Tournament Ubers Winter Team Tour - Player Signups

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Incredible art by Albatross

Welcome to the third iteration of Ubers Winter League, hosted by Vitiate & Concept! This tournament is expected to last for around 2 months, so keep that in mind while signing up. Only sign up if you can meet the minimum levels of activity required for a team tour. This includes communicating with your team, getting games done, and maintaining a competitive attitude even if your team is eliminated early.

The tiers for UWL III will be:
  • SV Ubers x6
  • SS Ubers x2
  • SM Ubers x2
  • ORAS Ubers x2
  • BW Ubers x2
  • DPP Ubers
  • DPP Ubers + Farceus (contingent on signups, replaced with a 2nd DPP Ubers slot if there aren't enough)
  • ADV Ubers x2
  • GSC Ubers x2
  • RBY Ubers x2
  • Best Of Three (SV / SS / SM)
  • Best Of Three (ORAS / BW / DPP)

General Rules:
  1. Tiers not played is binding. You cannot play in any tier(s) listed for the duration of the regular season, including substitutions.
  2. Tiers played is not binding. This is used to convey your preference to your potential managers. You are expected to play any tier asked of you by your managers if it is not placed in the Tiers Not Played list.
  3. Each team will be required to have 24 players and 6 substitutes for a minimum player count of 30.
  4. The maximum number of players on a team is 42.
  5. Due to this being a new format, there will be no retains.
The format for UWL III will be a double round robin where each team plays the other three teams twice, with the top two teams advancing to finals.


:Mewtwo: Cerulean City Mewtwos: Hack + Highlord + Astounded :Mewtwo:
:Kingambit: Golden Gambits: Icemaster + Fc + TrueNora :Kingambit:
:Koraidon: Koraiders: skimmythegod + Taka + Ainzcrad :Koraidon:
:Shaymin-Sky: Skymin Flyers: Thor + Perry + Raph369 :Shaymin-Sky:

To signup for UWL III use this form: Signups are closed!

Signups will remain open until Saturday, January 18th at 1 PM GMT-5.
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Username: Frito

Tiers Preferred (not binding) Gen 9 Ubers, Gen 8 Ubers

Tiers NOT Played (binding) Gen 7 Ubers, Gen 6 Ubers, Gen 5 Ubers, Gen 4 Ubers, Gen 3 Ubers, Gen 2 Ubers, Gen 1 Ubers, Modern Ubers Bo3, Classic Ubers Bo3

Time Zone GMT-8

Forseeable inactivity N/A
Username: Lana

Tiers Preferred (not binding) Gen 9 Ubers, Gen 8 Ubers, Gen 7 Ubers, Gen 6 Ubers, Gen 5 Ubers, Gen 4 Ubers, Modern Ubers Bo3, Classic Ubers Bo3

Tiers NOT Played (binding) (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

Time Zone GMT+5.5

Forseeable inactivity
Username: Sami

Tiers Preferred (not binding) Gen 9 Ubers, Gen 8 Ubers, Gen 7 Ubers

Tiers NOT Played (binding) Gen 6 Ubers, Gen 5 Ubers, Gen 4 Ubers, Gen 3 Ubers, Gen 2 Ubers, Gen 1 Ubers

Time Zone GMT+0

Forseeable inactivity school
Username: The Dovahneer

Tiers Preferred (not binding) Gen 9 Ubers, Gen 8 Ubers, Gen 7 Ubers, Gen 6 Ubers, Gen 5 Ubers, Gen 4 Ubers, Gen 3 Ubers, Modern Ubers Bo3, Classic Ubers Bo3

Tiers NOT Played (binding) Gen 2 Ubers, Gen 1 Ubers

Time Zone GMT-5

Forseeable inactivity nothing that will prevent games

Interested in Playing DPP Ubers + Farceus
Username: Thiago Nunes

Tiers Preferred (not binding) Gen 9 Ubers, Gen 8 Ubers, Gen 7 Ubers, Gen 6 Ubers, Gen 5 Ubers, Gen 4 Ubers, Gen 3 Ubers, Modern Ubers Bo3

Tiers NOT Played (binding) Gen 2 Ubers, Gen 1 Ubers, Classic Ubers Bo3

Time Zone GMT-3

Forseeable inactivity
Username: Charmriah

Tiers Preferred (not binding) Gen 9 Ubers, Gen 7 Ubers, Gen 6 Ubers, Gen 4 Ubers, Gen 3 Ubers, Gen 2 Ubers, Gen 1 Ubers, Modern Ubers Bo3, Classic Ubers Bo3

Tiers NOT Played (binding) (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

Time Zone GMT-6

Forseeable inactivity Interested in Playing DPP Ubers + Farceus
Username: FatFighter2

Tiers Preferred (not binding) Gen 4 Ubers

Tiers NOT Played (binding) Gen 9 Ubers, Gen 8 Ubers, Gen 7 Ubers, Gen 6 Ubers, Gen 5 Ubers, Gen 3 Ubers, Gen 2 Ubers, Modern Ubers Bo3

Time Zone GMT-5

Forseeable inactivity School
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