Tournament UMPL IV - Semifinals

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Amazing art by Clementine
  • Follow all rules listed here.
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for me to make decisions for activity calls when I can actually see what went down with scheduling.
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to me or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.
  • Substitutions may be made after a week has started. When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.
  • Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.
  • Managers: Please send me your lineups in the same format that I used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.
>> Spreadsheet <<
courtesy of Ticken
>>Replays / Usage<<

:shaymin-sky:Super Sh(a)ymin (6) vs (4) Moonlit Marshadows:marshadow:
SV AG: RoFnA vs dunoks
SV AG: Geysers vs polt
SV 1v1: crow crumbs vs happysh
SV 1v1: Nuxl vs Lumii
SV ZU: asa vs estra
SV ZU: Ampha vs DripLegend
SV Ubers UU: Rasche vs JustCallMeFish
SV Ubers UU: Medeia vs Suzuya
SV 2v2: Kaif vs Blanched
SV NFE: Stareal vs sleid

:samurott-hisui:Salty Samurotts (5) vs (5) Doom Desire Jirachis:jirachi:
SV AG: Skyiew vs PrimalKyogre
SV AG: Plague vs byulharang
SV 1v1: bea vs DEG
SV 1v1: bern vs Palestine
SV ZU: Cam vs Toto
SV ZU: Sificon vs avarice
SV Ubers UU: Exotic64 vs Career Ended
SV Ubers UU: shiloh vs Finchely
SV 2v2: Kry vs Chris32156
SV NFE: Dragonillis vs PandaDoux

Super Sh(a)ymin (0) vs (0) Moonlit Marshadows
SV AG: RoFnA vs dunoks
SV AG: Geysers vs polt
SV 1v1: crow crumbs vs happysh
SV 1v1: Nuxl vs Lumii
SV ZU: asa vs estra
SV ZU: Ampha vs DripLegend
SV Ubers UU: Rasche vs JustCallMeFish
SV Ubers UU: Medeia vs Suzuya
SV 2v2: Kaif vs Blanched
SV NFE: Stareal vs sleid

Salty Samurotts (0) vs (0) Doom Desire Jirachis
SV AG: Skyiew vs PrimalKyogre
SV AG: A plague doc vs byulharang
SV 1v1: bea vs DEG
SV 1v1: bern vs Palestine
SV ZU: FlamPoke vs Toto
SV ZU: Sificon vs avarice
SV Ubers UU: Exotic64 vs Career Ended
SV Ubers UU: shiloh vs Finchely
SV 2v2: Kry vs Chris32156
SV NFE: Dragonillis vs PandaDoux

The deadline for this round is Sunday, November 24th at 11:59 PM GMT -6.​
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:shaymin: Super Sh(a)ymin (0) vs (2) Moonlit Marshadows :marshadow:
Rasche vs JustCallMeFish
A while ago, I would've said that Rasche was the better player 100%.
And while I do think that Rasche has better mechanical skills,
his willingness to just bring whatever puts him in a sore position vs Fishy who tends to build far better.

Medeia vs Suzuya
Impossible to prepare for, wins every game, Suzuya is on a streak that i don't think Medeia can stop.

:samurott-hisui: Salty Samurotts (0) vs (2) Doom Desire Jirachis :jirachi:
Exotic64 vs Career Ended
shiloh vs Finchely
We did it once, we'll do it again. GO DOOM DESIRE JIRACHIS!
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Hello! Jobless rn so will be predicting every format even if I DON'T KNOW A SHIT!! any prob? no right? ty

Super Sh(a)ymin (0) vs (0) Moonlit Marshadows
SV AG: RoFnA vs dunoks; Will be supporting my buddy also ye better score than dunoks
SV AG: Geysers vs polt; Same score... but geysers name looks more cool so he will win this.
SV 1v1: crow crumbs vs happysh;

OK wont leave this with only gif LOL. Crow with weird clicks last week made a little hard for me to bold him. Talking about happysh... BRO MAKING UR FUN of using drifblim doesnt mean u will take it personal and use it :sob: . DEG u did the right job last week... 40/60
SV 1v1: Nuxl vs Lumii;

THIS WILL BE THE BEST BATTLE!!!! MAN i love them both.... Amazing clicks amazing builds................. 50/50
SV ZU: asa vs estra; Short name wins
SV ZU: Ampha vs DripLegend; Ampha get him!! 1v1 is still waiting for u buddy hehe
SV Ubers UU: Rasche vs JustCallMeFish; Bro going to fish a win for the team
SV Ubers UU: Medeia vs Suzuya; Shizuka
SV 2v2: Kaif vs Blanched; Blanched end this bad boy's winstreak!!!!!!!!!!!! Show him ur bad hot blood

Good Luck :blobthumbsup:

:shaymin: Super Sh(a)ymin (0) vs (2) Moonlit Marshadows :marshadow:
Rasche vs JustCallMeFish
A while ago, I would've said that Rasche was the better player 100%.
And while I do think that Rasche has better mechanical skills,
his willingness to just bring whatever puts him in a sore position vs Fishy who tends to build far better.

Medeia vs Suzuya
Impossible to prepare for, wins every game, Suzuya is on a streak that i don't think Medeia can stop.

:samurott-hisui: Salty Samurotts (0) vs (2) Doom Desire Jirachis :jirachi:
Exotic64 vs Career Ended
shiloh vs Finchely
We did it once, we'll do it again. GO DOOM DESIRE JIRACHIS!
have you heard of lightmode?
SV 1v1: crow crumbs vs happysh neither has been super impressive after the first few weeks, bolding happysh just bc I think he's more in tune with the meta
SV 1v1: Nuxl vs Lumii yo eli cannot be stopped what da hell when is he gonna have a bad tour
SV 2v2: Kaif vs Blanched idgaf to predict this i really just wanna watch it

SV 1v1: bea vs DEG woat tour for deg and bea is really good rn
SV 1v1: bern vs Palestine upset prediction of the week, with how badly deg has been doing i assume he's just gonna full on prep for pale for him to win then throw his match
SV 2v2: Kry vs Chris32156 bahahahahah

:shaymin: Super Sh(a)ymin (1) vs (1) Moonlit Marshadows :marshadow:
Rasche vs JustCallMeFish
fishy might pull some bullshit out the hat but rasche is both a better player and the better builder here 80-20
Medeia vs Suzuya
inder probs wins but medeia is cooking this tour, 40-60.

:samurott-hisui: Salty Samurotts (2) vs (0) Doom Desire Jirachis :jirachi:
Exotic64 vs Career Ended
shiloh vs Finchely
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