What If? - Alternate Timelines (AT #8 - Steel/Fighting Venomicon-E: Stats Submissions)

Welp there is a 3 way tie between Simple, Speed Boost,  and Earth Eater and since I didn't vote, I figured I would break it with my own vote, therefore AT Saharaja's ability will be...

Speed Boost!

With that we shall be moving onto defining moves for AT Saharaja! Here are the questions from ST Saharaja's process for reference:
1) So far, people want CAP 31 to lean towards an offensive route: i.e. take a similar mold to what Mega Diancie did where you can really exploit Diamond Storm boosts to become more of a pain to revenge kill.

2) Maximizing on-field presence: in threats discussion, we mentioned that between typing and ability, CAP 31 should find a good amount of opportunities to get onto the field. From there, it's about making the most of your ability to boost and what you do once you have obtained (x amount of) boosts.

3) Our relatively low power level so far: something people have made a good amount of mention of is how we have a good amount of power budget left still. This is worth keeping in mind when considering the types of moves we find acceptable to give CAP 31.
Discuss/answer these and we will come up with a Defining Moves list by late Monday September 23rd or early Tuesday September 24th.

Also major congrats to...

Scepticskep for the winning flavor submission for AT Hemogoblin! I will update the archive accordingly.

Have fun!
Yep so really this mon wants physical set up bc diamond storm is weak and feable in the face of the mighty oppressors called Ground type.
The reality is this Mon doesn't want to click dstorm. It wants to click SD and then some coverage to dispatch of the grounds that want to switch in bc they take no damage from its STABs and would otherwise wreck it and the proceed to click its electric move ignoring dstorm entirely.
While Water is its best option as coverage for grounds, as we've learned from Chugga, I think Grass is a pretty neat variety of this, a)bc as I pointed out during ability, it fits pretty well on grassy terrain structures, bc it appreciates weaker EQs and has solid coverage with Hawlucha and Rilla for who it could deal with the fat flying types they don't like and b) bc grass is a pretty natural tera type for this Mon changing its crippling ground weakness to a resist and doing the same for water, while being hard to answer by fire, bug, ice or flying types due to its rock STAB.
Given that two of the meta ground types aren't weak to grass I believe that the strongest options are the most appealing. Woodhammer looks the most appealing imo just for its damage but I could be convinced by leaf blade.

Otherwise as said water coverage is obviously good here, but my fear is that if this Mon can make a set of Electric/Water without too many compromises, it will just drop dstorm bc it literally has no target where it's valuable anymore. The only way to limit that would likely be to give it physical set up and relegate it's electric moves to Special.
Though imo that unnecessarily cuts into the power budget.

I actually really don't know how to value electric here, bc it is the better STAB. If you want a physical electric route, Ideally Electric plus Coverage should not be too good i.e. Water, Ice or Fighting, bc it risks diamond Storm being dropped.
Otherwise you probably would have to design it mixed with only physical set up, bc again otherwise I fear electric just supplants rock and takes the last moveslots for something else.
This is also why i think that if the electric move is physical its power should be capped at Zing Zap. Probably backed by enough power to confidently 2hko argh.
So yeah I think the defining moves should be SD Zing Zap, Diamond Storm and Wood Hammer/Leaf Blade.
I think adding anything else on top is likely to first distract from dstorm bc rock is just such a shitty offensive type if you also have Electric.

P.S. there is another option which just fully ignores electric by putting it on shitty SPA and using An Air Ballon Tera Flying set with Acrobatics and Close Combat or Earthquake.
Rock plus fighting/ground plus flying has I think no switch in except either Equilibra or Gholdengo. I don't really like this option bc it means we just ignore part of the offensive typing, but I think it would be highly effective.
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The reality is this Mon doesn't want to click dstorm.

I do like the idea of physical setup, though, considering how we now have access to free boosts in both Defense and Speed. However, if we want it to click Diamond Storm,


We have to give it Power Trip.
Yes, I know. It would be beyond broken. But it's what we need to do for it to click Diamond Storm. We could also give it Charge Beam and Amnesia, but I personally think that much setup would provoke players to not run Diamond Storm.
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Putting this back in now that it's (official).
Here’s my flavor submission for AT Hemogoblin! View attachment 670040
The Bright Idea Pokemon

Fire / Psychic
Ability: Psychic Surge

Designed around Esper Wing and Torch Song. Inspired by Pouter Pigeons, the phrase “birdbrain”, phoenixes, and general brain anatomy.
Gonna try my hand to provide the rest of this flavour sub for AT Hemogoblin. Am going to assume this is a single stage mon until stated otherwise.
Ability: Electromorphosis / Own Tempo / Psychic Surge
- Own Tempo is found on big-brain mons like Slowking, also to give it one more common theme with Hemogoblin.
- Electromorphosis is to reference the fact that brain tissue generates electric fields when it is active. (Also it was one Ability I threw out during Hemo's flavour discussion AND I AM BRINGING IT BACK)
- Psychic Surge is the HA because Pixilate, Hemogoblin's intended HA, was shifted around for reasons I do not know.
CAP: Aviascent's delirium is a result of faulty sensory gating. It uses intense psychic energy to overwhelm those around it with scorching fevers.
Bold Moves are (mostly) required, italics are repeating.
1 Peck
1 Stored Power
1 Ember
1 Instruct
4 Dual Wingbeat
8 Flame Charge
12 Psybeam
16 Volt Switch
20 Torch Song
24 Esper Wing

28 Drill Peck
32 Calm Mind
36 Heat Wave
40 Thunder
44 Mirror Coat
Parabolic Charge
TM001: Take Down
TM007: Protect

TM014: Acrobatics
TM016: Psybeam
TM020: Trailblaze
TM025: Facade
TM027: Aerial Ace
TM043: Fling
TM047: Endure
TM048: Volt Switch
TM049: Sunny Day
TM054: Psyshock
TM059: Zen Headbutt

TM065: Air Slash
TM066: Body Slam
TM070: Sleep Talk
TM079: Dazzling Gleam
TM080: Metronome
TM085: Rest
TM087: Taunt

TM092: Imprison
TM097: Fly
TM103: Substitute
TM107: Will-O-Wisp

TM109: Trick
TM111: Giga Drain
TM117: Hyper Voice
TM118: Heat Wave
TM119: Energy Ball
TM120: Psychic
TM125: Flamethrower

TM126: Thunderbolt
TM128: Amnesia
TM129: Calm Mind
TM130: Helping Hand
TM132: Baton Pass
TM138: Psychic Terrain
TM140: Nasty Plot
TM141: Fire Blast
TM147: Wild Charge

TM152: Giga Impact
TM157: Overheat
TM163: Hyper Beam
TM164: Brave Bird
TM166: Thunder
TM168: Solar Beam
TM171: Tera Blast
TM173: Charge
TM181: Knock Off
TM184: Vacuum Wave
TM189: Heat Crash
TM191: Uproar
TM195: Burning Jealousy
TM197: Dual Wingbeat
TM202: Pain Split
TM203: Psych Up
TM207: Temper Flare
TM217: Future Sight
TM228: Psychic Noise
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Seems to me the ideal for Raja AT is to follow in the footsteps of actual raja and run Swords Dance. And in that vein, I don't really have more to add to what Amama pointed out. Defining moves should be Swords Dance and Diamond Storm for sure, followed by electric stab, either Zing Zap or Supercell Slam, and then our choice of physical grass move, leaf blade, power whip, or wood hammer. I think some fringe tech options could be good to include as well like Magnet Rise, but it would cause some serious four moveslot syndrome. Another option would be ice spinner to give us another hit on the ground/flyings.

I don't think power trip would be wise to add, as it would be far too strong.
While this discussion was short and sweet, I think we have a good grasp on what we wanna have as AT Saharaja's Defining Moves, so with that here they are:

Diamond Storm, Supercell Slam
Swords Dance
Physical Grass Coverage

Physical Water Coverage
Zing Zap
Volt Tackle (-10 BSR)

Now as we move onto Stats, I have included the Stat Limits from ST Raja's process below.
Physical Sweepiness: Limit is 140
Special Sweepiness: Limit is 100
Physical Tankiness: Limit is 130
Special Tankiness: Limit is 130
BSR: Limit is 590

I am gonna allow stat subs for a good minute (because I know they take time and effort to fine tune) so I would say I'll give until just under a few days and have us start voting on Saturday September 28th.

I also figured I'd include this paragraph from the actual stats stage so people have a quick link to make their stat spreads :).
A spreadsheet for calculating the ratings can be found here. To use it for yourself, create an editable copy with File > Make a copy. If you don't have a spreadsheet program, OpenOffice and Google Sheets are free. You must have the stat rating values listed correctly in your submission or it will be ignored for the slate.