Whimsicott (QC 3/3) (GP 2/2)

Texas Cloverleaf

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RoAPL Champion

<p>Whimsicott is quite possibly the most hated Pokemon in existence, not only because of its ugly mug, but because of its unique ability to annoy you to the point of insanity. In addition to a boatload of non-attacking moves, Whimsicott was gifted with the Prankster ability, giving it priority on said moves, along with the immense capability to piss opponents off. As far as typings go, pure Grass is pretty good in RU, and thanks to Whimsicott's reasonable bulk, it is rather difficult to take down. Even without Prankster, Whimsicott's base 116 Speed will allow it to outspeed most Pokemon, allowing it to chip off a weakened opponent's last bit of health. However, despite being a gifted annoyer and team supporter, Whimsicott has poor offenses and finds it difficult to do significant damage. Whimsicott is also not overly bulky even with investment, so it cannot take powerful attacks at all. Finally, Whimsicott finds it difficult to handle Grass-types, who are immune to its SubSeeding ways. Despite these unfortunate flaws, Whimsicott is undoubtedly one of the most infuriating Pokemon ever created, and will surely cause its share of ragequits.</p>

name: SubSeed
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Encore / Taunt
move 4: U-turn / Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>The hallmark of the Grass-type, Whimsicott takes SubSeeding to a whole new level of madness, as Prankster gives each of this set's key moves priority. Substitute is Whimsicott's safeguard, one that it can repeatedly set up in the face of the enemy, protecting it from both powerful attacks and Toxic. Leech Seed condemns any non-Grass-type Pokemon to a slow death; the HP recovery alongside Substitute makes Whimsicott nigh on impossible to defeat. Encore is useful to lock opponents into weak attacks and grant Whimsicott free setup turns. Alternatively, Taunt ensures that most stall Pokemon can't touch Whimsicott, and also prevents opponents from setting up on it. U-turn is an excellent scouting move and can be used to bring partners in safely to receive Leech Seed recovery. Toxic gives Whimsicott a way to beat most Grass-type opponents, and makes it that much easier to stall out an opponent.</p>


<p>The given EV spread and nature allows Whimsicott to use its meagrer defenses as effectively as possible by bolstering its stronger Defense stat. Stun Spore can be used in the last slot to cripple opposing sweepers, as well as to gain additional opportunities to set up a Substitute. Encore and Taunt can be used alongside each other, creating a nigh unstoppable combination for breaking down stall teams. Endeavor is useful with Substitute and can be used when at low health—the residual damage from Leech Seed will likely finish the opponent off.</p>

<p>Good partners for Whimsicott include setup sweepers such as Aggron and Feraligatr, who can use favorable Encore locks or U-turn switch-ins to set up. Fire-types such as Entei can switch into the Bug- and Fire-type attacks aimed at Whimsicott, and also appreciate Leech Seed recovery to help offset Stealth Rock damage. Similarly, Rock-types work well with Whimsicott as they take the Flying- and Poison-type attacks aimed at it, while Whimsicott can tank the Grass- and Water-type attacks aimed at them in return.

name: Prankster
move 1: Encore
move 2: U-turn / Memento
move 3: Stun Spore / Tailwind
move 4: Leech Seed / Taunt
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>If stalling an opponent to eternity doesn't catch your fancy, Whimsicott can also infuriate an opponent beyond reason with this set. Encore is the bane of any user of non-attacking moves, as Encore locks it into a useless move for the next several turns and effectively grants Whimsicott free turns to use at its leisure. U-turn lets Whimsicott maintain momentum, constantly providing advantageous switch-ins. Memento cuts the opponent's offensive stats in half and is an excellent way to bring in a setup sweeper. Stun Spore allows Whimsicott the utility of checking opposing sweepers by paralyzing them and nullifying their ability to run through your team. Tailwind is excellent team support, doubling your team's Speed for three turns, and allowing the likes of Choice Band Aggron to run rampant for that period of time. Leech Seed enables Whimsicott and its teammates to restore health, while draining that of the opponent. Finally, Taunt is the standard stallbreaking move, but it should generally not be used alongside Encore. Essentially, the hallmark of this set is versatility, as it can be easily tailored to fit your team's specific needs.</p>


<p>Full defensive EV investment and an Impish nature grant Whimsicott the greatest survivability possible, ensuring it continues annoying the opponent to death. Toxic is another option to slowly stall an opponent to death, but Whimsicott will rarely find space to fit it in over its other essential moves.</p>

<p>This set really excels at causing switches and weakening key threats for your team, so hazard support is a great aid for Whimsicott, with Toxic Spikes being the most appreciated. Setup sweepers such as Gallade and Uxie, who need particular targets removed, will enjoy Whimsicott's ability to remove these specific counters for them. This set can also function as the ultimate stallbreaker thanks to Taunt, Leech Seed, and Encore, easily beating all common stall members bar Roselia and Mandibuzz.</p>

name: Sunny Day Support
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Taunt / Encore
move 3: SolarBeam
move 4: U-turn / Memento
item: Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>A common problem sun teams face is the inability to set up their necessary weather with ease. This becomes a complete non-issue when using Whimsicott, as it will never fail in setting up the sun with the aid of Prankster. Sunny Day is naturally the key move, as it is essential to the success of a sun team. Taunt ensures that opponents cannot disrupt Whimsicott's efforts with Encore or Taunt of their own, and also protects incoming sweepers from status. Encore, however, can grant Whimsicott additional setup turns, and is often the superior choice when using Whimsicott outside of the lead position. SolarBeam is an excellent STAB move under the sun, even uninvested, and the lack of automatic weather inducers in RU makes the attack considerably less risky. U-turn and Memento let Whimsicott get fragile sun sweepers into battle safely; the former allows Whimsicott to set up throughout the match, while the latter guarantees a setup opportunity for a teammate that desperately needs the free turn to sweep, such as Victreebel.</p>


<p>Once again, maximum defensive investment ensures that Whimsicott will survive as long as possible, giving it multiple opportunites to set up sun. Heat Rock lengthens the duration of the sun from five turns to the much more deadly eight turns, enabling your sweepers to wreak havoc for longer. Light Screen is a cool team support option if you choose to forgo Memento, as the protective barrier can shield your sweepers from dangerous special attackers; Sawsbuck in particular appreciates the added protection. Shiftry and Victreebel, however, prefer Memento support, as they become extremely dangerous after a Growth boost. Flareon is a useful partner for this set, as it absorbs Bug- and Fire-type attacks that could trouble Whimsicott, and also supports a sun team with its useful Wish passes.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Although many moves have been elaborated upon above, they are by no means the only options available to Whimsicott. Firstly, a specially defensive EV spread can be used on any of the above sets in order to better handle special attacks. Growth and Cotton Guard are the two boosting moves Whimsicott receives. The former gives Whimsicott greater offensive potential, but Whimsicott rarely uses attacking moves making it of less use, whereas the latter makes Whimsicott nearly invulnerable on the physical side. Conversely, Cotton Spore, Fake Tears and Tickle are all options for lowering an opponents Speed, Special Defense, and Attack and Defense respectively. These are all useful team support moves that can force switches but are usually too situational to be of much use.</p>

<p>On the offensive side of things, Whimsicott can choose to use Grass Knot as its Grass STAB as a more reliable attack, or even Hurricane, which does super effective damage to the Grass-types that are immune to Leech Seed. Finally, Switcheroo can be used with Lagging Tail to cripple an opponent, while Trick Room can replace Sunny Day on the sun support set, providing support for Pokemon such as Druddigon, who can rampage through the tier once it outspeeds the opponent.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>In addition to its already excellent Speed, nearly every move in Whimsicott's arsenal is boosted by priority. Therefore, Whimsicott lacks true counters with the exception of Natu, who can bounce back any support move with Magic Bounce. Nonetheless, Grass-type Pokemon such as Sceptile function well against Whimsicott as they are immune to Leech Seed. Of these, Grass / Poison-type Pokemon such as Roselia or Amoonguss are the best of the bunch, as they are not only immune to Leech Seed and Toxic, but also have super effective Poison STAB attacks to retaliate with. Sap Sipper Pokemon such as Bouffalant also tend to shut Whimsicott down, as they gain an Attack boost from any Grass-type attack aimed at them. Limber attackers often work well, as unlike most offensive Pokemon, they do not fear potential paralysis from Whimsicott. Essentially, Whimsicott simply cannot take constant offense; don't give it time to set up and it will go down eventually.</p>
This is how I envision the Support set to look:

name: Support
move 1: Leech Seed
move 2: Encore
move 3: Substitute / Tailwind
move 4: Tailwind / Memento
item: Leftovers
nature: Impish
ability: Prankster
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Substitute I feel is a must on any Whimsi set simply for scouting and the utility that it gives Whimsi, but then it just begins to play a lot like the SubSeed set. So, in order to make sure that you're using Whimsi for a different purpose, Tailwind and Memento are probably the most useful things that it can give to its team. Giga Drain serves absolutely no purpose at all, Cotton Guard is dumb for the most part, etc.

And for the Sunny Day set:

name: Sunny Day Support
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Encore
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Memento / Light Screen
item: Leftovers
nature: Impish
ability: Prankster
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Tailwind is almost completely unnecessary for a sun team unless you're using Specs Charizard or Moltres instead of Scarf. U-turn is pretty much needed to give your teammates an easy switch in. Memento and Light Screen give your team the best possible support.
This is how the first set should look like:

name: SubSeed
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Encore / Taunt
move 4: U-turn / Toxic
item: Leftovers
nature: Impish
ability: Prankster
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

I first wrote a huge reasoning about those changes, but my Google Chrome went crazy so I completely lost it, and CBA in writing it all again. Substitute and Leech Seed are the crux of the set, so they should be the first moves and most importantly, they shouldn't be slashed with anything. Second, Taunt + Toxic is amazing.

The Support set is more or less what Oglemi posted. However, it needs to have U-turn slashed somewhere, since it's outclassed by other Grass-types like Roselia (who can also set up Spikes). What do you think of this?

name: Support
move 1: Encore
move 2: U-turn / Memento
move 3: Stun Spore / Tailwind
move 4: Leech Seed / Taunt
item: Leftovers
nature: Impish
ability: Prankster
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Maybe changing the set's name to "Prankster Abuse" or something, since that's basically what it does. In my opinion, having both U-turn and Memento is kind of useless, since both of them have a similar purpose. With that said, the Sunny Day Support set could look like this:

name: Sunny Day Support
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Taunt
move 3: SolarBeam
move 4: U-turn / Memento
item: Heat Rock
nature: Impish
ability: Prankster
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

I don't really think that set needs anything else, so SolarBeam can be used as a surprise for those who use Whimsicott to bring in Pokemon that can't switch into anything else and it hits surprisingly hard.
just something i noticed, but the sunny day set should have a heat rock tex, not lefties.
In the first set, i think that Encore + Taunt should be a possible combination. To avoid manny slashes, mention it in the AC?
Add Stun Spore to the AC of the first set to be used in the last slot. Slash Encore with Taunt in the sun support set. Also, mention how investing fully in Special Defense is a possibly in 'Other Options'.



<p>Whimsicott is quite possibly the most-hated Pokemon in existence, not only because of its ugly mug, but because of its unique ability to annoy you to the point of insanity. Gifted with the ability Prankster, Whimsicott has a boat load of non-attacking moves with which to utilise the priority given to those moves, all of which are designed to piss you off. In addition to a boatload of non-attacking moves, Whimsicott was gifted with the Prankster ability, giving it priority on said moves, along with the immense capability to piss opponents off. As far as typings go, pure Grass is pretty good in RU, and along with thanks to Whimsicott's reasonable bulk, make it is rather difficult to take down with ease. Even without Prankster, the base 116 Speed Whimsicott will still outspeed most Pokemon due to its base 116 Speed stat, allowing it to chip of that a weakened opponent's last bit of health on an opponent. However, despite being a gifted annoyer and team supporter, Whimsicott has poor offenses, and finds it difficult to do significant damage. Even when invested, Whimsicott's defenses are not overly bulky Whimsicott is also not overly bulky even with investment, and it cannot take powerful attacks at all. Whimsicott also Finally, Whimsicott finds it difficult to handle Grass-types in general, those being , who are immune to its SubSeeding ways. Despite these unfortunate flaws, Whimsicott is undoubtedly one of the most infuriating Pokemon ever created, and will surely cause its share of ragequits.</p>

name: SubSeed
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Encore / Taunt
move 4: U-turn / Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish

evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>The hallmark of the Grass-type, Whimsicott takes SubSeeding to a whole 'nother new level of madness, as Prankster gives each of this set's key moves it priority on each of the key moves to the set. Substitute is Whimsicott's safeguard, one that it can repeatedly set up in the face of the enemy, protecting it from both powerful attacks and opposing Toxic. Leech Seed condemns any non-Grass-type Pokemon to a slow death; the HP recovery alongside Substitute makes Whimsicott nigh-impossible to defeat with the HP recovery alongside Substitute. Encore is useful to lock opponents into weak attacks, as it then and grants Whimsicott free set-up setup turns, while . Alternatively, Taunt ensures that most stall Pokemon can't touch Whimsicott, while also defeating any attempts of an and also prevents opponents from setting up on it. U-turn is an excellent scouting move, and can be used to bring partners in safely to receive Leech Seed recovery. Toxic is also viable, giving gives Whimsicott a way to beat most Grass-type opponents, while also making and makes it that much easier to stall out an opponent alongside Leech Seed.</p>


<p>The given EV spread given with an Impish and nature allows Whimsicott to use its meagre defenses as effectively as possible, by bolstering its stronger Defense stat. Stun Spore can be used in the last slot to cripple opposing sweepers, as well as to gain additional opportunities to set up a Substitute.[space]As well, Encore and Taunt can be used alongside each other, which creates an impenetrable hold on stall that refuses to allow them to break through to significantly mess up stall teams. Endeavor is useful with Substitute and can be used when at low health&mdash;the prior residual damage will likely finish the opponent off.</p>

Good partners to Whimsicott include set up setup sweepers such as Aggron or and Feraligatr, which can use favourable Encore locks or U-turn switch-ins to set up. Fire-types such as Entei can switch into the Bug- and Fire-type attacks aimed at Whimsicott, and also appreciate Leech Seed recovery to help offset Stealth Rock damage. Similarly, Rock-types work well with Whimsicott, taking as they take the Flying- and Poison-type attacks aimed at Whimsicott it, while Whimsicott can tank the Grass- and Water-type attacks aimed at them in return.

name: Prankster Abuse
move 1: Encore
move 2: U-turn / Memento
move 3: Stun Spore / Tailwind
move 4: Leech Seed / Taunt
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish

evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>As if its ability to stall you eternally for eternity weren't wasn't enough, Whimsicott takes annoying above and beyond the call of duty, with this set basically being a giant piss off to any opponent imo this is way too casual, perhaps something along the lines of "and this set is able to disrupt all sorts of foes". Encore is the bane of any and all user of non-attacking moves, locking the opponent as Encore locks it into their attack a useless move for the next several turns and effectively grants Whimsicott free turns to use at its leisure. U-turn lets Whimsicott maintain momentum, constantly providing advantageous switch-ins. Memento cuts the opponents offensive stats in half, an excellent means of bringing and is an excellent way to bring in a set-up setup sweeper. Stun Spore allows Whimsicott the utility of checking opposing sweepers by paralyzing them and nullifying their ability to run through your team. Tailwind is excellent team support, doubling your team's Speed for 3 three turns, and allowing something like the likes of Choice Band Aggron to run rampant for that period of time. Leech Seed ensures a means of health recovery for enables Whimsicott and its teammates to restore health, while also being a general nuisance draining that of the opponent. Finally, Taunt is the standard stall breaking stallbreaking move, although but it should generally not be used alongside Encore. Essentially, the hallmark of this set is versatility, as it can be easily tailored to fit your team's specific needs.</p>


<p>Full defensive EV investment and a Bold nature grant Whimsicott the greatest survivability possible, ensuring it continues annoying the opponent to death. Toxic is another option to slowly stall an opponent to death, but Whimsicott will rarely find space to fit it in over its other essential moves.</p>

This set really excels at causing switches and weakening key threats for your team, so basic hazard support is a great aid for Whimsicott, Toxic Spikes being the most appreciated hazard. Set up Setup sweepers such as Gallade or and Uxie, who that need particular targets removed, will enjoy Whimsicott's ability to remove these specific counters for them. This set can also function as the ultimate stallbreaker thanks to Taunt, Leech Seed, and Encore, easily beating all common stall members bar Roselia and Mandibuzz.

name: Sunny Day Support
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Taunt / Encore
move 3: SolarBeam
move 4: U-turn / Memento
item: Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish

evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>A common factor on problem sun teams face is the inability for them to set up their necessary weather with ease. This becomes a complete non-issue when using Whimsicott, as it will never fail in setting up the sun with the aid of Prankster's aid. Sunny Day is naturally the key move, being the entire premise behind running as it is essential to the success of a sun team. Taunt ensures that opponents cannot disrupt Whimsicott's efforts with Encore or a Taunt of their own, as well as protecting and also protects incoming sweepers from incoming status attacks. Encore, however, can grant Whimsicott additional set up time setup turns, and is often the superior choice when using Whimsicott outside of the lead position. SolarBeam becomes is an excellent STAB move under the sun, even uninvested, and the lack of competing automatic weather inducers in RU makes the attack carry considerably less risky. U-turn and Memento are the tools that let Whimsicott get the fragile sun sweepers into battle safely; the former allows Whimsicott to set up throughout the match, while the latter guarantees a set up setup opportunity for something a teammate that desperately needs the free turn to sweep, such as Victreebel.</p>


<p>Once again, maximum defensive investment ensures that Whimsicott will survive as long as possible, giving it multiple opportunites to set up sun. Heat Rock lengthens the duration of the sun from five turns to the much more deadly eight turns, enabling consistently longer assaults from your sweepers to wreck havoc for longer. Light Screen is a cool team support option if you choose to forgo Memento, as the protective barrier can shield your sweepers from dangerous special attackers; Sawsbuck in particular appreciates the added protection. Shiftry and Victreebel, however, are ideal candidates to be used alongside prefer Memento support, as the ability for them to snag a Growth boost is huge they become extremely dangerous after a Growth boost. Flareon is a useful partner for this set, absorbing as it absorbs Bug- and Fire-type attacks that could trouble Whimsicott, while also supporting and also supports a sun team with its useful Wish passes.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Although many moves have been elaborated upon above, they are by no means the only options available to Whimsicott has to use. Firstly, an additional specially defensive EV spread can be used on any of the above sets in order to better take special attacks to a greater extent. Growth and Cotton Guard are Whimsicott's choices when it comes to the two boosting moves Whimsicott receives, boosting both offenses and Defense respectively don't just say what it does, evaluate it - how viable / recommended is it?. Conversely, Cotton Spore, Fake Tears and Tickle are all options for lowering an opponents Speed, Special Defense, and Attack and Defense respectively same. </p>

On the offensive side of things, Whimsicott can choose to use Grass Knot in place of its Grass STAB for more consistent more consistent, really? damage, or it can choose to use even Hurricane, which hits does super effective damage to the Grass-types that are immune to Leech Seed super-effectively. Finally, Switcheroo functions well as a crippler, giving an opponent a detrimental item such as can be used with Lagging Tail to cripple an opponent, while Trick Room can be used similarly to replace Sunny Day on the sun support set, allowing providing support for Pokemon such as Druddigon to rampage.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>In addition to its already excellent Speed, Due to nearly every move in Whimsicott's arsenal being is boosted by priority, on top of its already excellent Speed, . Therefore, Whimsicott lacks any ture true counters with the exception of Natu, who can bounce back any support move with Magic Bounce. Nonetheless, Grass-type Pokemon like such as Sceptile function well against Whimsicott, however, as they are immune to Leech Seed. Of these, Grass / Poison-type Pokemon such as? do are the best of course of the bunch, as they are not only immune to Leech Seed and Toxic, but also have super effective Poison STAB attacks to retaliate with. Sap Sipper Pokemon such as Bouffalant also tend to shut Whimsicott down, as they gain an Attack boost from any Grass-tpe attack aimed at them. Limber attackers often work well, as unlike most offensive Pokemon, they don not fear potential paralysis from Whimsicott. Essentially, Whimsicott simply cannot take constant offense; dont give it time to set up and it will go down eventually.</p>


gp approved 1/2
I think the Sunny Day Support set would be better with Bold instead of Impish;
120 Power STAB SolarBeam>70 Power Non-STAB U-Turn, unlike the other sets which use Impish because U-Turn is the only attacking move on them.
Wow, i must have been drunk when I wrote that, thanks a ton sirn for checking that monstrosity.

check implemented

EDIT: thanks for catching that fade
texas is a whore

I mean second check placeholder.



<p>Whimsicott is quite possibly the most hated Pokemon in existence, not only because of its ugly mug, but because of its unique ability to annoy you to the point of insanity. In addition to a boatload of non-attacking moves, Whimsicott was gifted with the Prankster ability, giving it priority on said moves, thanks to (along with) the immense capability to piss opponents off. As far as typings go, pure Grass is pretty good in RU, and along with (thanks to) Whimsicott's reasonable bulk, it is rather difficult to take down. Even without Prankster, Whimsicott's base 116 Speed will allow it to outspeed most Pokemon, allowing it to chip off a weakened opponent's last bit of health. However, despite being a gifted annoyer and team supporter, Whimsicott has poor offenses, and finds it difficult to do significant damage. Whimsicott is also not overly bulky even with investment, and (so) it cannot take powerful attacks at all. Finally, Whimsicott finds it difficult to handle Grass-types, who are immune to its SubSeeding ways. Despite these unfortunate flaws, Whimsicott is undoubtedly one of the most infuriating Pokemon ever created, and will surely cause its share of ragequits.</p>

name: SubSeed
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Encore / Taunt
move 4: U-turn / Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>The hallmark of the Grass-type, Whimsicott takes SubSeeding to a whole other (new) level of madness, as Prankster gives each of this set's key moves it priority. Substitute is Whimsicott's safeguard, one that it can repeatedly set up in the face of the enemy, protecting it from both powerful attacks and opposing Toxic. Leech Seed condemns any non-Grass-type Pokemon to a slow death; the HP recovery alongside Substitute makes Whimsicott nigh-(on) impossible to defeat. Encore is useful to lock opponents into weak attacks and grant Whimsicott free setup turns. Alternatively, Taunt ensures that most stall Pokemon can't touch Whimsicott, and also prevents opponents from setting up on it. U-turn is an excellent scouting move, and can be used to bring partners in safely to receive Leech Seed recovery. Toxic gives Whimsicott a way to beat most Grass-type opponents, and makes it that much easier to stall out an opponent.</p>


<p>The given EV spread and nature allows Whimsicott to use its meagrer defenses as effectively as possible by bolstering its stronger Defense stat. Stun Spore can be used in the last slot to cripple opposing sweepers, as well as to gain additional opportunities to set up a Substitute. As well, Encore and Taunt can be used alongside each other, creating a nigh unstoppable comboination for breaking down stall teams. Endeavor is useful with Substitute and can be used when at low health—the prior residual damage (from Leech Seed) will likely finish the opponent off.</p>

<p>Good partners to (for) Whimsicott include setup sweepers such as Aggron and Feraligatr, which (who) can use favourable Encore locks or U-turn switch-ins to set up. Fire-types such as Entei can switch into the Bug- and Fire-type attacks aimed at Whimsicott, and also appreciate Leech Seed recovery to help offset Stealth Rock damage. Similarly, Rock-types work well with Whimsicott as they take the Flying- and Poison-type attacks aimed at it, while Whimsicott can tank the Grass- and Water-type attacks aimed at them in return.

name: Prankster
move 1: Encore
move 2: U-turn / Memento
move 3: Stun Spore / Tailwind
move 4: Leech Seed / Taunt
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>If stalling an opponent to eternity doesn't catch your fancy, Whimsicott can also infuriate an opponent beyond reason with this set. Encore is the bane of any user of non-attacking moves, as Encore locks it into a useless move for the next several turns and effectively grants Whimsicott free turns to use at its leisure. U-turn lets Whimsicott maintain momentum, constantly providing advantageous switch-ins. Memento cuts the opponent(')s offensive stats in half and is an excellent way to bring in a setup sweeper. Stun Spore allows Whimsicott the utility of checking opposing sweepers by paralyzing them and nullifying their ability to run through your team. Tailwind is excellent team support, doubling your team's Speed for three turns, and allowing the likes of Choice Band Aggron to run rampant for that period of time. Leech Seed enables Whimsicott and its teammates to restore health, while draining that of the opponent. Finally, Taunt is the standard stallbreaking move, but it should generally not be used alongside Encore. Essentially, the hallmark of this set is versatility, as it can be easily tailored to fit your team's specific needs.</p>


<p>Full defensive EV investment and a Bold <Impish is listed?> nature grant Whimsicott the greatest survivability possible, ensuring it continues annoying the opponent to death. Toxic is another option to slowly stall an opponent to death, but Whimsicott will rarely find space to fit it in over its other essential moves.</p>

<p>This set really excels at causing switches and weakening key threats for your team, so hazard support is a great aid for Whimsicott, (with) Toxic Spikes being the most appreciated. Setup sweepers such as Gallade and Uxie, who need particular targets removed, will enjoy Whimsicott's ability to remove these specific counters for them. This set can also function as the ultimate stallbreaker thanks to Taunt, Leech Seed, and Encore, easily beating all common stall members bar Roselia and Mandibuzz.</p>

name: Sunny Day Support
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Taunt / Encore
move 3: SolarBeam
move 4: U-turn / Memento
item: Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>A common problem sun teams face is the inability to set up their necessary weather with ease. This becomes a complete non-issue when using Whimsicott, as it will never fail in setting up the sun with the aid of Prankster. Sunny Day is naturally the key move, as it is essential to the success of a sun team. Taunt ensures that opponents cannot disrupt Whimsicott's efforts with Encore or Taunt of their own, and also protects incoming sweepers from status. Encore, however, can grant Whimsicott additional setup turns, and is often the superior choice when using Whimsicott outside of the lead position. SolarBeam is an excellent STAB move under the sun, even uninvested, and the lack of automatic weather inducers in RU makes the attack considerably less risky. U-turn and Memento let Whimsicott get fragile sun sweepers into battle safely; the former allows Whimsicott to set up throughout the match, while the latter guarantees a setup opportunity for a teammate that desperately needs the free turn to sweep, such as Victreebel.</p>


<p>Once again, maximum defensive investment ensures that Whimsicott will survive as long as possible, giving it multiple opportunites to set up sun. Heat Rock lengthens the duration of the sun from five turns to the much more deadly eight turns, enabling your sweepers to wrecak havoc for longer. Light Screen is a cool team support option if you choose to forgo Memento, as the protective barrier can shield your sweepers from dangerous special attackers; Sawsbuck in particular appreciates the added protection. Shiftry and Victreebel, however, prefer Memento support, as they become extremely dangerous after a Growth boost. Flareon is a useful partner for this set, as it absorbs Bug- and Fire-type attacks that could trouble Whimsicott, and also supports a sun team with its useful Wish passes.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Although many moves have been elaborated upon above, they are by no means the only options available to Whimsicott. Firstly, a specially defensive EV spread can be used on any of the above sets in order to better take (handle) special attacks. Growth and Cotton Guard are the two boosting moves Whimsicott receives. The former gives Whimsicott greater offensive potential, but Whimsicott rarely uses attacking moves making it of less use, whereas the latter makes Whimsicott nearly invlulnerable on the physical side. Conversely, Cotton Spore, Fake Tears and Tickle are all options for lowering an opponents Speed, Special Defense, and Attack and Defense respectively. These are all useful team support moves that can force switches but are usually too situational to be of much use.</p>

<p>On the offensive side of things, Whimsicott can choose to use Grass Knot as its Grass STAB as a more reliable attack, or even Hurricane, which does super effective damage to the Grass-types that are immune to Leech Seed. Finally, Switcheroo can be used with Lagging Tail to cripple an opponent, while Trick Room can replace Sunny Day on the sun support set, providing support for Pokemon such as Druddigon to rampage (, who can rampage through the tier once it outspeeds the opponent).</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>In addition to its already excellent Speed, nearly every move in Whimsicott's arsenal is boosted by priority. Therefore, Whimsicott lacks true counters with the exception of Natu, who can bounce back any support move with Magic Bounce. Nonetheless, Grass-type Pokemon such as Sceptile function well against Whimsicott as they are immune to Leech Seed. Of these, Grass / Poison-type Pokemon such as Roselia or Ammoonguss are the best of the bunch, as they are not only immune to Leech Seed and Toxic, but also have super effective Poison STAB attacks to retaliate with. Sap Sipper Pokemon such as Bouffalant also tend to shut Whimsicott down, as they gain an Attack boost from any Grass-type attack aimed at them. Limber attackers often work well, as unlike most offensive Pokemon, they don not fear potential paralysis from Whimsicott. Essentially, Whimsicott simply cannot take constant offense; don(')t give it time to set up and it will go down eventually.</p>​


<p>Whimsicott is quite possibly the most hated Pokemon in existence, not only because of its ugly mug, but because of its unique ability to annoy you to the point of insanity. In addition to a boatload of non-attacking moves, Whimsicott was gifted with the Prankster ability, giving it priority on said moves, along with the immense capability to piss opponents off. As far as typings go, pure Grass is pretty good in RU, and thanks to Whimsicott's reasonable bulk, it is rather difficult to take down. Even without Prankster, Whimsicott's base 116 Speed will allow it to outspeed most Pokemon, allowing it to chip off a weakened opponent's last bit of health. However, despite being a gifted annoyer and team supporter, Whimsicott has poor offenses and finds it difficult to do significant damage. Whimsicott is also not overly bulky even with investment, so it cannot take powerful attacks at all. Finally, Whimsicott finds it difficult to handle Grass-types, who are immune to its SubSeeding ways. Despite these unfortunate flaws, Whimsicott is undoubtedly one of the most infuriating Pokemon ever created, and will surely cause its share of ragequits.</p>

name: SubSeed
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Encore / Taunt
move 4: U-turn / Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>The hallmark of the Grass-type, Whimsicott takes SubSeeding to a whole new level of madness, as Prankster gives each of this set's key moves priority. Substitute is Whimsicott's safeguard, one that it can repeatedly set up in the face of the enemy, protecting it from both powerful attacks and Toxic. Leech Seed condemns any non-Grass-type Pokemon to a slow death; the HP recovery alongside Substitute makes Whimsicott nigh on impossible to defeat. Encore is useful to lock opponents into weak attacks and grant Whimsicott free setup turns. Alternatively, Taunt ensures that most stall Pokemon can't touch Whimsicott, and also prevents opponents from setting up on it. U-turn is an excellent scouting move and can be used to bring partners in safely to receive Leech Seed recovery. Toxic gives Whimsicott a way to beat most Grass-type opponents, and makes it that much easier to stall out an opponent.</p>


<p>The given EV spread and nature allows Whimsicott to use its meagrer defenses as effectively as possible by bolstering its stronger Defense stat. Stun Spore can be used in the last slot to cripple opposing sweepers, as well as to gain additional opportunities to set up a Substitute. Encore and Taunt can be used alongside each other, creating a nigh unstoppable combination for breaking down stall teams. Endeavor is useful with Substitute and can be used when at low health—the residual damage from Leech Seed will likely finish the opponent off.</p>

<p>Good partners for Whimsicott include setup sweepers such as Aggron and Feraligatr, who can use favorable Encore locks or U-turn switch-ins to set up. Fire-types such as Entei can switch into the Bug- and Fire-type attacks aimed at Whimsicott, and also appreciate Leech Seed recovery to help offset Stealth Rock damage. Similarly, Rock-types work well with Whimsicott as they take the Flying- and Poison-type attacks aimed at it, while Whimsicott can tank the Grass- and Water-type attacks aimed at them in return.

name: Prankster
move 1: Encore
move 2: U-turn / Memento
move 3: Stun Spore / Tailwind
move 4: Leech Seed / Taunt
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>If stalling an opponent to eternity doesn't catch your fancy, Whimsicott can also infuriate an opponent beyond reason with this set. Encore is the bane of any user of non-attacking moves, as Encore locks it into a useless move for the next several turns and effectively grants Whimsicott free turns to use at its leisure. U-turn lets Whimsicott maintain momentum, constantly providing advantageous switch-ins. Memento cuts the opponent's offensive stats in half and is an excellent way to bring in a setup sweeper. Stun Spore allows Whimsicott the utility of checking opposing sweepers by paralyzing them and nullifying their ability to run through your team. Tailwind is excellent team support, doubling your team's Speed for three turns, and allowing the likes of Choice Band Aggron to run rampant for that period of time. Leech Seed enables Whimsicott and its teammates to restore health, while draining that of the opponent. Finally, Taunt is the standard stallbreaking move, but it should generally not be used alongside Encore. Essentially, the hallmark of this set is versatility, as it can be easily tailored to fit your team's specific needs.</p>


<p>Full defensive EV investment and a Bold <Impish is listed?> nature grant Whimsicott the greatest survivability possible, ensuring it continues annoying the opponent to death. Toxic is another option to slowly stall an opponent to death, but Whimsicott will rarely find space to fit it in over its other essential moves.</p>

<p>This set really excels at causing switches and weakening key threats for your team, so hazard support is a great aid for Whimsicott, with Toxic Spikes being the most appreciated. Setup sweepers such as Gallade and Uxie, who need particular targets removed, will enjoy Whimsicott's ability to remove these specific counters for them. This set can also function as the ultimate stallbreaker thanks to Taunt, Leech Seed, and Encore, easily beating all common stall members bar Roselia and Mandibuzz.</p>

name: Sunny Day Support
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Taunt / Encore
move 3: SolarBeam
move 4: U-turn / Memento
item: Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>A common problem sun teams face is the inability to set up their necessary weather with ease. This becomes a complete non-issue when using Whimsicott, as it will never fail in setting up the sun with the aid of Prankster. Sunny Day is naturally the key move, as it is essential to the success of a sun team. Taunt ensures that opponents cannot disrupt Whimsicott's efforts with Encore or Taunt of their own, and also protects incoming sweepers from status. Encore, however, can grant Whimsicott additional setup turns, and is often the superior choice when using Whimsicott outside of the lead position. SolarBeam is an excellent STAB move under the sun, even uninvested, and the lack of automatic weather inducers in RU makes the attack considerably less risky. U-turn and Memento let Whimsicott get fragile sun sweepers into battle safely; the former allows Whimsicott to set up throughout the match, while the latter guarantees a setup opportunity for a teammate that desperately needs the free turn to sweep, such as Victreebel.</p>


<p>Once again, maximum defensive investment ensures that Whimsicott will survive as long as possible, giving it multiple opportunites to set up sun. Heat Rock lengthens the duration of the sun from five turns to the much more deadly eight turns, enabling your sweepers to wreak havoc for longer. Light Screen is a cool team support option if you choose to forgo Memento, as the protective barrier can shield your sweepers from dangerous special attackers; Sawsbuck in particular appreciates the added protection. Shiftry and Victreebel, however, prefer Memento support, as they become extremely dangerous after a Growth boost. Flareon is a useful partner for this set, as it absorbs Bug- and Fire-type attacks that could trouble Whimsicott, and also supports a sun team with its useful Wish passes.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Although many moves have been elaborated upon above, they are by no means the only options available to Whimsicott. Firstly, a specially defensive EV spread can be used on any of the above sets in order to better handle special attacks. Growth and Cotton Guard are the two boosting moves Whimsicott receives. The former gives Whimsicott greater offensive potential, but Whimsicott rarely uses attacking moves making it of less use, whereas the latter makes Whimsicott nearly invulnerable on the physical side. Conversely, Cotton Spore, Fake Tears and Tickle are all options for lowering an opponents Speed, Special Defense, and Attack and Defense respectively. These are all useful team support moves that can force switches but are usually too situational to be of much use.</p>

<p>On the offensive side of things, Whimsicott can choose to use Grass Knot as its Grass STAB as a more reliable attack, or even Hurricane, which does super effective damage to the Grass-types that are immune to Leech Seed. Finally, Switcheroo can be used with Lagging Tail to cripple an opponent, while Trick Room can replace Sunny Day on the sun support set, providing support for Pokemon such as Druddigon, who can rampage through the tier once it outspeeds the opponent.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>In addition to its already excellent Speed, nearly every move in Whimsicott's arsenal is boosted by priority. Therefore, Whimsicott lacks true counters with the exception of Natu, who can bounce back any support move with Magic Bounce. Nonetheless, Grass-type Pokemon such as Sceptile function well against Whimsicott as they are immune to Leech Seed. Of these, Grass / Poison-type Pokemon such as Roselia or Amoonguss are the best of the bunch, as they are not only immune to Leech Seed and Toxic, but also have super effective Poison STAB attacks to retaliate with. Sap Sipper Pokemon such as Bouffalant also tend to shut Whimsicott down, as they gain an Attack boost from any Grass-type attack aimed at them. Limber attackers often work well, as unlike most offensive Pokemon, they do not fear potential paralysis from Whimsicott. Essentially, Whimsicott simply cannot take constant offense; don't give it time to set up and it will go down eventually.</p>​


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