We are going to beat you to death (Maushold)
Maushold-Four @ Wide Lens
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Population Bomb
- Protect
- Bite
- Tidy Up
As mentioned in the preamble, your most effective set will be Pop. Bomb, Bite, Tidy Up and some support move. I've had most success for most of my OU and UU enterprises using Encore as the support fourth slot to deter setup sweepers from doing anything and allow the mice to get one Tidy Up in, but nowadays Encore finds itself in a teammate of Maushold, Tinkaton, who will get her time to shine later on.
Maximum Speed investment + a Jolly nature allows Maushold to outspeed pokémon such as Brambleghast, Iron Jugulis, Sandy Shocks, Froslass & Gengar, as well as Speed tie with +Spd Scream Tail. This ensures, among other things, that Brambleghast does not Strength Sap it nor can Scream Tail safely Thunder Wave it due to forcing a coin flip on who goes first. Maximum Atk IVs + Tera Normal ensures Population Bomb hits as hard as possible, and helps Bite removing ghosts that would otherwise wall it. Wide Lens is the mandatory item for this composition, as it is the enabler for Population Bomb to be so consistently powerful.
The choice of protect serves one and only one purpose: to block First Impression. Because Maushold naturally outspeeds Lokix and Slither Wing, the two best users of it, blocking their priority move instantly causes them to become death fodder for the mice since they have nothing else to fight against it aside from maybe an emergency defensive Tera (but why would you do this???)
"I'm not Pikachu. I'm cuter than Pikachu, in fact." (Mimikyu)
Mimikyu @ Life Orb
Ability: Disguise
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Play Rough
- Wood Hammer
Mimikyu comes in very handy for checking Hawlucha, who otherwise would outspeed and K.O. Maushold with Close Combat even on Tidy Up roids thanks to Unburden. Switching in on a CC predict, clicking Play Rough and following up with Shadow Sneak K.O.s the bird. Beyond that, it is simply a pretty good setup sweeper who can usually get a swords dance in and then start mashing away with Shadow Sneak or Play Rough, if it outspeeds.
Maximum Atk IVs with an Adamant Nature and a Life Orb ensures Mimikyu hits as hard as possible on all its moves. The presence of Wood Hammer may be a little odd, but I found it quite effective to emergency check rain spam if Gastrodon, fellow teammate, fainted previously.
"We have Hydreigon at home" the Hydreigon at home:
Iron Jugulis @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Flamethrower
- Earth Power
- Air Slash/Hurricane
- Dark Pulse
Iron Jugulis takes up its older sibling Hydreigon's place, who got booted to UUBL, as a wallbreaker who helps softening up or removing opposing offense thanks to powerful Special attack, interesting coverage options and the use of Quark Drive. Air Slash and Dark Pulse are its preferred stabs, though one may use Hurricane if they want to turn the opponent's rain against them or they trust their Accuracy rolls.
Maximum Spd investment with a Timid Nature enables Booster Energy to favor Iron Jugulis' speed over its Special Attack, which allows it to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame immediately. Flamethrower allows it to predict a Tinkaton switch in and hope for a burn, while Earth Power exists to remove Electric types, and surprise Tyranitar with Tera-Ground to 2HKO it in Sand, though the tera itself's getting less and less clicked nowadays. (Plus you'd rather keep it for Maushold *wink wonk*)
When the Route 1 Bug Shitmon isn't a shitmon (Lokix)
Lokix @ Choice Band
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Axe Kick
- First Impression
- Throat Chop
- U-turn
The revenge killer supremo. It has two jobs: Either scare the bejeebers out of the opponent with priority STAB First Impression, or, if it's slower, click U-Turn because the opponent's probably gonna switch to a resist anyways so you can keep the momentum up. There's not much to say about Lokix's choices since they are all straightforward and are either STAB or coverage. Plus, the bug's cool :)
WooOoaAaoaoOO *gross slurping noises* (Gastrodon)
Gastrodon-East @ Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 212 HP / 44 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Chilling Water
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Yawn
The supremo stop to Rain Spam and the defensive backbone of the team. It noms Floatzel's Wave Crash and Barraskewda's Liquidation, clicks Yawn and forces them out. Otherwise, it clicks Chilling Water six trillion times to lower foe's Atk and patch up its own uninvested Defense, and Ice Beam is here to predict Grass types switch-ins and make them go brrr.
Gastrodon's usefulness in UU is really hard-carried by how prevalent Rain Spam is in the tier right now. You could also use Water Absorb Quag I guess, but I find Gastro to be less passive thanks to Storm Drain upping its Sp. Atk to acceptable levels, and Chilling Water hitting surprisingly decently under rain.
EDIT: 212 HP IVs is also a lefties number, put that on tink but not on Gastro lol. Also, East Gastro is cooler because blue and green is cool. :)
Stop! hammer time. (Tinkaton)
Tinkaton (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 228 HP / 28 Def / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Knock Off
- Gigaton Hammer
- Encore
And finally, Tinkaton is the dedicated lead of the team, setting up rocks and using her incredible utility in Knock Off and Encore to clean the way further for Maushold. Despite Maushold clearing up opponent rocks with Tidy Up, it is still a great asset to have if Maushold doesn't have the time to Tidy Up and has to click Bomb right away; chip damage is still chip damage and can mean a lot in a matchup.
Because common Rocky Helmet users in Tyranitar & Hippowdon can and will switch in on Tinkaton to threaten her with an Earthquake, Knock Off uses these predictions to smack it away and remove perhaps one of the most effective ways to deal with the mice. Encore, meanwhile, deters setup sweepers from doing anything funky, while Gigaton Hammer is just the funi big hammer move so she isn't also completely passive either.
The IVs are engineered to make Tinkaton as fast and as bulky as possible on an utility-centered moveset; 228 HP brings her stat to 368, which is a Lefties number; the rest is invested in Spd and the poorer of her two Defense stats to perhaps survive something.
And that's it for the mousie team! Thanks for reading and hope you've enjoyed the thought process! Also many, MANY thanks to the pia community for helping me think a little more about my team!
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