what would you do-ooh-ooh
<p>Vanilluxe is your typical Ice-type: it has good stats overall, but it doesn't have the movepool to back them up. Though Autotomize is the main reason to use Vanilluxe, a lack of reliable recovery and a horrid defensive typing make it hard for Vanilluxe to get a Speed boost. Thus, despite its respectable bulk, Vanilluxe needs support in order to succeed. Additionally, its coverage options are sprinkled with little more than Ice-type moves, meaning that it is often walled. Finally, outside of Autotomize, Jynx does better than Vanilluxe as an offensive Ice-type. Sporting greater Speed, offensive presence, boosting moves, and the deadly Lovely Kiss, Jynx is much easier fit onto teams than our two-scoop friend.</p>
name: Autotomize
move 1: Autotomize
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Flash Cannon
item: Life Orb / Icicle Plate
ability: Ice Body
nature: Modest
evs: 78 HP / 252 SpA / 180 Spd
ivs: 30 SpA / 30 SpD
<p>The purpose of this set is to boost Vanilluxe's Speed with Autotomize and attempt a sweep. This set can handle a lot of offensive teams by KOing the opponent's frailer offensive Pokemon before they can secure a hit. While it may be difficult for Vanilluxe to find an opportunity to set up, if it is able to do so, it can truly wreak havoc for the opponent. Ice Beam is used on this set as Vanilluxe's best STAB. Hidden Power Ground provides the best super effective coverage alongside Ice Beam, hitting Steel- and Fire-type Pokemon harder than Ice Beam can, while Flash Cannon hits opposing Ice-types, such as Jynx and Piloswine. Finally, though it doesn't benefit Vanilluxe in NU due to the lack of weather inducers, Ice Body is the ability of choice for this set, as Weak Armor is excessive with Autotomize, and it makes Vanilluxe much easier to take out.</p>
<p>The Speed EVs on this set are used to beat +1 base 100 Speed Pokemon after Vanilluxe has secured its boost. The item choice is yours to make. Life Orb is generally the superior option, as without it, Vanilluxe is unable to OHKO Jynx or 2HKO Piloswine after Stealth Rock damage. However, if you prefer to enjoy your ice cream at a slower pace, you can use Icicle Plate for a recoil-free 20% boost to Ice Beam. This option is reasonable as well, as more often than not, you'll just be using Ice Beam. Sawk, a Pokemon able to OHKO common special walls, such as Lickilicky, Munchlax, and Audino, is a great partner for this set. Choice Scarf Pokemon with base Speed over 100, such as Rapidash and Tauros, can both give the set troubles. Alomomola serves as a full stop to these Pokemon and can pass large Wishes back to Vanilluxe if things like Stealth Rock and Life Orb recoil wear it down too much. Seismitoad can switch into most Fire-, Steel-, and Rock-type moves aimed at Vanilluxe and set up the Stealth Rock that Vanilluxe needs to secure KOs against Jynx and Piloswine. Similarly, Golurk is immune to Fighting-type attacks and boasts a resistance to Rock-type moves, while Vanilluxe can switch into Ice-type attacks aimed at it. Altaria plays a similar role: weak to Ice-type moves and resistant to Fire- and Fighting-type attacks. This type synergy makes these Pokemon fantastic partners for this set and can even give Vanilluxe opportunities to set up against Ice-type attacks from the opponent.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>As previously stated, Vanilluxe has a bad movepool, but it does have a few other options. First off, while removing Hidden Power Ground leaves Vanilluxe helpless against Steel-types, Hidden Power Grass can be used to defeat some key threats, such as Carracosta and Seismitoad. Magic Coat is another reasonable option that can bounce back status and phazing moves, though Vanilluxe should focus more on offensive coverage. Similarly, Taunt could be used to help Vanilluxe beat bulky walls that would otherwise have their way with this set. The issue with Taunt is that it doesn't help Vanilluxe accomplish its job much better than the listed set does. Toxic is an interesting choice that would allow Vanilluxe to beat many of the common walls that would otherwise be able to switch in with impunity. Frost Breath could be used over Ice Beam in order to beat out Pokemon that try to set up Calm Mind, but it's only useful in very niche situations, whereas Ice Beam has greater power, perfect accuracy, and a chance to freeze the opponent. Lastly, a mixed set with Ice Shard and Explosion takes full advantage of Vanilluxe's good base 95 Attack. The main issue with this idea is that it forces Vanilluxe to either lose some Speed EVs or split EVs between Special Attack and Attack, lowering its overall power. In the end, you're typically better off running a special attacking set.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>There are more checks and counters to Vanilluxe than there are flavors of Ben & Jerry's. Most Fighting-type Pokemon can cleanly OHKO it, though few can switch in. Specially defensive walls and tanks, such as Audino, Mantine, Regice, and Munchlax, all take a pittance from Vanilluxe and can stay in to support their team or fight back. Thick Fat Miltank also deserves a mention, as it resists Ice-type moves and strikes back for good damage with Body Slam. Metang also causes this particular set problems, as it is only 4HKOed by a Modest Life Orb-boosted Hidden Power Ground, while it can strike back with a super effective Meteor Mash. Finally, priority users, such as Mach Punch Gurdurr and Bullet Punch Metang, ignore the Speed boost that Autotomize provides while hitting Vanilluxe for great damage.<p>
what would you do-ooh-ooh
<p>Vanilluxe is your typical Ice-type: it has good stats overall, but it doesn't have the movepool to back them up. Though Autotomize is the main reason to use Vanilluxe, a lack of reliable recovery and a horrid defensive typing make it hard for Vanilluxe to get a Speed boost. Thus, despite its respectable bulk, Vanilluxe needs support in order to succeed. Additionally, its coverage options are sprinkled with little more than Ice-type moves, meaning that it is often walled. Finally, outside of Autotomize, Jynx does better than Vanilluxe as an offensive Ice-type. Sporting greater Speed, offensive presence, boosting moves, and the deadly Lovely Kiss, Jynx is much easier fit onto teams than our two-scoop friend.</p>
name: Autotomize
move 1: Autotomize
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Flash Cannon
item: Life Orb / Icicle Plate
ability: Ice Body
nature: Modest
evs: 78 HP / 252 SpA / 180 Spd
ivs: 30 SpA / 30 SpD
<p>The purpose of this set is to boost Vanilluxe's Speed with Autotomize and attempt a sweep. This set can handle a lot of offensive teams by KOing the opponent's frailer offensive Pokemon before they can secure a hit. While it may be difficult for Vanilluxe to find an opportunity to set up, if it is able to do so, it can truly wreak havoc for the opponent. Ice Beam is used on this set as Vanilluxe's best STAB. Hidden Power Ground provides the best super effective coverage alongside Ice Beam, hitting Steel- and Fire-type Pokemon harder than Ice Beam can, while Flash Cannon hits opposing Ice-types, such as Jynx and Piloswine. Finally, though it doesn't benefit Vanilluxe in NU due to the lack of weather inducers, Ice Body is the ability of choice for this set, as Weak Armor is excessive with Autotomize, and it makes Vanilluxe much easier to take out.</p>
<p>The Speed EVs on this set are used to beat +1 base 100 Speed Pokemon after Vanilluxe has secured its boost. The item choice is yours to make. Life Orb is generally the superior option, as without it, Vanilluxe is unable to OHKO Jynx or 2HKO Piloswine after Stealth Rock damage. However, if you prefer to enjoy your ice cream at a slower pace, you can use Icicle Plate for a recoil-free 20% boost to Ice Beam. This option is reasonable as well, as more often than not, you'll just be using Ice Beam. Sawk, a Pokemon able to OHKO common special walls, such as Lickilicky, Munchlax, and Audino, is a great partner for this set. Choice Scarf Pokemon with base Speed over 100, such as Rapidash and Tauros, can both give the set troubles. Alomomola serves as a full stop to these Pokemon and can pass large Wishes back to Vanilluxe if things like Stealth Rock and Life Orb recoil wear it down too much. Seismitoad can switch into most Fire-, Steel-, and Rock-type moves aimed at Vanilluxe and set up the Stealth Rock that Vanilluxe needs to secure KOs against Jynx and Piloswine. Similarly, Golurk is immune to Fighting-type attacks and boasts a resistance to Rock-type moves, while Vanilluxe can switch into Ice-type attacks aimed at it. Altaria plays a similar role: weak to Ice-type moves and resistant to Fire- and Fighting-type attacks. This type synergy makes these Pokemon fantastic partners for this set and can even give Vanilluxe opportunities to set up against Ice-type attacks from the opponent.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>As previously stated, Vanilluxe has a bad movepool, but it does have a few other options. First off, while removing Hidden Power Ground leaves Vanilluxe helpless against Steel-types, Hidden Power Grass can be used to defeat some key threats, such as Carracosta and Seismitoad. Magic Coat is another reasonable option that can bounce back status and phazing moves, though Vanilluxe should focus more on offensive coverage. Similarly, Taunt could be used to help Vanilluxe beat bulky walls that would otherwise have their way with this set. The issue with Taunt is that it doesn't help Vanilluxe accomplish its job much better than the listed set does. Toxic is an interesting choice that would allow Vanilluxe to beat many of the common walls that would otherwise be able to switch in with impunity. Frost Breath could be used over Ice Beam in order to beat out Pokemon that try to set up Calm Mind, but it's only useful in very niche situations, whereas Ice Beam has greater power, perfect accuracy, and a chance to freeze the opponent. Lastly, a mixed set with Ice Shard and Explosion takes full advantage of Vanilluxe's good base 95 Attack. The main issue with this idea is that it forces Vanilluxe to either lose some Speed EVs or split EVs between Special Attack and Attack, lowering its overall power. In the end, you're typically better off running a special attacking set.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>There are more checks and counters to Vanilluxe than there are flavors of Ben & Jerry's. Most Fighting-type Pokemon can cleanly OHKO it, though few can switch in. Specially defensive walls and tanks, such as Audino, Mantine, Regice, and Munchlax, all take a pittance from Vanilluxe and can stay in to support their team or fight back. Thick Fat Miltank also deserves a mention, as it resists Ice-type moves and strikes back for good damage with Body Slam. Metang also causes this particular set problems, as it is only 4HKOed by a Modest Life Orb-boosted Hidden Power Ground, while it can strike back with a super effective Meteor Mash. Finally, priority users, such as Mach Punch Gurdurr and Bullet Punch Metang, ignore the Speed boost that Autotomize provides while hitting Vanilluxe for great damage.<p>
name: Autotomize
move 1: Autotomize
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Flash Cannon
item: Life Orb / Icicle Plate
ability: Ice Body
nature: Modest
evs: 78 HP / 252 SpA / 180 Spd
ivs: 30 SpA / 30 SpD
[Other Options]
[Checks and Counters]
- pretty bad
- misses hail in NU
- awful movepool like most ice-types
- good SpA
- decent bulk, but poor typing still makes it difficult to set up
- slow, but niche over Jynx in autotomize
name: Autotomize
move 1: Autotomize
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Flash Cannon
item: Life Orb / Icicle Plate
ability: Ice Body
nature: Modest
evs: 78 HP / 252 SpA / 180 Spd
ivs: 30 SpA / 30 SpD
- Attempt to boost speed and cause havoc for offensive teams
- May struggle to set up
- Autotomize boosts its Speed, letting it beat fast/frail foes
- Ice Beam wrecks
- HP Ground hits Steel- and Fire-types
- Flash Cannon hits Piloswine and Jynx
- Ice Body>Weak Armor because Weak Armor is excessive w/ Autotomize and makes it easier to take down
- Speed EVs to outspeed +1 base 100s after a boost and dumps the rest in HP and SpA.
- Life Orb is needed to OHKO Jynx after Rocks and 2HKO Piloswine
- Icicle Plate can be used if recoil is offputting, especially since you will mainly be spamming Ice Beam
- Sawk beats special walls
- Absolutely loves hazard support because good SpA but bad coverage makes it easier to wall
- Seismitoad can take Fire-, Steel-, and Rock-type moves
- Golurk can take Fighting- and Rock-type moves while Vanilluxe can take Ice moves
- Altaria can take Fire- and Fighting-type moves while Vanilluxe can take Ice moves
[Other Options]
- Hidden Power Grass
- Magic Coat
- Taunt
- Toxic
- Mixed set with Ice Shard and Explosion
- Frost Breath for Calm Mind users
[Checks and Counters]
- Regice
- Thick Fat Miltank
- Munchlax
- Metang
- Audino/Lickilicky
- Fighting-types destroy but can't switch in
- Priority users (Kangaskhan, Gurdurr) can revenge