V-Create Rayquaza and other event pokemon

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Smogon University's PO server now supports several new event moves, namely Extremespeed Pikachu[+Raichu on next server reboot], Haze/Mist Zekrom/Reshiram, Electroball Mewtwo and V-Create Rayquaza.

However, if you try to make a pokemon with one of these special moves in the teambuilder, it won't let you.

There is a workaround, however:
  1. Search your computer for a file called "5G_special_moves.txt" It'll be located in the db/pokes folder within your PO installation directory, but the best way to find it is just to use Windows search of Finder (on Mac), right/control click and select "Open Containing/Enclosing Folder."
  2. Download the two attached files and replace the corresponding files on your computer. Note that 5G_pre_evo_moves.txt is only needed for E-speed Raichu.

Next time you open PO and go into Teambuilder, these moves should be legal! Note that if you try to use a team with these special moves on a server that doesn't support them (like Pokemon Online's server, I assume), then when you go into battle, the special move will be removed, and you'll have a blank spot in that moveslot.

Happy V-Creating, Ubers fans!


Okay, I replaced the files in my folder, but there's no V-Create appearing in my teambuilder.
Okay, I replaced the files in my folder, but there's no V-Create appearing in my teambuilder.

Did only one instance of the file come up when you searched? It's possible if you upgraded your client or did something weird that the last version didn't uninstall completely, in which case there might be multiples (in which case, replace them all).
I believe you can now add moves to Pokemon by using the MoveMachine application in the PO download. I tried it once, and ended up adding Aura Sphere to Venusaur, something which did not happen by altering the db file.
I believe you can now add moves to Pokemon by using the MoveMachine application in the PO download. I tried it once, and ended up adding Aura Sphere to Venusaur, something which did not happen by altering the db file.

Good to know! This option may or may not be available to users of other operating systems, however.
guys, how do i download the new moves? i read the instructions, downloaded the files but i cant figure out how to transfer them to PO. some1 please help!
guys, how do i download the new moves? i read the instructions, downloaded the files but i cant figure out how to transfer them to PO. some1 please help!

Why don't you tell us where you're getting stuck? If you're on Windows, you can just bypass this by using MoveMachine.exe.
guys, how do i download the new moves? i read the instructions, downloaded the files but i cant figure out how to transfer them to PO. some1 please help!

Download files
Go to C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Pokemon Online\db\pokes
Copy/Paste the downloaded files there
It should ask if you want to replace files
Say Yes
Open up teambuilder
Give Rayquaza V-Create
Go to smogon po server
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. When I try to download the files all I get text with numbers. I'm really new at this stuff so I'm not sure what to do
Instead of clicking directly on it, try to right click, then Save As (or Save Link as, since I use Firefox). It could be different depending on your browser, but there should be a save option regardless. If it works, just follow the rest of the instructions. Don't try to open it.
So I'm not curretly on PO and I follow the steps and click save. Then I go to the team builder and select new team, pick Rayquaza and it doesn't have V-create. Help please?
So I'm not curretly on PO and I follow the steps and click save. Then I go to the team builder and select new team, pick Rayquaza and it doesn't have V-create. Help please?

You're probably not saving the files to the right place. You should be replacing the old files.

If you're on Windows, just run MoveMachine (located in the PO Program Files folder) and add the moves manually.
You're probably not saving the files to the right place. You should be replacing the old files.

If you're on Windows, just run MoveMachine (located in the PO Program Files folder) and add the moves manually.

OK I'm on the move machine, how do you work it? Sorry if I'm being a nuisance
You're probably not saving the files to the right place. You should be replacing the old files.

If you're on Windows, just run MoveMachine (located in the PO Program Files folder) and add the moves manually.
It isn't working for me either. Zekrom/Reshiram/Mewtwo all got the special moves but Pikachu/Raichu/Rayquaza didn't. Also I did go to MoveMachine and they were already listed under special.
so, I'm on a mac and it isnt working well, downloaded the file, it saved to desktop, searching for the file name only shows the one on the desktop and PO doesnt have a folder, just a .app file in my applications folder... any help?
so, I'm on a mac and it isnt working well, downloaded the file, it saved to desktop, searching for the file name only shows the one on the desktop and PO doesnt have a folder, just a .app file in my applications folder... any help?

Right-click (shift-click?) the app and select, I think it's "Show Resources." Then I think the file is in db/pokes?

I'll try to get you detailed instructions the next time I'm at a mac.
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