When Sparks Fly - iFly vs. Corruptodile!

Excellent warstory. The commentary serves as a great example for the proper narration of a battler's thought process in a warstory. The predictions, planning, and understanding of the developing endgame was all explained.

The battle, too, was excellent quality. Had plenty of smart plays and even risks when the rewards were worth it.

My only complaints were the reckless assumption with Hihidaruma against Starmie, the oversight of Zapdos' Pressure, and the comment about your opponent lacking a spin-blocker when he lead with Sableye.

Also, even though it was extremely risky, I think Corruptodile should've given more thought to protecting his entry hazards from Donphan's spin. Both Sazandora and Borutorosu were either dead or nearly dead to entry hazards, so iFly had a huge incentive to Rapid Spin. If Sableye came in on Rapid Spin, he could've tanked and crippled Donphan with WoW and Recover, barring parahax. Although, given Sableye was Corruptodile's only real answer to Rankurusu, I can't blame him for taking the conservative route.

All in all, best warstory I've seen recently. Very entertaining read, and I hope to see more stories of this quality and depth.

EXCELLENT MATCH. The parahax might actually have made the battle more interesting, since Corruptodile was really very adaptable and managed to navigate around the turns he lost.
Great Warstory man, i was at the edge of my seat by the end.
Your might crushed him and the Hax Gods that stood in your way to Valhalla.

9/10 and a Sexydisc 4 you.
Great match! The commentary was good (dual coms are always good), and even though the shitload of Parahax (call it part of it or not, this was definitely hax), it was a good battle with quite some prediction. Pity of the Hihidaruma misplay though.

9/10, and a Luvdisc to go with it.
Great warstory. I love double commentaries since you get a ton of insight. And this battle had tons of great prediction. The hax wasn't too* game-changing, so I'm fine with it.

This reminds me why I spend time reading these warstories. Battlers with insight. Great playing and fleshed out thoughtful commentary.
Yeah the dual commentary was great, amazing plays on both sides and a great war-story overall.

Parahax was the only fault. I honestly could not believe how often paralysis happened :P But otherwise this is brilliant. Love the commentary and format, yada yada yada. Very nice

Everytime I read in the commentary that Corruptodile shrugged off several turns of paralysis I smiled a little.
That he kept his head and ended up winning the match was impressive.
I remember a Gen IV match where MixMence crtitted and fainted a couple of my switch-ins putting me in a bad state early.
I stuck it out and won and it's one of the few matches I remember quite well.

I really wish the culture of knocking war stories that contain things that invevitably happen in Pokemon would stop.
Formatting and commentary are under the writers' can control but they cannot control what the RNG does.
Do we want war stories or Poke-fiction; actual battles or ones made up or modifed to fit unrealistic demands?
If I'm to believe some of these aesthetic judgements as to battle quality very few 'good' battles actually occur in the wild.
Then the battles suitable for warstories, even when the players are skilled at both battle and commentary, would necessarily be extremely scarce.

Strategically, iFly used thunderwave in hopes that his opponent would be unable to move about 25% of the time and hopefully at the most important times.
[Both paralyzed pokemon were either slow as molasses already or Mischievous Hearted with support moves so the halved speed was largely irrelevant if not beneficial (Gyro Ball)]
For both the moveslot on Voltolos and the turns taken to use the move, the 29% activation was a reasonable return on investment.
If it happened a whole lot less that would be 'hax' eh? But I doubt anyone would have commented on that!

I also would argue that the of activation of paralysis and the soldiering on in spite of it was an essential part of the narrative of this warstory.
Remove that, and you have something a lot less interesting and RELATABLE.
As it was, I enjoyed the read; the commentary really placed me in the battle as if I was watching it unfold the first time and the attitude of the battlers was great.
The battle had a very real, genuine and undoctored feel to it (with there being some admitted misplays and incorrect assumptions) and a theme of struggle against uncontrollable handicapps emerged.

Good work.
Thanks a lot for that last review, and for agreeing with me. It's true, removing the paraha actually makes the battle less relatable and interesting...

I can't believe I read all of that.

It was great.

...Except for that parahax.


Anyway, 9.5/10 because the hax-ee won

Not to get on too much of a tangent, but... It's 70%. There's a 30% chance it won't go through - relatively high. You don't call that hax. That's called unreliable.
The battle was pretty good, and I liked the comments. Nothing really immature, showed thought process, etc. The hax kind of ruined it for me, though. Had this battle been an accurate reflection of accuracies and rates, the chance of being fully paralyzed would be 48% as opposed to 25%, and the accuracy of Will-O-Wisp would be 40%. 8/10

EDIT: I'm not sure what I missed; I went back and counted, and I found that there were 23 turns when Nattorei or Sableye made or failed a move, and 11 of them were fully paralyzed.
This was a real good warstory and I know how Corrutodile felt ( I was once parahaxed 3 times in a row. The skill that both players had and the ending of the battle was to the wire and the match could have gone either way, so I take my hat off to both players. 9/10
I thought it was really well written, especially for a first try. I don't like the "SCROLL DOWN TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS" thing, but other than that it was pretty insightful. The hax was offputting (especially since I'm always the guy getting full para 5 times in a row =P) but even still, I really enjoyed this story. Dual commentary is always awesome, and gets bonus point. 8/10 fromme, and I hope you write another! =)
My only complaints were the reckless assumption with Hihidaruma against Starmie, the oversight of Zapdos' Pressure, and the comment about your opponent lacking a spin-blocker when he lead with Sableye.

Exactly this. There were 2 drawbacks: the absurd full paralysis (you can put that on PO's account, even though their mod always tries to convince me that the hax counter is normal [Bullshit!]) and that awful misplay with Hiri.

Aside from that, it was an AMAZING battle. Really, I'm paid based on my hour work and I have no regrets on losing some of my time reading this thrilling warstory. Nice format (I'd point out as Vex said that I also prefer the score after each KO), nice commentary and double commentary is usually a plus.

Very nice job, thank you both for pleasing us with this enjoyable WS.

Nice battle. corruptodile's nicknames managed to make me chuckle, especially "slow as fuck." The commentary was great and I really liked the summary of the turn and what they were planning. I would've been fuming after the first few para's especially when you wanted to go on the offensive.


-Granted I've only joined pokemon lab and smogon three days ago, I'm surprised the match lasted 60 turns. I've lurked about 30 battles and had only four* battles with others, none of them last more than 25 turns.
After reading your 29% calc on paralysis turns it made the paralysis sound not as bad, even though it's still painful to read on there. And besides, the battle wouldn't have been the same/as close/as exciting/as suspenseful if it hadn't played out the way it did.

Luvdisc'd, cause this certainly deserves it.
wow great warstory.
I actually loved corruptodile's style of playing. Even though he could send out zapdos more at the start when you knew the genie was going to use voltchange/thunder wave
Loved the warstory =)

Before turn 30 begins, it is stated in blue that sazandora is locked into a FIRE move, while he's locked in SURF.
Good format, excellent commentary, great battle. I'd split the post into two to get around the limit on picture count. I'm also a sucker for double commentaries. The battle was rather long but good, as neither battler was trying to stall.

9/10 (because, as previously stated, I'm a sucker for doubles)

It's a great showing for a first warstory.
Great battle! That warstory had everything I could ask for: Prediction, tactics, and suspence. I know many thought the hax was a bit much, but I didn't mind it much. That's part of what makes Pokemon, well... Pokemon. I hope you write more warstories like this.

Rating: 10/10
Great warstory and commentaries by both of you. The only thing that got me was wrong voltolos movepool and the excessive parahax.
But that didn't change my final opinion about the battle. Good Job and keep going.