4th place narrowly misses the podium for only the second time this Walrus, and only to its even-more-boring cousin-uncle-grandpa.
Zac Brown Band - Chicken Fried
Score: .3
Subbed by Ampharos
Score: .3
Subbed by Ampharos
You know this is gonna be inbred before you ever press play. God and it has a minute of stupid non-song video intro garbage. Bruhhfhhfddfdfjfdl;dfl;dsl;ds;lsd;lds;lds;ldsl;fkjgfdkgfkdfjskkjds Unfortunately this song has a LITTLE more going on than the other country song so it barely misses the podium. What mediocrity. Blud singing about fried chicken through those jowls yeah I bet you love fried food god dang fat southerners. How about you stop driving lifted trucks everywhere and take a walk? You can hear the lack of family tree branches in the trailer park Americana of this song.