Media Videogame Thread

While im excited for Switch 2, i think for this run I'ma wait until they start dropping games that only play on 2/ them doing the "OLED model" after energy to get ppl to bite to pay again

my OG switch is still running beautifully even as i take it to work for years thru winter and summer months (live in new york so we get a far to strong scope of both) - not to mention finally getting my ps5 last year and enjoying that.
Once a new Pokemon is announced (if the financial do their thing) thats when ill get it lol. Kinda like me getting my xbox for Elden Ring (i know its on ps5 too, but we talking fresh drop, covid times, people paid 3 times what i did for my ps5 back then) or PS5 for FF7 Remakes lol.
I still got FF 12 (played younger but didnt get to beat cus gf lol)-modern, probably wont do the online ones again as much as i loved FF11 as a kid.... i dont like waiting for/relying on others if i wanna game.

edit* that cutscene in Metaphor: ReFantazio happens "The dawn of a new king draws nearer" be feeling mad ominious even if the last moment you had with a party member/follower was nice/feel accomplished off a quest or dungeon etc lol
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Switch 2 is like the only option I think they could have gone for as a name. The disaster of the Wii -> Wii U transition turning a runaway success into a total failure is absolutely haunting their minds. The name being so unclear I didn’t even know it was a new console for E3 2011 was a big contributing factor to that big face forward flop. A cute name like “Switch Up” or something would have caused confusion among the stampede of mostly unaware parents. You’ve got to lop this stuff super simple; make it so Timmy can say “It’s on Switch 2!” And there’s no ambiguity for mom whether this older console can run this new Breath of The Wild 3: Breathe Harder for Switch 2.
r E3 2011 was a big contributing factor to that big face forward flop.
I still don't think this is true at all. I think the console just sucked.

If the console was good it'd have spread through word of mouth with people actually playing it, meanwhile owners even by launch when it was actually fairly successful (the launch wasn't bad sales wise!) were like "This shit is crashing on me" "Day 1 hour long update for it not to run terribly" "I beat the 1 Mario game and now I have nothing to play"

Meanwhile, Xbox isn't doing so hot but the naming scheme beyond the 360 is so dogshit and they're still selling multiple times more than the Wii U, despite being actual direct competition to a significantly better, way more comparable product.

The only problem is it just doesn't feel good to say. Switch is a mundane, one syllable word, so adding another takes away the snappiness without creating the weight of, say, the Playstation naming scheme.
I agree with this, but tbh I'm fine with it. I just want a good console, regardless of if it's 100% fool-proof.

If they were to use a unique name, I think another name like Switch would be nice. Swap, Snap, Connect, I dunno.

Man I made this bingo board as a joke a few years ago, I cannot BELIEVE I actually get to put a mark on it


Seriously tho Sutte Hakkun is awesome, I posted a review for it in this very thread a few years ago if you wanna learn more, go play it and experience a REAL Nintendo deep cut hidden gem
i plan to play Final Fantasy 16 after Metaphor: ReFantazio and i dont hear much people speaking highly on it but I am also someone who has FF8 in my top 3 lol.
All that chatter aside I just been behind and like awhile back bouncing back from life doldrums and playing all the pokemon games i've missed i'm doing that with Final Fantasy as well.
Still got (to finish 12)13-up [no 14 plans, i played 11 - loved it, made some legit life friends but too time consuming and anyone who plays mmos even if you wanna avoid drama/mr or ms zen - theres drama lol, especially end game realm groups]
Hey guys, new smogon user here. Lately in life I've been trying to cut back on activities I find to waste my time. So I've deleted Youtube and Insta off my phone to help limit my scrolling, but along with that I've been avoiding playing games that are mind numbing such as CoD and trying to focus on playing through single player experience games. I figured that since I'm on this site semi frequently I can post about the games I've been playing and "rate" them in a sense, to make the experience of playing them more fun.

Chrono Trigger
Rating: S
First game I finished since having this resolution was Chrono Trigger. I am someone that refuses to emulate games. Not for any moral reasons or anything, it's just that I personally love the feeling of sitting down on the couch and playing on a CRT. So because of this, Chrono Trigger has passed by me for a while due to high prices. I was unaware that it was ever ported to the PSX, and happened to stumble upon such a copy at a Half Price Books store. Now there isn't much I can say about this game that most people probably haven't heard before, but I'll try my best haha. I had heard good things regarding this game, but I didn't know anything about it going in. I was admittedly surprised by just how good it was. For starters, I really enjoyed a lot of the writing surrounding the characters, especially in regards to the Frog. I'm a sucker for a good redemption story, and his along with the paying respects to his friend really got me. The moment when you are forced into saving Lucca's mom caught me so off guard and left my heart racing after nearly failing. The story in of itself was interesting, and as a history buff I thoroughly enjoyed seeing a nation through the ages. I felt that combat was fun, and not overbearingly hard. My biggest gripe with the game really just comes from the fact that healing items are so cheap and easy to buy throughout the entirety of the game. With 12 different endings and multiple ways to approach fights with the amount of party members and skills, I'm tempted to immediately replay this game.

I'm not a professional writer by any means so I apologize if anything is hard to follow or if I could have gone more in depth. With my ratings I have decided to go by a letter scale as it allows me to be more flexible and not stress over arbitrary things that determine a number rating. Anyways, until next time. Peace​
I decided to take a day and play return of the obra dinn. This game has been talked up by a lot of people I am acquainted with so I had really high expectations and I had been looking forward to playing for a while. Overall the game felt like a tremendous disappointment. I would like to think of myself as an experienced puzzle gamer but maybe I'm not an expert enough. I went through the game in several states:

1) what the hell is going on. How do I get to the gameplay. Why can't I get the box from this rower guy
2) wow, this time investigation mechanic is REALLY cool. Solving these cases is really fun (lasted about 20 minutes)
3) ok so I'm semi-stuck. I know the game told me to make assumptions about people. I guess I can try that for 10 minutes. do I find the next corpse to investigate? Ok, fine, I will check a spoiler free guide. In fact I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything wrong, so let me look up a "how to play" guide
4) ok, I was doing things right, I just didn't look out the window to find the next corpse. Wow, investigating corpses is fun. I will do this for two hours.
5) wait, I'm at the end of the game? Ok, I really want to solve some more cases. Let me investigate. I will scavenge for as much information as I can. Boy, is it REALLY ANNOYING to find my old memories to go watch again. If only the game let me stay in each memory as long as I wanted until moving on to the next one, I would have gotten some of this information
6) I'm completely stumped. All the spoiler free guides expected me to solve the puzzles in a different order. I'm certain I have these crew members right but the game isn't clearing my progression. Ok, I will resort to a full guide but only for this one sailor.
7) the game considers "crushed by beast tail" and "stabbed by beast" different fates????? F this, I'm manually entering everything from the guide.

There was a game here where I was having fun. The problem was it was lampshaded by extremely frustrating puzzles that I would simply have NEVER fixed without external help. In my age, I've grown incredibly inpatient with games. My issue with situations like this, is that in my head, I did everything right. I don't want to second guess everything I did in the game to try and 'fix'what the game considers a mistake. But when I look at a guide, I don't feel vindicated or relieved. I feel STUPID. I feel stupid that I had to look up something that other people probably figured out on their own.

This is like the 'metroid moments' that you might experience in fusion or zero mission. Arbitrary gates where you have no other option than to brute force everything you can. In fact the game tells you that this may have to happen at some points. But IF you are going to design your game like this...there's a real issue in how some of the memories you can access are placed 3 layers deep inside OTHER memories. Why can I not replay any memory I want once I've seen it? I would love to do this 'the right way' and study everything. But I'm too impatient to slowly walk to the SINGLE memory that gates the others then go through each of them, just on the off CHANCE I missed something.

Why does the game, inside a memory, decide when I looked at everything deemed important? If I'm supposed to note EVERYTHING, then let me stay in a memory until I'm done looking at EVERYTHING! I want to hunt for clues! And on the flip side, if there is only one thing to see in a memory with only one person in it, why are you arbitrarily making me wait 30 seconds for the music to end before exiting? Now I have constant anxiety every time I enter a memory, did I look at everything? Did I properly trigger the next phase?

This all feels like the developer didn't want this to feel like a "video game" and deliberately excluded a tutorial or button prompts for the sake of immersion. There is an idea here that is fun (solving each death). But the mechanics surrounding this idea...are NOT fun! And they easily could have been. I would have been much more likely to stick with this with these tweaks. And they couldn't even be put in an update, 5 years later?

This is a game that I got recommended to me by people who stream games. And I think this game actually gets better with an audience. Enough to bounce ideas off of without getting too far down the rabbit hole. Guides are COMPLETELY worthless. They come in three flavors: 1) follow everything the author does to a T and you are rewarded with the steps to solve everything spoiler free, but then are you really playing? 2) 100% spoilers of everything; a useful tool but not for a gaming purist 3) a series of "hints" on where to find information. Hmm, you don't say, I need to look around this scene to find the information I'm looking for? I've been looking for five minutes, I need a targeted hint just for me that doesn't give it away but can tell me "hotter" or "colder"

All that this has done is manage to piss me off. I see people say they wish they could forget this game so theycould play it for the first time again. I'm the opposite, I'm almost eager to play it AGAIN so I can bypass the stupid stuff and concentrate on enjoying things, because I've already forgotten 80% of the character's names and fates because they managed to make such little impact on me. Serves me right for 100%ing the game first never works out.
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i plan to play Final Fantasy 16 after Metaphor: ReFantazio and i dont hear much people speaking highly on it but I am also someone who has FF8 in my top 3 lol.
All that chatter aside I just been behind and like awhile back bouncing back from life doldrums and playing all the pokemon games i've missed i'm doing that with Final Fantasy as well.
Still got (to finish 12)13-up [no 14 plans, i played 11 - loved it, made some legit life friends but too time consuming and anyone who plays mmos even if you wanna avoid drama/mr or ms zen - theres drama lol, especially end game realm groups]
Final Fantasy XVI is not bad, I wish it was a bit more challenging. It really does have an interesting and captivating story that will keep you interested. I do long for a turn based, or even a more turn based style of Final Fantasy once again. The action RPG combat system is not bad by any means, however. It is a game that will lure you in from the very beginning.