What If? - Alternate Timelines (AT #8 - Steel/Fighting Venomicon-E: Stats Submissions)

Here’s my flavor submission for AT Chuggalong!

The Burning Hunger Pokemon

Ability: Unburden

Inspired by Tamagotchi and “imprisoned demon” tropes. Unburden comes from the concept of feeding the Tamagotchi as well as “feeding your inner demons”.
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Subbing Fighting Flying and Ground Flying
Both these typings have probably the best hazard resilience combined with very potent two move STAB. We all know how well Grounds Flying works in a lead position and fighting flying seems pretty similar.
Given their Great two move coverage and Strong Stab options they should have enough moveslots to dedicate to lead utility such as Hazards, Taunt, Screens and Knock Off or Boosting alongside one of these options, that could enable Chrome to better clean when it comes back around.
The great hazard resilience enables it to take minimal damage when coming back in even without the help of boots, which enables items such as Light Clay, Pinch Berries or even no item for Acrobatics and Knock absorbtion.
This is another utility both these types provide, being really good to absorb knock off and in ground flyings case Twave as well.
I have seen a lot of people talking about making a Emergency Exit user a pivot, but I think there's another potential route that we can take: An offensive lead / Hazard setter.

One of the biggest qualities that offensive teams want in a hazards / screen setter is not only the ability to set hazards effectively, but also the ability to quickly get out of the field to your offensive pokémon out and start breaking the opposing team. Emergency exit has the potential to do this as we can get hazards up or taunt the opponent's lead, as when combined with a high speed stat we can ensure to get the advantage in a lot of of cases, as the opponent is forced into a bad position by either letting us get advantage with hazards / screens or by attacking it and getting a strong wallbreaker in the field. It also allows us to run sash + emergency exit, which not only is it good for a lead, but it can be preserved to be used later in case of an emergency.

With that, I suggest the typing of Dark / Fairy and Water / Poison.
Dark / Fairy
threatens leads like Dragapult, Malaconda, Samurott-Hisui and Deoxy-S offensively, ensuring that you can force them out before they find ways to try and regain momentum or positioning such as Ceaseless Edge or Pivoting. It also has the benefit of threatning out multi-hit users like Kyurem or Miawsmaw.
Similarly, Water / Poison threatens the likes of Landorus, Malaconda once again, Creseidon, Clefable, and Glimmora among others. It has the benefit that once Eexit is acitvated, it can still serve the team via switching in and absorbing Toxic Spikes.
Going to be subbing Ground/Poison and Steel/Grass

Big fan of Gekokeso's hazard lead and wanted to encompass that with this typing. Ground's rocks resistance alongside Poison's toxic spike absorbance allows us to come in multiple times without the need for HDB. Ground/Poison additionally is a strong offensive type, and with their stab combination they can easily fit hazards, utility, or status moves (especially Toxic) and spread them before being swapped out.

The second typing is definitely a lot more unconventional but hear me out. Grass/Steel is certainly one of the best defensive type combinations in the game, but outside of our defensive profile there's specific synergy with Emergency Exit. Emergency Exit isn't effected by most non-direct damage, except recoil damage. Grass has access to both incredible recovery options as well as multiple recoil moves on a physical and special side. Steel consolidates a rocks resistance and tspike immunity, placing us in an excellent position to swap in unfettered by these types of hazards, heal or use high power recoil, and switch out on our own accord. This typing is certainly more reliant on a high speed mon, especially with our 4x weakness, but that's not stopped this typing in the past.
With a late entry we have a tie between Fighting/Flying and Steel/Grass, so I am gonna break said tie and vote for...

Steel/Grass as AT Chromera's typing!

Also big congrats to Scepticskep for winning AT Chuggalong's art/name and who is absolutely killing it with these flavor subs!

Now onto defining moves...

We wanna think about moves that allow EExit to shine and as Scepticskep mentioned in their post, Steel/Grass have quite a few to offer but I wanna also discuss potential coverage/utility options we may wanna have that could help us come stat sub time!

I will give this step about 48 hours before we move onto stat submissions :)
Pardon me, just here to give the rest of flavour
Here’s my flavor submission for AT Chuggalong!
View attachment 678707
Ability: Unburden

Inspired by Tamagotchi and “imprisoned demon” tropes. Unburden comes from the concept of feeding the Tamagotchi as well as “feeding your inner demons”.
View attachment 678711
Second one. Assumes this is a single stage mon. Starting to wonder if I should consider some of these as 'Legendary', given their BST...
Ability: Unburden / Steely Spirit | Infiltrator
- Steely Spirit was too much of a pun to resist, because it's a spirit made of steel.
- Infiltrator is to reference Spiritomb, the other malicious Pokemon sealed away.
CAP: These Pokémon arose from the fury of those who died facing injustice, trapped by the metallic cage which is said to represent their own moral failings.
Bold are (mostly) required, italics are repeating.
1 Fire Spin
1 Metal Sound
4 Confuse Ray
8 Night Shade
12 Flame Charge
16 Snarl
20 Will-O-Wisp
24 Ancient Power
28 Torch Song
32 Memento
36 Flash Cannon
40 Dark Pulse
45 Inferno
50 Metal Burst
Egg Group: Amorphous
Ally Switch
Destiny Bond
TM001: Take Down
TM006: Scary Face
TM007: Protect
TM008: Fire Fang
TM013: Acid Spray
TM017: Confuse Ray
TM018: Thief
TM021: Pounce
TM024: Fire Spin
TM025: Facade
TM030: Snarl
TM031: Metal Claw
TM036: Rock Tomb
TM038: Flame Charge
TM039: Low Sweep
TM043: Fling
TM045: Venoshock
TM047: Endure
TM049: Sunny Day
TM051: Sandstorm
TM053: Smart Strike
TM058: Brick Break
TM062: Foul Play
TM066: Body Slam
TM067: Fire Punch
TM070: Sleep Talk
TM072: Electro Ball
TM076: Rock Blast
TM080: Metronome
TM081: Grass Knot
TM083: Poison Jab
TM084: Stomping Tantrum
TM085: Rest
TM086: Rock Slide
TM087: Taunt
TM092: Imprison
TM093: Flash Cannon
TM094: Dark Pulse
TM095: Leech Life
TM096: Eerie Impulse
TM098: Skill Swap
TM099: Iron Head
TM101: Power Gem
TM102: Gunk Shot
TM103: Substitute
TM107: Will-O-Wisp
TM108: Crunch
TM109: Trick
TM111: Giga Drain
TM115: Dragon Pulse
TM118: Heat Wave
TM119: Energy Ball
TM121: Heavy Slam
TM125: Flamethrower
TM130: Helping Hand
TM136: Electric Terrain
TM141: Fire Blast
TM147: Wild Charge
TM148: Sludge Bomb
TM152: Giga Impact
TM156: Outrage
TM157: Overheat
TM163: Hyper Beam
TM165: Flare Blitz
TM168: Solar Beam
TM170: Steel Beam
TM171: Tera Blast

TM172: Roar
TM176: Sand Tomb
TM179: Smack Down
TM180: Gyro Ball
TM181: Knock Off
TM183: Super Fang
TM185: Lunge
TM189: Heat Crash
TM190: Solar Blade
TM191: Uproar
TM195: Burning Jealousy
TM199: Lash Out
TM202: Pain Split
TM205: Endeavor
TM207: Temper Flare
TM214: Sludge Wave
TM215: Scorching Sands
TM220: Meteor Beam
TM221: Throat Chop
TM223: Metal Sound
TM224: Curse
TM225: Hard Press
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The two big moves for this Mon are Chloroblast and Steel Beam. While grass offers more recoil options in Woodhammer having a 150 BP guaranteed pivot is just better than a 120 BP pivot after hitting Venom 8 times.

Both Stab types Like Ground Coverage a lot. Water is also a decent option with this.

If we wanna make the pivoting more permanent we should also look at recovery. I think the most potent options are Strength SAP and Painsplit. That said 50% recovery or even leech seed/jungle healing have their merit.

Given the idea of a lead Mon Spikes/Rocks/Webs and Taunt come to mind. With the typing idt screens are as good here, since then you're gonna be hard pressed to fit enough coverage with just two moves.
Of all of these I like spikes most, as grass steel is a fairly solid typing to come in several times to set spikes and get out, while pressuring removal.
That said spikes doesn't necessarily fit well if the idea is to use moves that cut health in half (fitting spikes, Stabs, Coverage and Recovery is kinda hard)

Some miscellaneous moves that have interesting synergy with the 50% moves are Endeavor, Destiny Bond and healing Wish.

Though these feel less like defining moves and more like something that could see use.

Overall I think we have
Steel Beam, Chloroblast, Woodhammer, Heavy Slam, Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Earth Power, Earthquake, Strength SAP and 50% recovery that would require calcs. Moves like spikes, taunt, Endeavor, or destiny bond would be optional.
First going to second Amamama's point that Steel Beam and Chloroblast are definitely the most valuable options AT Chrom can have, as they allow us to take control of Emergency Exit with guaranteed 50% health loss, an ability that typically puts too much control in the opponent's hands.

In terms of recovery, I actually think 50% recovery would be our best option as it guarantees that we'll reach past the halfway point after having switched back in. Strength Sap I see value in to specifically improve our matchup with physical attackers, and in combining recovery and utility into one slot.

In terms of coverage I agree Ground is our best option as it hits the mons that wall our STAB combo (Mollux, Gholdengo, Hemogoblin, Moth). What I struggle to imagine is how AT4 uses its space to fit both STABs, Coverage, Recovery and utility. Right now I'm envisioning STAB1 / STAB2 / Recovery / Utility, but I could see swapping out the utility for additional coverage if this mon is going for a more offensive pivot role.

Utilitywise, I agree this mon would be great for applying hazards, particularly spikes. I think Leech Seed could be beneficial as we can pivot out and spread the healing to a teammate. In a similar sense, I definitely think mon can be a Wish passer thanks to the unique pivoting ability we have, as well as using Wish to heal ourselves back past 50%.
The fact this CAP variant and the discussion in general is aligning absurdly close to my attempt to make a viable Emergency Exit mon is mindblowing as fuck to me (Chemiclysm fans rise up). However it's because of this that I have direct experience with this combination of qualities and the good news is that it had incredible success in the mod that it was made for, so let me just quickly share some things that would be of value based on that empirical experience:

- Rotom styled stats are peak here. Strength Sap and Giga Drain scale much harder as draining moves with a low base HP and you still have overall great bulk for your purposes
- Good coverage to complement the ChloroBeam STAB combo is really important since this typing lives and dies on explosive recoil-based offense, which makes these clicks a bit less free. Coverage helps take the difference off into resists and ensures the mon isn't just an Emergency Exit bot and can use the combined Emergency Exit + explosive STAB combo to greater effect into weaker resists
- Wood Hammer (and other self-recoil based moves) do not proc Emergency Exit. However, Chloroblast and Steel Beam are not technically considered recoil moves in the sense (acting more as "a cost" more than an actual side-effect) so they do proc Emergency Exit; these alongside Struggle are the only exceptions I am aware of since their recoil is fixed and independently coded.
- Having nice midgrounds that are proactive in terms of complementing the explosive STAB combo is really useful, and hazards are the best way to go for that
- Good speed is extremely important so these moves can come off more reliably and also force switches better
Okay so it seems like we wanna heavily focusing on having the STAB combo we have access to thanks to our typing to help proc Emergency Exit while also coupling it with great utility and/or coverage options so here is the defining moves list!

Required: Steel STAB (Steel Beam), Grass STAB (Chloroblast), One of Spikes or Stealth Rock

 Optional: 50% Recovery, One of Ground or Water coverage, Strength Sap

And with that, we are moving onto Stat Submissions! As always, we are using the Stat Limits from ST Chromera's process so here they are!
Physical Sweepiness: Limit is 140
Physical Tankiness: Limit is 135
Special Sweepiness: Limit is 140
Special Tankiness: Limit is 130

BSR: Limit is 595

Maximum Speed Stat: 120
Minimum SpA Stat: 95
Here is the link and to use it for yourself, create an editable copy with File > Make a copy. If you don't have a spreadsheet program, OpenOffice and Google Sheets are free. I will give roughly 72 hours for y'all to submit some bomb ass spreads!

90 / 60 / 71 / 108 / 71 / 120 (520)

Ima be fr, I have zero idea of what the desired defensive calcs for this mon are supposed to be so I just gave it ok bulk to try and go for a non-bloated BST, what matters is that those Chloroblasts / Steel Beams will be frying a lot of stuff, with minimal investment needed to ohko stuff like Samurott, Glimmora, Clefable among other leads, while going full spa allows you to OHKO Arghonaut. Depends of what you want your targets to be, just hit hard and set rocks for a very strong start to the match.
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Welp with no other submissions (and me forgetting about this due to irl being hectic after this week) Gekokeso is the winner for AT Chromera's stats! And with that, we are now opening up flavor submissions for anyone that feels up to it!

With us being so close to Halloween, and it being spooky season, I figured it would neat for us to do not only our first defining move AT, but also a themed one at that.
What if Saharaja had Shadow Force as its "Forbidden Fruit"?

For those that don't know, Saharaja's concept was to choose a move that is normally banned due to being a legendary signature and be able to use it as a defining piece of its moveset. Diamond Storm was ST Saharaja's "forbidden fruit" but AT Saharaja will fit right into the spooky season and specifically for this spooky week leading up to Halloween.

First off we shall begin with typing! I feel like the obvious choice is right in our face but I wanna see some creative thoughts similar to how pure Ground won for Saharaja despite it having a Rock move being chosen as its defining move.

I am gonna give roughly 48-72 hours to discuss typings before we put it to a vote!
Readers beware, you're in for a scare...!