Infernape with another RMT here. After using my second team that was one of my most successful teams of all time, I want to make another team because I was bored of it. This team managed to get a record of 20-7 on PO. Those 7 loses was because I keep changing team members in the team. Also, I want to use my Set which is Anti-Lead Gallade. Its fun using sets people don’t even know. Without further ado, I present you the team!
Gallade (M) @ Expert Belt
-Azelf: Easy Stuff, They Will Taunt, Stealth Rock Or Explosion At Turn One. Shadow Sneak 2HKOES!
- Aerodactyl: Again Easy stuff, Zen Headbutt + Shadow Sneak KOES!
-Swampert: Huh? Leaf Blade! KO!
- Machamp: This lead is so Easy, ZEN HEADBUTT KO!
- Metagross: Hard Lead, Depends, if he MM turn one, i lose, if not, i win.
- Jirachi: Earthquake 2HKOs but Iron Head 2HKOs, i will switch to Rotom to Revenge Kill if Gallade is Down
- Infernape: This Lead Is Funny Though, Turn on Earthquake then Turn 2 Shadow Sneak which kills them.
- Ninjask: Haha Ninjask. Switch To Gliscor And Taunt Them So That They Can’t Do Anything.
- Roserade: They Can’t Touch Gallade But Only Making Him Sleep. I Will Switch To Gliscor To Take The Sleep Powder And Switch Back To Gallade Which Zen Headbutt + Shadow Sneak 2HKOs. My Team Doesn’t Mind Toxic Spikes Other Then Tyranitar.
- Hippowdon: Did you read Swampert? This Guy Is Abit Harder But Still Leaf Blade 2HKOES!
- Tyranitar: Leaf Blade 2hkos, they usually switch to rotom which i 2HKO with Leaf Blade
- Heatran: Well, He Can Barely Touch Gallade Except Explosion Which Hurts. Earthquake + SS 2HKOs Heatran.Not a Problem At All But He Will Get Stealth Rock Up.
- Smeargle: Do They Even Still Using This? I Will Make Gallade As My Sleep Fodder While I Switch To Gliscor To Taunt Him.
- Starmie: Shadow Sneak 2HKO! Easy, Way Too Easy
- Steadfast
- 252 HP | 252 Atk | 4 Def
- Adamant Nature [+Attack, -Special Attack]
- Moveset:
- Zen Headbutt – Zen Headbutt is a must for Gallade. It is to hit Aerodactyl, Roserade and first and foremost Machamp, because Machamp wrecks my team really (Really) hard.
- Shadow Sneak – Priority is a must for every Anti-Lead. Shadow Sneak is great on Gallade because it 2HKOs Starmie and Azelf. It is also for Gengar, Froslass and usually weakened Pokémon to be revenged killed
- Close Combat – Close Combat is needed on Every Gallade, with 180 Base power coming from 383 attack stat, its a beast. I prefer this than Earthquake because of its insane power. It helps beating up Heatran,Blissey, those Steel, Rock, Dark, Normal type pokemon thinking i lack Close Combat
- Leaf Blade - A very useful move on the team. It helps killing those Swampert that causes problems for my Tyranitar/Team to sweep. Killing those bulky waters is necessary for my team because of the huge weakness to Water
- .....
- Why this Pokemon?:
Well, I needed a Pokemon that can do the same job like Machamp
( except the confusion hax). Every lead would want to get the early momentum .Gallade was the Pokémon I can think of because he have a diverse movepool and decent Def stats along with his Atk stat. It’s pretty standard; my Gallade set is to beat all leads out there barring Roserade, Smeargle and Metagross. Many Opponents gets beaten because of Gallade’s Surprise in OU. He surprises many opponents on what moves he brings for them. They bring out Swampert, I leaf blade. They bring out Machamp I Zen Headbutt. I have used Machamp, but it gets beaten instead by every trainer. 1 word for Gallade, Pro.
..... - EVs & Nature:
- 252 Attack allows Gallade be more offensive and to also gain power to 2HKO/OHKO Pokémon.
- 252 HP helps to maximize Gallade's overall bulk and tanking ability
- 4 Defence helps Gallade Abit in taking physical hits
- Adamant nature helps Gallade to have full power to Attack!
- Gallade vs Top 10 Leads:
- Green isn't a problem,Orange is a bit of problem and Red is a problem.
- .....
- Considered Changes
Tyranitar (M) @ Lum Berry
Considered Changes
Changes made, no new ones at the moment. <3 this beast
- Sand Stream
- 4 HP | 252 Atk | 252 Spe
- Jolly Nature [+Speed, -Special Attack]
- Moveset:
- Rock Slide – Rock Slide is Tyranitar’s STAB move of choice and is useful against opponents like Zapdos, Gyarados, Dragonite and Heatran. Basically it's better than Stone Edge because of accuracy and 10% flinch hax so it's used. Standard STAB move.
- Crunch – Crunch is another Tyranitar’s STAB move. It’s useful against the likes of Gengar, Celebi and Cresselia which is Koed after a DD. Standard STAB move and well, it’s a must on every Tyranitar.
- Dragon Dance - This move is a staple on Dragon Dance Tyranitar. It’s his stat boosting move. Think about it, after a Dragon Dance, this thing outspeeds base 115 speed. After Dragon Danced Twice, usually it’s GG if you don’t have Skarmory or priority user.
- Fire Punch – Fire Punch is for Scizor, Breloom, Steel types like Magnezone, Metagross, Jirachi etc. I really love this move, like i said, its awesome, with Rock, Dark and Fire they have decent coverage to hit all pokemon in OU. Many Scizor usually U-Turn on turn one, but they get KOED instead by my uber Fire Punch. Nothing really, its just fore Grass and Steel.
- Why this Pokemon?
The Pokémon which this team is built around. Tyranitar is usually scarfed, which is way too predictable. So I tried to use Dragon Dance Tyranitar set. Many trainers don’t expect me to Dragon Dance. After a Dragon Dance, it reaches 364 speed that outspeeds Gengar, Starmie and Infernape – Just to name a few. Many trainers have huge Tyranitar weakness; they usually bring out rotom and Will-o-Wisp me, but Lum Berry Cures me, Dragon Dance then Crunch them for the KO. Sandstorm is also great to Negate weather effects such as Rain and also to negate focus sash.
..... - EVs & Nature:
- 252 Spe maximizes Tyranitar’s Speed To Outrun 61 Base Speed
- 252 Atk Maximizes Tyranitar’s Offensive Power
- 4 Hp Helps Tyranitar to take a little more hits
- Jolly Nature is because of Tyranitar’s slow speed, so he need more speed to outrun 115 base speed after a DD
Considered Changes
Changes made, no new ones at the moment. <3 this beast
Gyarados (M) @ Leftovers
- Intimidate
- 156 HP | 88 Atk | 96 Def | 168 Spe
- Jolly Nature [+Speed, -Special Attack]
- Moveset:
- Dragon Dance – Dragon Dance is always needed on any Gyarados. It’s the only way to boost Gyarados’s stats. Being bulky, access to taunt and having a high base attack, it causes terror after getting two Dragon Dances. Watch for it!
- Waterfall - This move is always on every Gyarados set. Gyarados’s STAB Move. Being the only physical water move and high damage, it’s needed. With Dragon Dances under his belt, Waterfall causes Terror to every Pokémon in the OU Tier that doesn’t resist it except those bulky steels like skarmory. It’s self-explanatory, really.
- Taunt - Obviously a necessity for taunt stall teams like Swampert, Skarmory and Blissey etc. This move stops any non-damaging move like Roar to phaze me out from ending me sweep. It’s a needed move for Bulky Gyarados
- Bounce - Return finds its way onto this set for 2 main reasons – Celebi, Starmie, Breloom and more. Three of the Pokemon are quite common in the current Metagame and both are among the fastest and bulkiest Pokes still used. I hate earthquake and Stone edge, I need something to hit everything in OU, that’s when Bounce comes in handy.Also, it gives me extra lefties recovery when SS is not in play
- Why this Pokemon?:
I needed some key resistances, a committed stall breaker and a Infernape counter which is not named Starmie. Gyarados fitted in this team since I changed the Pokémon from DD Dragonite to MixApe and now to BulkyDos. This Pokemon causes Terror after their Bulky Waters or Skarmory is down. I must say, BulkyDos is better than OffensiveDos because of taunt which Shut-downs Phazers/Status which makes him to set-up dragon dance easier. He provides me checks against Heatran and Infernape that causes problems for me.
..... - EVs & Nature:
- 156 HP Is so that Gyarados can take hits from attacks
- 168 Speed allows Gyarados to outrun 16 Spe Suicune (who aims to outrun 4 Spe Rotom) and to outspeed Jolteon after a Dragon Dance.
- 88 Atk are the rest that are dumped into Atk to boost the damage output from Return and Waterfall
- 96 Def is to Survive Physical hits better
- Jolly Nature is to Outspeed Standard Jolteon after a +1 DD Boost
- Considered Changes
Changes made, no new ones at the moment
Rotom-H @ Choice Scarf
Considered Changes
Changes made, no new ones at the moment
- Levitate
- 4 HP | 252 SpA | 252 Spe
- Timid Nature [+Speed, -Attack]
- Moveset:
- Shadow Ball - One of Rotom's 2 STAB moves, this move is used on Pokes that Thunderbolt isn't effective against or Pokes weak to Ghost. He needs it to Hit Gengar, Azelf, Celebi and Swampert – Just to name a few – also having 10% Lowering their SpD is a niche
- Thunderbolt - Rotom's stronger STAB move packs a real punch, allowing it to deal with things like Starmie, Infernape, Suicune, Gyarados, Vaporeon and more. This move also allows Rotom to revenge kill +1 DD Gyarados, who can be a pain otherwise. Standard STAB Move.
- Hidden Power Ice– Rotom's move. You may ask why Hp Ice instead of Hydro Pump. Hp Ice is needed since i want to revenge kill Dragonite,Gliscor and Flygon with a much more better accuracy, as well as type effectiveness.
- Trick– Staple move on any Scarf/Specs Rotom. Trick cripples Blissey switch ins as well as any Wall that is going to wall me. It cripples stall, who loves inflicting status. Standard move on any Scarf/Specs Rotom really.
- Why this Pokemon?:
Magnezone used to be in this slot but the Ground + Fighting weakness was too much to bear, so I used Rotom instead, Gengar was too frail. Rotom-H gives check to Lucario, Gyarados, Infernape (Maybe) and bulky waters. He also acts as my pursuit bait so Tyranitar can set-up. Scaring off Scizor is awesome because he is my #1 Counter for Tyranitar, Magnezone keeps getting killed brick break and superpower which is why Rotom > Magnezone. Rotom revenges DD Dragonite, as well as Scarf Rotom.
..... - EVs & Nature:
- 252 Spe to have maximum speed.
- 4 HP filler
- 252 SpA to have the maximum power to break kill pokemon
- Timid Nature is to maximize speed without losing any offensive power
Considered Changes
Changes made, no new ones at the moment
Heatran (M) @ Passho Berry
- Flash Fire
- 4 HP | 252 SpA | 252 Spe
- Naive Nature [+Speed, -Special Defence]
- Moveset:
- Flamethrower – Heatran’s Stab move that hurts ALOT with his 359 SpA stat. I chose Flamethrower > Fire blast because of accuracy, I hate when it misses one time during my battle against Shaymin, it misses and Heatran dies instead. The lack of power doesn’t hurt.
- Stealth Rock - As many Raters suggested to Use Stealth Rock because i was Lacking it so tyranitar can do his job to Sweep Well, Hp Grass doesn't have any uses anyways, a Simple Staple move for any team ^^
- Explosion - This move is great to fit in somewhere on any team. You will just “BOOM” to anything that resists Earth power, Fire blast and Hidden power [Grass]. Usually when i lost my checks or when I think I should go Boom, I go for it.
- Earth Power – Earth power gives check to Infernape, Opponent’s Heatran, Electric types and more. Any Heatran have this move. Just coverage.
- Why this Pokemon?:
I wanted a Pokémon that kills Skarmory, Infernape. Heatran fits here because of his weaknesses is Covered by his teammates. Heatran usually comes in on a fire move like those opposing Heatran using Fire blast on Rotom so I can get Flash-Fire boost and start tearing down the Opponent’s team with STAB Flamethrowers. Passho Berry helps Heatran to At LEAST survive a water attack when he is above 50% health, if not, he dies, if he survives the Water move, i will "Explode IN THE FACE!". Cool heatran ^^
..... - EVs & Nature:
- 252 SpA gives Heatran more power with his STAB Flamethrower hurting many Pokémon that doesn’t resist it
- 252 Spe allows Heatran to be at Maximum speed.
- 4 Hp is just filler.
- Naive Nature is to maximize his speed and without losing the power of Explosion
- Considered Changes
Changes made, no new ones at the moment
Gliscor (M) @ Leftovers
Thanks to Cal-Ciaran for the Format ^^
- Sand veil
- 252 HP | 4 Def | 252 Spe
- Jolly Nature [+Speed, -Special Attack]
- Moveset:
- Earthquake – Gliscor‘s STAB Move. Earthquake is to hit Tyranitar, Infernape (If they lack Hp ice), Heatran and those Weakened by Toxic. With his decent attack stat + Toxic, The Pokémon will be weakened easily
- Toxic – Toxic is needed to work with taunt, toxic makes their sweeping capabilities lowered so they won’t sweep that much. Toxic weakens Stall teams and Pokémon like blissey.
- Taunt – This move works wonders with Toxic, preventing them from recovering while taking damage from Toxic + Earthquake shortens their Hp.
- Roost – To recover damage taken from walling any moves. Standard recovery move, do I need further to explain?
- Why this Pokemon?:
I have a stall weakness that I hate it. Many stall team used against me beats this team when Gyarados goes down -.-. So, I used Gliscor > Zapdos because of his key resistances to Bug, Ground and Fighting that helps my team. He has a great synergy with Tyranitar, Gyarados and Heatran. Being weak to Water and Ice makes his Stall breaking capabilities lowered, so I have Heatran and Gyarados for that. His ability, Sand veil and paired with Tyranitar, helps him to avoid some moves like hydro pump. Great Member for the team.
..... - EVs & Nature:
- 252 Spe allows him to Outspeed Lucario, Gliscor (Before he taunts me) and KOing them back
- 252 HP allows Gliscor to be a tank as well as to Break Stall
- 4 Def is the remaining EVs as to allow Gliscor to take things like Bullet Punch and Mach punch better.
- Jolly Nature to maximize speed without losing any offensive power
- Considered Changes
Changes made, no new ones at the moment
Thanks to Cal-Ciaran for the Format ^^