Hippo vs Gligar:
Same rank, both at B+
Hippo vs Gligar always gets interesting because it really depends on the flavor of Terrakion prevalent at the time. As Rockium Z Terrakion gets popular, Hippo gets more popular until Terrakion starts running fight Z for Hippo, in which case Gligar gets more popular. I would say Gligar is a more superior option overall since it also handles band sets with efficiency. With Hippo you'll probably need a secondary check for Fight-Z Terrak and Banded Terrak's CC, but Gligar pressures you to have a backup electric answer with it's mediocre Manectric matchup. Gligar is resilient to toxic but Hippo handles knock off users better. Any one thing that Gligar or Hippo falters in the other does better, making this quite a debate,
I do think They should be the same rank for this very reason. They both outclass eachother in many departments. No matter which one of these bulky grounds you pick, you'll be missing out on major aspects of the other one that will usually require you to run specific support to fill in those holes anyway. I never feel safe having either one as my sole Terrakion check due to both of them losing to the Z variant the other beats, and in genereral whenever I use one, I often find myself wishing I was running the other one instead. Be it seeing Aero or Mane at team preview when I'm using Gligar, seeing strong fighting types when I'm using Hippo, so on and so forth. These two should be the same rank because they provide very notable traits over eachother, and often cover up the exact flaws the other one has, making which one you use entirely up to the teammates it's used with and overall builder preference.
Cobalion A -> A-:
On the fence, leaning toward Agree.
Cobalion has been in an awkward position for a long time, Being the Nidoqueen to Terrakion's Nidoking. It provides a fair amount of defensive utility and support for the team, but usually having very underwhelming offensive presence by comparison. Cobalion is never going to break a team worth it's salt these days because it's checks are very interchangeable with Terrakion and Scizor's, two pokemon that nearly every team should be prepared for at all times. The Calm mind set is an interesting spin on it but I personally find it underwhelming compared to similar special boosting fightings like Infernape and Lucario. It does have some of it's own utility like rocky helmet to punish U-turns effectively and Volt Switch for momentum, but Cobalion is one of those pokemon that often finds itself being unable to do anything within a game offensively, just doing what it can to check what it needs to check and watching the game pass by as that freaking Hippo or bulky water or whatever's walling it comes in on it for the 58th time after it comes in on the opposing Scizor, really just reducing the game to a cat and mouse with the things it needs to check, and the things that check it.
Suicune B+ -> A-:
Suicune is a rising star in this meta. Crocune can provide impressive defensive utility to a team by checking a slew of physical attackers, while the Vincune variant can circumvent teams with lazy water checks like Amoonguss or Non-Roar Empoleon. It struggles with being setup fodder for other calm-minders like Latias and the dominant dragon dance Mega Altaria, but it does fantastic in many other matchups. The way it completely dominates certain matchups outweighs how underwhelming it can be in others. And even in games where one of it's bigger checks is harassing it, it still usually has something to do and can potentially take the lategame.
Tentacruel B+ -> A-:
Its lack of recovery bogs it down, making it struggle to check everything it wants to. Pokemon that it checks somewhat well like Cobalion, Scizor, Primarina, etc. can all also smack through it with the right coverage move, or over time since it can't recover outside of Black Sludge. It provides a lot of utility in one slot and can blanket check many things, but it doesn't do so reliably enough that it would warrant A- in my eyes.
Alolan Muk B -> B-:
Muk is a matchup fishing pokemon at it's finest. It goes above and beyond, being an amazing check to pokemon like Hoopa, Chandelure, Gengar, and even the super dominant Celebi and Latias. But it can be a total slog against matchups lacking these strong psychic and ghost types, and severely struggle against tier staples like Krookodile and Terrakion. I'd use it only on teams otherwise super weak to the specific mons it excels against, but it'd have to be to such a degree that it's worth having in matchups where it's underwhelming. There are many pokemon that I consider to be matchup fishing pokemon in UU, but unlike good ones like Suicune, Muk has little to do against teams that are stacked well against it.
Bronzong B- -> B :
Bronzong is fantastic right now. Having a better Celebi and Nidoking matchup than a lot of common balance pokemon already pops out at first glance, but it's solid matchup against most Latias and Mega Altaria sets pops out even more. Being able to potentially slot stealth rock as well makes it a boon to many teams. It struggles with pursuit, but with the main two pursuit users that threaten Bronzong (Scizor and Krook) usually being choiced on their pursuit sets, Bronzong can circumvent this with protect. Bronzong teams with wish support can also use colbur berry to be even safer against pursuit users and even let it take on Knock Off Mamoswine to a degree. Bronzong makes it's faults look mediocre in comparison to how much it can do in one slot, it's an incredibly fantastic choice for the current metagame.
Bewear B- -> C+:
I've been using Bewear a decent amount lately and it's role in the metagame is interesting. Being a massive physical wall with fluffy lets it easily check a slew of physical attacking pokemon like Aerodactyl-Mega, Crawdaunt, Bisharp, Sharpedo-Mega, certain Scizors, etc. It also has impressive attack that can break many defensive cores with swords dance or choice band. What makes Bewear interesting is not it's power or bulk on it's own, but as a unit. What sets it aside from fighting breakers like Terrakion or Heracross that outclass it in the breaking department is that Bewear provides defensive utility, but what sets it aside from fightings with defensive utility like Cobalion and Chesnaught is it's superior breaking power over them. Bewear stands on almost a
perfect midground between defensive utility and raw power, not quite being the best at either, but doing the combination of them so well that I sometimes find it
easier to slot onto a team than pokemon like Terrakion or Chesnaught that only does one well. Its a fine alternative to stronger fighting breakers for bulkier teams that just need sliver more defensive utility than what something like Heracross or Terrakion provides.
Mantine C+ -> B- :
Mantine is downright fantastic in the meta. It's Stealth Rock Weakness is a mediocre flaw at best since Mantine beats such a massive slew of the common ground and steel rockers anyway. And it's defensive utility is top notch, checking Pokemon like Scizor and Feraligatr better than alternative bulky waters with it's combination of haze and reliable recovery, as well as performing fantastically against various special attackers like Nidoking and Gengar that can otherwise trouble the balances you'd see Mantine on. Combine this with the ability to defog and it's convenient water immunity and you have an impressively underrated choice right now.
Metagross C- -> UR:
Metagross tries to manifest the roles of every other steel type in UU into one pokemon while being massively outperformed in those roles by those steels. Choice Band is it's only notable niche that doesn't make it feel super situational or like you're running a worse version of X/Y/Z Steel. Other than that, it's only really good for like....It's specific combination of Stealth Rock and Pursuit while being super resilient to Celebi, but honestly at that point I'd rather just split a pursuiter and Bronzong into two slots rather than run this in that singular slot. The band set is hardly justifiable to stay ranked for, while any other niches it feels feel very Forretress-y (i.e. trying to role compress multiple very specific roles into one slot because of lazy/poor teambuilding) And Forretress got unranked ages ago. So this should join it in the shadow realm of unranked.
And here's one more little nom of my own.
to C+, maybe even B-
You can't talk about Gligar/Hippo wars without bringing up the awkward middle child, aka the midground of the 2 Palossand. It has an underwhelming Gengar matchup compared to either Hippo or Gligar, as well as being the worst off against Krook out of the 3, having neither U-turn nor Whirlwind to avoid being setup food can be annoying too,
HOWEVER, it's ability to check most Terrakion sets (Something Neither Hippo nor Gligar can completely boast) While being better at taking Electrics than Gligar and Taking Aerodactyl-Mega arguably the best of the 3 (Even Hippo doesn't like Aqua Tail variants) makes me wonder why its not a part of this Gligar/Hippo war. Its a fantastic middle option for teams unsure whether to pick Gligar or Hippo and honestly grossly underrated in this role. It can circumvent it's weakness to darks with colbur if needed (And not lose out on TOO much) And it's ghost type overall can make it a boon against fightings of the tier, especially since they don't tack Palossand with any 4x weaknesses that would be easy for many things it checks to target. It outperforms a lot of C and should 100% be ranked closer to it's competition in Gligar and Hippo, especially since it provides some of both their best traits in a meta where its tough to pick between them.