So this is basically an updated version of my previous X/Y OU "RMT"!
I've taken a lot of the advice people me, as well as some own things i came up with in consideration for the team.
But don't think the difference is to big, the team still works generally the same way as it used to, however now, it's a bit more based on purely sweeping with Mawile-Mega!
Now unfortunately, i won't link you to my other "RMT" (if you're interested in that), because i'm afraid the Moderaters will mark it as spam
(the fact, how i link it, not the team itself!)
But anyways, i'm not gonna delay you any further! Here is the team at a glance! =D

Rotom-Wash @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 132 SDef / 44 Spd
Bold Nature
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest
Alrighty, first up on the rooster we have "Rotom-W"!
I guess the first thing that needs explanation is the EVs, so i'll start by explaining them!
Firstly, the 44 "EVs" in "speed", are there outspeed max speed, "jolly" "Azumarill".
(Even though, max speed "Azumarill" isn't that insanely common, it's still a huge threat to the team, specifically the "Belly/jet" set).
Also the defense EVs are there to take physical hits a bit better than it would without investment.
'Cause even though i have 2 "Intimidators", as well as a Pokemon with "Will-O-Wisp", i still wanna have atleast one member that can take physical hits without someting fancy (Intimidate).
Then i made it as bulky as i could, and threw the remaining 132 EVs into "Sp.def".
As for the moves, the only thing that really needs any explaining is the fact why i run "Chesto/resto", instead of the standard "Lefties/split".
I do that, 'cause i simply prefer it, + it cures status, and is a much more reliable way to heal
(in my opinion).
So on short note, "Rotom-W's" job is to check threats (Perticularly "Azumarill"), as well as scout, and burn stuff, and also to give space for my "Sweepers".
Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 224 SDef / 32 Spd
Calm Nature
- Lava Plume
- Stealth Rock
- Roar
- Taunt
So one of the first things that truly stand out about "Heatran", is its 11 resistances!
(12 with "Air balloon" :P).
Another thing that stands out about it, is its pretty diverse movepoll, which i have kinda utilized, the fact how i run "Taunt", is one example.
Enough oft hat! Now i'll start my explaining, starting with the "EVs"!
Firstly, the 32 "EVs" in "Speed", are there to outspeed perticularly "Mandibuzz", but also base 80 "Speed" Pokemon in general!
Then i made it as bulky as possible, and threw the remaining 224 "EVs" into "Sp.Def", making it my main "Special Wall".
As for the moves, i run "Lava plume", over "Fire blast" 'cause i prefer the accuracy, as well as the chance to burn the opposer!
Then i also run "Taunt", which probably seems pretty odd, but in all honesty it has actually worked out very well!
I mean this "Heatran" completely blocks "Forretress", "Ferrothorn", "Skarmory", and "Mandibuzz" (assuming it doesn't have "Speed" investment, and you carry 32 "Speed" "EVs")
Its main job on the team is to check threats, set up rocks, tank hits, "Taunt", and to "Phaze".
Breloom@ ToxicOrb
Ability:Poison Heal
EVs: 100 HP / 236 SDef / 172 Spd
Careful Nature
- Spore
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Drain Punch
Wait, "Sub/seed" "Breloom" is still a thing? You can bet your ass it is! ^_^
Ok, for some random reason, people give me a lo tof crap for using this set
(probably because of how good it is :P). They say that a purely offensive "Breloom" is much better, but i don't like using it, 'cause this set has always worked out better for me, now i'm not saying that a purely offensive "Breloom" is bad, i mean it really just comes down to personal preference.
+ It was submitted to me by a guy, and the results i got from it was amazing!
Now i'll move on with the "EVs"!
The 172 "Speed" "EVs" are there to once again, outspeed max speed "Jolly" "Azumarill" =P
(as well as some other things).
Then i put 236 "EVs" into "Sp.def", and threw the remaining 100 "EVs" in "HP".
You may also think it's weird to run a "Specially defensive" "Breloom", but it's much more effective than you'd think (from a pokemon as frail as "Breloom").
Also, the reason why i don't run max "Sp.def", is because i still wanna make it relatively bulky.
As for what it does for the team, it's absolutely amazing when it comes to crippling threats to the team (once again such as "Azumarill", but of course A LOT of other things as well!).
It also tends to force a lot of switches, and if i predict that, i may find a good opportunity to "Sweep" with "Mawile-mega", not to mention all of the damage the opponent takes from the "Entry hazards"!
Now, as for the moves, they're all very straight forward, the only things that's really worth mentioning, is that i'm considering using "Focus punch" instead of "Drain punch".
And i guess another thing worth mentioning is how convenient "Leech seed" is not only for "Breloom's" recovery, but for the entire team's!
Landorus-Therian (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 36 SAtk / 220 Spd
Naive Nature
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- U-turn
When i decided who my next member should be, i figured i needed a scarfer, and i've had previous experience with Landorus-t, not to mention how good it is with its typing, ability, speed, and access to "U-turn"!
So, one of the first things you probably notice about this Pokemon, is the fact that it utilizes "Hidden power ice", as well as some pretty weird "EV" investments.
Now, the reason i use "Hp ice", is for stuff like "Gliscor", "Salamence", "Garchomp", and "Dragonite", also the 36 "Sp.atk" "EVs" are there to basically do more damage to those pokemon.
I run "Stone edge", cause that's so useful vs things such as: "Talonflame", "Charizard-mega Y", and "Pinsir-mega", and for some weird reason, they never see it coming! x)
I'd say that's it for "Landorus-t", it's an excellent "Scarfer", as well as "Scouter", not to mention how good it is as an "Intimidator".
(He also makes a pretty descent "Intimidate-core", with "Mawile", however i wanna conserve it to later so i can sweep, so i rarely bring it in unless i intend to "Swords dance")
And from time to time, it actually pulls of a "Sweep".
Latios (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Out of all the pokemon on the team, i think this one is the most adjustable one
(only the moves, "Latios" itself is a very solid member :P).
Ok, i basically run "Draco meteor" over "Dragon pulse", 'cause i simply prefer the power.
And i also run "Psyshock" over "Psychic", 'cause i really like having a Pokemon that can hit both sides of the "spectrum".
"Surf" is for rock/ground/firetypes, but really it's just for heatran or T-tar :P.
And "Hidden power fire" is there for "Steel types basically.
The things it does for the team (Latios), is dealing out heavy damage to the opposer, it's also honestly my only "legit" way to kill "Venusaur-mega".
But other than that it basically makes holes in the opponents team so "Mawile-mega" can sweep.
Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
-Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- IronHead
- Sucker Punch
Oh "Mawile-mega" you beast! This thing is basically the crux of the entire team, i mean 1 "Swords dance" (at the right time), and the game's basically over ;P.
To be honest this guy is so straight forward there really isn't too much to say about it, i mean i basically set up a "Swords dance" and use the move i prefer.
Another thing i could mention, is how amazingly well it deals with dragons!
Now, even though its description was very short, it's still THE key member to the team!
Here's an excellent example of the team in action!
Ok, that's it i'm finally done! Please rate it whenever you'd like (pretty soon tho ;P jkjk).
But anyways sorry if i spelled anything wrong!
So this is basically an updated version of my previous X/Y OU "RMT"!
I've taken a lot of the advice people me, as well as some own things i came up with in consideration for the team.
But don't think the difference is to big, the team still works generally the same way as it used to, however now, it's a bit more based on purely sweeping with Mawile-Mega!
Now unfortunately, i won't link you to my other "RMT" (if you're interested in that), because i'm afraid the Moderaters will mark it as spam
(the fact, how i link it, not the team itself!)
But anyways, i'm not gonna delay you any further! Here is the team at a glance! =D

Rotom-Wash @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 132 SDef / 44 Spd
Bold Nature
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest
Alrighty, first up on the rooster we have "Rotom-W"!
I guess the first thing that needs explanation is the EVs, so i'll start by explaining them!
Firstly, the 44 "EVs" in "speed", are there outspeed max speed, "jolly" "Azumarill".
(Even though, max speed "Azumarill" isn't that insanely common, it's still a huge threat to the team, specifically the "Belly/jet" set).
Also the defense EVs are there to take physical hits a bit better than it would without investment.
'Cause even though i have 2 "Intimidators", as well as a Pokemon with "Will-O-Wisp", i still wanna have atleast one member that can take physical hits without someting fancy (Intimidate).
Then i made it as bulky as i could, and threw the remaining 132 EVs into "Sp.def".
As for the moves, the only thing that really needs any explaining is the fact why i run "Chesto/resto", instead of the standard "Lefties/split".
I do that, 'cause i simply prefer it, + it cures status, and is a much more reliable way to heal
(in my opinion).
So on short note, "Rotom-W's" job is to check threats (Perticularly "Azumarill"), as well as scout, and burn stuff, and also to give space for my "Sweepers".
Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 224 SDef / 32 Spd
Calm Nature
- Lava Plume
- Stealth Rock
- Roar
- Taunt
So one of the first things that truly stand out about "Heatran", is its 11 resistances!
(12 with "Air balloon" :P).
Another thing that stands out about it, is its pretty diverse movepoll, which i have kinda utilized, the fact how i run "Taunt", is one example.
Enough oft hat! Now i'll start my explaining, starting with the "EVs"!
Firstly, the 32 "EVs" in "Speed", are there to outspeed perticularly "Mandibuzz", but also base 80 "Speed" Pokemon in general!
Then i made it as bulky as possible, and threw the remaining 224 "EVs" into "Sp.Def", making it my main "Special Wall".
As for the moves, i run "Lava plume", over "Fire blast" 'cause i prefer the accuracy, as well as the chance to burn the opposer!
Then i also run "Taunt", which probably seems pretty odd, but in all honesty it has actually worked out very well!
I mean this "Heatran" completely blocks "Forretress", "Ferrothorn", "Skarmory", and "Mandibuzz" (assuming it doesn't have "Speed" investment, and you carry 32 "Speed" "EVs")
Its main job on the team is to check threats, set up rocks, tank hits, "Taunt", and to "Phaze".
Breloom@ ToxicOrb
Ability:Poison Heal
EVs: 100 HP / 236 SDef / 172 Spd
Careful Nature
- Spore
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Drain Punch
Wait, "Sub/seed" "Breloom" is still a thing? You can bet your ass it is! ^_^
Ok, for some random reason, people give me a lo tof crap for using this set
(probably because of how good it is :P). They say that a purely offensive "Breloom" is much better, but i don't like using it, 'cause this set has always worked out better for me, now i'm not saying that a purely offensive "Breloom" is bad, i mean it really just comes down to personal preference.
+ It was submitted to me by a guy, and the results i got from it was amazing!
Now i'll move on with the "EVs"!
The 172 "Speed" "EVs" are there to once again, outspeed max speed "Jolly" "Azumarill" =P
(as well as some other things).
Then i put 236 "EVs" into "Sp.def", and threw the remaining 100 "EVs" in "HP".
You may also think it's weird to run a "Specially defensive" "Breloom", but it's much more effective than you'd think (from a pokemon as frail as "Breloom").
Also, the reason why i don't run max "Sp.def", is because i still wanna make it relatively bulky.
As for what it does for the team, it's absolutely amazing when it comes to crippling threats to the team (once again such as "Azumarill", but of course A LOT of other things as well!).
It also tends to force a lot of switches, and if i predict that, i may find a good opportunity to "Sweep" with "Mawile-mega", not to mention all of the damage the opponent takes from the "Entry hazards"!
Now, as for the moves, they're all very straight forward, the only things that's really worth mentioning, is that i'm considering using "Focus punch" instead of "Drain punch".
And i guess another thing worth mentioning is how convenient "Leech seed" is not only for "Breloom's" recovery, but for the entire team's!
Landorus-Therian (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 36 SAtk / 220 Spd
Naive Nature
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- U-turn
When i decided who my next member should be, i figured i needed a scarfer, and i've had previous experience with Landorus-t, not to mention how good it is with its typing, ability, speed, and access to "U-turn"!
So, one of the first things you probably notice about this Pokemon, is the fact that it utilizes "Hidden power ice", as well as some pretty weird "EV" investments.
Now, the reason i use "Hp ice", is for stuff like "Gliscor", "Salamence", "Garchomp", and "Dragonite", also the 36 "Sp.atk" "EVs" are there to basically do more damage to those pokemon.
I run "Stone edge", cause that's so useful vs things such as: "Talonflame", "Charizard-mega Y", and "Pinsir-mega", and for some weird reason, they never see it coming! x)
I'd say that's it for "Landorus-t", it's an excellent "Scarfer", as well as "Scouter", not to mention how good it is as an "Intimidator".
(He also makes a pretty descent "Intimidate-core", with "Mawile", however i wanna conserve it to later so i can sweep, so i rarely bring it in unless i intend to "Swords dance")
And from time to time, it actually pulls of a "Sweep".
Latios (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Out of all the pokemon on the team, i think this one is the most adjustable one
(only the moves, "Latios" itself is a very solid member :P).
Ok, i basically run "Draco meteor" over "Dragon pulse", 'cause i simply prefer the power.
And i also run "Psyshock" over "Psychic", 'cause i really like having a Pokemon that can hit both sides of the "spectrum".
"Surf" is for rock/ground/firetypes, but really it's just for heatran or T-tar :P.
And "Hidden power fire" is there for "Steel types basically.
The things it does for the team (Latios), is dealing out heavy damage to the opposer, it's also honestly my only "legit" way to kill "Venusaur-mega".
But other than that it basically makes holes in the opponents team so "Mawile-mega" can sweep.
Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
-Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- IronHead
- Sucker Punch
Oh "Mawile-mega" you beast! This thing is basically the crux of the entire team, i mean 1 "Swords dance" (at the right time), and the game's basically over ;P.
To be honest this guy is so straight forward there really isn't too much to say about it, i mean i basically set up a "Swords dance" and use the move i prefer.
Another thing i could mention, is how amazingly well it deals with dragons!
Now, even though its description was very short, it's still THE key member to the team!
Here's an excellent example of the team in action!
Ok, that's it i'm finally done! Please rate it whenever you'd like (pretty soon tho ;P jkjk).
But anyways sorry if i spelled anything wrong!
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