Ubers [Ubers] Marshadow


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Marshadow @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Poltergeist
- Close Combat
- Shadow Sneak
- Rock Tomb

A decent Speed tier, a wide range of coverage options, access to priority, and most importantly an unresisted STAB combination makes Marshadow a great offensive presence in the Ubers metagame. Poltergeist pressures threats like Necrozma-DM and Eternatus while also dishing out large damage against Fighting-resistant foes like Zacian and Xerneas. Close Combat is more reliable than Poltergeist and nails both offensive and defensive Pokemon like Urshifu-S, Blissey, and Tyranitar. Technician-boosted Shadow Sneak lets Marshadow comfortably pick off weakened Pokemon that outspeed it and most notably OHKO Calyrex-S. Rock Tomb primarily targets Ho-Oh. Marshadow appreciates teammates like Calyrex-S and offensive Eternatus that can take advantage of its defensive switch-ins such as Tangrowth; in return, Marshadow takes care of threats like defensive Ho-Oh and Lunala that threaten Calyrex-S and Eternatus, respectively. Teammates like Ferrothorn and Necrozma-DM that provide entry hazards like Stealth Rock and Spikes also pair up well with Marshadow, as they help wear down its defensive switch-ins over time, making it a more reliable physical wallbreaker.
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i'd add zacian alongside xern in your sentence about close combat resists, and another good teammate with marsh would also be offensive eter, as they both complement each other (eter beats tang & can chip yvel or don while marsh beats blissey+lunala). i'd remove the "targets threats like ho oh" and just put "targets ho oh" because rock tomb is solely for the purpose of beating it. idk if it possible for a spotlight but i'd slash bulk up with rock tomb? it makes marsh an even better late game sweeper. looks good otherwise

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Marshadow @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Poltergeist
- Close Combat
- Shadow Sneak
- Rock Tomb

A decent Speed tier, a wide range of coverage options, access to priority, and most importantly an unresisted STAB combination makes Marshadow a great offensive presence with in the Ubers metagame. Poltergeist is Marshadow's strongest Ghost-type STAB move, pressuring pressures threats like Necrozma-Dusk-Mane Necrozma-DM and Eternatus while also dishing out large damage against Fighting-type resists Fighting-resistant foes like Zacian and Xerneas. Close Combat acts as a reliable STAB option against is more reliable than Poltergeist and nails both offensive and defense defensive Pokemon like Urshifu-S, Blissey, (AC) and Tyranitar. Technician-boosted Shadow Sneak provides Marshadow a form of priority, allowing it to lets Marshadow comfortably pick off weakened Pokemon that outspeed Marshadow it and most notably OHKO Calyrex-S. Rock Tomb rounds off the set and primarily targets Ho-Oh. Shadow Sneak and Rock Tomb also appreciate the damage boost provided by Technician. Marshadow appreciates teammates like Calyrex-S and offense offensive Eternatus that can take advantage of its defensive switch-ins such as Tangrowth; (comma -> semicolon) in return, (AC) Marshadow takes care of threats like defensive Ho-Oh and Lunala that threaten Calyrex-S and Eternatus, respectively. Teammates like Ferrothorn and Necrozma-Dusk-Mane Necrozma-DM that provide entry hazards like Stealth Rocks and Spikes also pair up well with Marshadow, (AC) as they help wear down Marshadow's its defensive switch-ins overtime, allowing Marshadow to function as over time, making it a more reliable physical wallbreaker.
Teammates like Ferrothorn and Necrozma-DM that provide entry hazards like Stealth Rock and Spikes also pair up well with Marshadow, as they help wear down its defensive switch-ins over time,

Hi! Im not a QC member or something, but im working on the translation of this spotlight and im curious about this sentence. As the spotlight goes, the reader only knows a Marshadow defensive switch-in: Tangrowth, but it can't be chipped consistently (or at least over time i think) because of Regenerator. Is it actually meant to be like this? I feel that this sentence might confuse the reader just as it confused me hahah

PS: Im really sorry if this post is inappropiate, im not an ubers master and i thought i could help a bit :heart: