Battle finished.
2v2 Singles
DQ Time: 3 days
Standard Restricted Rules
Arena: Amp Plains (
Constant Windstorms and Thunderstorms alternate here through the rain
Switch = OK
Items Disabled
All Abilities
Dogfish44 declares the Pokémon he's going to start with
Venser declares the Pokémon he's going to start with and his 3 actions
Dogfish declares his 3 actions
Ref Time before Round2
Battle on, heroes!
2v2 Singles
DQ Time: 3 days
Standard Restricted Rules
Arena: Amp Plains (
Constant Windstorms and Thunderstorms alternate here through the rain
Switch = OK
Items Disabled
All Abilities
Dogfish44 declares the Pokémon he's going to start with
Venser declares the Pokémon he's going to start with and his 3 actions
Dogfish declares his 3 actions
Ref Time before Round2
Battle on, heroes!