BH Ursasolar (QC 2/2) [GP 1/1]

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Tea Guzzler

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name: Gorilla Tactics
move 1: Population Bomb
move 2: Headlong Rush
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal


Ursaluna is an incredibly dangerous wallbreaker thanks to its great Attack and STAB combination. Population Bomb packs absurd power, 2HKOing Fur Coat Dondozo with 8 or more hits. Headlong Rush excels at removing the Steel- and Ghost-types that would switch in on Population Bomb, such as Zamazenta-C and Arceus-Ghost. Extreme Speed is the strongest priority in the tier and excels at picking off offensive threats, like Miraidon and Palkia-O, after slight chip damage. U-turn lets Ursaluna maintain momentum against switch-ins and helps scout Rocky Helmet. Ursaluna's best fit is on balance and offense teams, which can maximize the opportunities it gets to switch in and wallbreak. Knock Off support is mandatory to remove Rocky Helmet, as using Population Bomb into a holder often instantly KOes Ursaluna; for this reason, teammates like Groudon or RegenVest users like Ting-Lu are recommended, the latter of which also offers safe pivoting. Ursaluna struggles to break Fur Coat Ghost-types, such as Arceus-Ghost and Giratina, so teammates like Hoopa-U and Arceus-Ghost are recommended to overcome these. It's best to Imposter-proof Ursaluna with a bulky Rocky Helmet user, such as Fur Coat Dondozo or Groudon. Tera Normal boosts Ursaluna's damage output, notably allowing Extreme Speed to OHKO Miraidon and Palkia-O.

- Written by: [[Tea Guzzler, 577920]]
- Quality checked by: [[Chessking345, 355040], [TTTech, 338877]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Isaiah, 375662]]
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name: Gorilla Tactics
move 1: Population Bomb
move 2: Headlong Rush
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal


Ursaluna is an incredibly dangerous wallbreaker thanks to its great Attack and STAB combination. Population Bomb packs absurd power, capable of 2HKOing Fur Coat Dondozo with 8 or more hits. Headlong Rush excels at removing the Steel- and Ghost-types that would switch in on Population Bomb, such as Zamazenta-C and Arceus-Ghost. Extreme Speed is the strongest priority in the tier and excels at picking off offensive threats, like Miraidon and Palkia-O, after slight chip damage. U-turn lets Ursaluna maintain momentum against switch-ins and helps scout Rocky Helmet. Ursaluna's best fit is on balance and offense teams, which can maximise the opportunities it gets to switch in and wallbreak. Knock Off support is mandatory to remove Rocky Helmet, as using Population Bomb into a holder often instantly KOes Ursaluna; for this reason, teammates like Groudon or RegenVest users like Ting-Lu are recommended, the latter of which also offer safe pivoting. Ursaluna struggles to break Fur Coat Ghost-types, such as Arceus-Ghost and Giratina, so a teammate like Hoopa-U is recommended to overcome these I would consider mentioning a special attacker as an option too, Hoopa + Ursaluna gives two extremely slow mons which is not ideal. Imposter-proofing is best done with a bulky Rocky Helmet user, such as Fur Coat Dondozo or Groudon. Tera Normal boosts Ursaluna's damage output, notably allowing Extreme Speed to OHKO Miraidon and Palkia-O.

- Written by: [[Tea Guzzler, 577920]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
Yeah idk very well done can't find much to comment on.
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name: Gorilla Tactics
move 1: Population Bomb
move 2: Headlong Rush
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal


Ursaluna is an incredibly dangerous wallbreaker thanks to its great Attack and STAB combination. Population Bomb packs absurd power, capable of 2HKOing Fur Coat Dondozo with 8 or more hits. Headlong Rush excels at removing the Steel- and Ghost-types that would switch in on Population Bomb, such as Zamazenta-C and Arceus-Ghost. Extreme Speed is the strongest priority in the tier and excels at picking off offensive threats, like Miraidon and Palkia-O, after slight chip damage. U-turn lets Ursaluna maintain momentun against switch-ins and helps scout Rocky Helmet. Ursaluna's best fit is on balance and offense teams, which can maximise the opportunities it gets to switch in and wallbreak. Knock Off support is mandatory to remove Rocky Helmet, as using Population Bomb into a holder often instantly KOes Ursaluna; for this reason, teammates like Groudon or RegenVest users like Ting-Lu are recommended, the latter of which also offer safe pivoting. Ursaluna struggles to break Fur Coat Ghost-types, such as Arceus-Ghost and Giratina, so teammates like Hoopa-U and Arceus-Ghost are recommended to overcome these. Imposter-proofing is best done with a bulky Rocky Helmet user, such as Fur Coat Dondozo or Groudon. Tera Normal boosts Ursaluna's damage output, notably allowing Extreme Speed to OHKO Miraidon and Palkia-O.

- Written by: [[Tea Guzzler, 577920]]
- Quality checked by: [[Chessking345, 355040], [TTTech, 338877]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC Check 2/2 Yea I don't see anything to comment on. The information is accurate
name: Gorilla Tactics
move 1: Population Bomb
move 2: Headlong Rush
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal


Ursaluna is an incredibly dangerous wallbreaker thanks to its great Attack and STAB combination. Population Bomb packs absurd power, capable of 2HKOing Fur Coat Dondozo with 8 or more hits. Headlong Rush excels at removing the Steel- and Ghost-types that would switch in on Population Bomb, such as Zamazenta-C and Arceus-Ghost. Extreme Speed is the strongest priority in the tier and excels at picking off offensive threats, like Miraidon and Palkia-O, after slight chip damage. U-turn lets Ursaluna maintain momentunm against switch-ins and helps scout Rocky Helmet. Ursaluna's best fit is on balance and offense teams, which can maximisze the opportunities it gets to switch in and wallbreak. Knock Off support is mandatory to remove Rocky Helmet, as using Population Bomb into a holder often instantly KOes Ursaluna; for this reason, teammates like Groudon or RegenVest users like Ting-Lu are recommended, the latter of which also offers safe pivoting. Ursaluna struggles to break Fur Coat Ghost-types, such as Arceus-Ghost and Giratina, so teammates like Hoopa-U and Arceus-Ghost are recommended to overcome these. It's best to Imposter-proofing Ursaluna with a bulky Rocky Helmet user, such as Fur Coat Dondozo or Groudon. Tera Normal boosts Ursaluna's damage output, notably allowing Extreme Speed to OHKO Miraidon and Palkia-O.

- Written by: [[Tea Guzzler, 577920]]
- Quality checked by: [[Chessking345, 355040], [TTTech, 338877]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1Isaiah, 375662]]
GP 1/1
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