[VGC 2015] Aromatisse

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Aromatisse was practically made for use in Trick Room, with its low Speed, good bulk, and ability that protects Aromatisse from Taunt and Encore. Aromatisse also has a pure Fairy typing, which gives it many resistances and few weaknesses. Aromatisse, however, possesses little to no offensive presence, which can oftentimes lead to opponents focusing on Aromatisse's partner. Aromatisse also faces competition from Cresselia, which has more offensive presence, as a Trick Room setter.

name: Trick Room Setter
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Moonblast / Dazzling Gleam
move 3: Helping Hand / Heal Pulse / Light Screen / Reflect
move 4: Protect
ability: Aroma Veil
item: Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 SpD


Trick Room reverses every Pokemon's Speed and can turn Aromatisse's terrible Speed into an advantage. Moonblast is a STAB move and gives Aromatisse some offensive presence so that it isn't dead weight after Trick Room has been set up. Dazzling Gleam is an alternate STAB move; while it is weaker than Moonblast, it targets both of the opposing Pokemon. Helping Hand can make up for Aromatisse's lack of offensive presence by boosting its partner's power. Heal Pulse increases Aromatisse's partner's longevity. Light Screen and Reflect can be used to increase Aromatisse's and its partner's bulk. Protect is a very important move on Aromatisse because it scouts for potential Fake Outs and punishes double targets that aim to stop Trick Room setup onto Aromatisse.

Set Details

Maximum HP EVs with 220 Defense EVs and a Relaxed nature ensure that Aromatisse survives a Life Orb-boosted Iron Head from Adamant Bisharp, which boosts its chances of getting Trick Room up. Relaxed nature with 0 Speed IVs should be used so that Aromatisse can function better under Trick Room. The rest of the EVs should be dumped into Special Defense so that Aromatisse can take special attacks better. Aroma Veil is by far the best ability for Aromatisse, as it makes Aromatisse and its partner immune to Taunt, allowing Aromatisse to support its teammate better. Sitrus Berry can add to Aromatisse's longevity because it recovers a good amount of HP once Aromatisse's HP drops below half. Safety Goggles can be used to further increase Aromatisse's chances of getting up Trick Room by protecting it from Spore.

Usage Tips

Aromatisse works best as a lead because it is almost guaranteed to successfully set up Trick Room. Protect should be used for a predicted Fake Out or double target onto Aromatisse. Aromatisse should focus on getting up Trick Room as fast as possible. Once Trick Room is up, Aromatisse should focus on supporting its teammate with its many support options.

Team Options

Slower Pokemon that can abuse Trick Room, such as Mega Abomasnow, Mega Mawile, Mega Camerupt, Sylveon, and Conkeldurr, are great partners for Aromatisse. Mega Camerupt and Conkeldurr both offer the ability to check Steel-types, mainly Bisharp, that threaten Aromatisse. Mega Camerupt can check Poison-types as well. Pokemon that offer Fake Out support, such as Hariyama and Scrafty, further increase Aromatisse's chances of getting up Trick Room. The two aforementioned Pokemon also work really well under Trick Room due to their low Speed and are able to check the Steel-types that threaten Aromatisse. Redirection support also benefits Aromatisse greatly. Amoonguss is usually the best candidate, as it does not share a weakness with Aromatisse, unlike Clefable and Togekiss. Aromatisse helps Amoonguss by protecting it from Taunt. Steel-types, such as Heatran, Aegislash, Bisharp, and Mega Mawile, work really well with Aromatisse, as they are able to switch into Steel- and Poison-type attacks aimed at Aromatisse with relative ease. Aromatisse, in turn, can soft check Fighting-types that threaten them.

Other Options

Heal Bell can be used to heal status conditions, such as burns, that would otherwise cripple Aromatisse's partner. Swagger is an option for disrupting opponents and can make up for Aromatisse's lack of offensive presence. Healer can be used over Aroma Veil to give Aromatisse a chance to heal a teammate's status condition without the use of Heal Bell. Aroma Veil is still the better choice; however, Healer is worth considering because most opponents won't Taunt Aromatisse in the first place. Charm can lower an opposing Pokemon's damage output.

Checks & Counters

**Super Effective Hits**: Aromatisse's bulk isn't as great as Cresselia's, and a powerful super effective hit can easily knock it out. This also applies to double targeting; Aromatisse is unable to tank two powerful hits.

**Sleep**: If Aromatisse is not running Safety Goggles, one of the easiest ways to stop it from setting up a Trick Room is to put it to sleep. This could also lead to the opposing Pokemon KOing Aromatisse or severely damaging the Pokemon that switches in for Aromatisse.
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Honestly, i know this is still in WIP, but i wouldnt mention healer at all. The main niche of Aromatisse IS Aroma Veil, while healer in general is unreliable and pretty mediocre ability, and takes away aromatisse's main niche. Plus it has Aromatherapy/Heal Bell to heal status anyway
Honestly, i know this is still in WIP, but i wouldnt mention healer at all. The main niche of Aromatisse IS Aroma Veil, while healer in general is unreliable and pretty mediocre ability, and takes away aromatisse's main niche. Plus it has Aromatherapy/Heal Bell to heal status anyway
Healer is an alternate option because most people know that aromatisse has aroma veil so they wouldn't taunt it in the first place so it was a least worth a mention


Aromatisse was practically made for use in Trick Room, with its low Speed,(add comma) combined with its good bulk,(add comma) coupled with an ability that prevents Aromatisse from being affected by Taunt, without using a Mental Herb, and Encore. Aromatisse also has a pure Fairy typing,(add comma) which gives it many resistances and not that many few weaknesses. Aromatisse, however, possesses little to no offensive presence,(add comma) which can oftentimes lead to your foe opponents focusing on Aromatisse's partner. Aromatisse also faces competition from Cresselia, who has more offensive presence, as a Trick Room setter.

Trick Room Setter
name: Trick Room Setter
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Moonblast / Dazzling Gleam
move 3: Helping Hand / Heal Pulse / Light Screen / Reflect
move 4: Protect
ability: Aroma Veil
item: Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles
evs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 SpD
nature: Relaxed


Trick Room is an obvious move for Aromatisse as that is the main reason that Aromatisse should be used.(this entire sentence lacks any actual important details about the move) Moonblast is a STAB move and gives Aromatisse as least some offensive presence so that it isn't dead weight after Trick Room is set up. Dazzling Gleam is an alternate STAB move; while it is weaker than Moonblast, it targets both of your foe's the opposing Pokemon. Helping Hand can make up for Aromatisse's lack of offensive presence by boosting its partner's power. Heal Pulse increases Aromatisse's partner's longevity as most people will tend to double-target Aromatisse's partner. Light Screen and Reflect can be used to increase Aromatisse's and its partner's bulk. Protect is a very important move on Aromatisse because it scouts for potential Fake Outs and punishes double targets that aim to stop Trick Room setup onto Aromatisse, as most people will tend to double into Aromatisse to prevent it from setting up Trick Room.

Set Details

Maximum HP EVs with 220 Defense EVs and a Relaxed nature ensures ensure that Aromatisse survives an Adamant Life Orb boosted Iron Head from Bisharp, which boosts its chances of getting Trick Room up. Relaxed nature with 0 Speed IVs should be used so that Aromatisse can function better under Trick Room. The rest of the EVs were should be dumped into Special Defense so that Aromatisse can take s(lowercase s)pecial a(lowercase a)ttacks better. Aroma Veil is by far the best ability for Aromatisse, as that it makes it Aromatisse and its partner immune to Taunt, which allows allowing Aromatisse to support its teammate better. Sitrus Berry can add to Aromatisse's longevity because it recovers a good amount of HP once Aromatisse's HP goes drops below half. Safety Goggles, which prevent sleep, can be used to further increase Aromatisse's chances of getting up Trick Room because Sleep is one of the easier ways to prevent Trick Room from getting up.

Usage Tips

Aromatisse works best as a lead because it is almost guaranteed to successfully set up Trick Room. Protect should be used if you suspect for a predicted a Fake Out or a double target onto Aromatisse. Aromatisse should focus on getting up Trick Room as fast as possible. Once Trick Room is up, Aromatisse should focus on supporting its teammate with its many support options.

Team Options

Slower Pokemon that can abuse Trick Room, such as Mega Abomasnow, Mega Mawile, Mega Camerupt, Sylveon, and Conkeldurr, are great partners for Aromatisse. Mega Camerupt and Conkeldurr both offer the ability to check Steel-types, mainly Bisharp, that threaten Aromatisse. Mega Camerupt can check Poison-types as well. Pokemon that offer Fake Out support, such as Hariyama and Scrafty,(commas for consistency; you used commas with the other "such as") offer Fake Out support which further increases increase Aromatisse's chances of getting up Trick Room. Those The two aforementioned Pokemon also work really well under Trick Room,(remove comma) due to their low Speed,(remove comma) and is are able to check the Steel-types that threaten Aromatisse. Redirection support also benefits Aromatisse greatly. Amoonguss is usually the best candidate,(add comma) as it does not share a weakness with Aromatisse, unlike Clefable and Togekiss. Aromatisse helps Amoonguss by preventing it from being affected by Taunt. Steel-types, such as Heatran, Aegislash, and Mega Mawile, work really well with Aromatisse,(add comma) as they are able to switch into Steel- and Poison-type attacks aimed at Aromatisse with relative ease. Aromatisse, in turn, can soft check Fighting-types that threaten them.

Other Options

Heal Bell can be used to heal status conditions, such as burns, that would otherwise cripple Aromatisse's partner, such as a burn. Swagger is an option should you want to disrupt your opponent for disrupting opponents and it can make up for Aromatisse's lack of offensive presence. Healer can be used over Aroma Veil to give Aromatisse a chance to heal a teammate's status condition without the use of Heal Bell. Aroma Veil is still the better choice,;(comma -> semicolon) however, Healer can be used since most people opponents won't Taunt Aromatisse in the first place. Charm can weaken your foe's an opponent's damage output which can further increase Aromatisse's bulk.

Checks & Counters

**Super Effective Hits**(asterisk): Since Aromatisse's bulk isn't as great as Cresselia's, and a powerful super effective hit can easily knock it out. This also ties together with applies to double targets;(add semicolon) Aromatisse is unable to tank two powerful hits as Aromatisse's bulk, again, isn't as sturdy as Cresselia's so it would not be able to tank two strong hits.

**Sleep**: If Aromatisse is not running Safety Goggles, one of the easiest ways to stop it from setting up a Trick Room is to put it to sleep. This could also lead to your the opponent KOing Aromatisse or severely damaging the Pokemon that switches in for Aromatisse.
GP 1/2!
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add (Capitalize)

(comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)


Aromatisse was practically made for use in Trick Room, with its low Speed, good bulk, and an ability that prevents protects Aromatisse from Taunt and Encore. Aromatisse also has a pure Fairy typing, which gives it many resistances and few weaknesses. Aromatisse, however, possesses little to no offensive presence, which can oftentimes lead to opponents focusing on Aromatisse's partner. Aromatisse also faces competition from Cresselia, who which has more offensive presence, as a Trick Room setter.

Trick Room Setter

name: Trick Room Setter
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Moonblast / Dazzling Gleam
move 3: Helping Hand / Heal Pulse / Light Screen / Reflect
move 4: Protect
ability: Aroma Veil
item: Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 SpD
nature: Relaxed


Trick Room reverses every Pokemon's Speed and can turn Aromatisse's terrible Speed into an advantage. Moonblast is a STAB move and gives Aromatisse some offensive presence so that it isn't dead weight after Trick Room is has been set up. Dazzling Gleam is an alternate STAB move; while it is weaker than Moonblast, it targets both of the opposing Pokemon. Helping Hand can make up for Aromatisse's lack of offensive presence by boosting its partner's power. Heal Pulse increases Aromatisse's partner's longevity. Light Screen and Reflect can be used to increase Aromatisse's and its partner's bulk. Protect is a very important move on Aromatisse because it scouts for potential Fake Outs and punishes double targets that aim to stop Trick Room setup onto Aromatisse.

Set Details

Maximum HP EVs with 220 Defense EVs and a Relaxed nature ensure that Aromatisse survives an Adamant Life Orb-boosted (add hyphen) Iron Head from Adamant Bisharp, which boosts its chances of getting Trick Room up. Relaxed nature with 0 Speed IVs should be used so that Aromatisse can function better under Trick Room. The rest of the EVs should be dumped into Special Defense so that Aromatisse can take special attacks better. Aroma Veil is by far the best ability for Aromatisse, as it makes Aromatisse and its partner immune to Taunt, allowing Aromatisse to support its teammate better. Sitrus Berry can add to Aromatisse's longevity because it recovers a good amount of HP once Aromatisse's HP drops below half. Safety Goggles can be used to further increase Aromatisse's chances of getting up Trick Room by protecting it from Spore.

Usage Tips

Aromatisse works best as a lead because it is almost guaranteed to successfully set up Trick Room. Protect should be used for a predicted Fake Out or double target onto Aromatisse. Aromatisse should focus on getting up Trick Room as fast as possible. Once Trick Room is up, Aromatisse should focus on supporting its teammate with its many support options.

Team Options

Slower Pokemon that can abuse Trick Room, such as Mega Abomasnow, Mega Mawile, Mega Camerupt, Sylveon, and Conkeldurr, are great partners for Aromatisse. Mega Camerupt and Conkeldurr both offer the ability to check Steel-types, mainly Bisharp, that threaten Aromatisse. Mega Camerupt can check Poison-types as well. Pokemon that offer Fake Out support, such as Hariyama and Scrafty, further increase Aromatisse's chances of getting up Trick Room. The two aforementioned Pokemon also work really well under Trick Room due to their low Speed and are able to check the Steel-types that threaten Aromatisse. Redirection support also benefits Aromatisse greatly. Amoonguss is usually the best candidate, as it does not share a weakness with Aromatisse, unlike Clefable and Togekiss. Aromatisse helps Amoonguss by preventing protecting it from Taunt. Steel-types, such as Heatran, Aegislash, and Mega Mawile, work really well with Aromatisse, as they are able to switch into Steel- and Poison-type attacks aimed at Aromatisse with relative ease. Aromatisse, in turn, can soft check Fighting-types that threaten them. (then Aegislash and MMaw don't seem like the greatest examples... not too big a deal, but you might wanna consider mentioning a couple others)

Other Options

Heal Bell can be used to heal status conditions, such as burns, that would otherwise cripple Aromatisse's partner. Swagger is an option for disrupting opponents and can make up for Aromatisse's lack of offensive presence. Healer can be used over Aroma Veil to give Aromatisse a chance to heal a teammate's status condition without the use of Heal Bell. Aroma Veil is still the better choice; however, Healer can be used since is worth considering because most opponents won't Taunt Aromatisse in the first place. Charm can weaken lower an opponent's opposing Pokemon's damage output.

Checks & Counters

**Super Effective Hits**: Aromatisse's bulk isn't as great as Cresselia's, and a powerful super effective hit can easily knock it out. This also applies to double targets targeting; Aromatisse is unable to tank two powerful hits.

**Sleep**: If Aromatisse is not running Safety Goggles, one of the easiest ways to stop it from setting up a Trick Room is to put it to sleep. This could also lead to the opponent opposing Pokemon KOing Aromatisse or severely damaging the Pokemon that switches in for Aromatisse.

GP 2/2
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