Name: ck49
Relevant Social Media:,
Formats played (please state the actual format names): 2015, 2019, 2022, 2018, 2017 roughly in that order of preference
Bio: 5x regional cuts, won some grassroots in formats that aren’t on here, t64 NB major 2015, 1st place r/stunfisk 2015 tour, 2nd place smogon spring major 2015
Relevant Social Media:,
Formats played (please state the actual format names): 2015, 2019, 2022, 2018, 2017 roughly in that order of preference
Bio: 5x regional cuts, won some grassroots in formats that aren’t on here, t64 NB major 2015, 1st place r/stunfisk 2015 tour, 2nd place smogon spring major 2015