UUBD I - Week 5

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We've got to get in to get out
is a Social Media Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Host
  • Follow all rules listed here.​
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for me to make decisions for activity calls when I can actually see what went down with scheduling.​
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to me or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.​
  • Substitutions may be made after a week has started. When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.​
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.​
  • Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.​
  • Managers: Please send me your lineups in the same format that I used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.​

>>Commencement Thread<<
Replays and Usage Stats<<
Courtesy of the amazing Ticken!
:xy/dragonair: vs :xy/primarina:
Dark Dynasty Dragonairs (3) vs (7) Party Girl Primarinas
SV UU: Coffy vs etern
SV UU: Mimilucha vs Meru
SV UU: BlackKnight_Gawain vs Queen of Bean
SV UUbers: Frito vs tko
SS UU: sealoo vs zoe
SM UU: Ampha vs Beraldo
ORAS UU: Chaitanya vs col49
BW UU: SOMALIA vs Mister McLovin
DPP UU: burstbean vs Drud
ADV UU: spell vs Isza
GSC UU: Concept Everything vs Celebiii
RBY UU: YBW vs Sabelette

:xy/sinistcha: vs :xy/oshawott:
Teatime Sinistchas (7) vs (5) Oshawa Acupuncturists
SV UU: ThatOneApple vs Tree69420
SV UU: Mada vs Nightingales
SV UU: kimerCat vs TyCarter
SV UUbers: Fc vs BigFatMantis
SS UU: sol vs Goro Yagami
SM UU: vivalospride vs Lizzie
ORAS UU: Ainzcrad vs Sam
BW UU: roxie vs LpZ
DPP UU: DugZa vs awyp
ADV UU: FadedCharm vs Killintime
GSC UU: feen vs innovamania
RBY UU: Amaranth vs NotVeryCake

:xy/iron-crown: vs :xy/moltres-galar:
Guilty Crowns (5) vs (7) Veilstone City Vtubers
SV UU: Kate vs skimmythegod
SV UU: Azick vs Seraphz
SV UU: swinubfan44 vs Colin
SV UUbers: Imperial vs Baddy
SS UU: mncmt vs udongirl
SM UU: Hacker vs Pak
ORAS UU: Corporate Donkey vs umbry
BW UU: Slip vs violet river
DPP UU: Easter Bliss vs frankjosh
ADV UU: zS vs goldmason
GSC UU: SANKE CARP vs BeeOrSomething
RBY UU: gastlies vs Maris Bonibell

:xy/dudunsparce: vs :xy/doublade:
Dundorma Dudunsparces (7) vs (5) Xenodoublade Chronicles
SV UU: Sabella vs starbitstorm
SV UU: Mossy Sandwich vs Petros
SV UU: Danny vs KM
SV UUbers: Suzuya vs Rasche
SS UU: 691 vs Taka
SM UU: Leni vs Estarossa
ORAS UU: Fathiryxi vs dingbat
BW UU: GoldCat vs MrAldo
DPP UU: Corperate n vs Xiri
ADV UU: Parpar vs Heysup
GSC UU: Lialiabeast vs gulch
RBY UU: Melbelle vs pac

Dark Dynasty Dragonairs vs Party Girl Primarinas
SV UU: Coffy vs etern
SV UU: Mimilucha vs Meru
SV UU: BlackKnight_Gawain vs Queen of Bean
SV UUbers: Frito vs tko
SS UU: sealoo vs zoe
SM UU: Ampha vs Beraldo
ORAS UU: Chaitanya vs col49
BW UU: SOMALIA vs Mister McLovin
DPP UU: burstbean vs Drud
ADV UU: spell vs Isza
GSC UU: Concept Everything vs Celebiii
RBY UU: YBW vs Sabelette

Teatime Sinistchas vs Oshawa Acupuncturists
SV UU: ThatOneApple vs Tree69420
SV UU: Mada vs Nightingales
SV UU: kimerCat vs TyCarter
SV UUbers: Fc vs BigFatMantis
SS UU: sol vs Goro Yagami
SM UU: vivalospride vs Lizzie
ORAS UU: Ainzcrad vs Sam
BW UU: roxie vs LpZ
DPP UU: DugZa vs awyp
ADV UU: FadedCharm vs Killintime
GSC UU: feen vs innovamania
RBY UU: Amaranth vs NotVeryCake

Guilty Crowns vs Veilstone City Vtubers
SV UU: Kate vs skimmythegod
SV UU: Azick vs Seraphz
SV UU: swinubfan44 vs Colin
SV UUbers: Imperial vs Baddy
SS UU: mncmt vs udongirl
SM UU: Hacker vs Pak
ORAS UU: Corporate Donkey vs umbry
BW UU: Slip vs violet river
DPP UU: Easter Bliss vs frankjosh
ADV UU: zS vs goldmason
GSC UU: SANKE CARP vs BeeOrSomething
RBY UU: gastlies vs Maris Bonibell

Dundorma Dudunsparces vs Xenodoublade Chronicles
SV UU: Sabella vs starbitstorm
SV UU: Mossy Sandwich vs Petros
SV UU: Danny vs KM
SV UUbers: Suzuya vs Rasche
SS UU: 691 vs Taka
SM UU: Leni vs Estarossa
ORAS UU: Fathiryxi vs dingbat
BW UU: GoldCat vs MrAldo
DPP UU: Corperate n vs Xiri
ADV UU: Parpar vs Heysup
GSC UU: Lialiabeast vs katerina
RBY UU: Melbelle vs pac

The deadline for this round is Sunday, August 4th at 11:59 PM GMT -5.
Last edited:


is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
MPL Champion
Dark Dynasty Dragonairs (6) vs Party Girl Primarinas (6)
SV UU: Coffy vs etern - seems better as a player, more tenure obviously. coffy got goobed by the giraffe last week in adv but that's due to a lack of familiarity with the tier so probably to be expected
SV UU: Mimilucha vs Meru - skedaddled away from the goat seraphz but still stronger
SV UU: Larry vs Queen of Bean - sure
SV UUbers: Frito vs tko - bias pick for the week
SS UU: sealoo vs zoe - probably better....
SM UU: Ampha vs Beraldo - better as a player and as a clicker. ampha is capable of some strong gameplay but beraldo is pretty annoying to face
ORAS UU: Chaitanya vs col49 - rooting for col in spirit
BW UU: SOMALIA vs Mister McLovin - somalia brought sun last week which i respect but it has like a 1/10 winrate and is used 1/50 games for a reason. mister mclovin brings some interesting teams, and has lily support which goes a long way considering there are like less than 10 people who really build this tier on a high level and most of them aren't playing in this tour
DPP UU: burstbean vs Drud - way more experienced in uu, if drud wins ill have a lot more faith in him but mehhh
ADV UU: spell vs Isza - probably cares more? i'm not gonna lie i think it'll be hard for her to figure this tier out even though shes motivated
GSC UU: Concept Everything vs Celebiii - paid up so yeah ill pick him
RBY UU: YBW vs Ice Yazu - rby

Teatime Sinistchas (8) vs Oshawa Acupuncturists (4)
SV UU: ThatOneApple vs Tree69420 - i lowkey think tree is a better player but apple has a lot more support to help him out
SV UU: Mada vs Nightingales - one of the undefeated players and idk if nightingales has played cg since oras
SV UU: kimerCat vs TyCarter - no idea who kimercat is sorry ;_;
SV UUbers: Fc vs BigFatMantis - bfm is actually strong in this tier but like i mentioned last week, fc has good odds to go undefeated
SS UU: sol vs Goro Yagami - yeah idk i cant pretend to say anything of substance here like i can with most of the matchups in this tour
SM UU: vivalospride vs Lizzie - i had to do a double take when i saw this LOL what the hell is liz doing here
ORAS UU: Ainzcrad vs Sam - the other bias pick for the week
BW UU: roxie vs LpZ
DPP UU: DugZa vs awyp - "doug" (good lord) is undefeated and awyp hasn't really done much to inspire confidence even with lpz presumably supporting
ADV UU: FadedCharm vs Killintime - fadedcharm defied my expectations last week, i skimmed through the game a little more than i should but this was like the first sunny day plume win in 2 years. definitely a player im looking out for and im considering this the hl mu of the week but kt is someone im way more familliar with and trust more in both playing and building
GSC UU: dawnbuster vs innovamania -

RBY UU: Amaranth vs NotVeryCake - better player

Dundorma Dudunsparces (8) vs Xenodoublade Chronicles (4)
SV UU: Sabella vs starbitstorm - i dont think ive watched a single sbs game ngl
SV UU: Mossy Sandwich vs Petros - wins more often than not
SV UU: Danny vs KM - probably the strongest sv mu of the week behind meru mimi, however km seems to care a lot
SV UUbers: Suzuya vs Rasche - Fuck You Suzuya
SS UU: 691 vs Taka - of course when i predict mence to lose he finally wins, however 691 is still more familliar here
SM UU: Leni vs Estarossa - probably an upset but i think leni is a better player as a whole and the show has negative aura to me after last week
ORAS UU: Fathiryxi vs dingbat - dingbat'd
BW UU: GoldCat vs MrAldo - ...apparentrly mraldo is 4-0 LOL which i definitely did not expect. however goldcat i still think is demonstrably better and i have more faith in him as a player
DPP UU: Corperate n vs Xiri - dont really know what to say here either
ADV UU: Parpar vs Heysup - if parpar brings something wacky he can definitely win but until then ill rest my hopes on heysup continuing to farm most weeks
GSC UU: Lialiabeast vs katerina - katerina seems better as a player this tour i guess?
RBY UU: Melbelle vs pac - i think she's 4-0 and she beat my goat maris so yeah go ahead

vtubers....we won again last week...what the fuck oh my god LETS GO VTUBERS!!!
RBY UU: YBW vs Ice Yazu
RBY UU: Amaranth vs NotVeryCake
RBY UU: Melbelle vs pac
as the first sets without articuno in a long time these should be pretty interesting, looking forward to what you all come up with


Your Cigarette Girl
is a Tiering Contributor
Dark Dynasty Dragonairs vs Party Girl Primarinas
SV UU: Coffy vs etern - etern is p clearly favoured but coffy isn't bad
SV UU: Mimilucha vs Meru - meru is the goat
SV UU: Larry vs Queen of Bean - go qob
SV UUbers: Frito vs tko - will memcho win a uubers game this tour? Probably not
SS UU: sealoo vs zoe - idk lol
SM UU: Ampha vs Beraldo - beraldo is broken
ORAS UU: Chaitanya vs col49 - think chait edges this
BW UU: SOMALIA vs Mister McLovin - could go the other way if somalia brings a real team
DPP UU: burstbean vs Drud - both are good but burstbean keeps farming in this tier
ADV UU: spell vs Isza - something something siberian huskey in the Sahara desert
GSC UU: Concept Everything vs Celebiii - gsc uu
RBY UU: YBW vs Ice Yazu - flipped a coin

Guilty Crowns vs Veilstone City Vtubers
SV UU: Kate vs skimmythegod - gate
SV UU: Azick vs Seraphz - I'm inclined to say the vtubers will load a team that wins here
SV UU: swinubfan44 vs Colin - god only knows what tc will bring
SV UUbers: Imperial vs Baddy - baddy is heat
SS UU: mncmt vs udongirl - if he tries a bit
SM UU: Hacker vs Pak - crazy that Hacker has the better record, I dont bold against pak tho
ORAS UU: shiloh vs umbry - if shiloh cared before he def doesn't care now
BW UU: Slip vs violet river - prob could go either way
DPP UU: Easter Bliss vs frankjosh - i wanted to bold geaster but she won the week I didn't do predicts which is surely a sign
ADV UU: zS vs goldmason - idk bolding the slot that'll presumably try
GSC UU: SANKE CARP vs BeeOrSomething - happened already but I would've bolded balls
RBY UU: gastlies vs Maris Bonibell - go gastlies

Dundorma Dudunsparces vs Xenodoublade Chronicles
SV UU: Sabella vs starbitstorm - sbs is looking closer to his old self recently but sabella should be favoured
SV UU: Mossy Sandwich vs Petros - yeah
SV UU: Danny vs KM - go danny
SV UUbers: Suzuya vs Rasche - go rasche tho
SS UU: 691 vs Taka - probably
SM UU: Leni vs Estarossa - the less said about lenis game last week the better
ORAS UU: Fathiryxi vs dingbat - my goat
BW UU: GoldCat vs MrAldo - aldo has the luck diff
DPP UU: Corperate n vs Xiri - idk lol
ADV UU: Parpar vs Heysup - i bold heysup
GSC UU: Lialiabeast vs gulch - ummies... get ready to learn gsc gulch bro
RBY UU: Melbelle vs pac - I still like melbelles name


早上好中国、现在我有bing chilling!
is a Tiering Contributor
Dark Dynasty Dragonairs vs Party Girl Primarinas
SV UU: Coffy vs etern - coffy is like idk kinda mid ngl
SV UU: Mimilucha vs Meru - free
SV UU: Larry vs Queen of Bean - gg
RBY UU: YBW vs Ice Yazu - yazgoat

Guilty Crowns vs Veilstone City Vtubers
SV UU: Kate vs skimmythegod - won open or smth right idr
SV UU: Azick vs Seraphz - more viable
SV UU: swinubfan44 vs Colin - no clue
RBY UU: gastlies vs Maris Bonibell - haxera vs haxera

Dundorma Dudunsparces vs Xenodoublade Chronicles
SV UU: Sabella vs starbitstorm - i love sbs
SV UU: Mossy Sandwich vs Petros - free
SV UU: Danny vs KM - s/o nu players
RBY UU: Melbelle vs pac - mels good
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