ORAS NU Vessels (with SilverReaper21)

If you aren't listening to this song, I actually don't know where you at.


You are looking at the defining example of what has come to be called "Winter Offense" by my peers. This particular team was made in a joint effort with one of my closest friends, SilverReaper21. Vessels has survived many metagame shifts, which of course has also resulted in two specific slots being swapped around throughout its tenure. Despite the shift in cast, Vessels has proven to be one of my most successful teams to date, nabbing multiple #1 ladder peaks and even more top 10 spots. This has been my go-to team for quite some time now, and my defining creation. I'm very proud to present you with this team. Enjoy the presentation of Vessels. Thank you.


I ponder of something great. My lungs will fill and then deflate. They fill with fire, exhale desire. I know it's dire, my time today.


Uxie @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Giga Drain
- Signal Beam

Uxie has always been my favorite NU mon. Uxie has a ton of versatility, which makes it super splashable. This pixie is pretty much step one in making a Winter squad. Calm Mind Uxie has always been stellar and incredibly consistent for me, which is why I picked it up for this team. The spread for Uxie has shifted over time. It started off a little bulkier, but for the most part bulk is a consistent theme for this team. Thus I shifted Uxie to a faster spread, as outside of Rotom, the team was lacking in the speed department. Tanking hits in order to deal with the tier's faster offensive threats became a must, so in order to alleviate this problem I opted for max speed with a timid nature. Being able to hang with fast threats like Electivire and Jynx helped take some of the strain off of the rest of the team, as both of these threats carry coverage that can threaten the majority of the team. Max special attack allows Uxie to pack a little bit of a punch, especially after gathering Calm Mind boost. I went with Leftovers for Uxie's item because I love the passive recovery for bulkier teams that lack their own recovery. It also helps keep Uxie healthy, which is crucial since this is constantly a win condition. The moveset on this mon is pretty standard for CM psychics. Hidden Power Fire is an option, as Ferroseed is especially annoying, but you then lose out on speed tying with other base 95's (like Jynx and Evire) after having to change your speed IVs to 30. Signal Beam is here in the last slot to help deal with the team's weakness to Malamar. Note: Colbur Berry is also a nice alternative item. I just haven't found it incredibly necessary after the end of Sneasel's reign. 0 Atk IVs are to take minimal damage from Foul Play users.


Klinklang @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Gear Grind
- Substitute
- Return
- Shift Gear

Klinklang has always had a special place in my builder. Right after Uxie, Klinklang has proven to be the most consistent mon I have ever had the pleasure of building around. Klinklang hazard stack is absolutely brutal, and I love loading it up against my opponents. This is your standard Klinklang 100% of the way through. Don't think I could tell you anything you don't already know about it. Klinklang is a really nice alternate win condition for the team, most of the team even acting as a second win con. If Uxie can't do it, Klinklang can! As I mentioned a few lines up, hazard stack with Gears is cruel. Klinklang doesn't have to set up in one try to break opposing teams completely, as hazards are constantly breaking down checks, so even getting off a non STAB return can speed the end game a few turns. Unlike Shaneghoul, I'm not good enough to run the god set, Special Klinklang. So sorry. :[


Hariyama @ Assault Vest
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 232 SpD / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Fake Out
- Bullet Punch

I remember when Hariyama was literally on every team. Seems like it was just yesterday. Despite Hariyama no longer being a staple on pretty much every NU build, it always does major work for this team. Hariyama is seen here as a catch all special tank. And of course, Hariyama is not just there to sponge stuff and look fat. Big Boi can throw out some big hits too, with such a large attack stat. This is the standard Hariyama set, with dual priority to help the hazard stacking core whittle down the opposing team for Uxie and Klinklang. Thick Fat is vital to the team's success, as Hariyama is the Magmortar answer. I have experimented with Guts here, but a status absorber is not as beneficial as an answer to the aforementioned threat. Spread is modified to hit the Winter and Silver approved speed creep number for base 50's.


Rotom @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt/Will-O-Wisp
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball
- Trick

Rotom was not actually in the initial version of the team. Samurott was in this slot, if memory serves me correctly. Rotom has of course been added for speed control. But even more important than adding some speed is an answer to the threat of the dominant CM psychic empire. Rotom fills both of these niches, luckily, so it has earned the right to be a veteran member of the squad. This spark is also the primary answer to Xatu looking to stop the hazard grind. No hazards on the other side of the field is like SilverReaper21 without some cancerous balance core like Lanturn x Torterra. It just isn't right. EVs are standarderino. Moveset is triple STAB + Trick to cripple set up mons. Will-O-Wisp can go over Thunderbolt in order to handicap physical attackers, providing more opportunities for the set up mons on this team.


Garbodor @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 248 HP / 160 Def / 100 Spe
Impish Nature
- Spikes
- Drain Punch
- Gunk Shot
- Toxic Spikes

Obligatory Garbodor for hazard stack. Rocky Helmet Garbodor is here to punish physical attackers while setting up hazards. Garb is also another Fighting check, which is great for the synergy of this team. Drain Punch is chosen here for coverage in order to catch opposing Steels looking to come in. This is especially effective in helping pressure opposing Klinklang. EV spread is modified slightly in order to creep standard defensive Garbodor. Not much else to say. Of any mon in the game, none reminds me more of Silver.


Piloswine @ Eviolite
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Icicle Crash/Icicle Spear
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake

This is the newest addition to the team, and the slot that has changed the most. Even when first building the team, this final slot was for the rocks on the team. Seismitoad was here first (RIP TOAD), then Carracosta, and now Piloswine. I really needed a rocker that pressured Xatu like no other, while also still not being deadweight offensively. Lord Tuskcany had everything I needed. Piloswine has such a good match up against the majority of anti-leads and opposing leads, making it so easy to get up my rocks. Even with all that being said, having a second Thick Fat mon on the team looks so weird on paper. Despite appearance, it has really come in clutch in so many different situations that I hadn't planned for initially. EV spread is once again tailored to fit the signature speed creep. Moveset is as to be expected. Icicle Spear is now slashed with Icicle Crash for its ability to beat sash leads turn one, especially so they cannot come back in at a later time. Icicle Crash remains as a solid option because it still does more consistent damage, as it does not have to rely on hitting a solid 3-5 times to make even a dent on neutral hits. If any part of the team really needs to be rated, it's this slot. Any thoughts on the matter are appreciated.

I have these thoughts so often I ought to replace that slot with what I once bought. 'Cause somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence.


Located below is the importable. Enjoy the team!

Uxie @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Giga Drain
- Signal Beam

Piloswine @ Eviolite
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Icicle Spear/Icicle Crash
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake

Klinklang @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Gear Grind
- Substitute
- Return
- Shift Gear

Hariyama @ Assault Vest
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 232 SpD / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Fake Out
- Bullet Punch

Rotom @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt/Will-O-Wisp
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball
- Trick

Garbodor @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 248 HP / 160 Def / 100 Spe
Impish Nature
- Spikes
- Drain Punch
- Gunk Shot
- Toxic Spikes

Magmortar is one of the biggest threats to this team. After Hariyama is gone, Magmortar has so much fun. Be wary of this. Usually isn't too much of a problem though, just don't play carelessly. Let's be honest though, what team is not threatened by Magmortar?

Xatu is always a threat to any hazard stacking team, especially ones without hazard control. Xatu won't cause you to drop the game, but you have to be careful about when you wanna go for hazards.

Sawk is just such a threat, no matter what your team looks like. I have a fair number of checks here, but miss a key prediction when switching in, and you are in a world of hurt. Again, just play smart.

Samurott has two disgustingly good offensive sets, with a plethora of coverage options. If you aren't able to determine the set early on, you could potentially be down a mon.

Beartic...what does anyone have for a well played Beartic?

Big s/os to all my friends! Deej Dy Pokedots Raseri hollywood blaziken1337 Realistic Waters Sir Kay 9 xzern Disjunction Aladyyn Adaire allstar124 Draeden iplaytennislol Teddeh Can-Eh-Dian HJAD Brick Small. Colbrushie scorpdestroyer boltsandbombers Oshony PokeGod Dentricos Blast marilli Punchshroom metaphysical Rapture. SilverReaper21 NV Shaneghoul Quite Quiet Scarf Buck ajadanje Bowtie Addo Minus MARCU5tehBAW5 QueenOfLuvdiscs Syncrasy Swagcaliber Mar1onette Orphic bird crew TONE114

This list is pretty much everyone who has helped me/been a friend throughout my time here in NU. Big thanks to you all. Keep making NU a great place! Sorry if I forgot you. I was going by whoever was on while I was typing this up. Just let me know if I missed you and I will add you.

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/nu-253939450 (v. Vochier. The team's composition seemed to really get to him.)

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/nu-253903056 (v. Marikeinen. Managed to shut out a big threat to the team, Samurott.)

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-nu-78003 (v. Bouff. Great match all around, not much to say.)

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/nu-254024651 (v. HereComesHeracross. This match reminded me just how bulky lord Pingu is.) "> scorpdestroyer boltsandbombers Oshony PokeGod Dentricos Blast marilli Punchshroom metaphysical Rapture. SilverReaper21 NV Shaneghoul Quite Quiet Scarf Buck ajadanje Bowtie Addo Minus MARCU5tehBAW5 QueenOfLuvdiscs Syncrasy Swagcaliber Mar1onette Orphic bird crew TONE114

This list is pretty much everyone who has helped me/been a friend throughout my time here in NU. Big thanks to you all. Keep making NU a great place! Sorry if I forgot you. I was going by whoever was on while I was typing this up. Just let me know if I missed you and I will add you.

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/nu-253939450 (v. Vochier. The team's composition seemed to really get to him.)

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/nu-253903056 (v. Marikeinen. Managed to shut out a big threat to the team, Samurott.)

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-nu-78003 (v. Bouff. Great match all around, not much to say.)

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/nu-254024651 (v. HereComesHeracross. This match reminded me just how bulky lord Pingu is.)

Last edited:
The only big weaknesses I see in your team are Carracosta and Barbaracle, in the latter's case when Rotom has been worn down, as when they set up they can easily sweep you, though the only thing they can really set up on is Garbodor (and Piloswine in Shuca Berry Barbaracle's case; Carracosta can kinda set up on it but then it's at really low health so it'll die to LO recoil+Yama prioriy). The only change I could see you making is changing Drain Punch for Seed Bomb on Garbodor, but then you're weak to Klinklang which is way more important; the other possible change is switching Garbodor for Toxic Spikes Weezing, which can burn the two shell smashers if they try to set up (Lum Berry would screw you over but that's really uncommon) and still checks Klinklang, though not as well because of the lack of Rocky Helmet+Aftermath. You could try this out and see if it works out, but it's just fine if you leave it as is.

Other than that, great team! It checks most of the meta really well while still being mostly offensive
The only big weaknesses I see in your team are Carracosta and Barbaracle, in the latter's case when Rotom has been worn down, as when they set up they can easily sweep you, though the only thing they can really set up on is Garbodor (and Piloswine in Shuca Berry Barbaracle's case; Carracosta can kinda set up on it but then it's at really low health so it'll die to LO recoil+Yama prioriy). The only change I could see you making is changing Drain Punch for Seed Bomb on Garbodor, but then you're weak to Klinklang which is way more important; the other possible change is switching Garbodor for Toxic Spikes Weezing, which can burn the two shell smashers if they try to set up (Lum Berry would screw you over but that's really uncommon) and still checks Klinklang, though not as well because of the lack of Rocky Helmet+Aftermath. You could try this out and see if it works out, but it's just fine if you leave it as is.

Other than that, great team! It checks most of the meta really well while still being mostly offensive
Really interesting take on it. I will look into it. I would lose spikes with that change, but I can rework that to come from somewhere else. Thanks buddy!
Fantastic team guys! I would maybe consider running icicle spear on piloswine as the 90% is sorta unreliable and allows it to beat lead archeops. It should still 2HKO xatu with ice shard, even if you get 2 hits in (I'm fairly certain).

Everything else looks good to me!
Fantastic team guys! I would maybe consider running icicle spear on piloswine as the 90% is sorta unreliable and allows it to beat lead archeops. It should still 2HKO xatu with ice shard, even if you get 2 hits in (I'm fairly certain).

Everything else looks good to me!
Thanks lord Piloswine, I don't know why I hadn't already considered that. Going to test it out and then add it to the official transcript for the team. Looks really good on paper, so I will more than likely end up adding it later tonight.
LOL Winter Offense, you got to be kidding me, plus twenty one pilots is so 2005. Still, I'm the proud owner of an earlier version of this team you gave me so i can attest to its effectiveness vs ladder scrubz, and you stomped me with the team while I was half paying attention so it must be decent. Overall only thing I might try is e belt rotom fan over og rotom since it gives you some semblance of a fighting check if garb goes down which it usually does. Other then that nice team friends, you've done me proud.
If you aren't listening to this song, I actually don't know where you at.


You are looking at the defining example of what has come to be called "Winter Offense" by my peers. This particular team was made in a joint effort with one of my closest friends, SilverReaper21. Vessels has survived many metagame shifts, which of course has also resulted in two specific slots being swapped around throughout its tenure. Despite the shift in cast, Vessels has proven to be one of my most successful teams to date, nabbing multiple #1 ladder peaks and even more top 10 spots. This has been my go-to team for quite some time now, and my defining creation. I'm very proud to present you with this team. Enjoy the presentation of Vessels. Thank you.


I ponder of something great. My lungs will fill and then deflate. They fill with fire, exhale desire. I know it's dire, my time today.


Uxie @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Giga Drain
- Signal Beam

Uxie has always been my favorite NU mon. Uxie has a ton of versatility, which makes it super splashable. This pixie is pretty much step one in making a Winter squad. Calm Mind Uxie has always been stellar and incredibly consistent for me, which is why I picked it up for this team. The spread for Uxie has shifted over time. It started off a little bulkier, but for the most part bulk is a consistent theme for this team. Thus I shifted Uxie to a faster spread, as outside of Rotom, the team was lacking in the speed department. Tanking hits in order to deal with the tier's faster offensive threats became a must, so in order to alleviate this problem I opted for max speed with a timid nature. Being able to hang with fast threats like Electivire and Jynx helped take some of the strain off of the rest of the team, as both of these threats carry coverage that can threaten the majority of the team. Max special attack allows Uxie to pack a little bit of a punch, especially after gathering Calm Mind boost. I went with Leftovers for Uxie's item because I love the passive recovery for bulkier teams that lack their own recovery. It also helps keep Uxie healthy, which is crucial since this is constantly a win condition. The moveset on this mon is pretty standard for CM psychics. Hidden Power Fire is an option, as Ferroseed is especially annoying, but you then lose out on speed tying with other base 95's (like Jynx and Evire) after having to change your speed IVs to 30. Signal Beam is here in the last slot to help deal with the team's weakness to Malamar. Note: Colbur Berry is also a nice alternative item. I just haven't found it incredibly necessary after the end of Sneasel's reign. 0 Atk IVs are to take minimal damage from Foul Play users.


Klinklang @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Gear Grind
- Substitute
- Return
- Shift Gear

Klinklang has always had a special place in my builder. Right after Uxie, Klinklang has proven to be the most consistent mon I have ever had the pleasure of building around. Klinklang hazard stack is absolutely brutal, and I love loading it up against my opponents. This is your standard Klinklang 100% of the way through. Don't think I could tell you anything you don't already know about it. Klinklang is a really nice alternate win condition for the team, most of the team even acting as a second win con. If Uxie can't do it, Klinklang can! As I mentioned a few lines up, hazard stack with Gears is cruel. Klinklang doesn't have to set up in one try to break opposing teams completely, as hazards are constantly breaking down checks, so even getting off a non STAB return can speed the end game a few turns. Unlike Shaneghoul, I'm not good enough to run the god set, Special Klinklang. So sorry. :[


Hariyama @ Assault Vest
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 232 SpD / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Fake Out
- Bullet Punch

I remember when Hariyama was literally on every team. Seems like it was just yesterday. Despite Hariyama no longer being a staple on pretty much every NU build, it always does major work for this team. Hariyama is seen here as a catch all special tank. And of course, Hariyama is not just there to sponge stuff and look fat. Big Boi can throw out some big hits too, with such a large attack stat. This is the standard Hariyama set, with dual priority to help the hazard stacking core whittle down the opposing team for Uxie and Klinklang. Thick Fat is vital to the team's success, as Hariyama is the Magmortar answer. I have experimented with Guts here, but a status absorber is not as beneficial as an answer to the aforementioned threat. Spread is modified to hit the Winter and Silver approved speed creep number for base 50's.


Rotom @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt/Will-O-Wisp
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball
- Trick

Rotom was not actually in the initial version of the team. Samurott was in this slot, if memory serves me correctly. Rotom has of course been added for speed control. But even more important than adding some speed is an answer to the threat of the dominant CM psychic empire. Rotom fills both of these niches, luckily, so it has earned the right to be a veteran member of the squad. This spark is also the primary answer to Xatu looking to stop the hazard grind. No hazards on the other side of the field is like SilverReaper21 without some cancerous balance core like Lanturn x Torterra. It just isn't right. EVs are standarderino. Moveset is triple STAB + Trick to cripple set up mons. Will-O-Wisp can go over Thunderbolt in order to handicap physical attackers, providing more opportunities for the set up mons on this team.


Garbodor @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 248 HP / 160 Def / 100 Spe
Impish Nature
- Spikes
- Drain Punch
- Gunk Shot
- Toxic Spikes

Obligatory Garbodor for hazard stack. Rocky Helmet Garbodor is here to punish physical attackers while setting up hazards. Garb is also another Fighting check, which is great for the synergy of this team. Drain Punch is chosen here for coverage in order to catch opposing Steels looking to come in. This is especially effective in helping pressure opposing Klinklang. EV spread is modified slightly in order to creep standard defensive Garbodor. Not much else to say. Of any mon in the game, none reminds me more of Silver.


Piloswine @ Eviolite
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Icicle Crash
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake

This is the newest addition to the team, and the slot that has changed the most. Even when first building the team, this final slot was for the rocks on the team. Seismitoad was here first (RIP TOAD), then Carracosta, and now Piloswine. I really needed a rocker that pressured Xatu like no other, while also still not being deadweight offensively. Lord Tuskcany had everything I needed. Piloswine has such a good match up against the majority of anti-leads and opposing leads, making it so easy to get up my rocks. Even with all that being said, having a second Thick Fat mon on the team looks so weird on paper. Despite appearance, it has really come in clutch in so many different situations that I hadn't planned for initially. EV spread is once again tailored to fit the signature speed creep. Moveset is as to be expected. If any part of the team really needs to be rated, it's this slot. Any thoughts on the matter are appreciated.

I have these thoughts so often I ought to replace that slot with what I once bought. 'Cause somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence.


Located below is the importable. Enjoy the team!

Uxie @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Giga Drain
- Signal Beam

Piloswine @ Eviolite
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Icicle Crash
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake

Klinklang @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Gear Grind
- Substitute
- Return
- Shift Gear

Hariyama @ Assault Vest
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 232 SpD / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Fake Out
- Bullet Punch

Rotom @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt/Will-O-Wisp
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball
- Trick

Garbodor @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 248 HP / 160 Def / 100 Spe
Impish Nature
- Spikes
- Drain Punch
- Gunk Shot
- Toxic Spikes

Magmortar is one of the biggest threats to this team. After Hariyama is gone, Magmortar has so much fun. Be wary of this. Usually isn't too much of a problem though, just don't play carelessly. Let's be honest though, what team is not threatened by Magmortar?

Xatu is always a threat to any hazard stacking team, especially ones without hazard control. Xatu won't cause you to drop the game, but you have to be careful about when you wanna go for hazards.

Sawk is just such a threat, no matter what your team looks like. I have a fair number of checks here, but miss a key prediction when switching in, and you are in a world of hurt. Again, just play smart.

Beartic...what does anyone have for a well played Beartic?

Big s/os to all my friends! Deej Dy Pokedots Raseri hollywood blaziken1337 Realistic Waters Sir Kay 9 xzern Disjunction Aladyyn Adaire allstar124 Draeden iplaytennislol Teddeh Can-Eh-Dian HJAD Brick Small. Colbrushie scorpdestroyer boltsandbombers Oshony PokeGod Dentricos Blast marilli Punchshroom metaphysical Rapture. SilverReaper21 NV Shaneghoul Quite Quiet Scarf Buck ajadanje Bowtie Addo Minus MARCU5tehBAW5 QueenOfLuvdiscs Syncrasy Swagcaliber Mar1onette Orphic bird crew TONE114

This list is pretty much everyone who has helped me/been a friend throughout my time here in NU. Big thanks to you all. Keep making NU a great place! Sorry if I forgot you. I was going by whoever was on while I was typing this up. Just let me know if I missed you and I will add you.
"> scorpdestroyer boltsandbombers Oshony PokeGod Dentricos Blast marilli Punchshroom metaphysical Rapture. SilverReaper21 NV Shaneghoul Quite Quiet Scarf Buck ajadanje Bowtie Addo Minus MARCU5tehBAW5 QueenOfLuvdiscs Syncrasy Swagcaliber Mar1onette Orphic bird crew TONE114

This list is pretty much everyone who has helped me/been a friend throughout my time here in NU. Big thanks to you all. Keep making NU a great place! Sorry if I forgot you. I was going by whoever was on while I was typing this up. Just let me know if I missed you and I will add you.

nice team dude, really thought out and great, the only thing that i think is a problem type wise would be ghost, but u do have your own ghost type in the form of rotom who's scarf and garbodor/piloswine that cover the standard ghost coverage moves like Tbolt and energy ball. overall i love the team and i hope you keep up the great work, build more teams to show off with lord Seel of course and that you have the best of luck here and where ever you go ;D
Hey winter's brother, cool team you have here a really nice offense if I do not mistake me I have lost to this team in the ladder once XD. Hazard stack + cm uxie and kinklang core is destructive :) as you yourself mentioned in your text, which one can't do the other will do. Not much to say, I think you've mentioned the biggest threats in the list treath (and also what was said by Pokedots) the team looks solid and efficient. Weezing may even be an interesting option even with that you become vulnerable to toxic spikes, but as its only two Pokémon are affected do not think it makes much difference, congratulations, great team, great users (both you and the Silver) keep doing good times and being a nice person:]. Oh, and I guess you could also test shadow tag hex rotom.
CM Uxie / Klinklang / Hariyama / Scarf Rotom / Garbodor / Piloswine

Hey Winter, this looks like a really solid team and congrats on your success with it. I'm not gonna focus too heavily on threats since this is offense anyway and you can get away with not having switchins to everything, but I'm not really sure if the core of Uxie + Klinklang is all that necessary. Both sets are mostly centered around beating up fast and frail teams, which isn't bad in itself but it leaves you pretty easy pickings against a good defensive core. None of your Pokemon are hard to wall, so you're kinda just open to getting slowly worn down by fatter teams.

You could try out something like CM Mesprit > Uxie to help with this issue a bit. It can't serve as a sort of "catch-all" to slower offensive Pokemon like Uxie does, but the power gives you a much better chance at breaking down stallier teams. If you do try it out, I'd also recommend running either Thunderbolt or Ice Beam somewhere on it; a good lure to Xatu would be great for both Garbodor and Hariyama, and Mesprit can do that really well too.


Mesprit @ Life Orb / Mind Plate / whatever really | Levitate
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP | Modest / Timid
Calm Mind | Psychic | Signal Beam | Thunderbolt -or- Ice Beam

There's probably other ways you could try to fix this issue, like trying Regirock > Piloswine and experimenting with stronger Pokemon over Klinklang, but using Mesprit is the best option if you want to keep the current synergy of the team. Gl with the team and hope I helped!
CM Uxie / Klinklang / Hariyama / Scarf Rotom / Garbodor / Piloswine

Hey Winter, this looks like a really solid team and congrats on your success with it. I'm not gonna focus too heavily on threats since this is offense anyway and you can get away with not having switchins to everything, but I'm not really sure if the core of Uxie + Klinklang is all that necessary. Both sets are mostly centered around beating up fast and frail teams, which isn't bad in itself but it leaves you pretty easy pickings against a good defensive core. None of your Pokemon are hard to wall, so you're kinda just open to getting slowly worn down by fatter teams.

You could try out something like CM Mesprit > Uxie to help with this issue a bit. It can't serve as a sort of "catch-all" to slower offensive Pokemon like Uxie does, but the power gives you a much better chance at breaking down stallier teams. If you do try it out, I'd also recommend running either Thunderbolt or Ice Beam somewhere on it; a good lure to Xatu would be great for both Garbodor and Hariyama, and Mesprit can do that really well too.


Mesprit @ Life Orb / Mind Plate / whatever really | Levitate
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP | Modest / Timid
Calm Mind | Psychic | Signal Beam | Thunderbolt -or- Ice Beam

There's probably other ways you could try to fix this issue, like trying Regirock > Piloswine and experimenting with stronger Pokemon over Klinklang, but using Mesprit is the best option if you want to keep the current synergy of the team. Gl with the team and hope I helped!
Thank you for the rate, bro! I was looking into Mesprit as of late actually, because I am prepping for the inevitable for when Uxie leaves. I want to see if this team can survive one more humongous shift. I wasn't too sure about the set since Mes has so many different options. But the choice for the final coverage move was really thought out. I will look into it. The team does appear to be at the mercy of the opponent when playing stall teams with a lot of answers, but I have somehow managed to pull through solely using the elements present on the team. Anyway, thanks again for the rate man. I will more than likely add Mesprit > Uxie at the start of the month, drop you some credit, and update the OP.
Hi winter, a little late but here it is. CM Psychics + Spikes has always been a solid build in NU, even dating back to XY, and this looks like a pretty solid interpretation of it. At a glance, offensive normal types like Kangaskhan and Tauros look pretty problematic since they smash checks like klinklang, rotom and garbodor with EQ and other coverage moves/scrappy. Also the ever present Barrier CM mush does a number to this team if they can prevent t-spikes on their side of the field.

I think the easiest change you can make that fixes these problems is to go with a more defensive Piloswine spread since it allows you to check physical normal types better, as well as being able to put BCM mush on a timer with toxic. Also put crash before spear if you decide to keep offensive pilo since you beat sash leads anyways with crash + shard.

Hope I helped!

-> 252 HP / 252 Def / W/e speed creep, Toxic > Ice Shard
Hi winter, a little late but here it is. CM Psychics + Spikes has always been a solid build in NU, even dating back to XY, and this looks like a pretty solid interpretation of it. At a glance, offensive normal types like Kangaskhan and Tauros look pretty problematic since they smash checks like klinklang, rotom and garbodor with EQ and other coverage moves/scrappy. Also the ever present Barrier CM mush does a number to this team if they can prevent t-spikes on their side of the field.

I think the easiest change you can make that fixes these problems is to go with a more defensive Piloswine spread since it allows you to check physical normal types better, as well as being able to put BCM mush on a timer with toxic. Also put crash before spear if you decide to keep offensive pilo since you beat sash leads anyways with crash + shard.

Hope I helped!

-> 252 HP / 252 Def / W/e speed creep, Toxic > Ice Shard
Hey friend, thank you for the rate! I actually am really interested in the change you have proposed, and I will most definitely test it to a great extent. I have always loved the nasty bulk on Piloswine, and despite the team's overall bulk it could always use an extra switch in. Thanks again, great rate as always.