well shit... i accidently restarted while typing this shit out... well time for a TLDR
woo chien: helps vs physical attackers, body press lures in lucario, and knock and leech help wear down the team in range of tera flying iron jugulis and CB lycan-d
Gastrodon: special wall that is able to take on gengar, special mence, and is able to provide more spikes to the team, tera poison to take on mons using grass such as tsareena, tera grass armarogue, wo chien, etc, sludge bomb poisons are really good at forcing progress
Iron jugulis: Knock + u-turn is super annoying, tera flying + hurricane is a great progress maker, and with its speed it can annoy the crap of the other team
Tinkaton: great defensive utility, is able to wear down opponents via removing boots alongside the other members to make hazards stick, t wave is for setup sweepers and helps punish pokemon such as talon that think its free to switch in esp since it values its speed a lot.
CB lycan-d: is a great progress maker esp with tera fighting CC it can wreak a lot of stuff, it is a great anti-HO mon esp with accelerock beating gyara, mence, endure armarogue, smash polteageist, etc.
Talonflame: great mon, annoys the crap out of tsareena, and taunt really helps vs balance and stall teams esp to annoy the crap out of orthworm, quag, and hippo