Volbeat [Revamp] (QC 3/3) [GP 2/2]


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First analysis, it's about time I got my hands dirty! Be brutal. :>





<p>Volbeat's most common role is to set up weather, which he achieves relatively easily thanks to his access to Prankster. He can also provide safe switch-ins for his teammates with Encore and U-turn. Additionally, he is notable for being the only Pokemon in the game, aside from Smeargle, that is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow boosts, which is his main claim to fame. Prankster gives these strategies priority, meaning that Volbeat will usually succeed in his goal. However, his mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness limit Volbeat's chances to support the team multiple times. The fact that Volbeat cannot actually use his own Tail Glow boosts very well means that a player would have to cater their team around him, so make sure your team can use every bit of support this cute bug provides.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat's role with this set is to support his teammates with weather moves. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority due to Prankster and are almost guaranteed to be set up if Volbeat can safely enter the field. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather in order to provide a safe switch-in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Volbeat doesn't invest in Speed, so he will usually move last, letting him safely bring in a teammate by taking the opponent's attack. Encore is used to create openings for Volbeat to either set up or safely switch in a teammate. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering Pokemon holding a Choice item who don't care about Encore; it's also effective against Pokemon who have a high base Speed and don't set up. Encore and Thunder Wave are generally the most effective when they are used before Volbeat sets up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns.</p>


<p>Volbeat has useful resistances to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, which are usually physically based. The EVs and nature take full advantage of that by maximizing his physical bulk. On a side note, you can reduce Volbeat's Speed IVs to 11 and use a Relaxed nature to get a slow U-turn on as many Pokemon as possible and still outspeed uninvested base 65 Speed Pokemon such as Alomomola, to avoid its Toxic. Volbeat has a few other move selections that he can use on this set. One of these is Roost, but since Volbeat is still pretty frail and will usually take over 50% damage from powerful neutral attacks, he is generally better off focusing on supporting his team rather than healing himself. Baton Pass is an option over U-turn because of its priority, but Volbeat generally prefers being able to give his teammates a safe switch-in opportunity. Substitute and Tail Glow can also be used over Encore and Thunder Wave. While the power boost to your sweepers is amazing if this is successful, Volbeat generally won't be lasting long enough to accomplish all of this, so these options are best used on their own set.</p>

<p>Weather sweepers are necessary teammates for Volbeat in order to actually make use of the weather he provides. With Rain Dance, Swift Swim sweepers, such as Ludicolo, Floatzel, Gorebyss, and Seismitoad, are excellent teammates. With Sunny Day, Chlorophyll sweepers, such as Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck, are all good options. Other Pokemon to utilize the weather are also useful, with Dry Skin Jynx, Hurricane Swanna, and Electric-types carrying Thunder all being good options for rain teams and Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types, specifically Rapidash, being excellent options for sun teams. A Rapid Spin user to remove entry hazards is appreciated, as Toxic Spikes reduces rain team's lifespan while Stealth Rock does the same to sun teams. It is notable that sun teams tend to carry at least one Pokemon with a Grass / Poison typing, namely Victreebel, so they are less likely to be affected by Toxic Spikes. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spin user for rain teams as it receives a useful Speed boost in the rain; likewise, Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spin user for sun teams, as its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If using a spinner feels like it is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon, such as Scolipede, can help to remove Toxic Spikes for rain teams, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock users before they can set up. Other bulky Pokemon that can help set up weather and ease pressure off Volbeat are helpful teammates. Rotom-S and Electrode are good rain inducers, and Regirock and Gardevoir are good sun inducers.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Encore / Thunder Wave
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat is the only Pokemon in NU that is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow, and this set is the best way he can accomplish this. Tail Glow provides an amazing +3 boost to Special Attack, which Baton Pass then gives to a teammate. Substitute is another option to use alongside Baton Pass, providing its recipient with a shield against attacks as well as status conditions. Encore is the best move for the last slot, locking the opposing Pokemon into an ineffective move to guarantee at least a single turn to safely set up. However, Thunder Wave is a viable option in order to cripple opposing sweepers, and it still provides a small chance of providing free setup turns thanks to paralysis.</p>


<p>The EVs and nature take full advantage of Volbeat's useful Fighting- and Ground-type resistances by maximizing his physical bulk. Speed is not necessary because all of his moves have priority thanks to Prankster. Leftovers is the best item for this set because it guarantees that Volbeat can create five Substitutes if he hasn't taken any prior damage. Bug Buzz is a viable option over Substitute in order to enable Volbeat to take advantage of his own Tail Glow boosts and to not be entirely crippled by Taunt. However, even after a boost, his power is unimpressive with an uninvested base 47 Special Attack stat. He is also extremely slow without any Speed investment and will not likely be able to hit the opponent before being taken out first. Roost can also be used to enhance Volbeat's longevity, but it uses up a valuable turn which could be spent setting up or passing boosts.</p>

<p>The best teammates for this set would be ones that can take advantage of the Tail Glow boost Volbeat provides. Water-type recipients, such as Samurott and Swanna, are notable because they can take Fire-type attacks that are aimed at Volbeat and retaliate back with powered-up Water-type attacks. Electric-types such as Eelektross and Electabuzz are also good recipients because they can take the Flying-type attacks that would destroy Volbeat. Otherwise, fast special attackers in general, such as Kadabra, Serperior, and Swoobat, are good recipients, especially if Volbeat isn't carrying Thunder Wave, as they can all sweep teams with a single boost. Note that Swoobat's Simple ability doesn't activate with boosts that are Baton Passed. Because entry hazards, notably Stealth Rock, limit how often Volbeat can set up, teammates such as Mold Breaker Sawk and defensive Torkoal are effective teammates to hinder their setup. Many players will assume that Volbeat can only support special attacking teammates, but many physical attackers, such as Golurk and Scolipede, appreciate Substitutes being sent their way.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Volbeat doesn't have many effective options other than the ones listed, with an offensive Baton Pass set utilizing Tail Glow, Baton Pass, Bug Buzz, and Thunderbolt being the most notable one. However, such a set relies on Volbeat's average Speed while lacking enough bulk to take even resisted attacks well. Swagger and Confuse Ray are options alongside Thunder Wave and gain priority thanks to Prankster, but they are very luck reliant without Foul Play to take advantage of the confused opponents. Moonlight can be used with Sunny Day to recover a larger amount of HP, but Volbeat still prefers spending his turns supporting his teammates rather than trying to extend his own longevity. Light Screen can patch up Volbeat's low Special Defense, but without Reflect, he cannot fully support his teammates in this way. A priority Trick is usable with Choice Band or Iron Ball to hinder the opposing team and enhance U-turn (by boosting U-turn's power or increasing the chance that Volbeat will go last), but Encore and Thunder Wave are reusable and far more reliable. Psych Up can steal boosts from an opposing Pokemon for Volbeat to Baton Pass, but it is generally unreliable to depend on your opponent to have a certain moveset. Mental Herb can be a useful item to ignore Taunt once, but that is generally not worth sacrificing a weather rock or Leftovers.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Volbeat isn't difficult to counter as he isn't very threatening on his own. Murkrow is Volbeat's best counter, as it has higher base Speed, Prankster Taunt, and a super effective Brave Bird to take Volbeat out. Liepard is also a great counter if Volbeat lacks Bug Buzz, as it can hit him with a status move that cripples his ability to set up. Rock Blast users, such as Golem and Gigalith, can take Volbeat out pretty easily, as they can break through his Substitutes. Taunt users, such as Samurott and Misdreavus, can make Volbeat useless if he lacks Bug Buzz, and even with that move, he isn't that threatening offensively. Encore users can lock Volbeat into a move as he will generally go first thanks to Prankster. Roar and Whirlwind users can phaze away his boosts, as well as phazing his recipients on the switch. Haze can make Volbeat's Baton Pass sets useless as well by removing Tail Glow boosts. Preying on Volbeat's defensive typing and low bulk is an effective way to prevent him from setting up more than once. Pokemon such as Swellow, Zangoose, Raichu, and Seismitoad aren't affected by Thunder Wave thanks to their abilities or typing and aren't that hindered by Encore as well; the former two need to have their status orb already activated in this situation. Choice Band Golurk is a notable Pokemon that Volbeat cannot touch at all, as it is immune to Thunder Wave and is already locked into a move. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards are a reliable way to limit how often Volbeat can switch in, usually restricting him to setting up only once. It is important to note that it is often better not to directly counter Volbeat, but to target at his incoming teammates who benefit from his support, as he isn't that threatening on his own.</p>
Hello there, I've got a few suggestions that you might want to implement:

11 Speed EVs to outpace no Speed Alomomola
You've mentioned this twice, once in Set Comments, and the second in AC. I recommend mentioning it solely in AC.

Prankster is key to success of set.
I also recommend moving this to Set Comments, as Prankster is the crux of this set. Although don't use the word "crux" in your write-up, GP frowns at that.

That's all I got, hope I helped ^_^
I'm a little unsure why this haven't been listed anywhere, but I think that Roost should definitely take the first slot on the 4th slot on the Weather Supporter set while Thunder Wave should be used as a secondary slash. The reasoning behind this is because it allows you to increase longevity, mitigating the Stealth Rock weakness and lack of Leftovers while also potentially giving you more setup opportunities throughout the course of the battle. Thunder Wave support on the other hand isn't all too necessary, especially considering that it's nice to maintain a slow U-turn and that your primary weather abusers from your support is going to outpace most of everything anyways.

Likewise, this should also be mentioned somewhere in the Tail Glow set as an AC mention at the least. I'm a bit unsure where this should fit in the actual set so I think it would be fine there.

I think that various setup sweepers such as Linoone or Lum Berry Samurott should be mentioned as checks/counters, as they gain initially free setup opportunities and can bypass Encore with their priority moves.

Otherwise, pretty much.
I'm a little unsure why this haven't been listed anywhere, but I think that Roost should definitely take the first slot on the 4th slot on the Weather Supporter set while Thunder Wave should be used as a secondary slash. The reasoning behind this is because it allows you to increase longevity, mitigating the Stealth Rock weakness and lack of Leftovers while also potentially giving you more setup opportunities throughout the course of the battle. Thunder Wave support on the other hand isn't all too necessary, especially considering that it's nice to maintain a slow U-turn and that your primary weather abusers from your support is going to outpace most of everything anyways.

I completely disagree with this. Prankster Thunder Wave has a ton of utility in crippling opposing weather sweepers that can speed tie or outspeed your weather sweeper. In addition, once your weather ends (or if it's switched), your weather sweepers can still outspeed your opponent's sweepers (since outside of Floatzel and Sawsbuck, most weather sweepers are slower than average). Roost is nice, but it isn't as important since Volbeat's main purpose is getting weather up and getting up. That extra turn allows the opponent to bring in their check to either Volbeat, or thinking ahead, your weather sweeper. Roost should be either the second slash or in AC.
minor stuff:

-there's no real reason to mention moonlight unless you specifically mention it alongside sunny day, since roost does the same thing (and in sun, volbeat is more susceptible to fire-attacks)

-in checks and counters, mention that a lot of time its better not to directly try to counter volbeat, but anticipate the weather sweeper coming in. volbeat is not threatening on its own, so if you can cripple the incoming mon, it slowly becomes useless

-mention cb golurk in checks and counters because it's not affected by encore or thunder wave
Cool, no one else got to this. I meant to QC this last night but fell asleep.

[ADDITIONAL COMMENTS] (Weather Supporter)

when you do the write-up, make sure when you're talking about things taking advantage of rain/sun, you don't say "abuse." makes it sound negative, when in reality, it's a very positive thing for the Pokemon you mention.

the part on Toxic Spikes is pretty vague. I don't really like how it's worded basically to say, "the team hates Toxic Spikes" and not "Volbeat hates Toxic Spikes." mention how Toxic Spikes make Volbeat's job of supporting the team more difficult. an example or two of Pokemon to absorb them would also be nice in this spot.


you can just go ahead and cut the mention of what the EVs do, since it's obvious when looking at the spread, unless you want to mention why a physically defensive spread is better than a specially defensive spread (which I would be more than happy with, since some people may look at its stats and wonder why it's not running a specially defensive spread).

overall looks good. just a few tweaks, and you're ready for write-up.

Well to be fair, the other hazards are a bit more threatening to Volbeat personally. TSpikes are more problematic for its teammates since they usually take recoil from their own Life Orb (Ludicolo and Seismitoad being good examples) so the damage stacks quickly. I guess I can word it to say both in the write up though. Also technically I did mention why defensive works better than sp. defensive in the same bullet, but they'll still be merged in the write up too. So basically all I'm saying is that everything will be fine, so thanks Treecko. :3
Haha, yeah, I trust you to write it up well. And I do see that you brought up why a defensive spread is better than a specially defensive thread; it was just earlier on in the analysis so I forgot about it. Quality skeleton, and I'm looking forward to the write-up.
  • The first sentence is fluff so remove it. You mention Prankster a little bit later so removing that line is perfectly fine, but start the first sentence as: "Volbeat's most common role is setting up weather..."

That's all I could fine. Good job on this.



<p>Volbeat's most common role is setting up weather. Its most common use is setting up weather for its teammates and, which it achieves relatively easily with access to Prankster, and can also providinge safe switches with Encore and U-turn. It is also notable for being the only Pokemon in the game able to Baton Pass Tail Glow boosts, which is its main claim to fame. Prankster gives these strategies priority, meaning that Volbeat will usually succeed in its goal at least once. However, its mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness limit Volbeat's chances to support the team multiple times. The fact that Volbeat cannot actually use its own Tail Glow boosts very well means that a player would have to cater their team around it. So to use Volbeat, so as a result to ensure successfully use of Volbeat, make sure that your team can use every bit of support this little firefly offers.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat's role with this set is to support his teammates with Prankster weather moves. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority due to Prankster, and are guaranteed to be set up if Volbeat can safely enter battle. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather in order to provide a safe switch in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Volbeat doesn't invest in Speed so hein so it will usually move last, either allowing your opponent to KO Volbeat, or let Volbeat take safely bring in a teammate by taking the damage for them. Encore is used to lock your opponent into a move, creating openings for Volbeat to either set up, or safely switch in a teammate. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering Choiced Pokemon who don't care about Encore and naturally fast Pokemon who don't set up at all. Both Encore and Thunder Wave are best used before setting up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are still helpful at any time if you play carefully.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best options for the item slotitems to extend the duration of their respective weathers. Volbeat also has useful resistances to Fighting- and Ground-types, who are usually physically based. The EVs and nature take full advantage of that by maximizing his physical bulk. Of note is the fact that you can reduce Volbeat's IVs to 11 to still beat uninvested base 65 Speed Pokemon like Alomomola, or even down to 0 to be as slow as possible with a Relaxed nature. This lets Volbeat get a slow U-turn on as many Pokemon as possible. VOolbeat has a few other moves that he can use on this set, with Roost being a notable one. Unfortunately Volbeat is still pretty frail and will usually take over 50% damage from powerful neutral attacks, so Volbeat is better off focusing on supporting his team rather than himself. Baton Pass is an option over U-turn, while Substitute and Tail Glow can be used over Encore and Thunder Wave. While the power boost to your sweepers is amazing if this is successful, Volbeat generally won't be lasting long enough to accomplish so much, so these options are best used on its own set.</p>

<p>Weather sweepers are necessary teammates for Volbeat in order to actually make use of the weather heit provides. With Rain Dnace, Swift Swim sweepers like Ludicolo, Floatzel, Gorebyss, and Seismitoad are excellent teammates. With Sunny Day, Chlorophyll sweepers like Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck are all good options. Other weather abusers are also useful, with Dry Skin Jynx, Hurricane Swanna, and Electric-types carrying Thunder all being good options for Rrain teams and Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types like Rapidash are excelletnnt options for Ssun. Something to remove hazards is very useful, since Toxic Spikes reduces a Rrain team's lifespan and Stealth Rocks does the same to Ssun teams. It is notable that Ssun teams tend to carry at least one Grass/Poison-type Pokemon like Victreebel, so they are less likely to be affected by Toxic Spikes. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spinner for Rrain teams since it recieves a useful Speed boost in the Rrain; likewise Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spinner for Ssun teams since its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the Ssun. If a Rapid Spinner feels like it isappears to be limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon like Scolipede can help remove Toxic Spikes for Rrain teams, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock setters before they can set up. Other bulky Pokemon that can help set up weather and ease pressure off Volbeat are helpful teammates. Rotom-S and Electrode are good Rrain setters, while REegirock and Gardevoir are good Ssun setters.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Encore / Thunder Wave
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat is the only Pokemon that is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow, and this set is the best way heit can accomplish this. Tail Glow provides an amazing +3 boost to Special Attack, which Baton Pass then gives to a teammate. Substitute is another option to Baton Pass, providing its recipient with a buffer against attacks as well as status. Encore is the best move for the last slot, locking the opposing Pokemon into an ineffective move to guarantee at least a single turn of safe set-up. However, Thunder Wave is a viable option in order to cripple opposing sweepers and still has a small chance of providing free turns thanks to full paralysis.</p>


<p>The EVs and nature take full advantage of that by maximizing hiVolbeat's physical bulk, since Volbeait has useful Fighting- and Ground-type resistances. Speed is not necessary because all of its moves have Ppriority thanks to Prankster. Leftovers is the best item for this set because it guarantees that Volbeat can make up to 5 Substitutes if it hasn't taken any prior damage. Bug Buzz is a viable option over Substitute in order to take advantage of hiits own Tail Glow boosts and to not be entirely crippled by Taunt. However, even after a boost, its power is unimpressive with an uninvested base 47 Special Attack stat. It is also extremely slow without any Speed investment, and will not likely be able to hit the opponent before being taken out first. Roost can also be used to enhance Volbeat's longevity, but it uses up a valuable turn which can be spent setting up and/or passing boosts.</p>

<p>The best teammates for this set would be ones who can take advantage of the Tail Glow boost Volbeat provides. Water-type recipients like Samurott and Swanna are notable because they can take some Fire attacks that are aimed at Volbeat and threaten back with boosted Surfs. Electric-types like Eelektross and Electabuzz are also good recipients because they can take a few Flying-type attacks that can destroy Volbeat. Otherwise, any fast Sspecial attacker like Kadabra, Serperior, and Swoobat are good recipients, especially if Volbeat isn't carrying Thunder Wave, because they can all sweep teams with a single boost. Note that Swoobat's Simple ability doesn't activate with Baton Passed boosts. Since hazards, notably Stealth Rock, limits the number of times Volbeat can set up, teammates like Mold Breaker Sawk and defensive Torkoal are effective teammates to hinder their set-up. Many players will assume that Volbeat can only support Sspecial attacking teammates, but many physical attacks like Golurk and Scolipede appreciate Substitutes being sent their way.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Volbeat doesn't have many effective options other than the ones listed, with an offensive Baton Pass set utilizing Tail Glow, Baton Pass, Bug Buzz, and Thunderbolt being the most notable one. However, such a set relies on Volbeat's average base 85 Speed while lacking enough bulk to take even resisted attacks well. Swagger and Confuse Ray are options alongside Thunder Wave that gain priority thanks to Prankster, but are very luck reliant without Foul Play to take advantage of the confused opponents. Moonlight can be used with SUunny Day to recover a larger amount of HP, but Volbeat still prefers spending its turns supporting its teammates rather than trying to extend its own longevity. Light Screen can patch up Volbeat's low Special Defense, but without Reflect it doesn't do enough to actually support its teammates. A priority Trick is usable with Choice Band or Iron bBall to hinder the opposing team and enhance U-turn (by boosting its power or making it even slower), but Encore and Thunder Wave are reusable and far more reliable. Psych Up can steal boosts from an opposing Pokemon for Volbeat to Baton Pass, but it is generally unreliable to depend on your opponent to have a certain moveset. Mental Herb can be a useful item to ignore Taunt once, but that is generally not worth sacrificing a weather extention rock or Leftovers.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Volbeat isn't difficult to counter since it isn't very threatening on its own. Murkrow is Volbeat's best counter, since it has a higher base Speed, Prankster Taunt, and a super-effective Brave Bird to take Volbeat out. Liepard is also a great counter if Volbeat lacks Bug Buzz, since it can hit it with a Prankster Taunt or Encore, or use Swagger and Thunder Wave to make it all a matter of luck whether Volbeat can set up or not. Rock Blast users like Golem and Gigalit can take Volbeat out pretty easily, even if it sets p aas they can break thru Volbeat's Substitute's easily. Taunt users like Samurott and Misdreavus can make Volbeat useless if it lacks Bug Buzz, and even with that move, it isn't that threatening anymoreoffensively. Encore users can lock Volbeat into a move since it will generally go first thanks to Prankster. Roar and Whirlwind users can phaze away its boosts, as well as phaze its recipients on the switch. Haze can make Volbeat's Baton Pass sets useless as well by removing Tail Glow boosts. Preying on Volbeat's weaknesses and low bulk is a effective way to prevent it from setting up more than once. Pokemon like Swellow, Zangoose, Raichu, and Seismitoad aren't affected by Thunder Wave thanks to their abilities or typing, and aren't that hindered by ENncore either. Choice Band Golurk is a notable Pokemon that Volbeat cannot touch at all, since it is immune to Thunder Wave and is already locked into a move. Stealth Rock and other hazards are a reliable way to limit the number of times Volebat can switch in, usually limiting its set-up to only one time. It is important to note that it is better not to directly counter Volbeat, but to target at its incoming teammates who benefit from its support since Volbeat isn't that threatening on its own.</p>


<p>Volbeat's most common role is setting up weather, which it achieves relatively easily with access to Prankster, and can also provide safe switches with Encore and U-turn. It is also notable for being the only Pokemon in the game able to Baton Pass Tail Glow boosts, which is its main claim to fame. Prankster gives these strategies priority, meaning that Volbeat will usually succeed in its goal at least once. However, its mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness limit Volbeat's chances to support the team multiple times. The fact that Volbeat cannot actually use its own Tail Glow boosts very well means that a player would have to cater their team around it, so as a result to ensure succesful use of Volbeat, make sure that your team can use every bit of support this little firefly offers.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat's role with this set is to support his teammates with weather moves. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority due to Prankster, and are guaranteed to be set up if Volbeat can safely enter battle. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather in order to provide a safe switch in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Volbeat doesn't invest in Speed in so it will usually move last, either allowing your opponent to KO Volbeat, or let Volbeat safely bring in a teammate by taking the damage for them. Encore is used to lock your opponent into a move, creating openings for Volbeat to either set up, or safely switch in a teammate. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering Choiced Pokemon who don't care about Encore and naturally fast Pokemon who don't set up at all. Both Encore and Thunder Wave are best used before setting up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are still helpful at any time if you play carefully.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best options for items to extend the duration of their respective weathers. Volbeat also has useful resistances to Fighting- and Ground-types, who are usually physically based. The EVs and nature take full advantage of that by maximizing his physical bulk. Of note is the fact that you can reduce Volbeat's IVs to 11 to still beat uninvested base 65 Speed Pokemon like Alomomola, or even down to 0 to be as slow as possible with a Relaxed nature. This lets Volbeat get a slow U-turn on as many Pokemon as possible. Volbeat has a few other moves that he can use on this set, with Roost being a notable one. Unfortunately Volbeat is still pretty frail and will usually take over 50% damage from powerful neutral attacks, so Volbeat is better off focusing on supporting his team rather than himself. Baton Pass is an option over U-turn, while Substitute and Tail Glow can be used over Encore and Thunder Wave. While the power boost to your sweepers is amazing if this is successful, Volbeat generally won't be lasting long enough to accomplish so much, so these options are best used on its own set.</p>

<p>Weather sweepers are necessary teammates for Volbeat in order to actually make use of the weather it provides. With Rain Dnace, Swift Swim sweepers like Ludicolo, Floatzel, Gorebyss, and Seismitoad are excellent teammates. With Sunny Day, Chlorophyll sweepers like Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck are all good options. Other weather abusers are also useful, with Dry Skin Jynx, Hurricane Swanna, and Electric-types carrying Thunder all being good options for rain teams and Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types like Rapidash are excellent options for sun. Something to remove hazards is very useful, since Toxic Spikes reduces a rain team's lifespan and Stealth Rock does the same to sun teams. It is notable that sun teams tend to carry at least one Grass/Poison-type Pokemon like Victreebel, so they are less likely to be affected by Toxic Spikes. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spinner for rain teams since it recieves a useful Speed boost in the rain; likewise Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spinner for sun teams since its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If a Rapid Spinner appears to be limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon like Scolipede can help remove Toxic Spikes for rain teams, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock setters before they can set up. Other bulky Pokemon that can help set up weather and ease pressure off Volbeat are helpful teammates. Rotom-S and Electrode are good rain setters, while Regirock and Gardevoir are good sun setters.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Encore / Thunder Wave
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat is the only Pokemon that is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow, and this set is the best way it can accomplish this. Tail Glow provides an amazing +3 boost to Special Attack, which Baton Pass then gives to a teammate. Substitute is another option to Baton Pass, providing its recipient with a buffer against attacks as well as status. Encore is the best move for the last slot, locking the opposing Pokemon into an ineffective move to guarantee at least a single turn of safe set-up. However, Thunder Wave is a viable option in order to cripple opposing sweepers and still has a small chance of providing free turns thanks to full paralysis.</p>


<p>The EVs and nature take full advantage of that by maximizing Volbeat's physical bulk, since it has useful Fighting- and Ground-type resistances. Speed is not necessary because all of its moves have priority thanks to Prankster. Leftovers is the best item for this set because it guarantees that Volbeat can make up to 5 Substitutes if it hasn't taken any prior damage. Bug Buzz is a viable option over Substitute in order to take advantage of its own Tail Glow boosts and to not be entirely crippled by Taunt. However, even after a boost, its power is unimpressive with an uninvested base 47 Special Attack stat. It is also extremely slow without any Speed investment, and will not likely be able to hit the opponent before being taken out first. Roost can also be used to enhance Volbeat's longevity, but it uses up a valuable turn which can be spent setting up and/or passing boosts.</p>

<p>The best teammates for this set would be ones who can take advantage of the Tail Glow boost Volbeat provides. Water-type recipients like Samurott and Swanna are notable because they can take some Fire attacks that are aimed at Volbeat and threaten back with boosted Surfs. Electric-types like Eelektross and Electabuzz are also good recipients because they can take a few Flying-type attacks that can destroy Volbeat. Otherwise, any fast special attacker like Kadabra, Serperior, and Swoobat are good recipients, especially if Volbeat isn't carrying Thunder Wave, because they can all sweep teams with a single boost. Note that Swoobat's Simple ability doesn't activate with Baton Passed boosts. Since hazards, notably Stealth Rock, limits the number of times Volbeat can set up, teammates like Mold Breaker Sawk and defensive Torkoal are effective teammates to hinder their set-up. Many players will assume that Volbeat can only support special attacking teammates, but many physical attacks like Golurk and Scolipede appreciate Substitutes being sent their way.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Volbeat doesn't have many effective options other than the ones listed, with an offensive Baton Pass set utilizing Tail Glow, Baton Pass, Bug Buzz, and Thunderbolt being the most notable one. However, such a set relies on Volbeat's average base 85 Speed while lacking enough bulk to take even resisted attacks well. Swagger and Confuse Ray are options alongside Thunder Wave that gain priority thanks to Prankster, but are very luck reliant without Foul Play to take advantage of the confused opponents. Moonlight can be used with Sunny Day to recover a larger amount of HP, but Volbeat still prefers spending its turns supporting its teammates rather than trying to extend its own longevity. Light Screen can patch up Volbeat's low Special Defense, but without Reflect it doesn't do enough to actually support its teammates. A priority Trick is usable with Choice Band or Iron Ball to hinder the opposing team and enhance U-turn (by boosting its power or making it even slower), but Encore and Thunder Wave are reusable and far more reliable. Psych Up can steal boosts from an opposing Pokemon for Volbeat to Baton Pass, but it is generally unreliable to depend on your opponent to have a certain moveset. Mental Herb can be a useful item to ignore Taunt once, but that is generally not worth sacrificing a weather rock or Leftovers.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Volbeat isn't difficult to counter since it isn't very threatening on its own. Murkrow is Volbeat's best counter, since it has a higher base Speed, Prankster Taunt, and a super-effective Brave Bird to take Volbeat out. Liepard is also a great counter if Volbeat lacks Bug Buzz, since it can hit it with a Prankster Taunt or Encore, or use Swagger and Thunder Wave to make it all a matter of luck whether Volbeat can set up or not. Rock Blast users like Golem and Gigalit can take Volbeat out pretty easily, as they can break thru Volbeat's Substitute's easily. Taunt users like Samurott and Misdreavus can make Volbeat useless if it lacks Bug Buzz, and even with that move, it isn't that threatening offensively. Encore users can lock Volbeat into a move since it will generally go first thanks to Prankster. Roar and Whirlwind users can phaze away its boosts, as well as phaze its recipients on the switch. Haze can make Volbeat's Baton Pass sets useless as well by removing Tail Glow boosts. Preying on Volbeat's weaknesses and low bulk is a effective way to prevent it from setting up more than once. Pokemon like Swellow, Zangoose, Raichu, and Seismitoad aren't affected by Thunder Wave thanks to their abilities or typing, and aren't that hindered by Encore either. Choice Band Golurk is a notable Pokemon that Volbeat cannot touch at all, since it is immune to Thunder Wave and is already locked into a move. Stealth Rock and other hazards are a reliable way to limit the number of times Volebat can switch in, usually limiting its set-up to only one time. It is important to note that it is better not to directly counter Volbeat, but to target at its incoming teammates who benefit from its support since Volbeat isn't that threatening on its own.</p>
As an aside to the amcheck, Volbeat is all-male and "he" is an acceptable pronoun as long as it's consistent throughout.
(Accidentally posted the Illumise amcheck here earlier, Sowwee about that :<)

Hihi, amcheck!
Besides the grammar / prose errors, one of the biggest things I saw was that you weren't consistent with what you called Volbeat. I'm assuming you want to call it a 'he', but I had changed so many 'it' in there, so stay consistent! I'll provide a c/p, as some sections have gotten messy, so it would be easier to see the errors.

'like' is comparing things usually, 'such as' gives examples; remember that for future analyses!

Most errors are easy to understand / very small, so I won't provide commentary.


WhiteDMist said:

<p>Volbeat's most common role is to setting up weather, which ithe achieves relatively easily withbecause of his access to Prankster, and. He can also provide safe switches with Encore and U-turn. It is Additionally, he iso notable for being the only Pokemon in the game who is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow boosts, which is hits main claim to fame. Prankster gives these strategies priority, meaning that Volbeat will usually succeed in hits goal at least once. However, hits mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness limit Volbeat's chances to support the team multiple times. The fact that Volbeat cannot actually use hits own Tail Glow boosts very well means that a player would have to cater their team around ithim, so make sure your team can use every bit of support this cute bug provides.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat's role with this set is to support his teammates with weather moves. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority due to Prankster, (RC) and are guaranteed to be set up if Volbeat can safely enter battlethe field. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather in order to provide a safe switch in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Volbeat doesn't invest in Speed, (AC) so he will usually move last, either allowing your opponent to KO Volbeat, (RC) or let Volbeat take safely bring in a teammate by taking the damage for them. Encore is used to lock your opponent into a move, creating openings for Volbeat to either set up, (RC) or safely switch in a teammate. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering Pokemon holding a Choiced Pok itemon who doesn't care about Encore and naturally fa; it's also effective against Pokemon who have a high base Speed and doesn't set up at all. Both Encore and Thunder Wave are bethe most effectve when they are used before Volbeat settings up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are still helpful at any time if you play carefuluse them correctly.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best options for items to extend the duration of their respective weather. Volbeat has useful resistances to Fighting- and Ground-types, who are usually physically based. The EVs and nature take full advantage of that by maximizing his physical bulk. Of note is the fact thatn a side note, you can reduce Volbeat's Speed IVs to 11 to still beat uninvested base 65 Speand use a Relaxed Pokemon like Alomomola, or evenature to get a slow U-turn down to 0 to be as slowas many Pokemon as possible with a Relaxed nature. This lets Volbeat get a slow U-turn on as manyand still outspeed uninvested base 65 Speed Pokemon, such as possibleAlomomola. Volbeat has a few other move selections that he can use on this set, with; Roost beingis a notviable optione. Unfortunately Volbeat is still pretty frail and will usually take over 50% damage from powerful neutral attacks, so Volbeat is better off focusing on supporting his team rather than himself. Baton Pass is an option over U-turn, while; Substitute and Tail Glow can be used over Encore and Thunder Wave. While the power boost to your sweepers is amazing if this is successful, Volbeat generally won't be lasting long enough to accomplish so muchall of this, so these options are best used on its own set.</p>

<p>Weather sweepers are necessary teammates for Volbeat in order to actually make use of the weather he provides. With Rain Dance, Swift Swim sweepers like, (AC) such as Ludicolo, Floatzel, Gorebyss, and Seismitoad, (AC) are excellent teammates. With Sunny Day, Chlorophyll sweepers like, (AC) such as Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck, (AC) are all good options. Other weaPokemon to utilize ther abus weathers are also useful, with Dry Skin Jynx, Hurricane Swanna, and Electric-types carrying Thunder all being good options for rain teams and. Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types like, specifically Rapidash, (AC) are excellent options for sun teams. SomethingA Rapid Spin user to remove entry hazards is very usefulappreciated, asince Toxic Spikes reduces a rain teams lifespan, (AC) and Stealth Rocks does the same to sun teams. It is notable that sun teams tend to carry at least one Pokemon with a Grass / Poison- type Pokemon likeing, (AC) namely Victreebel, so they are less likely to be affected by Toxic Spikes. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spinn user for rain teams asince it recieves a useful Speed boost in the rain; likewise, (AC) Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spinn user for sun teams asince its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If using a Rapid Spinn user feels like it is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon like, specifically Scolipede, (AC) can help remove Toxic Spikes for rain teams, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock usetters before they can set up. Other bulky Pokemon that can help set up weather and ease pressure off Volbeat are helpful teammates. Rotom-S and Electrode are good rain settinducers, whileand Regirock and Gardevoir are good sun settinducers.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Encore / Thunder Wave
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat is the only Pokemon that is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow, and this set is the best way he can accomplish this. Tail Glow provides an amazing +3 boost to Special Attack, which Baton Pass then gives to a teammate. Substitute is another option to use alongside Baton Pass, providing its recipient with a buffershield against attacks as well as status conditions. Encore is the best move for the last slot, locking the opposing Pokemon into an ineffective move to guarantee at least a single turn tof safely set- up. However, Thunder Wave is a viable option in order to cripple opposing sweepers, (AC) and it still has a small chance of providing free setup turns thanks to full paralysis.</p>


<p>The EVs and nature take full advantage of that by maximizing his physical bulk, since Volbeat has useful Fighting- and Ground-type resistances. Speed is not necessary because all of hits moves have priority thanks to Prankster. Leftovers is the best item for this set because it guarantees that Volbeat can make up to 5create five Substitutes if ithe hasn't taken any prior damage. Bug Buzz is a viable option over Substitute in order to take advantage of his own Tail Glow boosts and to not be entirely crippled by Taunt. However, even after a boost, hits power is unimpressive with an uninvested base 47 Special Attack stat. ItHe is also extremely slow without any Speed investment, (RC) and will not likely be able to hit the opponent before being taken out first. Roost can also be used to enhance Volbeat's longevity, but it uses up a valuable turn which can be spent setting up and/or passing boosts.</p>

<p>The best teammates for this set would be ones who can take advantage of the Tail Glow boost Volbeat provides. Water-type recipients like, (AC) such as Samurott and Swanna, (AC) are notable because they can take some Fire-type attacks that are aimed at Volbeat and thretaliaten back with boosted Surfpowered-up Water-type attacks. Electric-types likesuch as Eelektross and Electabuzz are also good recipients because they can take a few Flying-type attacks that can destroy Volbeat. Otherwise, any fast special attacker like, (AC) such as Kadabra, Serperior, and Swoobat, (AC) are good recipients, especially if Volbeat isn't carrying Thunder Wave, because they can all sweep teams with a single boost. Note that Swoobat's Simple ability doesn't activate with boosts that was Baton Passed boosts. Since entry hazards, notably Stealth Rock, limits the number how of timesten Volbeat can set up, teammates likesuch as Mold Breaker Sawk and defensive Torkoal are effective teammates to hinder their set-up. Many players will assume that Volbeat can only support special attacking teammates, but many physical attacks likeers such as Golurk and Scolipede appreciate Substitutes being sent their way.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Volbeat doesn't have many effective options other than the ones listed, with an offensive Baton Pass set utilizing Tail Glow, Baton Pass, Bug Buzz, and Thunderbolt being the most notable one. However, such a set relies on Volbeat's average base 85 Speed while lacking enough bulk to take even resisted attacks well. Swagger and Confuse Ray are options alongside Thunder Wave that gain priority thanks to Prankster, but are very luck reliant with Foul Play to take advantage of the confused opponents. Moonlight can be used with Sunny Day to recover a larger amount of HP, but Volbeat still prefers spending hits turns supporting its teammates rather than trying to extend his own longevity. Light Screen can patch up Volbeat's low Special Defense, but without Reflect it, (AC) he doesn't do enough to actuafully support hits teammates. A priority Trick is usable with Choice Band or Iron Ball to hinder the opposing team and enhance U-turn (by boosting itU-turn's power or makincreasing it even slowerthe chance that he'll go last), but Encore and Thunder Wave are reusable and far more reliable. Psych Up can steal boosts from an opposing Pokemon for Volbeat to Baton Pass, but it is generally unreliable to depend on your opponent to have a certain moveset. Mental Herb can be a useful item to ignore Taunt once, but that is generally not worth sacrificing a weather rock or Leftovers.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Volbeat isn't difficult to counter since ithe isn't very threatening on hits own. Murkrow is Volbeat's best counter, since it has higher base Speed, Prankster Taunt, and a super- effective Brave Bird to take Volbeat out. Liepard is also a great counter if Volbeat lacks Bug Buzz, asince it can hit ithim with a Prankster Taunt or Encore, or use Swagger and Thunder Wa move to make it all a matter of luck whetherhat cripples Volbeat's canpabilites to set up or not. Rock Blast users like, (AC) such as Golem and Gigalith, (AC) can take Volbeat out pretty easily, as they can break through Volbeat's Substitutes. Taunt users likesuch as Samurott and Misdreavus can make Volbeat useless if ithe lacks Bug Buzz, and even with that move it, (AC) he isn't that threatening offensively. Encore users can lock Volbeat into a move since itas he will generally go first thanks to Prankster. Roar and Whirlwind users can phaze away hits boosts, as well as phaze hits recipients on the switch. Haze can make Volbeat's Baton Pass sets useless as well by removing Tail Glow boosts. Preying on Volbeat's weaknesses and low bulk is a effective way to prevent ithim from setting up more than once. Pokemon likesuch as Swellow, Zangoose, Raichu, and Seismitoad aren't affected by Thunder Wave thanks to their abilities or typing, (RC) and aren't that hindered by Encore eitheras well. Choice Band Golurk is a notable Pokemon that Volbeat cannot touch at all, asince it is immune to Thunder Wave and is already locked into a move. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards are a reliable way to limit the numberhow of timesten Volebat can switch in, usually limirestricting itshim to set- up to only one timce. It is important to note that it is better not to directly counter Volbeat, but to target at hits incoming teammates who benefit from hits support, (AC) asince Volbeat isn't that threatening on hits own.</p>


<p>Volbeat's most common role is to set up weather, which he achieves relatively easily because of his access to Prankster. He can also provide safe switches with Encore and U-turn. Additionally, he is notable for being the only Pokemon in the game who is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow boosts, which is his main claim to fame. Prankster gives these strategies priority, meaning that Volbeat will usually succeed in his goal. However, his mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness limit Volbeat's chances to support the team multiple times. The fact that Volbeat cannot actually use his own Tail Glow boosts very well means that a player would have to cater their team around him, so make sure your team can use every bit of support this cute bug provides.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat's role with this set is to support his teammates with weather moves. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority due to Prankster and are guaranteed to be set up if Volbeat can safely enter the field. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather in order to provide a safe switch in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Volbeat doesn't invest in Speed, so he will usually move last, either allowing your opponent to KO Volbeat or let Volbeat take safely bring in a teammate by taking the damage for them. Encore is used to lock your opponent into a move, creating openings for Volbeat to either set up or safely switch in a teammate. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering Pokemon holding a Choice item who doesn't care about Encore; it's also effective against Pokemon who have a high base Speed and doesn't set up. Encore and Thunder Wave are the most effectve when they are used before Volbeat sets up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are still helpful at any time if you use them correctly.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best options for items to extend the duration of their respective weather. Volbeat has useful resistances to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, which are usually physically based. The EVs and nature take full advantage of that by maximizing his physical bulk. On a side note, you can reduce Volbeat's Speed IVs to 11 and use a Relaxed nature to get a slow U-turn on as many Pokemon as possible and still outspeed uninvested base 65 Speed Pokemon, such as Alomomola. Volbeat has a few other move selections that he can use on this set; Roost is a viable option. Unfortunately Volbeat is still pretty frail and will usually take over 50% damage from powerful neutral attacks, so Volbeat is better off focusing on supporting his team rather than himself. Baton Pass is an option over U-turn; Substitute and Tail Glow can be used over Encore and Thunder Wave. While the power boost to your sweepers is amazing if this is successful, Volbeat generally won't be lasting long enough to accomplish all of this, so these options are best used on its own set.</p>

<p>Weather sweepers are necessary teammates for Volbeat in order to actually make use of the weather he provides. With Rain Dance, Swift Swim sweepers, such as Ludicolo, Floatzel, Gorebyss, and Seismitoad, are excellent teammates. With Sunny Day, Chlorophyll sweepers, such as Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck, are all good options. Other Pokemon to utilize the weather are also useful, with Dry Skin Jynx, Hurricane Swanna, and Electric-types carrying Thunder all being good options for rain teams. Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types, specifically Rapidash, are excellent options for sun teams. A Rapid Spin user to remove entry hazards is appreciated, as Toxic Spikes reduces a rain teams lifespan, and Stealth Rock does the same to sun teams. It is notable that sun teams tend to carry at least one Pokemon with a Grass / Poison typing, namely Victreebel, so they are less likely to be affected by Toxic Spikes. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spin user for rain teams as it recieves a useful Speed boost in the rain; likewise, Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spin user for sun teams as its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If using a Rapid Spin user feels like it is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon, specifically Scolipede, can help remove Toxic Spikes for rain teams, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock users before they can set up. Other bulky Pokemon that can help set up weather and ease pressure off Volbeat are helpful teammates. Rotom-S and Electrode are good rain inducers, and Regirock and Gardevoir are good sun inducers.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Encore / Thunder Wave
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat is the only Pokemon that is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow, and this set is the best way he can accomplish this. Tail Glow provides an amazing +3 boost to Special Attack, which Baton Pass then gives to a teammate. Substitute is another option to use alongside Baton Pass, providing its recipient with a shield against attacks as well as status conditions. Encore is the best move for the last slot, locking the opposing Pokemon into an ineffective move to guarantee at least a single turn to safely set up. However, Thunder Wave is a viable option in order to cripple opposing sweepers, and it still provides a small chance of providing free setup turns thanks to paralysis.</p>


<p>The EVs and nature take full advantage of that by maximizing his physical bulk, since Volbeat has useful Fighting- and Ground-type resistances. Speed is not necessary because all of his moves have priority thanks to Prankster. Leftovers is the best item for this set because it guarantees that Volbeat can create five Substitutes if he hasn't taken any prior damage. Bug Buzz is a viable option over Substitute in order to take advantage of his own Tail Glow boosts and to not be entirely crippled by Taunt. However, even after a boost, his power is unimpressive with an uninvested base 47 Special Attack stat. He is also extremely slow without any Speed investment and will not likely be able to hit the opponent before being taken out first. Roost can also be used to enhance Volbeat's longevity, but it uses up a valuable turn which can be spent setting up and/or passing boosts.</p>

<p>The best teammates for this set would be ones who can take advantage of the Tail Glow boost Volbeat provides. Water-type recipients, such as Samurott and Swanna, are notable because they can take Fire-type attacks that are aimed at Volbeat and retaliate back with powered-up Water-type attacks. Electric-types such as Eelektross and Electabuzz are also good recipients because they can take a few Flying-type attacks that can destroy Volbeat. Otherwise, any fast special attacker, such as Kadabra, Serperior, and Swoobat, are good recipients, especially if Volbeat isn't carrying Thunder Wave, as they can all sweep teams with a single boost. Note that Swoobat's Simple ability doesn't activate with boosts that was Baton Passed. Since entry hazards, notably Stealth Rock, limit how often Volbeat can set up, teammates such as Mold Breaker Sawk and defensive Torkoal are effective teammates to hinder their setup. Many players will assume that Volbeat can only support special attacking teammates, but many physical attackers such as Golurk and Scolipede appreciate Substitutes being sent their way.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Volbeat doesn't have many effective options other than the ones listed, with an offensive Baton Pass set utilizing Tail Glow, Baton Pass, Bug Buzz, and Thunderbolt being the most notable one. However, such a set relies on Volbeat's average base 85 Speed while lacking enough bulk to take even resisted attacks well. Swagger and Confuse Ray are options alongside Thunder Wave that gain priority thanks to Prankster, but are very luck reliant with Foul Play to take advantage of the confused opponents. Moonlight can be used with Sunny Day to recover a larger amount of HP, but Volbeat still prefers spending his turns supporting its teammates rather than trying to extend his own longevity. Light Screen can patch up Volbeat's low Special Defense, but without Reflect, he doesn't fully support his teammates. A priority Trick is usable with Choice Band or Iron Ball to hinder the opposing team and enhance U-turn (by boosting U-turn's power or increasing the chance that he'll go last), but Encore and Thunder Wave are reusable and far more reliable. Psych Up can steal boosts from an opposing Pokemon for Volbeat to Baton Pass, but it is generally unreliable to depend on your opponent to have a certain moveset. Mental Herb can be a useful item to ignore Taunt once, but that is generally not worth sacrificing a weather rock or Leftovers.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Volbeat isn't difficult to counter since he isn't very threatening on his own. Murkrow is Volbeat's best counter, since it has higher base Speed, Prankster Taunt, and a super effective Brave Bird to take Volbeat out. Liepard is also a great counter if Volbeat lacks Bug Buzz, as it can hit him with a status move that cripples Volbeat's capabilites to set up. Rock Blast users, such as Golem and Gigalith, can take Volbeat out pretty easily, as they can break through Volbeat's Substitutes. Taunt users such as Samurott and Misdreavus can make Volbeat useless if he lacks Bug Buzz, and even with that move, he isn't that threatening offensively. Encore users can lock Volbeat into a move as he will generally go first thanks to Prankster. Roar and Whirlwind users can phaze away his boosts, as well as phaze his recipients on the switch. Haze can make Volbeat's Baton Pass sets useless as well by removing Tail Glow boosts. Preying on Volbeat's weaknesses and low bulk is a effective way to prevent him from setting up more than once. Pokemon such as Swellow, Zangoose, Raichu, and Seismitoad aren't affected by Thunder Wave thanks to their abilities or typing and aren't that hindered by Encore as well. Choice Band Golurk is a notable Pokemon that Volbeat cannot touch at all, as it is immune to Thunder Wave and is already locked into a move. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards are a reliable way to limit how often Volebat can switch in, usually restricting him to set up only once. It is important to note that it is better not to directly counter Volbeat, but to target at his incoming teammates who benefit from his support, as Volbeat isn't that threatening on his own.</p>
GP check. Good job on writing this
Additions in Blue
Subtractions in Red
Comments in Purple


<p>Volbeat's most common role is to set up weather, which he achieves relatively easily because of his access to Prankster. He can also provide safe switches switch-ins for his teammates with Encore and U-turn. Additionally, he is notable for being the only Pokemon in the game who that is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow boosts, which is his main claim to fame. Prankster gives these strategies priority, meaning that Volbeat will usually succeed in his goal. However, his mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness limit Volbeat's chances to support the team multiple times. The fact that Volbeat cannot actually use his own Tail Glow boosts very well means that a player would have to cater their team around him, so make sure your team can use every bit of support this cute bug he provides.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat's role with this set is to support his teammates with weather moves. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority due to Prankster and are almost guaranteed to be set up if Volbeat can safely enter the field. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather in order to provide a safe switch in switch-in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Volbeat doesn't invest in Speed, so he will usually move last, either allowing your opponent to KO Volbeat or let Volbeat take letting him safely bring in a teammate by taking the damage for them from the opponent's attack. Encore is used to lock your opponent into a move, creating create openings for Volbeat to either set up or safely switch in a teammate. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering Pokemon holding a Choice item who doesn't don't care about Encore; it's also effective against Pokemon who have a high base Speed and doesn't don't set up. Encore and Thunder Wave are generally the most effective when they are used before Volbeat sets up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are still helpful at any time if you use them correctly.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best options for items to extend the duration of their respective weather. (unless you're going to mention anything about items other than what the items do, I don't think you need to mention this) Volbeat has useful resistances to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, which are usually physically based. The EVs and nature take full advantage of that by maximizing his physical bulk. On a side note, you can reduce Volbeat's Speed IVs to 11 and use a Relaxed nature to get a slow U-turn on as many Pokemon as possible and still outspeed uninvested base 65 Speed Pokemon, (remove comma) such as Alomomola. Volbeat has a few other move selections that he can use on this set; (break this into two sentences) Roost is a viable option. Unfortunately Volbeat is still pretty frail and will usually take over 50% damage from powerful neutral attacks, so Volbeat he is generally better off focusing on supporting his team rather than himself. Baton Pass is an option over U-turn because of its priority, but Volbeat generally prefers being able to give his teammates a safe switch-in opportunity with a slow U-turn. Substitute and Tail Glow can be used over Encore and Thunder Wave. While the power boost to your sweepers is amazing if this is successful, Volbeat generally won't be lasting long enough to accomplish all of this, so these options are best used on its their own set.</p>

<p>Weather sweepers are necessary teammates for Volbeat in order to actually make use of the weather he provides. With Rain Dance, Swift Swim sweepers, such as Ludicolo, Floatzel, Gorebyss, and Seismitoad, are excellent teammates. With Sunny Day, Chlorophyll sweepers, such as Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck, are all good options. Other Pokemon to utilize the weather are also useful, with Dry Skin Jynx, Hurricane Swanna, and Electric-types carrying Thunder all being good options for rain teams. (remove period) and Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types, specifically Rapidash, are being excellent options for sun teams. A Rapid Spin user to remove entry hazards is appreciated, as Toxic Spikes reduces a rain teams lifespan, (remove comma) and Stealth Rock does the same to sun teams. It is notable that sun teams tend to carry at least one Pokemon with a Grass / Poison typing, namely Victreebel, so they are less likely to be affected by Toxic Spikes. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spin user for rain teams as it receives a useful Speed boost in the rain; likewise, Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spin user for sun teams as its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If using a Rapid Spin user spinner feels like it is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon, specifically such as Scolipede, can help remove Toxic Spikes for rain teams, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock users before they can set up. Other bulky Pokemon that can help set up weather and ease pressure off Volbeat are helpful teammates. Rotom-S and Electrode are good rain inducers, and Regirock and Gardevoir are good sun inducers.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Encore / Thunder Wave
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat is the only Pokemon that is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow, and this set is the best way he can accomplish this. Tail Glow provides an amazing +3 boost to Special Attack, which Baton Pass then gives to a teammate. Substitute is another option to use alongside Baton Pass, providing its recipient with a shield against attacks as well as status conditions. Encore is the best move for the last slot, locking the opposing Pokemon into an ineffective move to guarantee at least a single turn to safely set up. However, Thunder Wave is a viable option in order to cripple opposing sweepers, and it still provides a small chance of providing free setup turns thanks to paralysis.</p>


<p>The EVs and nature take full advantage of that Volbeat's useful Fighting- and Ground-type resistances by maximizing his physical bulk, since Volbeat has useful Fighting- and Ground-type resistances. Speed is not necessary because all of his moves have priority thanks to Prankster. Leftovers is the best item for this set because it guarantees that Volbeat can create five Substitutes if he hasn't taken any prior damage. Bug Buzz is a viable option over Substitute in order to enable Volbeat to take advantage of his own Tail Glow boosts and to not be entirely crippled by Taunt. However, even after a boost, his power is unimpressive with an uninvested base 47 Special Attack stat. He is also extremely slow without any Speed investment and will not likely be able to hit the opponent before being taken out first. Roost can also be used to enhance Volbeat's longevity, but it uses up a valuable turn which can could be spent setting up and/or passing boosts.</p>

<p>The best teammates for this set would be ones who that can take advantage of the Tail Glow boost Volbeat provides. Water-type recipients, such as Samurott and Swanna, are notable because they can take Fire-type attacks that are aimed at Volbeat and retaliate back with powered-up Water-type attacks. Electric-types such as Eelektross and Electabuzz are also good recipients because they can take a few the Flying-type attacks that can would destroy Volbeat. Otherwise, any fast special attacker fast special attackers in general, such as Kadabra, Serperior, and Swoobat, are good recipients, especially if Volbeat isn't carrying Thunder Wave, as they can all sweep teams with a single boost. Note that Swoobat's Simple ability doesn't activate with boosts that was are Baton Passed. Since Because entry hazards, notably Stealth Rock, limit how often Volbeat can set up, teammates such as Mold Breaker Sawk and defensive Torkoal (is there a reason why only defensive Torkoal is mentioned here? If there is, ignore this comment. If not, change this to 'Torkoal and Mold Breaker Sawk') are effective teammates to hinder their setup. Many players will assume that Volbeat can only support special attacking teammates, but many physical attackers (add comma) such as Golurk and Scolipede (add comma) appreciate Substitutes being sent their way.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Volbeat doesn't have many effective options other than the ones listed, with an offensive Baton Pass set utilizing Tail Glow, Baton Pass, Bug Buzz, and Thunderbolt being the most notable one. However, such a set relies on Volbeat's average base 85 Speed while lacking enough bulk to take even resisted attacks well. Swagger and Confuse Ray are options alongside Thunder Wave that and gain priority thanks to Prankster, but they are very luck reliant with Foul Play to take advantage of the confused opponents (this part confuses me; Volbeat doesn't get Foul Play as far as I can tell). Moonlight can be used with Sunny Day to recover a larger amount of HP, but Volbeat still prefers spending his turns supporting its his teammates rather than trying to extend his own longevity. Light Screen can patch up Volbeat's low Special Defense, but without Reflect, he doesn't cannot fully support his teammates in this way. A priority Trick is usable with Choice Band or Iron Ball to hinder the opposing team and enhance U-turn (by boosting U-turn's power or increasing the chance that he'll Volbeat will go last), but Encore and Thunder Wave are reusable and far more reliable. Psych Up can steal boosts from an opposing Pokemon for Volbeat to Baton Pass, but it is generally unreliable to depend on your opponent to have a certain moveset. Mental Herb can be a useful item to ignore Taunt once, but that is generally not worth sacrificing a weather rock or Leftovers.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Volbeat isn't difficult to counter since as he isn't very threatening on his own. Murkrow is Volbeat's best counter, since as it has higher base Speed, Prankster Taunt, and a super effective Brave Bird to take Volbeat out. Liepard is also a great counter if Volbeat lacks Bug Buzz, as it can hit him with a status move that cripples Volbeat's capabilities his ability to set up. Rock Blast users, such as Golem and Gigalith, can take Volbeat out pretty easily, as they can break through Volbeat's his Substitutes. Taunt users such as Samurott and Misdreavus can make Volbeat useless if he lacks Bug Buzz, and even with that move, he isn't that threatening offensively. Encore users can lock Volbeat into a move as he will generally go first thanks to Prankster. Roar and Whirlwind users can phaze away his boosts, as well as phaze phazing his recipients on the switch. Haze can make Volbeat's Baton Pass sets useless as well by removing Tail Glow boosts. Preying on Volbeat's weaknesses defensive typing and low bulk is a effective way to prevent him from setting up more than once. Pokemon such as Swellow, Zangoose, Raichu, and Seismitoad aren't affected by Thunder Wave thanks to their abilities (this should be clarified to make it clear that this is only true for the first two of these if their status orbs are active) or typing and aren't that hindered by Encore as well. Choice Band Golurk is a notable Pokemon that Volbeat cannot touch at all, as it is immune to Thunder Wave and is already locked into a move. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards are a reliable way to limit how often Volebat Volbeat can switch in, usually restricting him to set setting up only once. It is important to note that it is often better not to directly counter Volbeat, but to target at his incoming teammates who benefit from his support, as Volbeat he isn't that threatening on his own.</p>

GP Stamp still isn't working so...

Thanks melvni! I've implemented most of your checks and clarified the parts that you've commented on. Defensive Torkoal is mentioned, btw, because Shell Smash Torkoal prefers setting up its own boosts (especially the Speed boost) on its own. Defensive Torkoal does appreciate the Tail Glow more because it makes up for its initially low offensive presence. Oh, and Volbeat doesn't get Foul play, I just forgot to put the "out" in "without" :p

<p>Volbeat's most common role is to set up weather, which he achieves relatively easily because ofthanks to his access to Prankster. He can also provide safe switch-ins for his teammates with Encore and U-turn. Additionally, he is notable for being the only Pokemon in the game, aside from Smeargle, that is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow boosts, which is his main claim to fame. Prankster gives these strategies priority, meaning that Volbeat will usually succeed in his goal. However, his mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness limit Volbeat's chances to support the team multiple times. The fact that Volbeat cannot actually use his own Tail Glow boosts very well means that a player would have to cater their team around him, so make sure your team can use every bit of support this cute bug provides.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat's role with this set is to support his teammates with weather moves. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority due to Prankster and are almost guaranteed to be set up if Volbeat can safely enter the field. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather in order to provide a safe switch-in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Volbeat doesn't invest in Speed, so he will usually move last, letting him safely bring in a teammate by taking the opponent's attack. Encore is used to create openings for Volbeat to either set up or safely switch in a teammate. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering Pokemon holding a Choice item who don't care about Encore; it's also effective against Pokemon who have a high base Speed and don't set up. Encore and Thunder Wave are generally the most effective when they are used before Volbeat sets up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns.</p>


<p>Volbeat has useful resistances to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, which are usually physically based. The EVs and nature take full advantage of that by maximizing his physical bulk. On a side note, you can reduce Volbeat's Speed IVs to 11 and use a Relaxed nature to get a slow U-turn on as many Pokemon as possible and still outspeed uninvested base 65 Speed Pokemon such as Alomomola and avoid its Toxic (seemed important to note the reason why you would want to outspeed Alomomola). Volbeat has a few other move selections that he can use on this set such a. One of these is Roost. Unfortunately, but since Volbeat is still pretty frail and will usually take over 50% damage from powerful neutral attacks, so he is generally better off focusing on supporting his team rather than healing himself. Baton Pass is an option over U-turn because of its priority, but Volbeat generally prefers being able to give his teammates a safe switch-in opportunity. Substitute and Tail Glow can also be used over Encore and Thunder Wave. While the power boost to your sweepers is amazing if this is successful, Volbeat generally won't be lasting long enough to accomplish all of this, so these options are best used on their own set.</p>

<p>Weather sweepers are necessary teammates for Volbeat in order to actually make use of the weather he provides. With Rain Dance, Swift Swim sweepers, such as Ludicolo, Floatzel, Gorebyss, and Seismitoad, are excellent teammates. With Sunny Day, Chlorophyll sweepers, such as Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck, are all good options. Other Pokemon to utilize the weather are also useful, with Dry Skin Jynx, Hurricane Swanna, and Electric-types carrying Thunder all being good options for rain teams and Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types, specifically Rapidash, being excellent options for sun teams. A Rapid Spin user to remove entry hazards is appreciated, as Toxic Spikes reduces a rain team'(add apostrophe)s lifespan andwhile Stealth Rock does the same to sun teams. It is notable that sun teams tend to carry at least one Pokemon with a Grass / Poison typing, namely Victreebel, so they are less likely to be affected by Toxic Spikes. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spin user for rain teams as it receives a useful Speed boost in the rain; likewise, Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spin user for sun teams,(AC) as its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If using a spinner feels like it is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon, such as Scolipede, can help to remove Toxic Spikes for rain teams, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock users before they can set up. Other bulky Pokemon that can help set up weather and ease pressure off Volbeat are helpful teammates. Rotom-S and Electrode are good rain inducers, and Regirock and Gardevoir are good sun inducers.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Encore / Thunder Wave
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Volbeat is the only Pokemon in NU (or besides Smeargle, or whatever/however you want to phrase that, ik it's nitpicky but it's true!) that is able to Baton Pass Tail Glow, and this set is the best way he can accomplish this. Tail Glow provides an amazing +3 boost to Special Attack, which Baton Pass then gives to a teammate. Substitute is another option to use alongside Baton Pass, providing its recipient with a shield against attacks as well as status conditions. Encore is the best move for the last slot, locking the opposing Pokemon into an ineffective move to guarantee at least a single turn to safely set up. However, Thunder Wave is a viable option in order to cripple opposing sweepers, and it still provides a small chance of providing free setup turns thanks to paralysis.</p>


<p>The EVs and nature take full advantage of Volbeat's useful Fighting- and Ground-type resistances by maximizing his physical bulk. Speed is not necessary because all of his moves have priority thanks to Prankster. Leftovers is the best item for this set because it guarantees that Volbeat can create five Substitutes if he hasn't taken any prior damage. Bug Buzz is a viable option over Substitute in order to enable Volbeat to take advantage of his own Tail Glow boosts and to not be entirely crippled by Taunt. However, even after a boost, his power is unimpressive with an uninvested base 47 Special Attack stat. He is also extremely slow without any Speed investment and will not likely be able to hit the opponent before being taken out first. Roost can also be used to enhance Volbeat's longevity, but it uses up a valuable turn which could be spent setting up and/or passing boosts.</p>

<p>The best teammates for this set would be ones that can take advantage of the Tail Glow boost Volbeat provides. Water-type recipients, such as Samurott and Swanna, are notable because they can take Fire-type attacks that are aimed at Volbeat and retaliate back with powered-up Water-type attacks. Electric-types such as Eelektross and Electabuzz are also good recipients because they can take the Flying-type attacks that would destroy Volbeat. Otherwise,(AC) fast special attackers in general, such as Kadabra, Serperior, and Swoobat, are good recipients, especially if Volbeat isn't carrying Thunder Wave, as they can all sweep teams with a single boost. Note that Swoobat's Simple ability doesn't activate with boosts that are Baton Passed. Because entry hazards, notably Stealth Rock, limit how often Volbeat can set up, teammates such as Mold Breaker Sawk and defensive Torkoal are effective teammates to hinder their setup. Many players will assume that Volbeat can only support special attacking teammates, but many physical attackers, such as Golurk and Scolipede, appreciate Substitutes being sent their way.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Volbeat doesn't have many effective options other than the ones listed, with an offensive Baton Pass set utilizing Tail Glow, Baton Pass, Bug Buzz, and Thunderbolt being the most notable one. However, such a set relies on Volbeat's average Speed while lacking enough bulk to take even resisted attacks well. Swagger and Confuse Ray are options alongside Thunder Wave and gain priority thanks to Prankster, but they are very luck reliant without Foul Play to take advantage of the confused opponents. Moonlight can be used with Sunny Day to recover a larger amount of HP, but Volbeat still prefers spending his turns supporting his teammates rather than trying to extend his own longevity. Light Screen can patch up Volbeat's low Special Defense, but without Reflect, he cannot fully support his teammates in this way. A priority Trick is usable with Choice Band or Iron Ball to hinder the opposing team and enhance U-turn (by boosting U-turn's power or increasing the chance that Volbeat will go last), but Encore and Thunder Wave are reusable and far more reliable. Psych Up can steal boosts from an opposing Pokemon for Volbeat to Baton Pass, but it is generally unreliable to depend on your opponent to have a certain moveset. Mental Herb can be a useful item to ignore Taunt once, but that is generally not worth sacrificing a weather rock or Leftovers.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Volbeat isn't difficult to counter as he isn't very threatening on his own. Murkrow is Volbeat's best counter, as it has higher base Speed, Prankster Taunt, and a super effective Brave Bird to take Volbeat out. Liepard is also a great counter if Volbeat lacks Bug Buzz, as it can hit him with a status move that cripples his ability to set up. Rock Blast users, such as Golem and Gigalith, can take Volbeat out pretty easily, as they can break through his Substitutes. Taunt users,(AC) such as Samurott and Misdreavus,(AC) can make Volbeat useless if he lacks Bug Buzz, and even with that move, he isn't that threatening offensively. Encore users can lock Volbeat into a move as he will generally go first thanks to Prankster. Roar and Whirlwind users can phaze away his boosts, as well as phazing his recipients on the switch. Haze can make Volbeat's Baton Pass sets useless as well by removing Tail Glow boosts. Preying on Volbeat's defensive typing and low bulk is an effective way to prevent him from setting up more than once. Pokemon such as Swellow, Zangoose, Raichu, and Seismitoad aren't affected by Thunder Wave thanks to their abilities or typing and aren't that hindered by Encore as well; the former two need to have their status orb already activated in this situation. Choice Band Golurk is a notable Pokemon that Volbeat cannot touch at all, as it is immune to Thunder Wave and is already locked into a move. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards are a reliable way to limit how often Volbeat can switch in, usually restricting him to setting up only once. It is important to note that it is often better not to directly counter Volbeat, but to target at his incoming teammates who benefit from his support, as he isn't that threatening on his own.</p>

GP 2/2

cp: http://pastebin.com/8UMDR1Ea