weird habits that you have

I have obsessive compulsive disorder. Used to be quite invasive (extreme handwashing taking over my life), but now I just have a constant urge to be... symmetric. Everything I do, I'm doing it right now as I type and brushing my fingers over the keys by accident. I do it on one hand so I must replicate that motion on the other. My index finger accidentally touches my middle finger, so I have to do that on the other hand. I touch my skin, I have to touch it on the other side. etc. etc. I do this all day. When I broke my wrist one time I refused to have full plaster because it would restrict my ability to touch my skin and that made my OCD go off the wall; I was extremely anxious and panicking.

I also am extremely paranoid about miscopy/pasting something and so I keep IRC or Notepad++ or something else open and just continuously type spaces, CTRL+A CTRL+X CTRL+V *holds down* to verify my clipboard is clear, rinse repeat ad infinitum. Again, this is harmless but results in severe anxiety when I am unable to carry this out (e.g. I break a keyboard, so I end up doing it with a virtual keyboard which is extremely unwieldy).

I won't eat anything with a strong taste (except for sweet stuff); this isn't just pickiness but more hypersensitivity where it makes me sick/distressed, and I have made efforts to not be like this with some limited success (forcing myself to eat more red meat to improve my health, for example). I pretty much like fruit, potatoes, candy, bread/muffins/cakes, and sometimes chicken. Some other stuff too but that's mostly it. I eat the same thing every day for a long time before switching meals due to my restricted diet making it difficult for me to choose something to eat (and I'd probably forget to eat way more often than I already do if I didn't live with my mom).

Also, I listen to songs on repeat for hours, sometimes even days. I think the longest I have listened to a song without changing it once was eight days straight. I don't get tired of songs like this, at all; the repetition is soothing for me. As a result I have many many many thousands of plays of my favourite songs in my music players (programs, phone, etc.).
Lol, I thought I was alone. I can control it though. (The first one, and 2nd)
I also have the habit to "puff up" my nose, mostly because it's usually itchy.
Every time I say something, I got into the habit of repeating it to myself outloud.
i'm close to that, except when i say something/read something on the internet i find funny i repeat it to myself and usually laugh.

i'm sure if i were near anyone they'd be freaked out.
I used to sometimes crawl/go in head first when I got into a car. So I would have my hands (and if it's a big car, I crawl in onto my knees) on the seat and then I would have to adjust myself and rotate to get everything in the right place. I've started going leg in and sitting right away, which I think is how it should be done, but ever so often when I'm opening a car door I need to remind myself not to stick my head in first. I'm not sure where this habit developed. Probably as a young kid and I never grew out of it.

I can't stand having long nails. When I see the whites I need to trim them. I can 'feel' when they are long, it's annoying. I also hate having dirt under my nails, so having short nails is another benefit. When I was a kid I would bite my nails, but I had braces in high school and that stopped my habit but now I pick at the skin around my nails.

When I'm just reading something trivial or not thinking, I have a habit of of poking my lips or running my index finger along my front teeth.

I'm constantly flexing or randomly moving my fingers. I especially like to fidget with things like pens (spinning them, moving it around between my fingers, taking the cap on/off). I think it probably developed from all my time spent with a game controller/handheld system, so now my fingers are constantly looking for activity.

I cover my mouth (or sometimes my whole face) when I laugh.
I like the make a certain figure, whether its with my foot or finger, where I make a symbol like this usually starting from the center and going up>down, down>up, left>right, right>left, diagonal up left>down right, and so on, then once im at the edge of the last leg, before I go back to the center I make a circle twice overlapping eachother, then return to the center.
Picking skin next to nails, cracking knuckles, shaking leg. I also used to twirl my hair around my finger if I were bored/nervous, but after I started wearing a ponytail (or raccoon tail as I call it), it ended. I also have the habit of repeating a song like pluff has, haven't kept count but I can easily listen to a good track for several days in a row sometimes. Usually I end up listening for a day though. And whenever I have 5 mins spare time (walk somewhere, wait for appointment, whatever), I put on earbuds and listen to some music.
In addition, when I am on the phone, I subconsciously stand up and start pacing around my apartment. I am starting to think this is just a general thinking habit, since whenever I am singing, and it's not a choir environment, I move back and forth all the time. It's so bad that I can't use a mic stand, because I constantly move out of range of the microphone.
Oh man, shaking my leg is definitely a bad habit. I wouldn't call it strange, though, because almost everyone seems to do it.

One thing from that, though, is that I've noticed my right leg is a lot stronger than my left leg from all the shaking. I've mainly noticed it in workouts.
I don't have a lot of habits, but I have some weird leg shaking shit going on. I also bite the inside of my mouth until my breath smells like blood, I often find myself biting the callouses off my fingers, and I crack my fingers every thirty minutes or so. Other non-physical habits I have include chronic Tumblr use, the need to have some sort of white noise or music constantly going, and talking to myself constantly.
I don't have a lot of habits, but I have some weird leg shaking shit going on. I also bite the inside of my mouth until my breath smells like blood, I often find myself biting the callouses off my fingers, and I crack my fingers every thirty minutes or so. Other non-physical habits I have include chronic Tumblr use, the need to have some sort of white noise or music constantly going, and talking to myself constantly.
I have the weird leg shaking too! Like I don't even notice I'm doing it half the time. It just keeps shaking until someone points it out to me.

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