Completed who"se joe.E.. maama...

Team tavok

Munchlax [Gambo] (M).
Nature: Serious (No Change).
Stage: 1.

I'll fill this in eventually. Probably.


Pickup / Thick Fat / Gluttony [LOCKED]


HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 5
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 5

Belly Drum
Body Slam
Chip Away
Defense Curl
Last Resort
Natural Gift
Odor Sleuth

Steel Chain [Onix] (M).
Nature: Serious (No Change).
Stage: 1.

Insists that he is a Steel-type. He is not.

Rock / Ground

Rock Head / Sturdy / Weak Armor [LOCKED]


HP: 70
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 7
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 7
Weight Class: 6

Dragon Breath
Gyro Ball
Iron Tail
Mud Sport
Rock Polish
Rock Slide
Rock Throw
Rock Tomb
Sand Tomb
Smack Down
Stealth Rock
Stone Edge

Tsuchimikado [Nohface] (M).
Nature: Serious (No Change).
Stage: 1.

A tricky, lying bastard. Somehow feels reliable though?

Ghost / Steel

Levitate / Levitate [LOCKED]


HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 10
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3

Fake Out
Feint Attack
Iron Defense
Iron Head
Metal Burst
Odor Sleuth
Perish Song
Shadow Sneak

Team Vrin


Togepi ♀


Hustle / Serene Grace / Super Luck [Locked]


HP: 70
Atk: 1
Def: 3
SpA: 2
SpD: 3
Spe: 20
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1

Moves [17]
After You
Ancient Power
Baton Pass
Follow Me
Last Resort
Life Dew
Sweet Kiss


Mudkip ♂


Torrent / Damp [Locked]


HP: 80
Atk: 3
Def: 3
SpA: 3
SpD: 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1

Moves [13]
Hydro Pump
Mud Sport
Rock Throw
Take Down
Water Gun


Gastly ♂

Ghost / Poison



HP: 70
Atk: 2
Def: 2
SpA: 5
SpD: 2
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 1

Moves [15]
Confuse Ray
Dark Pulse
Destiny Bond
Dream Eater
Mean Look
Night Shade
Shadow Ball
Sucker Punch

Welcome, one and all, to this battle where some babies beat each other up! I'm Sivanandi, your ref today.

Ha, they're so cute. I remember when I used to fight with babies too.

I would like to point out that Tavok is merciless for bringing Munchlax to a baby battle. His team is starting with a 50 HP advantage. Good grief.

Anyways, let's flip a coin. Even is tavok, odd is Vrin.

Roll 44/100.

tavok sends out
Vrin sends out and orders
tavok orders
Sivanandi refs​
I'm not a bad person, I just really like Snorlax and wanted one ASAP :(

Now to decide who has the least terrible matchups... and thats obviously Gambo because damn 110 HP.

Gambo the Munchlax takes the field.
Not to mention that I only own special attackers. But, there might be some abusable abilities... (aaaand this is the most disposable Pokemon...)

Iris the Togepi

Unfortunately, you... Don't really get attacks. We can pretend you do, though!

[Toggle Hustle OFF] Metronome (Sacred Fire | Meteor Assault | Play Rough | Giga Impact | Rock Wrecker | Steam Eruption | Bounce | Bolt Strike | Gunk Shot | Ice Burn) ~ Yawn ~ Metronome (Sacred Fire | Meteor Assault | Play Rough | Giga Impact | Rock Wrecker | Steam Eruption | Bounce | Bolt Strike | Gunk Shot | Ice Burn)
[ONCE] IF Munchlax used Belly Drum last action AND you are faster AND you are not Sluggish THEN Encore.
IF Munchlax is burned a3 THEN Metronome (V-Create | Meteor Assault | Play Rough | Giga Impact | Rock Wrecker | Dig | Bounce | Bolt Strike | Gunk Shot | Freeze Shock).​

Metronome in main order is Fire/Fighting/Fairy/Normal/Rock/Water/Flying/Electric/Poison/Ice. Metronome in sub replaces "Water" with "Ground".

And yes, this is really bizarre for a very first orderset - what do you expect from a Pokemon without STABs? Let's just hope I actually understand how to use Metronome properly.
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We can both play that game.

Metronome (V-Create / Sky Attack / Skull Bash / Gunk Shot / Freeze Shock / Stealth Rock / Taunt / Bolt Strike / Sunsteel Strike / Solar Blade) - Body Slam - Metronome (V-Create / Sky Attack / Skull Bash / Gunk Shot / Freeze Shock / Shadow Force / Taunt / Bolt Strike / Sunsteel Strike / Solar Blade)
- IF Togepi's Metronome calls Meteor Assault, THEN Counter instead.
- IF your own Metronome calls Taunt A1 THEN Metronome (V-Create / Sky Attack / Skull Bash / Gunk Shot / Freeze Shock / Shadow Force / Earthquake / Bolt Strike / Sunsteel Strike / Solar Blade) A3 instead.

Metronome A1 is Fire / Flying / Normal / Poison / Ice / Rock / Dark / Electric / Steel / Grass. A3 Rock is replaced by ghost, and in the sub dark is replaced by ground.
:baltoy: Man, I sure feel bad for the poor shmuck who has to ref this! Wait...

:ss/munchlax: @ nothing
Normal | Pickup, Thick Fat
HP: 110/110 | EN: 100
4 / 2 / 2 / 4 / 5 | 1 / 5
Status: OK
:ss/togepi: @ nothing
Fairy | Hustle, Serene Grace
HP: 70/70 | EN: 100
1 / 3 / 2 / 3 / 20 | 1 / 1
Status: OK​
Action 1
Iris used Metronome! -7 EN, 93 left.
Roll 9/10: Gunk Shot. -8 EN, 85 left.
Roll 32/100: hit! Roll 3/24: no crit. Roll 38/100: effect activates!
[(12 - 1) * 1] = 11 damage to Gambo, 99 HP left.
Gambo was poisoned!

Gambo used Metronome! -6 EN, 94 left.
Roll 3/10: Skull Bash.
Gambo tucked in its head! +1 defense.
Gambo used Skull Bash! -8 EN, 86 left.
100% accuracy. Roll 9/24: no crit.
[(13 + 3 + 1) * 1] = 17 damage to Iris, 57 HP left.

Gambo was hurt by poison! -2 HP, 97 left.

Action 2
Iris used Yawn! -7 EN, 78 left.
Gambo became drowsy!

Gambo used Body Slam! -6 EN, 80 left.
100% accuracy. Roll 2/24: no crit. Roll 31/100: no effect.
[(9 + 3 + 1) * 1] = 13 damage to Iris, 44 HP left.

Gambo was hurt by poison! -2 HP, 95 left.

Action 3
Iris used Metronome! -7 EN, 71 left.
Roll 6/10: Steam Eruption. -8 EN, 63 left.
Roll 78/100: hit! Roll 2/24: no crit. Roll 77/100: no effect.
[(11 - 2) * 1] = 9 damage to Gambo, 86 HP left.

Gambo used Metronome! -6 EN, 74 left.
Roll 4/10: Gunk Shot. -8 EN, 66 left.
Roll 71/100: hit! Roll 8/24: no crit. Roll 43/100: no effect.
[(12 + 1) * 1.5] = 20 damage to Iris, 24 HP left.

Gambo was hurt by poison! -2 HP, 84 left.
:ss/munchlax: @ nothing
Normal | Pickup, Thick Fat
HP: 84/110 | EN: 66
4 / 2 / 2 / 4 / 5 | 1 / 5
Status: Drowsy, Poisoned, +1 defense
:ss/togepi: @ nothing
Fairy | Hustle, Serene Grace
HP: 24/70 | EN: 63
1 / 3 / 2 / 3 / 20 | 1 / 1
Status: OK​
Well then. Let's have a quick summary of this round.

Iris shoots a Gunk Shot at Gambo, poisoning him, and then proceeds to take a huge Skull Bash to the face. That isn't looking so good.

Next, Iris prepares for next round by making Gambo sleepy, but Gambo doesn't let up, leaping at Iris and slamming her hard.

Finally, Iris attacks with a blast of scalding water, but it doesn't stop Gambo, who decides to take a page out of Iris's book and use Gunk Shot.

So far, Iris has taken heavy damage. However, with Gambo poisoned and drowsy without Sleep Talk to save him, it's going to be interesting...

tavok to order/switch
Vrin to respond accordingly​
Switch phase initiated!
Gambo OUT, Tsuchimikado the Nohface IN

"A brawl is the way a man let's go of the steam of youth!"

"... you make no sense, you know that?"


Acheron the Gastly

Shadow Ball ~ Hex ~ Shadow Ball
IF Nohface is to use Metal Burst AND Nohface is awake THEN Hypnosis.
IF Nohface is to use Shadow Strike + Shadow Strike combo AND you are faster THEN Shadow Ball + Shadow Ball combo.​

Sorry if this round is too easy to ref; I'm sure we'll fix that later.
:nohface: @ nothing
Ghost/Steel | Levitate
HP: 90/90 | EN: 100
3 / 4 / 2 / 4 / 10 | 1 / 3
Status: OK
:ss/gastly: @ nothing
Ghost/Poison | Levitate
HP: 70/70 | EN: 100
2 / 2 / 5 / 2 / 80 | 3 / 1
Status: OK​
Action 1
Acheron used Shadow Ball! -5 EN, 95 left.
100% accuracy. Roll 10/24: no crit. Roll 10/100: effect activates!
[(8 + 3 + 1) * 1.5] = 18 damage to Tsuchimikado, 72 HP left.
Tsuchimikado's special defense fell!

Tsuchimikado used Shadow Strike! -5 EN, 95 left.
Roll 2/100: hit! Roll 14/24: no crit. Roll 88/100: no effect.
[(8 + 3 + 1) * 1.5] = 18 damage to Acheron, 52 HP left.

Action 2
Acheron used Hex! -7 EN, 88 left.
100% accuracy. Roll 20/24: no crit.
[(7 + 3 + 1) * 1.5] + (1 * 2) = 19 damage to Tsuchimikado, 53 HP left.

Tsuchimikado used Shadow Strike! -9 EN, 86 left.
Roll 48/100: hit! Roll 2/24: no crit. Roll 39/100: effect activates!
[(8 + 3 + 1) * 1.5] = 18 damage to Acheron, 34 HP left.
Acheron's defense fell!

Action 3
Acheron used Shadow Ball! -5 EN, 83 left.
100% accuracy. Roll 18/24: no crit. Roll 43/100: no effect.
[(8 + 3 + 1) * 1.5] + (1 * 2) = 20 damage to Tsuchimikado, 33 HP left.

Tsuchimikado used Shadow Strike! -13 EN, 73 left.
Roll 42/100: hit! Roll 2/24: no crit. Roll 93/100: no effect.
[(8 + 3 + 1) * 1.5] + (1 * 2) = 20 damage to Acheron, 14 HP left.
:nohface: @ nothing
Ghost/Steel | Levitate
HP: 33/90 | EN: 73
3 / 4 / 2 / 4 / 10 | 1 / 3
Status: -1 special defense
:ss/gastly: @ nothing
Ghost/Poison | Levitate
HP: 14/70 | EN: 83
2 / 2 / 5 / 2 / 80 | 3 / 1
Status: -1 defense​
This round is thankfully rather straightforward, especially compared to the last.

The two combatants trade equally matched blows. However, Tsuchimikado's higher bulk seems to be helping out here, as Acheron is nearly knocked out already, while the Nohface can take another Shadow Ball and still stand. We'll see how this plays out soon enough.

tavok to order
Vrin to order​

"Why are you so cold, Bastiyan ~ ? I'm just saying what every young man really feels!"

"Please don't group me with the likes of you, thanks."

Shadow Sneak - Shadow Sneak - Shadow Sneak
- IF Sucker Punch THEN Iron Defense the first instance, Chill the rest.
- IF Acheron is KOed THEN Chill.
:nohface: @ nothing
Ghost/Steel | Levitate
HP: 33/90 | EN: 73
3 / 4 / 2 / 4 / 10 | 1 / 3
Status: -1 sp. def
:ss/gastly: @ nothing
Ghost/Poison | Levitate
HP: 14/70 | EN: 83
2 / 2 / 5 / 2 / 80 | 3 / 1
Status: -1 def​
Shadow Sneak -3 EN, 70 left.
100% accuracy. Roll 5/24: no crit.
[(4 + 3 + 1) * 1.5] + (1 * 2) = 14 damage to Acheron, 0 HP left.

Tsuchimikado's sp.def decayed to normal
:nohface: @ nothing
Ghost/Steel | Levitate
HP: 33/90 | EN: 70
3 / 4 / 2 / 4 / 10 | 1 / 3
Status: OK
:ss/gastly: @ nothing
Status: KO​

Not much to say here.

Vrin to send out and order
tavok to order​
Oops, my bad. Sorry!

Nereus the Mudkip

Hydro Pump ~ Mud-Slap ~ Hydro Pump
[ONCE] IF damaging Ghost-type combo THEN Protect and push back.
[ONCE] IF Metal Burst THEN Whirlpool and push back.
:nohface: @ nothing
Ghost/Steel | Levitate
HP: 33/90 | EN: 70
3 / 4 / 2 / 4 / 10 | 1 / 3
Status: OK
:ss/mudkip: @ nothing
Water | Torrent
HP: 80/80 | EN: 100
3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 40 | 1 / 1
Status: OK​
Action 1
Nereus used Hydro Pump! -7 EN, 93 left.
Roll 17/100: hit! Roll 8/24: no crit.
[(11 + 3 - 1) * 1] = 13 damage to Tsuchimikado, 20 HP left.

Tsuchimikado used Shadow Strike! -5 EN, 65 left.
Roll 27/100: hit! Roll 3/24: no crit. Roll 77/100: no effect.
[(8 + 3) * 1] = 11 damage to Nereus, 69 HP left. (nice)

Action 2
Tsuchimikado used Fake Out! -4 EN, 61 left.
100% accuracy. Roll 16/24: no crit.
[(4) * 1] = 4 damage to Nereus, 65 HP left.

Nereus flinched!

Action 3
Nereus used Hydro Pump! -7 EN, 86 left.
Roll 28/100: hit! Roll 16/24: no crit.
[(11 + 3 - 1) * 1] = 13 damage to Tsuchimikado, 7 HP left.

Tsuchimikado used Shadow Strike! -5 EN, 56 left.
Roll 90/100: hit! Roll 17/24: no crit. Roll 1/100: effect activates!
[(8 + 3) * 1] = 11 damage to Nereus, 54 HP left.
Nereus's defense fell!
:nohface: @ nothing
Ghost/Steel | Levitate
HP: 7/90 | EN: 56
3 / 4 / 2 / 4 / 10 | 1 / 3
Status: OK
:ss/mudkip: @ nothing
Water | Torrent
HP: 54/80 | EN: 86
3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 40 | 1 / 1
Status: -1 def​
Tsuchimikado isn't ready to bow out yet, startling Nereus in the middle of the round to prevent him from knocking out his opponent this round! Tsuchimikado also manages to score a defense drop with his last Shadow Strike.

However, Nereus has worn down his opponent, so it's unlikely that the poor Nohface will be able to accomplish much here. Let's see how it goes:

tavok to order/switch
Vrin to respond appropriately​
Wait, but I ordered! Did I not press post?

Shadow Strike + Shadow Sneak *3
- IF Protect THEN Perish Song the first instance, Chill the second. Only do so once in a row.
Oops, sorry I'm a bit slow; not like there's much creativity I could apply here.

Water Gun * 3
:nohface: @ nothing
Ghost/Steel | Levitate
HP: 7/90 | EN: 56
3 / 4 / 2 / 4 / 10 | 1 / 3
Status: OK
:ss/mudkip: @ nothing
Water | Torrent
HP: 54/80 | EN: 86
3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 40 | 1 / 1
Status: -1 def​
Action 1
Tsuchimikado used Sneakstrike! -20 EN, 36 left.

Roll 17/100: hit! Roll 9/24: no crit. Roll 9/100: effect activates!
[(10 + 3) * 1] + (1 * 2) = 15 damage to Nereus, 39 HP left.
Nereus's defense fell!

Nereus used Water Gun! -2 EN, 84 left.
100% accuracy. Roll 20/24: no crit.
[(4 + 3 - 1) * 1] = 6 damage to Tsuchimikado, 1 HP left.
Tsuchimikado was drenched!

Action 2
Nereus used Water Gun! -6 EN, 78 left.
Tsuchimikado fainted!
:nohface: @ nothing
Status: KO
:ss/mudkip: @ nothing
Water | Torrent
HP: 39/80 | EN: 78
3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 40 | 1 / 1
Status: -2 def​
A short round, but still a bad one for Vrin. Tsuchimikado nails Nereus with a strong combo and another defense drop before falling to not one, but two Water Guns, barely hanging on after the first.

tavok to send out
Vrin to order/switch
tavok to respond accordingly​
Oops, sorry for the delay.

Metronome (Bounce | Earthquake | Dive | Shadow Force | Ice Burn | Solar Beam | Skull Bash | Moonlight | Heal Order | Rest) ~ Charm ~ Metronome (Bounce | Earthquake | Dive | Shadow Force | Ice Burn | Solar Beam | Skull Bash | Moonlight | Heal Order | Rest)

Metronome is Flying / Ground / Water / Ghost / Ice / Grass / Normal / Fairy / Bug / Psychic.
Round 6:

:Munchlax: :Onix: [ded]
Rock Head, Sturdy
HP: 70/70 EN: 100%
Status: OK!
Pick Up, Thick Fat
HP: 84/110 EN: 66%
Status: Poisoned

:nohface: KO

:Togepi: :mudkip: [ded]
Hustle, Serene Grace
HP: 24/70 EN: 63%
Status: OK!
HP: 39/80 EN: 78%
Status: OK!

:sm/gastly: KO

Is Hustle toggled Off? I don’t think so so...
Action 1:

Onix used Dig! -5EN, 95 left.
Onix went underground!

Togepi used Metronome! -15EN, 48 left.
6/10: Solar Beam
Togepi is absorbing sunlight!

Onix used Dig! -4EN, 91 left.
12/24 > 1/24, does not crit.
8 - 1 + 3 = 10

Togepi used Solar Beam!
84/100 > 80/100, misses.
Onix avoided the attack!

Action 2:

Onix used Iron Tail! -7EN, 84 left.
79/100 > 75/100, misses.
Togepi avoided the attack!

Togepi used Charm! -6EN, 42 left.
39/100 < 80/100, hits.
Onix’s Attack fell sharply!

Action 3:

Onix used Dig! -5EN, 79 left.
Onix went underground!

Togepi used Metronome! -16EN, 26 left.
5/10: Ice Burn

Onix used Dig! -4EN, 75 left.
1/24 = 1/24, crits.
8 - 1 + 3 - (2 * 2) = 6

Togepi used Ice Burn!
19/100 < 72/100, hits.
24/24 > 2/24, does not crit.
60/100 = 60/100, burns.
14 - 1 = 13
Onix was Burned!

Onix was hurt by its burn! (-2HP)

:Munchlax: :Onix: [ded]
Rock Head, Sturdy
HP: 55/70 EN: 75%
Status: -2 Attack, Burned
Pick Up, Thick Fat
HP: 84/110 EN: 66%
Status: Poisoned

:nohface: KO

:Togepi: :mudkip: [ded]
Hustle, Serene Grace
HP: 8/70 EN: 26%
Status: OK!
HP: 39/80 EN: 78%
Status: OK!

:sm/gastly: KO
RNG strikes: Togepi misses Solar Beam, Onix misses Iron Tail, Onix crits on the second Dig and Togepi gets a burn on Onix.

Order of operations:
We fix the mistakes
tavok orders.
Vrin orders.

Vrin orders
tavok orderd
I ref!​
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