Well, here it is. AV Mimikyu, check it!

Mimikyu @ Assault Vest
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 12 HP/ 252 Atk / 36 SpD / 208 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fling
- Drain Punch
- Shadow Sneak / Woodhammer
- Play Rough
This set is....definitely something. At first glance you look at the EV's and say "what's this dude on?", but listen to me before you accuse me of bad building. This set does many things for Mimikyu, and potential teammates. 208 Jolly Mimikyu hits 307 Speed, allowing it to out speed Timid Goltres pre-boost. This is a good place to be in, as you can immediately cripple it's sweeping capabilities by Flinging your AV onto it, and even if you get both min-rolls on PR and Fling, its at 90%. Flinging an AV can also disrupt Grimmsnarl / Ninetales-A trying to set up screens, only letting them get one up (which will probably be Reflect considering they're infront of a Mimikyu.) So, its good against HO, but how about offense?
252 Atk Mimikyu Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 252-296 (78 - 91.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Mimikyu Shadow Sneak vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 57-67 (17.6 - 20.7%) -- possible 5HKO
Terrakion is massive threat, and the possibility of bringing it down (as long as your Disguise is still in tact) is HUGE. This set also deals with Latias quite well.
252 Atk Mimikyu Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latias: 252-296 (83.7 - 98.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Lati dies if Rocks are up, or you can sneak and get the kill. Psychic only does 38% MAX, so it beats it even without its Disguise. There is a huge list of things this cripples, which i don't want to name in this post because its long enough. Some of you may have noticed the slash for Wood Hammer by now. If Quagsire DARES come in on Mimikyu, expecting an SD, its going to be easily 2HKO'd by Wood Hammer. Flinging an AV on Chansey and Pyukumuku renders them useless against this set. This set definitely hates steel types that aren't weak to DP, so something like Victini or Rotom-Heat could make good team mates.

Mimikyu @ Assault Vest
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 12 HP/ 252 Atk / 36 SpD / 208 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fling
- Drain Punch
- Shadow Sneak / Woodhammer
- Play Rough
This set is....definitely something. At first glance you look at the EV's and say "what's this dude on?", but listen to me before you accuse me of bad building. This set does many things for Mimikyu, and potential teammates. 208 Jolly Mimikyu hits 307 Speed, allowing it to out speed Timid Goltres pre-boost. This is a good place to be in, as you can immediately cripple it's sweeping capabilities by Flinging your AV onto it, and even if you get both min-rolls on PR and Fling, its at 90%. Flinging an AV can also disrupt Grimmsnarl / Ninetales-A trying to set up screens, only letting them get one up (which will probably be Reflect considering they're infront of a Mimikyu.) So, its good against HO, but how about offense?
252 Atk Mimikyu Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 252-296 (78 - 91.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Mimikyu Shadow Sneak vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 57-67 (17.6 - 20.7%) -- possible 5HKO
Terrakion is massive threat, and the possibility of bringing it down (as long as your Disguise is still in tact) is HUGE. This set also deals with Latias quite well.
252 Atk Mimikyu Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latias: 252-296 (83.7 - 98.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Lati dies if Rocks are up, or you can sneak and get the kill. Psychic only does 38% MAX, so it beats it even without its Disguise. There is a huge list of things this cripples, which i don't want to name in this post because its long enough. Some of you may have noticed the slash for Wood Hammer by now. If Quagsire DARES come in on Mimikyu, expecting an SD, its going to be easily 2HKO'd by Wood Hammer. Flinging an AV on Chansey and Pyukumuku renders them useless against this set. This set definitely hates steel types that aren't weak to DP, so something like Victini or Rotom-Heat could make good team mates.
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