as they're reasonable and fit the criteria. Please keep in mind that we're not ranking Pokémon based on how good they are, but we're ranking Pokémon based on how influential they've been. When nominating Pokémon, consider their influence not just in the current Crown Tundra format, but in the Isle of Armor, Home, and Pre-Home metagames as well. Feel free to reserve the Pokemon before you do a write-up. Joke nominations will not be included in the final vote lol.
Please use the format below to frame your posts or we won't count them!

What effect did Pokemon have on the metagame?
A crucial component of Hail playstyles due to Snow Warning
In what main roles was Pokemon used?
Aurorus had access to Stealth Rock and Snow Warning. This compression wasn't found on any other Hail or Stealth Rock setter, making it beneficial compression on the playstyle.
What caused it to have a significant impact?
See above
How do/did you deal with this Pokemon in NU?
Aurorus ran Focus Sash so you had the option to attack it (and bring in a wallbreaker) or Toxic it and stall the 5 Hail turns out. Defeating Aurorus wasn't the problem as it served more of a utility role if anything.
The big question that we will try to answer with this thread is, which of all the Pokémon were the 10 most influential throughout Gen 8?
From June 2nd to June 19th, you will nominate Pokémon which will be voted on for the top 10 most influential Pokémon throughout Gen 8. After that, you will all evaluate all the nominations and individually rank the Pokémon from 1-10 by vote. Of course, all the nominations will count as long as they're reasonable and fit the criteria. Please keep in mind that we're not ranking Pokémon based on how good they are, but we're ranking Pokémon based on how influential they've been. When nominating Pokémon, consider their influence not just in the current Crown Tundra format, but in the Isle of Armor, Home, and Pre-Home metagames as well. Feel free to reserve the Pokemon before you do a write-up. Joke nominations will not be included in the final vote lol.
Please use the format below to frame your posts or we won't count them!
Enter your nominee's sprite here.
What effect did Pokémon have on the metagame?
Explain how the Pokémon effected the metagame as a whole, and how the metagame adapted around it. A brief description of which Pokémon it countered and which Pokémon it did well against would be good here as well. Be sure to consider their impact in previous iterations of SS RU as well, if they weren't removed.
In what main roles was Pokémon used?
Explain why this Pokémon was used on a team more often than most other Pokémon, and what was it particularly used for? What made it so good at this role?
What caused it to have a significant impact?
What exactly made this Pokémon have such a large impact on the metagame? Was it its stats, ability, useful resistances, amazing synergy, or the ability to sweep most of the metagame very easily? Did a certain Pokémon cause it to become that much better when it was partnered with it?
How do/did you deal with this Pokémon in NU?
What are the best checks/counters to this Pokémon? How does the metagame adapt to this Pokémon?
What effect did Pokémon have on the metagame?
Explain how the Pokémon effected the metagame as a whole, and how the metagame adapted around it. A brief description of which Pokémon it countered and which Pokémon it did well against would be good here as well. Be sure to consider their impact in previous iterations of SS RU as well, if they weren't removed.
In what main roles was Pokémon used?
Explain why this Pokémon was used on a team more often than most other Pokémon, and what was it particularly used for? What made it so good at this role?
What caused it to have a significant impact?
What exactly made this Pokémon have such a large impact on the metagame? Was it its stats, ability, useful resistances, amazing synergy, or the ability to sweep most of the metagame very easily? Did a certain Pokémon cause it to become that much better when it was partnered with it?
How do/did you deal with this Pokémon in NU?
What are the best checks/counters to this Pokémon? How does the metagame adapt to this Pokémon?

What effect did Pokemon have on the metagame?
A crucial component of Hail playstyles due to Snow Warning
In what main roles was Pokemon used?
Aurorus had access to Stealth Rock and Snow Warning. This compression wasn't found on any other Hail or Stealth Rock setter, making it beneficial compression on the playstyle.
What caused it to have a significant impact?
See above
How do/did you deal with this Pokemon in NU?
Aurorus ran Focus Sash so you had the option to attack it (and bring in a wallbreaker) or Toxic it and stall the 5 Hail turns out. Defeating Aurorus wasn't the problem as it served more of a utility role if anything.
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