UC Rewards Leveling

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Read this: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/uc-rewards-leveling.3515897/

What should be done about the UC Formula?

Change UC Formula to another fixed formula based only on the number of pokemon per side
Change UC Formula to one based mostly on the length of battle
Keep the current UC Formula and add some kind of bonus and/or penalty
Keep the current UC Formula
I don't like the UC formula but neither of those options appeal to me. So let's return to the drawing board.

Based on the answer we will go back to the discussion topic to crunch numbers.

Put those on order of preferance.

Engineer Pikachu
Texas Cloverleaf
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Change UC Formula to one based mostly on the length of battle
Keep the current UC Formula
Keep the current UC Formula and add some kind of bonus and/or penalty

I don't like to stir up the can of worms, but per action payout go (I am allowed to joke right? If mods find this offensive then it's okay to delete this line).
Keep the current UC Formula and add some kind of bonus and/or penalty
Change UC Formula to one based mostly on the length of battle

Keep the current UC Formula
Change UC Formula to another fixed formula based only on the number of pokemon per side
I don't like the UC formula but neither of those options appeal to me. So let's return to the drawing board.
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Keep the current UC Formula and add some kind of bonus and/or penalty
Change UC Formula to one based mostly on the length of battle
Keep the current UC Formula
Change UC Formula to another fixed formula based only on the number of pokemon per side
I don't like the UC formula but neither of those options appeal to me. So let's return to the drawing board.
Change UC Formula to one based mostly on the length of battle
Keep the current UC Formula and add some kind of bonus and/or penalty
I don't like the UC formula but neither of those options appeal to me. So let's return to the drawing board.
Keep the current UC Formula
Keep the current UC Formula and add some kind of bonus and/or penalty
Change UC Formula to one based mostly on the length of battle
Change UC Formula to another fixed formula based only on the number of pokemon per side

I'm happy with the current system. Simplicity makes everyone's life easier.
Change UC Formula to one based mostly on the length of battle
Keep the current UC Formula and add some kind of bonus and/or penalty
Keep the current UC Formula
I don't like the UC formula but neither of those options appeal to me. So let's return to the drawing board.
Change UC Formula to another fixed formula based only on the number of pokemon per side
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Keep the current UC Formula and add some kind of bonus and/or penalty
Keep the current UC Formula
Change UC Formula to one based mostly on the length of battle
Change UC Formula to another fixed formula based only on the number of pokemon per side
I don't like the UC formula but neither of those options appeal to me. So let's return to the drawing board.
Current Formula + Bonus/Penalty - 3
Change to a lenght-based formula - 3
Current Formula - 1

Current Formula + Bonus/Penalty - 4
Change to a lenght-based formula - 3

So we will

Keep the current UC Formula and add some kind of bonus and/or penalty

Now back to the thread.

Regarding Bonus/Penalties not related to Brawls, we should do what:

As is (no changes)
Frosty Proposal
Gale Proposal
Mulan Proposal
Return to the drawing board. I don't like those proposals and I promise I will pitch in this time.

(order of preferance)

Frosty said:
Bonus ONLY: [Number of Rounds]-(3*[Pokemon per team]/[Pokemon per side out]). Rounded Normally. If negative then ignore

Gale said:
Bonuses and Penalties: [Total Rounds - 3*(Pokemon per side/Format)] as bonus/penalty to be added for Bonus number 1 / Penalty number 2.
FLOOR[(Normal Rewards/5)*(1/Format)] as bonus to be added for Bonus number 2.
FLOOR[(Pokemon per side/Format)-(1/Format)] as penalty to be subtracted for Penalty number 1.

Mulan said:
((x+1)(x+2)/(2*format/3)+z)/2, where x is the number of pokemon per side and z is the number of rounds.

Check this for more info: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/uc-rewards-leveling.3515897/page-2

Engineer Pikachu
Texas Cloverleaf
What should be done about UC reffing payment for brawls?

Slate said:
a) As is (50UC Cap)
b) IAR's Proposal: Take the number of active Pokémon per side at any given time, divide it by three, then divide the normal pay by that amount to get your final pay.
c) Zt's Proposal: Non-Brawls Pay * 2 / 3 , Floored
d) Mulan's Proposal: A penalty of twice the amount of active pokemon per side in a match with 4+ pokemon sent out per side, applied after the cap
e) Gale's Proposal: 3/4 the regular payment
f) Geodude's Proposal: (no cap) X<6: (X+1)(X+2)/2. X>6: 28+3(X-6)
g) Keep Brawls Banned and allow them only for specific situations like Pokestar Studios

Put in order of preferance

c) Zt's Proposal: Non-Brawls Pay * 2 / 3 , Floored
e) Gale's Proposal: 3/4 the regular payment
a) As is (50UC Cap)
b) IAR's Proposal: Take the number of active Pokémon per side at any given time, divide it by three, then divide the normal pay by that amount to get your final pay.
f) Geodude's Proposal: (no cap) X<6: (X+1)(X+2)/2. X>6: 28+3(X-6)
d) Mulan's Proposal: A penalty of twice the amount of active pokemon per side in a match with 4+ pokemon sent out per side, applied after the cap
g) Keep Brawls Banned and allow them only for specific situations like Pokestar Studios
f) Geodude's Proposal: (no cap) X<6: (X+1)(X+2)/2. X>6: 28+3(X-6)
d) Mulan's Proposal: A penalty of twice the amount of active pokemon per side in a match with 4+ pokemon sent out per side, applied after the cap
c) Zt's Proposal: Non-Brawls Pay * 2 / 3 , Floored
b) IAR's Proposal: Take the number of active Pokémon per side at any given time, divide it by three, then divide the normal pay by that amount to get your final pay.
e) Gale's Proposal: 3/4 the regular payment
a) As is (50UC Cap)
g) Keep Brawls Banned and allow them only for specific situations like Pokestar Studios
e) Gale's Proposal: 3/4 the regular payment
c) Zt's Proposal: Non-Brawls Pay * 2 / 3 , Floored
b) IAR's Proposal: Take the number of active Pokémon per side at any given time, divide it by three, then divide the normal pay by that amount to get your final pay.
d) Mulan's Proposal: A penalty of twice the amount of active pokemon per side in a match with 4+ pokemon sent out per side, applied after the cap
f) Geodude's Proposal: (no cap) X<6: (X+1)(X+2)/2. X>6: 28+3(X-6)
g) Keep Brawls Banned and allow them only for specific situations like Pokestar Studios

a) As is (50UC Cap)
d) Mulan's Proposal: A penalty of twice the amount of active pokemon per side in a match with 4+ pokemon sent out per side, applied after the cap
b) IAR's Proposal: Take the number of active Pokémon per side at any given time, divide it by three, then divide the normal pay by that amount to get your final pay.
c) Zt's Proposal: Non-Brawls Pay * 2 / 3 , Floored
e) Gale's Proposal: 3/4 the regular payment
f) Geodude's Proposal: (no cap) X<6: (X+1)(X+2)/2. X>6: 28+3(X-6)
g) Keep Brawls Banned and allow them only for specific situations like Pokestar Studios
a) As is (50UC Cap)
oh dear, at this rate we will end up with a tie -_-
d) Mulan's Proposal: A penalty of twice the amount of active pokemon per side in a match with 4+ pokemon sent out per side, applied after the cap
b) IAR's Proposal: Take the number of active Pokémon per side at any given time, divide it by three, then divide the normal pay by that amount to get your final pay.
g) Keep Brawls Banned and allow them only for specific situations like Pokestar Studios

c) Zt's Proposal: Non-Brawls Pay * 2 / 3 , Floored

e) Gale's Proposal: 3/4 the regular payment
f) Geodude's Proposal: (no cap) X<6: (X+1)(X+2)/2. X>6: 28+3(X-6)
a) As is (50UC Cap)

I fear that options c, e and f (and a obv) will have us revisiting this matter again later. And I really really don't want that.
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ahhh i didnt get tagged

e) Gale's Proposal: 3/4 the regular payment
c) Zt's Proposal: Non-Brawls Pay * 2 / 3 , Floored
a) As is (50 UC Cap)

f) Geodude's Proposal: (no cap) X<6: (X+1)(X+2)/2. X>6: 28+3(X-6)
d) Mulan's Proposal: A penalty of twice the amount of active pokemon per side in a match with 4+ pokemon sent out per side, applied after the cap

b) IAR's Proposal: Take the number of active Pokémon per side at any given time, divide it by three, then divide the normal pay by that amount to get your final pay.
g) Keep Brawls Banned and allow them only for specific situations like Pokestar Studios
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