


Shell Armor (Dream World)

In Dream World, it learns Shell Armor, which is a good boost defensively since it means he's immune to crits.

Moves by Level-Up:

- Lv 5. Withdraw
- Lv. 9 Absorb
- Lv. 13 Razor Leaf
- Lv. 17 Curse
- Lv. 22 Bite
- Lv. 27 Mega Drain
- Lv. 32 Earthquake
- Lv. 33 Leech Seed
- Lv. 39 Synthesis
- Lv. 45 Crunch
- Lv. 51 Giga Drain
- Lv. 57 Leaf Storm

TM and HM List:
- TM 05 - Roar
- TM 06 - Toxic
- TM 10 - Hidden Power
- TM 11 - Sunny Day
- TM 15 - Hyper Beam
- TM 16 - Light Screen
- TM 17 - Protect
- TM 20 - Safeguard
- TM 21 - Frustration
- TM 22 - Solarbeam
- TM 26 - Earthquake
- TM 27 - Return
- TM 32 - Double Team
- TM 33 - Reflect
- TM 37 - Sandstorm
- TM 39 - Rock Tomb
- TM 42 - Facade
- TM 44 - Rest
- TM 45 - Attract
- TM 48 - Sing-A-Round
- TM 53 - Energy Ball
- TM 68 - Giga Impact
- TM 69 - Rock Polish
- TM 70 - Flash
- TM 71 - Stone Edge
- TM 75 - Swords Dance
- TM 78 - Level Ground
- TM 80 - Rock Slide
- TM 86 - Grass Knot
- TM 87 - Swagger
- TM 90 - Substitute
- TM 94 - Rock Smash
- HM 01 - Cut
- HM 04 - Strength

Egg Moves:
- Cut
- Worry Seed
- Growth
- Tickle
- Body Slam
- Double Edge
- Sand Tomb
- Seed Bomb
- Thrash
- Amnesia
- Superpower
- Stockpile
- Swallow
- Spit Up
- Earth Power
- Wide Guard

"The Grass-Type That Eats Seaking For Breakfast"
Torterra @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor
Nature: Impish / Careful
EV Spread: 252 HP, 252 SpDef, 4 Def/Spe
1. Leech Seed [Grass] / Rock Polish [Rock] / Stealth Rock [Rock]
2. Seed Bomb [Grass] / Wood Hammer [Grass]
3. Earthquake [Ground]
4. Rock Slide [Rock] / Roar [Normal]

Reasons behind Movepool:

1a. Leech Seed for bonus healing.

1b. Rock Polish can help Torterra's mediocre Speed rise to be higher.

1c. Stealth Rock helps Torterra do more than take hits in setting up.

2. For a Physical Grass STAB attack, Seed Bomb and Wood Hammer are both excellent choices. If one does not wish to suffer from recoil, then Seed Bomb is the way to go.

3. Earthquake for obvious Ground STAB.

4a. Rock Slide takes care of its four weaknesses without having to switch into anything.

4b. Even without Rock Slide, you can Roar your weaknesses away anyway. Roar also works well with Stealth Rock.

Torterra also works well in all non-ice weather conditions, so he can make a good teammate to Tyranitar, Politoed, and Ninetales.
I really don't see much changed for Torterra save Wide Guard, Level Ground (Which might be one of the two best things he might have gotten) and Amnesia (Which might be -the- best new thing he gotten.).
Shell Armor at least allows it to take hits much better.

Yeah, there's those moves, too. Amnesia and Level Ground are nice.

Let's also not forget Superpower.
I really don't see much changed for Torterra save Wide Guard, Level Ground (Which might be one of the two best things he might have gotten) and Amnesia (Which might be -the- best new thing he gotten.).

Let's also not forget Superpower.

Torterra was already able to learn both Amnesia and Superpower in Gen IV through breeding.

Ground Leveling (aka Level Ground) is totally outclassed by Earthquake as the chance of decreasing the opponent's Speed doesn't make up the loss of power. Wide Guard is useful only when used in double battles so yeah... It's pretty much the same old Torterra but in a completely new metagame.
Hm... should a potential Torterra set contain Earthquake and Level Ground? Or should it be one or the other?
Perhaps Shell Armor would be used for sets similar to Curse or Stockpile. The thing would be like Cradily at this point with a few Curses, almost impossible to kill without phazing/stopping a setup. Level Ground might find use on the more offensive sets, and Amnesia would make a decent suprise attempt to at least survive a Grass attack.

I don't see many Torterra using Overgrow anymore save for a SubOvergrow variant, which every starter will at least have one version of. Shell Armor is the -BIGGEST- upgrade he has gotten.
Hm... should a potential Torterra set contain Earthquake and Level Ground? Or should it be one or the other?

One or the other.

Wood Hammer / Rock Slide / Earthquake provide almost-perfect coverage fo Torterra offensively and defensively. Leech Seed or Rock Polish would be icing on the cake.
Curse/Amnesia/Rest/Attacking Move with Shell Armor would be literally impossible to take down once set up. Besides phazing.
Curse/Amnesia/Rest/Attacking Move with Shell Armor would be literally impossible to take down once set up. Besides phazing.
...Why hello there, Little By Little. Oh, and your cousin, Sacred Sword! I didn't know you came to the turtle murder party!
Torterra would die to have Thick Fat...

I guess Shell Armor means Torterra can pull off a Dual Screen strategy just fine.
Other than that, it helps with Curse sets (95/85 is bulky) and... and...
Rock Polish Torterra has great coverage in Gen IV UU, and I don't expect that to change. Little has been given to the Grass starter to make me think it'll have more of an impact in the upcoming metagame though. Curse and Stockpile sets have a boost with its new ability, but Rock Polish with Overgrow is still the key set, in my opinion.
A Torterra? Torterra?! In OU!?!? Wtf is going on in the world?!

sorry I couldn't resist

Torterra got trolled with his DW ability, but he's still got some use. (especially in the lower tiers)On the bright side, he can also work as a decent check to Doryuuzu if it's not run X-scissor.
A Torterra? Torterra?! In OU!?!? Wtf is going on in the world?!

Tell me the reason behind the plot of Scott Pilgrim being likeable when people can play No More Heroes for practically the same thing except more people dying and an infinitely better storyline.

I'm not angry or anything, it's just I'd love to see Torterra in OU and don't find the idea ridiculous. That quote is pretty funny, though.

Torterra got trolled with his DW ability, but he's still got some use. (especially in the lower tiers)On the bright side, he can also work as a decent check to Doryuuzu if it's not run X-scissor.

Torterra didn't get trolled. Shell Armor is BAMF.
Actually, I find Shell Armor to be probably one of the best abilities Torterra could have recieved from Dream World other than perhaps Solid Rock or Thick Fat. It's just that it favors a Defensive Torterra more than some people would like.

Curse sets and Stockpile seem to have the biggest buff. Support Torterras with Screens or the like would definitely like Level Ground.
This thread is the reason I registered, my favorite Pokemon.

Anyway, it's too bad he really didn't get any new moves this Gen, although Shell Armor is a pretty decent ability for him IMO. (I was hoping for Rock Head personally, or maybe Solid Rock) Still pretty much just the same old Torterra, the RP set still seems dangerous with it's coverage and power.
Tell me the reason behind the plot of Scott Pilgrim being likeable when people can play No More Heroes for practically the same thing except more people dying and an infinitely better storyline.

I'm not angry or anything, it's just I'd love to see Torterra in OU and don't find the idea ridiculous. That quote is pretty funny, though.

Torterra didn't get trolled. Shell Armor is BAMF.


You missed it. Also Shell Armor is bad. While it may not be a HORRIBLE ability, I'd much rather have Solid Rock or Thick hat over that ability.
Thick hat. Good ability. It makes the opponent wonder how you can carry such hat, opening their guard.

Still not a clue of how to make use of the new things Torterra gets.
But i guess Battle Armor means that defensive Toretrras are more plausible. I think.
Torterra didn't really get any improvements, and imo its best set is still the Rock Polish set. *sigh* Defensive sets really have no reason NOT to run Shell Armor, except for the fact that Stealth Rock is no longer an egg move. Stick with Overgrow, imo, as a Grass-type that can Stealth Rock while simultaneously scaring off Steel-types with STAB Earthquake is pretty nice.
Thick hat. Good ability. It makes the opponent wonder how you can carry such hat, opening their guard.

lol, except turtles aren't fatty animals. Sure the ability would be great, but fat is something mammals only have excess of (like us pudgy humans!)

If only Torterra learned Shell Break...

THIS is indeed a shame, he would benefit from it so much.

So I want to know if people have experimented with the new Torterra? He's not terribly exciting or anything but I see viability perhaps in...

Impish 252 HP/ 252 Df
Leech Seed/Stone Edge
Wood Hammer/Seed Bomb

With shell armor it's going to be very hard killing a stockpile Torterra outside of Toxic or phazing. I'm really liking bulky attackers this gen so this guy seems viable. Maybe curse instead for better attack power, and he has great coverage.