Project UU Next Best Thing Crown Tundra Edition: Week 52: Slowking | Voting Phase

Well, here it is. AV Mimikyu, check it!


Mimikyu @ Assault Vest
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 12 HP/ 252 Atk / 36 SpD / 208 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fling
- Drain Punch
- Shadow Sneak / Woodhammer
- Play Rough

This set is....definitely something. At first glance you look at the EV's and say "what's this dude on?", but listen to me before you accuse me of bad building. This set does many things for Mimikyu, and potential teammates. 208 Jolly Mimikyu hits 307 Speed, allowing it to out speed Timid Goltres pre-boost. This is a good place to be in, as you can immediately cripple it's sweeping capabilities by Flinging your AV onto it, and even if you get both min-rolls on PR and Fling, its at 90%. Flinging an AV can also disrupt Grimmsnarl / Ninetales-A trying to set up screens, only letting them get one up (which will probably be Reflect considering they're infront of a Mimikyu.) So, its good against HO, but how about offense?

252 Atk Mimikyu Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 252-296 (78 - 91.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Mimikyu Shadow Sneak vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 57-67 (17.6 - 20.7%) -- possible 5HKO

Terrakion is massive threat, and the possibility of bringing it down (as long as your Disguise is still in tact) is HUGE. This set also deals with Latias quite well.

252 Atk Mimikyu Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latias: 252-296 (83.7 - 98.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Lati dies if Rocks are up, or you can sneak and get the kill. Psychic only does 38% MAX, so it beats it even without its Disguise. There is a huge list of things this cripples, which i don't want to name in this post because its long enough. Some of you may have noticed the slash for Wood Hammer by now. If Quagsire DARES come in on Mimikyu, expecting an SD, its going to be easily 2HKO'd by Wood Hammer. Flinging an AV on Chansey and Pyukumuku renders them useless against this set. This set definitely hates steel types that aren't weak to DP, so something like Victini or Rotom-Heat could make good team mates.
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:power-herb: :xy/mimikyu::power-herb:
Mimikyu @ Power Herb
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- Phantom Force
- Shadow Sneak / Shadow Claw

So we all know Mimikyu's most reliable Ghost STAB is uh... *checks notes* Shadow Claw... yeah... but while looking through Mimikyu's movepool I came across Phantom Force, a 90BP, 100% accurate move that even goes through Protect. Seeing as the literal only Normal types in UU are Diggersby and Chansey, I think this move is "spammable" enough. Unfortunately, Phantom Force takes 2 turns, so it's even less reliable than Shadow Claw. However, it can do some major damage and serves a good answer to Pokemon like Jirachi, Celesteela, and Nidoqueen trying to switch in on a predicted Play Rough. Overall it's not as reliable as Shadow Claw but it can be a fun surprise factor.​
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Annoying Mimikyu Lead
Mimikyu @ Flame Orb
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 208 HP / 76 Atk / 224 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Curse
- Fling
- Thief
- Taunt

This mimikyu is an anti-lead of sorts as it can only function in the very early game, it outspeeds krookodile giving you a faster taunt and with this ev spread not only do you get an optimal hp number for disguise but nidoqueen's sludge wave is a guaranteed 3hko (accounting disguise).
Apart from that the set is pretty straight forward, you taunt slower sr setters or fling your flame orb to burn whatever is in front of you, and why should I use this instead of WoW you ask? well its 100% accurate and consistency is incredible but it also allows you to make use of thief which is basically like knock off but BETTER since you take that item and can either keep it for yourself or you can keep flinging items and taunting things until you die which can give you the edge in the early game, the last move is curse so that you can gain momentum, not get turned into setup fodder and annoy even more.
Choice Band


Mimikyu @ Choice Band
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Play Rough
- Shadow Sneak
- Trick
- Shadow Claw

Mimikyu lack power before setting up and often fail to keep disguise vs steels
like scizor,skarmory,celesteela or fat physical walls.Band can solve this issue,notably 2hkoing non def celesteela after rocks with shadow claw.
Trick cripples amoonguss,max def celesteela,tangrowth who expected swords dances set and synergises well with fast pivots like zeraora.
Pin on nintendo

CB Revenge Killer

Mimikyu @ Choice Band
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Play Rough
- Shadow Claw
- Drain Punch
- Wood Hammer​

This is a pretty standard CB set, its purpose is to deal damage. Other than Mimikyu's usual stab it features 2 coverage moves, Drain Punch and Wood Hammer; the first one is capable of healing him and the second one is there to hit the nasty bulky waters that can otherwise threaten him with Scald. His lack of a pivoting move like U-turn may seem bad, but the natural Focus Sash is more than enough to make him an awesome revenge killer. He may struggle against walls like Amoongus, that's why you absolutely need someone like Victini to form a wallbreaking core with him.

Just noticed someone else stole the set while i was writing, should i delete this?
You don't need to delete the post, just change your set. Thank you.
My apologies, I misread APW001's post and thought they had voted for Totomon's set, but they didn't. This means Giokio's Ingrain Wall set was also a winner. I'll be adding their name and set to the Hall of Fame and Leaderboard ASAP. Thank you BigFatMantis for the heads up and sorry for the confusion everyone, especially Giokio. Have a great day everyone.

Mimikyu @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- Shadow Claw
- Trick

Wow! Can't believe we're using unmons already! This garbage tech functions similar to how PGZ or the Rotom formes worked back in IoA meta: choice item+trick with 2 attacks and setup. This set does what any Trashikyu should do and embrace the fact you're never breaking like half the viable UU mons. However, Mimi's speed tier with a Choice Scarf enables it to outrun stuff like broken Latias, Terrakion, Zeraora, Keldeo, and so on, and revenge kll them before your disguise is even broken. If scarf is useless in a game, then use it to trick walls like Skarmory or Celesteela, or just any mon that would come in on MImikyu that it cant beat. While Mimikyu will still be useless, you can now make your opponent either switch out or be forced to lock into something unfavorable, all while you use them as fodder to get +6 and STILL not be able to break it.
208 Jolly Mimikyu hits 307 Speed, allowing it to out speed Timid Goltres pre-boost. This is a good place to be in, as you can immediately cripple it's sweeping capabilities by Flinging your AV onto it, and even if you get both min-rolls on PR and Fling, its at 90%. Flinging an AV can also disrupt Grimmsnarl / Ninetales-A trying to set up screens, only letting them get one up (which will probably be Reflect considering they're infront of a Mimikyu.)
Flinging an AV on Chansey and Pyukumuku renders them useless against this set.
I think you may be confusing Fling with Bestow or Trick. All you're going to be doing is hitting the foe with an non-STAB 80 BP Dark move.

I vote for Scarf Mimikyu.
Now that the voting phase has ended, its time to announce our winner! Week 10's winner is Sub + Pain Split by Katy! Congratulations and thank you all for participating! Your submission will be added to the Hall of Fame shortly!
This week's Next Best Thing is...

Week 11: Kommo-o

"You feel the fiercest pair of eyes imaginable drilling into you relentlessly! Kommo-o, the Totem Pokémon of Vast Poni Canyon, has appeared!"
Generation 7's pseudo-legendary, as expected, doesn't disappoint! With a vast movepool and well distributed stats, Kommo-o is capable of running several sets. Kommo-o has impressive offensive prowess, but it can serve as more than a wallbreaker. Its typing gives it useful resistances to Water, Electric, and Rock, and its 75/125/105 bulk is not bad at all. It also has access to an support moves like Stealth Rock and Taunt and powerful offensive options like Clanging Scales and Close Combat. Kommo-o is unfortunately 4x weak to Fairy and its Speed can hinder it sometimes, though. How will you explore Kommo-o's potential?

Banned Sets
(click me)

You have until February 2nd to submit your sets!​

Kommo-o @ Life Orb
Ability: Overcoat / Bulletproof
EVs: 96 Atk / 160 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Clanging Scales
- Close Combat
- Poison Jab
- Clangorous Soul

Mixed Kommo-o is able be a nice fit on HO with its raw strength. While it may cut down its health setting up, the defense increase can prevent being revenge killed by priority moves like Scizor's BP. It also works nicely on BO when backed by Wish and HW support to break early game and clean up afterwards
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I present to you:

The Body Press Sweeper Set (newly designed)


Kommo-o @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 HP / 48 SpD / 208 Spe
Careful Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Substitute
- Scale Shot

This set is much different from the standard Physically Defensive set with Body Press + Iron Defense option. This set is based purely on a sweep as long as there's no scary ghosts. With one Scale Shot, you are faster than Adamant Zeraora, making you faster than mostly anything in the tier tthat isn't scarf. Iron Defense quickly regains your lost Defense and then some - and you can put up Substitutes for any Dracos until the enemy's Special Attack is depleted. Substitute also blocks any status against you. There is absolutely nothing besides Mimikyu that can stop this once it gets going - so if you see a Mimikyu then you need to take that out before setting this guy up.

Kommo-o @ Choice Band
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Poison Jab
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake / Thunder Punch / Toxic

CB Kommo-o hits surprisingly hard. Banded CC 2HKO's basically everything, sparring a few mons. The only mons that I could find that aren't straight up 2HKO'd by CB CC are like Victini, Salamence (only because of intimidate on offensive sets), Tapu Bulu, Amoonguss, and Tangrowth. Everything else is 2HKO'd. Obviously, these pokemon are gonna come in and recover, or outrun you and kill you, so thats why you have coverage. Jab for Bulu and fairies, Ice Punch for Mence or Latias, and the last slot is customizable. I personally prefer EQ for a guarenteed kill on Nidoqueen, Tentacruel, or Victini, although Tpunch is nice for getting a stronger hit on Skarmory and Slowking in one slot. Toxic is nice if you wanna cripple Tangrowth, Latias, or Slowking.
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Kommo-o @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature

- Clanging Scales
- Aura Sphere
- Flamethrower
- Poison Jab

choice scarf kommo-o aims to revengekill certain threats in the current metagame, such as weakened latias, weakened kyurem, krookodile, steel-types such as celesteela, scizor and it can even hit tapu bulu for super effective damage with poison jab. the nature is naive as it has more defense than spdef from the get go, so the stronger stat isnt lowered. kommo-o with a choice scarf can outrun pokemon such as alakazam, gyarados at +1 and zeraora, therefore it can revengekill these.
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Suicide Lead Kommo-o


Kommo-o @ Focus Sash
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Endeavour
- Stealth Rock
- Rock Tomb
- Taunt

Probably not as good as Krook is here, but Kommo-o has access to moves Krook does not. Firstly Endeavour, which take you opponent right down to low health, and unable to swap in again if you get Rocks up; whilst also giving Kommo-o a tool that can function against faster Taunt users. Secondly, Rock Tomb, which suicide Lando-T uses, lowers the speed of the opponent meaning you don't have to predict when using Endeavour as you will be faster bar Scarf users. Rocks and Taunt are there as standard on a dedicated lead, as is max speed.
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Endure + Reversal Kommo-o
Kommo-o @ Salac Berry
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Endure
- Reversal
- Endeavor
- Dragon Dance​

Huzzah! This is a classic endure+reversal+salac however it also packs some nice tricks up its sleeve that no other endure+reversal user can do, first of all it has the overcoat ability so that your reversal sweep cant get stopped by hail or the rarer sandstorm, there is no need for bulletproof when people are conditioned to assume thats the standard ability (also immunity to the powder sleep moves is nice). Instead of a coverage move I opted for endeavor which pairs perfectly with endure, normal + fighting is the perfect coverage not including ghost types however since they are fairly rare not running a move for them is affordable, the last move is DD since a common problem with the BD set and other endure + reversal is their propensity to fall to faster scarfers even after the salac activation DD fixes that and you can setup in mons that dont threaten an inmediate KO.
Kommo wont sweep a lot of the times because of the tons of priority flying around however this can be a nice addition to HO teams as an early game wallbreaker since its a setup mon that doesnt really need screens.
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