vg backlog


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so it's been the steam autumn sale and i'm sure i'm not alone in being guilty of biting off more than i could chew

i'm looking through my steam library right now and honestly the number of games i haven't finished (haven't started, in some cases) is a little obscene!!

to that end i'm going to make a list of every game in my steam library here and mark off my progress in finishing each one

i've kind of wanted to do something like this for a while and i invite others to do the same in this thread!! we can compare lists and encourage people to try out xyz game that might be sitting in someone's library untouched and thoroughly deserving a playthrough

i'm gonna include the hours played total but looking through these many of them are way off. i guess the system wasn't in place/was less reliable/is affected by something else that throws them out of whack

games i've beaten will be gold and asterisked for playthroughs, games i've played are in green, games i've never or barely touched are in red

so here's my steam library:

Anno 2070
1.8 hrs on record

Alien Swarm ****
29.2 hrs on record

And Yet It Moves
0.3 hrs on record

Bastion **
16.6 hrs on record

0.6 hrs on record

1.0 hrs on record

31.0 hrs on record

Cave Story+
1.9 hrs on record

Champions Online: Free For All
37.2 hrs on record



Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes

Counter-Strike: Source

Counter-Strike: Source Beta

Crayon Physics Deluxe

Day of Defeat

Day of Defeat: Source

Dear Esther *
1.5 hrs on record

Deathmatch Classic

Disciples III: Resurrection
0.2 hrs on record

Dishonored ***
36.3 hrs on record

Dragon Age: Origins *
43.7 hrs on record

Dungeons of Dredmor
5.2 hrs on record

Fallout 3 *
38.4 hrs on record

Fallout: New Vegas *
50.7 hrs on record

Fallout New Vegas: Dead Money *

Fallout New Vegas: Honest Hearts *

Freedom Force **
1.6 hrs on record

Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich
1.5 hrs on record

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City *
40.5 hrs on record

Grand Theft Auto III ****
9.1 hrs on record

Grand Theft Auto IV ***
207.8 hrs on record

Gratuitous Space Battles


Half-Life 2 *

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Half-Life 2: Episode One *

Half-Life 2: Episode Two *

Half-Life 2: Lost Coast *

Half-Life: Blue Shift

Half-Life: Opposing Force

Half-Life: Source

Half-Life Deathmatch: Source


Jamestown *
0.9 hrs on record

Left 4 Dead ****
3.0 hrs on record

25 minutes on record

5.1 hrs on record

Mass Effect
2.0 hrs on record

Mass Effect 2

Max Payne **
10.7 hrs on record

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
4.2 hrs on record

0.3 hrs on record

Orcs Must Die! *
14.3 hrs on record

Orcs Must Die! 2

Portal ****
2.3 hrs on record

Portal 2 *
11 hrs on record

4.6 hrs on record



Sid Meier's Civilization IV
0.4 hrs on record

Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword
32.0 hrs on record

Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords
7.3 hrs on record

Sid Meier's Civilization V
15.8 hrs on record

Sid Meier's Pirates!
4.8 hrs on record

SimCity 4 Deluxe
1.3 hrs on record

Spiral Knights
1.1 hrs on record

4.5 hrs on record

Spore: Galactic Adventures
1.2 hrs on record

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
4.8 hrs on record

Super Meat Boy
0.8 hrs on record

Team Fortress 2
0.7 hrs on record

Team Fortress Classic

42.2 hrs on record

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim *
103.4 hrs on record

The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
1.9 hrs on record

To The Moon *
5 hrs on record

Torchlight *
27.5 hrs on record

Torchlight II
12.1 hrs on record

Trine *
6.3 hrs on record

Trine 2
10.2 hrs on record

Unreal Gold

Unreal II: The Awakening

Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition
5.0 hrs on record

Unreal Tournament 2004 **
3.2 hrs on record

Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition ***
1.7 hrs on record

3.9 hrs on record

World of Goo *
1.3 hrs on record

Zeno Clash
0.5 hrs on record


Alas poor Yorick!
is a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I'll add to this with a bit more how/why on getting the game and what has stopped me from playing, during the summer I made a similar list and was really happy to get a large number of these games completed.


Civ 5: This is a big one, my friend bought it for me for my birthday and it was on sale on steam, it was on my wishlist and to be honest while I love the game I mostly had it to fill an earlier wishlish requirement for a steam contest. I’ll get into it eventually I just know this game is a huge timesinker

Limbo: Just bought from the fall sale and I know with horror games I need to have a good pace. I hope to finish this one during the winter break.

Mirrors Edge: Got this real cheap from EA PC store maybe even less than $5 I can’t remember. I played through most of it on a 360 rental and just haven’t dug into it yet.

Stacking: It’s bad when I don’t remember what steam sale this is from, but it shall be completed

Terraria: A $2 gift from DanDan that I really ought to get into more, but then something is always up in minecraft and I play that instead.


Assassins Creed 3: When I realized one of the final missions was an awful, broken chase scene, and that is was soon to be patched I waited. Just beat the main game today but there are still tons of sidequests which are mostly unnecessary.

Batman Arkham City: I just really want to 100% this game, I’ve been running through NG+ and after watching a speed-run of it just over 2 hours I feel obligated to crush this game.

Darksiders: People say it’s a bit like Zelda, a $20 purchase and then Skyward Sword came out and I haven’t bothered putting it back. I think I beat the first boss. I’m not even sure.

LA Noire: Holy crap this game. Got it for really cheap cause a store was selling out. Beat the tutorial missions and a bit, then read an article about how most of the game is dry-humping the scenery and how the truth/doubt/lie answers can be bullshit most of the time. Sort of sapped my interest to play but I hope to still get this done because the time period is really something.


Okamiden: I could only take so much shit with the puzzles in this game because they are not very good and follow a similar formula 90% of the time. Technically this game does not have a true overworld because you are cutscene swooped away to another area and the only way to go back is through the mirror teleporters. What ends up happening later, without spoiling too much is that these mirror teleporters can take you places you REALLY should not be able to go back to (this is a weird criticism but I also feel it’s valid, once you get past the ship area you will understand). What an awful sequel to a great original game. I’ll be slogging myself to finish this sucker, if I ever.

Paper Mario Sticker Star: This game is progressing along nicely, it’s not an RPG per say but it’s still loads of fun.

Tales of the Abyss: I’ve put 20 hours into this game and love the tales series. Once again I’ve hit some place of unnecessary padding and just gave up once school started up.


Sin and Punishment Star Successor: Wii is broken, it will get fixed soon. Not buying a Wii-U soon either.

Sonic Colours: See above

Az go finish both portals ASAP, I'll help you in co-op if necessary that is like required gaming man!


Ce soir, on va danser.
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Holy crap, your lists are so extensive. I miss the days when I had that much free time :cloud:

Basically, my list stands as such:

Pokemon White/Black - I have over 100hrs in White, and I have Black just to finish the dex. I have beaten the E4 and arrested half the sages, right now I'm just leveling all my mons in Nimbasa to fill the dex, then I'll finish.

White 2/Black 2 - I bought these the day before the Genesect distribution ended just to grab two. I have a couple hours logged in B2 and enjoyed it so far, but these come after I beat White.

Earthbound - I've had this rom since Voodoo sent it to me in... 2006? I have started playing and then stopped on 3 different occasions. I fully intend on playing and beating it.

LOZ: Twilight Princess - another game I started playing, but it was during this past year (my last at law school) and I didn't have the time to devote to it properly. I will revisit it eventually, it was so much fun.

Fatal Frame - I just picked this up off Ebay for a cool $10, I was so stoked because I've been searching for it for years. I played it for about an hour once I got my PS2 back from my brother in law, and it's been collecting dust since.

Silent Hill 4 - another game I started multiple times, but I just couldn't finish it. I fucking despise the "ghosts" that you can't actually kill, you just knock them down and they get back up. I also disliked the change of the controller configuration/directional walking, and the story overall just didn't pull me in. But, I'm a completionist, so I will beat it someday when I get around to it.

That's about it. Working full time doesn't give me much time to chip away at this list, though I've been playing White an unhealthy amount recently.
Ok, here's my list.

Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex
Sonic Heroes

Nintendo DS:
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Super Scribblenauts
Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Playstation 2:
Jak 3
Jak X
Klonoa 2
Ratchet and Clank 3
Sonic Riders

Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Paper Mario
Zelda: Twilight Princess

Xbox 360:
Assassin's Creed
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
COD: Black Ops
COD: Modern Warfare 3
Fallout 3
Far Cry 2
Halo 3
Halo 4
Just Cause 2
Saints Row: The Third

Yeah, there's a ton of 'em. As for the reasons why I haven't beaten a lot of these games, it's usually because a) I haven't played them yet. Or b) I lost interest in them. If you're wondering about why there's so many uncompleted 360 games, most of them were purchased by my brother, who has completely different gaming habits to me, so I have 0 interest in a lot of my 360's library.
Nice, I like threads like this. Not a lot of my friends are gamers, so they wouldn't understand/care about most of this. These are my most recent endeavors, no way in hell would I remember all the games I've ever played. I've been playing videogames since I was like, six. Lol I think the first game I ever beat was Kirby's Dream Land that my cousin gave me (always wondered why he had it....didn't seem like a Kirby kind of guy).

Pokemon White Version - Got up to a Gold trainer card last week. I would shoot for that sexy black and white colored card, but that would mean completing the National Dex. Yeah.....that's not gonna happen. I'm quite content with gold.

Pokemon White Version 2 - Have all 8 badges, beat Plasma, only thing left to do on the main journey is beat the Elite Four. I kind of lost motivation on this one...this game made it painfully apparent that the main journeys are getting stale, the playthrough felt mostly like a chore. I'll have to finish it if I want to get on B2/W2 Wi-Fi, though.

Temple Run - Got this game about three days ago when I got my new iPhone, bought it because everybody else I know has it. I fucking love this game, mostly because I'm a sucker for achievements. Already upgraded all the power-ups to level 5; a bit expensive (in terms of in-game coins, I didn't spend more than 10 real world dollars), but the game's not too hard so you can get quite a good amount of coins quickly (unless you have horrible reflexes). Didn't count how many achievements I got, but the two that stand out for me: getting to 1,000,000 points and "The Glitch: Tried to cheat :-)" (lol I love it how they make it look like it works for a while hoping that you put your phone down, and then come back later wondering how you died).

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Okay so this is an oldy...beat it a few months after it came out, got all 242 stars. I remember beating it the same weekend I passed my driving test, so I felt like a fucking champ. One thing that I will never have the pain of enduring again: Luigi's Purple Coin Hunt. Holy. Shit.

CoD: MW3 - Fuck I really need to play this more. I think I only finished the campaign like, once. Didn't do too much on multiplayer.

And that's about it, I don't play too many different games nowadays. I have an assload of old Game Boy games because they're quick and convenient (and nostalgic), but they're all so short and I beat them so many times.


Out of Obscurity
is a Pokemon Researcher
I won't even try typing it out.

My backlog is more than a decade long. I have games I put on the backlog back in the N64 days I haven't gotten back to yet.


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Steam games (everything on this list but Portal and Torchlight are unbeaten)

A number of those games on there you can't really beat, as they are mmos and what not but yeah pretty extensive there.

Also, for Wii:

Super Mario Galaxy (Half way done)
The Last Story
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Paper Mario

I gave my old wii to my mom and all my games with it, so while I have already beaten DKC returns I haven't on my current wii.


Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Assassin's Creed
NHL 13
Sonic Generations
Batman Arkham Asylum
Super Meat Boy
Halo CE

Yeah a lot of games, but my older gen games like Gamecube are pretty much 100% complete, so I'm slowly working my way up. I blame Smogon and playing on Showdown for wasting the bulk of my free time lol.


<@dtc> every day with alk is a bad day
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
oh my god this is going to be an amazing thread

i just bought a ton of games in the autumn sale so a whole bunch of them have yet to be touched. but in brief:
amnesia the dark descent - completed once, pirated, bought it during the halloween sale and intend to replay. i believe this is truly the essence of horror gameplay.
analog a hate story - honestly VNs are one of my biggest "game" genres so i definitely plan to run this, have not played it yet
bastion - three playthroughs, all but 3 achievements obtained, over 60 hours logged... fuck yes
binding of isaac - a modern classic that i intend to play sometime
deus ex HR - i'm not much for shooters but it was on sale so i played it straight through this weekend, took about 25 hours. hey man it was 5 bucks, why not?
eufloria - read about this somewhere and loved the demo so i bought the full game
fallout 3 (not new vegas) - it was in the halloween sale. had some fun with it... idk precisely how much i played, about 40 hours worth? i'm bad at shooters but i had fun, so i plan to get new vegas if it goes into a single digit sale price
home - this is a game i had heard about while researching quality horror games (after amnesia), and it was on sale really cheap when i bought it, have not played yet
limbo - one full run through, 6 hrs, it was good
lone survivor - read about this one on the amnesia development blog, and it was on sale for cheap!
plants vs zombies - played this illegally before, got it legal now
portal - i actually got this for free two years ago but still have not played it! my priorities are messed up man
portal 2 - got it during the autumn sale
psychonauts - classic right here, autumn sale
spacechem - got it illegally before, REALLY cool game although it's quite difficult. i liked it so i bought it in the sale
super meat boy - god i suck at this game but it's really good, and i got it in a daily deal
sword and sworcery - apparently superb, and it was on sale so i had to know what it was all about
terraria - "it's a classic and it was on sale bla bla"
they bleed pixels - logged a few hours on this, i'm terrible at it but it's a lot of fun. wish there was an easy mode man cause my reflexes suck
to the moon - "read good things, it was on sale, bla bla"
VVVVVV - played it through and took about 3 hours. gameplay was good and music was mindblowing. seriously a superb piece of platforming with reasonable difficulty.
world of goo - "read good things, it was on sale, bla bla"

now for some other games in my list. let's start with my VN library. btw if you ever want to get into this genre just let me know, japanese VN engines can be horrid to work with when you're trying to install patches so ask me for help! the sex is generally pretty random and annoying but if you stick to the ones with good stories, you'll have a good time
fate/stay night - 100% CGs, all 3 routes twice, took 100 hours. need i say more?
tsukihime - did not go for the 100% like i did in fsn but i covered every ending. it was not as good as fsn, and the doujinsoft quality shows, but it was a good story nonetheless.
chaos;head - ran through both the main endings, tbh i wasn't blown away by it. the conclusion of the story was rushed. MC got his di-sword and then after that it was just "woo i kick ass and i GOT BITCHES". no fun in that
steins;gate - it's had a lot of hype in its anime adaptation, i'll say that much. i hope it's more interesting than chaos;head.
clannad - apparently this is one of the most emotional VNs ever made so i definitely plan on giving this a proper run through, but i'm waiting for the more polished TL patch
cross channel - another good one apparently
ever17 - one of the great mystery VNs, it even has an official TL which is nice
g senjou no maou - another good one apparently
muv-luv all 3 - apparently alternative is one of the greatest VNs ever, but it's nothing without the context of the (relatively shitty) ones before it
school days HQ - i mean come on if you're going to get into the VN genre how can you not have this on your list
katawa shoujo - first VN i played, lots of fun although too much dating sim not enough story. LILLY <33333 but rin confused me like wut gurl?
don't take it personally babe - free VN by the creator of analog. all too brief, and a bit non sequitur at times, but it's a cool example of what VNs can be like when not developed by the japanese

GBA/DS/PS2 GAMES (all emulated ofc)
pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue - omg superb
pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time - see red rescue
golden sun - never really got around to finishing it. a lot of GBA/DS games are like this for me; they're good but not so good that i can go to completion on them
final fantasy tactics advance - was a blast, really fun tactics game
advance wars 2 black hole rising - this shit is difficult but really good
fire emblem 8 sacred stones - good but too easy
pokemon ruby - this was a loooong time ago
smt devil survivor - good but not so good that i could complete it all the way... solid stuff regardless
pokemon white - finished it but didn't go for most of the postgame stuff
pokemon white 2 - currently nuzlocking but exams+steam sale sidetracked me
pokemon conquest - good but not amazing enough to finish
persona 3 FES - fantastic, finished it all the way through, plan to play again sometime
persona 4 - also really good, not sure if i would replay this though
disgaea - got started, but haven't finished yet

misc pc games
vanilla angband - never really got far with angband, i enjoy it but i'm not especially good at it. this is one of the true roguelikes so if you're interested in the genre this is where you want to be
knytt - finished, good game
within a deep forest - see knytt
N - i suck so much at this but it was a blast
mata nui online game 1/2/voya nui online game - finished all 3 of them and they were AWESOME, GO GO BIONICLES

uhh that's all that comes to mind for now


One Pixel
is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus

Pokemon Black 2: Stopped right before Victory Road due to school and kind of lost motivation to finish it, especially after losing a couple of pokemon on the Nuzlocke run. I'll probably finish it during the break though I'm not as enthusiastic about it as I was with Pokemon Black.

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim: Stopped in the middle of the main quest due to waning interest and school starting up again. I stashed my save file somewhere and uninstalled it but looking to install it again during the break and play a bit and hopefully finish the main quest at least.

Borderlands 2: Much like its predecessor, it seems at times a monotonous gunfest grind where you shoot, kill, loot and repeat. Granted it has a lot more variety in its quests and more unique areas to explore but after dying continuously at a certain point in the game, I just threw my hands up and gave up.

Mass Effect 2: Started during the summer, stopped in the middle due to MCATs. It was a vast improvement over the previous installment which I promptly uninstalled after a couple of hours. The combat system is fun to play in and the storyline is very fleshed out and immersive. I have the save file somewhere on my laptop; probably will fish it out again this summer.

Fallout 3: This game... I'm not too big of a fan of apocalyptic wastelands; coupled with me not being used to the gameplay or the item/weapon/whatever customization and the like, I haven't really been too enthusiastic about playing this game and I gave up near the beginning-middle ish. I don't think I'll be picking this up again, unless there's a compelling reason to do so.

Final Fantasy 7: Finished up past Aeris' death and at the point where Sephiroth is preparing his grand apocalyptic scenario. Lost the save file after reformatting my old computer and I can't be bothered to get past the first part the story which was really dull for me. If I find a save file in the middle of the game, I'll probably play, but if not, won't pick it up.

Final Fantasy 6: Finished up to the arrival of that octopus guy and then promptly lost my .sav file. Wasn't too far ahead in the story so I guess I'll start it again sometime into the future, since the game overall looks strong and the Dancing Mad theme is amazing.

Fate/Stay/Night: Man this game... stopped in the middle of the first route out of sheer boredom. Found Shinji relatively uninteresting (though an upgrade over his terrible anime portrayal I guess?). Saber was interesting but I wasn't really a fan of her whole "redemption" story. Tohsaka was just annoying at all times. A lot of people tell me "it gets better in the other routes!" but I'll be damned if I put another hour into this route. Infinite hiatus.
Fallout 3 - I like the Fallout games but I guess I don't have any motivation to play them
Fallout New Vegas -
LittleBigPlanet2 - Idk why I bought this, I think I beat the first world thing.
LA Noire - Haven't touched this yet

I'll be buying Far Cry 3 on Saturday so Assassin's Creed 3, Black Ops 2, and Borderlands 2 will probably be put on this list. I've beaten Borderlands 2 but I'm only 2 trophies away from "platinuming" it and I keep procrastinating.

Then there's christmas where I'll probably be getting games like Dishonoured, Mass Effect 3, and Borderlands (1). So I should get these games done now.

Not the biggest backlog but w/e.
I need to play through those games at some point. Working on RAGE right now, so... It's one hell of a game, though.


Phoenix Wright: Justice For All
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (and any other Fire Emblem games)
Pokemon White 2
any rom i may procure

Xbox 360

Assassin's Creed 1 & 2
Fallout New Vegas


Portal 1&2
Half Life everything

I just got Black Ops 2, and am about to get Halo 4, Borderlands 2, and Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi for the Xbox 360. I don't know what games else to buy on Steam. Recommendations??


is a Community Contributoris an Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
layell i've finished portal a ton of times!! will totally get to portal 2 eventually though yeah. was lucky enough to get it for free in last year's winter coal combination thing

exarius i too am playing through rage rn!! i love the world but i feel like the movement on foot is very loose and floaty which is a darn shame
dont listen to justin he never passes the puck

on topic: my backlog pretty much never gets touched because I don't have enough time to play League of Legends and Pokemon as much as I need to in order to stay in practice as it is, but stuff I'm at least trying to do right now...

- Finish The Witcher 2
- Finish final Dragon Age 2 run for rest of achievements
- Get that ME3 DLC that came out today and beat it
- Find time to play NHL I miss my friends even though they don't pass me the puck

- I downloaded Fallout 1/2/Tactics on a Steam sale a while ago. Have play 10 minutes total.
- I need to finish the Fallout 3 DLC too actually >_<

- Need to get all the TMs so when I have a last minute change of heart at Nationals like every year I can actually do it myself

- Get a monster to level 25 on Monster Rancher :D
i pass the puck to the net

i guess i have to add substance to this thanks to a stealth edit.

here is my backlog:

dance central 3

wii u:
new super mario bros u

Chill Murray

get well soon jacoby..
Please, please come join us ala. We always need more people.

Also, I have a habit of starting games and then not finishing them. This is what my backlog currently looks like, in no particular order:

- Pokemon White 2 - finish
- Persona 3 FES - finish
- Skyrim - finish one playthrough
- Halo 4 - waiting on friend to play campaign in one sitting
- Assassin's Creed - finish
- Assassin's Creed 2 - start and finish
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - start and finish
- Borderlands - start and finish
- Mass Effect "perfect" run - start, continue over into 2
- Mass Effect 3 - start
- Dark Souls - learn how to play, cry, play more
- FFX - get new copy, finally finish
- Earthbound - finally finish
- Chrono Trigger - finally finish
- Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - start over

I did finally get one monkey off my back with my backlog, however. I bought LoZ: Link's Awakening on my 3DS when I got it since I never beat it as a kid, and I finished it about a month ago!


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
You should play NHL 13 with us. We have a Smogon(well, that other site now) club and we could use a couple extra players.
I'd have to practice it a lot, I'm really bad at the game right now. If I get good I'll let you guys know, that sounds like fun!

Bad Ass

Custom Title
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis the 2nd Grand Slam Winneris a Past SPL Championis a Three-Time Past WCoP Champion
FFX - battle system too boring, plot not engaging enough 10 hours in, ditching it. characters also have about zero depth and there are no engaging sidequests.

spirit tracks - not engaging at all, puzzles are so easy that i can't call them puzzles, fuck that fucking train. it's like they took zelda and made it ugly (which i can forgive because the ds is not a powerful machine, i get it, but the top down 3d style is so harsh. i ask: why not make a top down 2D zelda?? it would look amazing...) and then took out all of the charm and then took out all of the difficulty and then packaged and sold it.

leafgreen - i hack away on this whenever i feel like. doing a nuzlocke, just beat lt surge. i enjoy making up backstories for my pokemon as nerdy as that sounds. kind of adds a little emotional aspect to the game (or it would if i could get attached to my monsters).

in other note is the hard mode of bw2 hard or not hard?

Age of Kings

of the Ash Legion
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Pokemon Black 2 - School, Warcraft, B1, and a relationship is getting in the way. I've just beaten the E4 but half of Unova still remains unexplored. I think the only post-E4 location I've visited so far is Black City and I'm spending what little time I have for it growing my Join Ave.

Civ V - Bought in summer steam sale on impulse, have not played yet

SimCity 4 - see Civ V. Wasn't what I expected, I loved the Tycoon games but this kind of simulation building game doesn't intrigue me as much.

KOTOR - see Civ V. I don't like the combat system at all. Got to the lower whateveryoucallit city and keep getting killed by smugglers lol

Skyrim - see Civ V. Too large of a game to tackle so I just leave it be for stuff I prefer playing in shorter spurts.

Bastion, Amnesia, Super Meat Boy, etc. - Have not touched most of the Humble Indie Bundle games from awhile back. Played a bit of Amnesia which was alright.

A ton of CAVE shmups for X360 - I'm seriously so lazy that I have trouble getting out of my computer chair to sit on a couch playing a console for long periods of time.


Ce soir, on va danser.
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
FFX - battle system too boring, plot not engaging enough 10 hours in, ditching it. characters also have about zero depth and there are no engaging sidequests.
It definitely takes a while to take off, but I strongly recommend finishing it. How far did you get? Highroad? You probably haven't even seen Rikku again yet. It gets so good. But yes, it is very linear for a while; just keep patient and everything will open up eventually.


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
anyone else do a double take when reading about DM and his hundreds of hours of pokemon gameplay, i hate it when people deviate from their online personas like that


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gotta disagree and say leave ffx well alone. i think the more time you invest in it the more you'll be disappointed. it is certainly one of the weakest ffs

also age of kings play bastion at the earliest opportunity! one of the finest gaming experiences in recent memory. great, if simple, story, beautifully told. one of the best soundtracks of all time, too, and some of the best voice-acting

for my own part, been playing some anno, added to the moon to my backlog (looks beautiful, end of sale) and sadly tried shank. really poorly put together mindless hack'n'slash sidescroller. it's a shame because the aesthetic is fantastic, but everything else is terrible. sad to have a game in your library that plays worse than most flash games. still, it was in a bundle that gave me either bastion or cave story (i think maybe both) so i'm not too cut up about it

onto the next!!

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