HP: 60
Atk: 40
Def: 75
SpA: 98
SpD: 90
Spe: 110
BST: 473
PS: 62.89
SS: 123.63
PT: 70.46
ST: 82.58
BSR: 503.85
Esper Wing spread. Intended to be used with Eruption, Volt Switch, and one of recovery/setup/hazards. At +1 this thing outspeeds... a whole lotta stuff. Pair this with a Psychic Seed and it can even tank a Shadow Ball from a Specs SpA-invested Dragapult (with a SpA neutral nature mind you). Most of the physically oriented mons we would want to target given our type get outsped and go down in a single hit. Eruption falls off hard at lower HP, sure, but given we will always be either at high HP or at death's door I don't think that's particularly relevant. Put this thing on a sun team and watch it wreak havoc. or something.
Atk: 40
Def: 75
SpA: 98
SpD: 90
Spe: 110
BST: 473
PS: 62.89
SS: 123.63
PT: 70.46
ST: 82.58
BSR: 503.85
Esper Wing spread. Intended to be used with Eruption, Volt Switch, and one of recovery/setup/hazards. At +1 this thing outspeeds... a whole lotta stuff. Pair this with a Psychic Seed and it can even tank a Shadow Ball from a Specs SpA-invested Dragapult (with a SpA neutral nature mind you). Most of the physically oriented mons we would want to target given our type get outsped and go down in a single hit. Eruption falls off hard at lower HP, sure, but given we will always be either at high HP or at death's door I don't think that's particularly relevant. Put this thing on a sun team and watch it wreak havoc. or something.