name: Specially Defensive (Dark)
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Slide
move 3: Heavy Slam / Fire Blast
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Leftovers
ability: Sand Stream
nature: Careful / Sassy
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Tyranitar plays a pivotal role for Dark teams by acting as the primary Stealth Rock setter, helping break Focus Sash and Sturdy for its teammates and being able to tank most special attacks thanks to having a boosted Special Defense in sand. Rock Slide lets it take care of many threats to Dark teams such as Volcarona, Tornadus-T and Mega Charizard Y. Heavy Slam gives Tyranitar the ability to take on Tapu Lele and Hatterene, while Fire Blast hits most Steel-type physical walls such as Ferrothorn, Skarmory and Mega Scizor that would otherwise wall Tyranitar. Tyranitar can cripple faster foes that don't get OHKOed by Rock Slide with Thunder Wave such as Latios and Dragonite. Leftovers gives Tyranitar some passive recovery that increases its longevity. Maximum HP and Special Defense gives Tyranitar as much special bulk as possible, allowing it to tank almost any unboosted special attack in sand. Sassy nature is preferred if Fire Blast is chosen over Heavy Slam.
All of Tyranitar's teammates appreciate Stealth Rock and Thunder Wave support. Urshifu-S is great in the Steel matchup and can take advantage of weak foes damaged by entry hazards to either set up with Bulk Up or finish them off. Hydreigon especially helps in the Poison and Steel matchups as a Substitute + Nasty Plot sweeper or a faster teammate for an edge in the Dragon matchup. Mega Sableye is a great choice as a Mega Evolution and can act in tandem with Tyranitar,(comma) since it is immune to Fighting and can keep entry hazards off your side of the field while spreading burns with Will-O-Wisp. Greninja can be geared to help in any matchup and runs a variety of different sets including Choice Specs, Choice Scarf, Grassium-Z, Icium-Z or Expert Belt. Choice Specs is particularly helpful in the Dragon and Flying matchups, while Grassium-Z is great in the Water and Ground matchups. Icium-Z helps break defensive Celesteela after an Ice Beam, and Extrasensory with Expert Belt can break through Toxapex and Mega Venusaur,(comma) which give Tyranitar a lot of trouble. Choice Scarf Greninja can revenge kill opposing Choice Scarf users such as Latios, Latias, and Landorus-T as well as Mega Aerodactyl. Toxic Spikes can be fitted into any of these sets to support entry hazard stacking. Mandibuzz can help check physical setup sweepers such as Dragonite and Mega Scizor, and is also able to clear entry hazards with Defog. Alolan Muk is extremely helpful with taking on pesky Fairy-types and can take advantage of Fairy teams' passive Pokemon such as Klefki to set up with Curse. Zarude is another great teammate that gives an edge in the Water and Ground matchups since it becomes very dangerous after one or two Bulk Ups, and Weavile could be helpful versus Flying with its hard hitting STAB Ice-type attacks. Bisharp is a strong physical attacker that can set up with Swords Dance and provides great priority in Sucker Punch.
Other Options
Rock Blast can be used over Rock Slide to break Substitute from Kyurem and Zapdos and prevents PP stalling. Toxic and Protect can be used to spread status and wear down foes such as Porygon2 and Mantine.
Checks and Counters
**Super Effective Attacks**: Despite having boosted Special Defense in sand, Tyranitar can easily get overwhelmed by super effective attacks. Fighting-type attacks particularly will take down Tyranitar with ease, thus it is forced to switch out to a teammate such as Mega Sableye.
**Status**: Tyranitar can easily get worn down by poison, taken advantage of if its paralyzed, or have its Leftovers cancelled out by being burned.
**Rock-resistant Pokemon**: Pokemon such as Excadrill, Melmetal and Gastrodon resist Tyranitar's main STAB attacks and force it out.
**Physical Walls**: Hippowdon, Porygon2 and Mega Venusaur take little damage from Tyranitar's STAB attacks and threaten to cripple or KO it, leaving Tyranitar vulnerable.
- Written by: [[adjustments, 340084]]
- Dark analysis by: [[adjustments, 340084]]
- Quality checked by: [[maroon, 305839], [Maple, 473171]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Bandkrook, 301217]]
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