[Won by Smashlloyd20] Battle! Smashlloyd20 vs Son of Shadoo (ref: Zarator)

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A light breeze blew through the thin pine needles, as the two trainer glanced at each other...

2v2 Singles Battle
DQ Time: 2 days
Restricted moves: 2 uses of Recover/Rest; 5 chills

Arena: Pine Forest Clearing

Originally Posted by Fat Son_of_Shadoo

Forest clearing with many tall pine trees lining the arena, but no underwood to speak of. Clear skies in mid-afternoon, and the sun is fairly low.

Switch = KO
All Abilities
Items Enabled

Round1: Son of Shadoo, please post your first Pokémon with its item (no need to post ability since All Abilities clause is enabled)
Smashlloyd20, once Son of Shadoo posts his first Pokémon with item, you will need to do the same. You will also have to issue your 3 actions for this round.
Son of Shadoo, once Smashlloyd20 posts his actions, you will have to post your actions for the round.
I'll ref as soon as these steps are complied

Battle on, heroes!
Ah, I do enjoy the wonderful feel of the forest air. So clean. Screw cities, this is where it's at. But enough of my poetic rambling, I'm here to kick ass, and drink a bottle of Dr. Pepper. And I just finished my Dr. Pepper. So go, Amélie (Nidoran F)! You may not have an item, but you've got heart in spades! Whip him, babe.
Chuck Norris (Machop), get out there!

Start off by firing off a Focus Blast at Amelie to keep her at a distance. Then shoot a Fire Blast at the ground in front of her to set in on fire, and end the round with another Fire Blast straight to her face.

Focus Blast~Fire Blast~Fire Blast
Whoa, smashlloyd's coming out swingin! Well, we can play around that. It takes more than raw power to win a battle! Quickly, get underground with Dig, and advance towards Chuck Norris. I'm sick of this damn meme, so whack him hard with Dig once you're up close. End the round with a close-range Supersonic!

Dig >>> Dig >>> Supersonic

Chuck Norris (Machop)
HP 100
Atk ***
Def **
SpA ***
SpD **
Spe 30 (-5% acc)
Energy 100
Item: None
Other: None


Amelie (Nidoran F)
HP 90
Atk ***
Def **
SpA **
SpD *
Spe 48 (+5% acc)
Energy 100
Item: None
Other: None

A light wind caresses the meadow plain as the battle starts. Amelie quickly burrows underground, in an attempt to create a Dig under his opponent. However, Chuck Norris confidently smiles and, like Son Goku from the Dragonball series, conjures up a frightening ball of energy, which flies on the ground and explodes in a mighty Focus Blast. The hit is so powerful that its waves carry underground and hit fiercely poor Amelie.

However, the purple rodent seems to take the entire thing more personally, and just to take that grin off Chuck Norris' face, jumps out from nowhere and hit him where the sun doesn't shine. No one likes to take a hit from behind like that, and least of all Chuck Norris. In a fiery rage, he blasts all over the battleground with a Fire Blast, setting the surronding grass on fire.

Amelie, while a bit frightened and visibly fatigued by the heated atmosphere, squaks around to make Supersonic waves. Chuck Norris attempts to concentrate and blast the stupid Nidoran into charred bits, but his head is overloaded with that obnoxious screeching sound and he ends up hitting himself lightly. Like Amelie, he seems to sweat a lot too because of the scorching fire


Chuck Norris (Machop)
HP 84
Energy 87
Item: None
Other: Confused (3 more actions of confusion, if it hits himself, counter lowers by 2 instead of by 1)


Amelie (Nidoran F)
HP 76
Energy 90
Item: None
Other: None

A burning fire surrounds the area. Both the Pokémon will take light damage every round, plus if they wander into the fire they'll take significant damage from it for every action performed while in the fire (think of the "significant damage" as half the damage Machop's Fire Blast would deal)

Now Son of Shadoo has to act first, followed by Smashlloyd20.
Oof, that didn't go so well. Alright, Amélie, stay sharp, we can still do this. Speaking of sharp, how about we show Chuck Norris your claws? Use Fury Swipes to start, then immediately Double Kick him to bounce away. Your final action depends on whether he tries to counter with Fire Blast. If he does, use Disable. If not, use Thunderbolt!

Fury Swipes >>> Double Kick >>> Disable OR Thunderbolt if Fire Blast is not used.

(I hope that's clear enough...)
Alright, time to play risky. Chuck Norris, run into the Fire to Burn yourself before he hits with Double Kick. Once he finishes the Double Kick, come out and strike hard with Revenge, then use a powerful Ice Punch to knock Ameile into the fire!

Run into the fire~Revenge~Ice Punch

Chuck Norris (Machop)
HP 84
Energy 87
Item: None
Other: Confused (3 more actions of confusion, if it hits himself, counter lowers by 2 instead of by 1)


Amelie (Nidoran F)
HP 76
Energy 90
Item: None
Other: None

Who doesn't hate squaks? Chuck Norris certainly does, but his headache is still so intense that, while he tries to run into the surrounding fire, he trips over and slams his face onto the ground, hitting himself in confusion. He quickly recovers from his position, but to add insult to injury, Amelie scrubs in his face with Fury Swipes, marking his skin with keen claws twice.

Chuck Norris finally comes to his senses, and realizes that a Texas Ranger can't lose to a rodent, of all things. But he has not yet lost his confidence, and decides to let Amelie gain the initiative. The female Nidoran jumps on her foe, ramming him swiftly with a Double Kick, but she probably didn't expect any reaction. Much to her surprise, Chuck Norris stands still and retaliates with a mighty Revenge, sending Amelie rolling over the ground.

The Nidoran can sense her enemy charging at full speed, and so she launches a powerful Thunderbolt to zap him in place. Unphazed by the impressive blast of lightning, Chuck Norris concentrates a chilling aura on his fist and slams an Ice Punch into his foe, sending her flying into the flames. The Nidoran quickly leaves the heated zone, but she can't help schorching herself with a burn in the meantime.


Chuck Norris (Machop)
HP 48
Energy 74
Item: None
Other: None

Amelie (Nidoran F)
HP 44
Energy 75
Item: None
Other: Burned (reduces the damage done by a Pokemon's physical attacks by 50% (0.5x). In addition, the Pokemon suffers two (2) HP of damage per action)

Now Smashlloyd acts first, with Son of Shadoo following up! For anyone wondering, the two opponents are at a medium distance from themselves (around 10 feet or a bit less).
EDIT: I am, sweet.
Okay Chuck, fire a Focus Blast at the ground in front of you to create a shockwave and keep Amelie back. Then quickly shoot a Fire Blast at her, then advance a little and fire another Focus Blast at the ground to force her back even more.

Focus Blast~Fire Blast~Focus Blast
Alright, I'm going balls to the wall to take this Machop down! Amélie, stand strong against the first Focus Blast, then quickly use Disable to prevent future ones! Our physical attacks are weaker because of the burn, but don't worry, we can zap him with Venom Shock to drive him back, advance a little, and finish the round with another Thunderbolt.

Disable >>> Venom Shock >>> Thunderbolt.

Chuck Norris (Machop)
HP 48
Energy 74
Item: None
Other: None

Amelie (Nidoran F)
HP 44
Energy 75
Item: None
Other: Burned (reduces the damage done by a Pokemon's physical attacks by 50% (0.5x). In addition, the Pokemon suffers two (2) HP of damage per action)

Chuck Norris' white anger erupts into a huge Focus Blast, aimed at Amelie's feet to keep her at distance. The wave his so powerful that it resulted in a critical hit. Amelie, unable to reach Chuck Norris in melee - and not exactly enthusiast of that possibility at any rate - decides to limit his options by erasing Focus Blast from Chuck Norris' memory temporarily, Disabling it.

Still unaware of what happened, the angry Machop inhales deeply and throws a seething star to turn the Nidoran into ashes. The Fire Blast conflagrates with insane might, resulting in a critical hit. However, much to the Texas Ranger's surprise, through the burst of flames flies a noxius shot, hitting him right in the chest (resulting - omg - in another critical hit).

Shocked by the last attack - literally - and unable to remember Smashlloyd's last command, Chuck Norris is at the mercy of his opponent. Amelie exploits this opening and shoots a blistering channel of electricity, zapping the Machop with Thunderbolt and paralyzing him. Still, she cannot help but feel the heat and the burn will overcome her fighting spirit soon...


Chuck Norris (Machop)
HP 19
Energy 61
Item: None
Other: Disabled from using Focus Blast for (3) other actions, Paralyzed (15% chance)

Amelie (Nidoran F)
HP 3
Energy 54
Item: None
Other: Burned (reduces the damage done by a Pokemon's physical attacks by 50% (0.5x). In addition, the Pokemon suffers two (2) HP of damage per action)

Now Son of Shadoo goes first.

P.S.: I'm sorry about all the hax, the RNG has been really nasty this round...
... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! TWO CRITS IN A ROW?! Ah, I'm a Fire Emblem player, I'm used to it... I'm sorry, Amélie, it seems I've failed you. There doesn't seem to be much we can do this round, especially with the burn guaranteed to faint you in two actions... Still, we can go out with a bang. Thunderbolt twice!

Thunderbolt >>> Thunderbolt
Hmmm...I really don't want you to die Chuck...let's see...

Meet the Thunderbolts with two Fire Blasts. Take your time, just make sure you release the attack in time to intercept Amelie's attacks.

Fire Blast~Fire Blast

Chuck Norris (Machop)
HP 19
Energy 61
Item: None
Other: Disabled from using Focus Blast for (3) other actions, Paralyzed (15% chance)

Amelie (Nidoran F)
HP 3
Energy 54
Item: None
Other: Burned (reduces the damage done by a Pokemon's physical attacks by 50% (0.5x). In addition, the Pokemon suffers two (2) HP of damage per action)

Desperate and heavily wounded, Amelie makes a last ditch effort and fires off a Thunderbolt at the Machop, hoping to taking him down with her before fainting. Chuck Norris, with a defying smile, conjures a fiery star and shoots it at the Nidoran. Despite him getting hit by the lightning as it crosses through the hot fire, he can happily look Amelie enveloped by the flames. Son_of_Shadoo sadly recalls his exhausted friend, and prepares his next Poké Ball in the other hand...


Chuck Norris (Machop)
HP 3
Energy 61
Item: None
Other: Paralyzed (15% chance)

Amelie (Nidoran F)
HP 0
Energy N/A
Item: None
Other: Fainted

Now Son_of_Shadoo has to send out his next Pokémon and issue his actions.
Good job, Amélie. He's on his last legs. You did well. But George can take it from here. George (Lickitung), it's all down to you! Let's start off with Muddy Water, to finish off Machop from a distance. Then, use Muddy Water again to extinguish the flames around you. Only we can prevent forest fires, after all. Finally, end things with a Double Team to prepare for whatever Smashlloyd has in store for us.

Muddy Water >>> Muddy Water >>> Double Team
Alright Chuck Norris, time to go out with a bang. Use Focus Blast repeatedly until you die. You should be able to get at least one off.

Focus Blast~Focus Blast~Focus Blast

Chuck Norris (Machop)
HP 3
Energy 61
Item: None
Other: Paralyzed (15% chance)


Lickitung(*) [George] (Male)
Nature: Brave - Adds * to Attack. A 15% decrease (rounded down) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on an opponent's attacks.

Normal: Normal STAB; Bite, Claw Sharpen, Crunch, Dig, Double Kick, Hammer Arm, Iron Tail, Rain Dance, Rock Smash, Shadow Claw, Sunny Day, Wild Charge have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

HP: 100
Atk: ***(+)
Def: ***
SpA: ***
SpD: ***
Spe: 26(-) (30 / 1.15)

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Own Tempo: This Pokemon moves at its own pace and cannot be confused by any method. [Innate]

Oblivious: This Pokemon is incapable of being effected by Attract or Cute Charm. [Innate]

Cloud Nine (DW): This Pokemon dispels a misty aura which rises into the sky and nullifies any weather effect when it is ordered. [Can be activated/commanded]

Defence Curl*
Knock Off*
Hammer Arm*
Muddy Water*
Zen Headbutt*
Ice Beam*
Double Team*

George enters the battlefield with a jolly attitude, ready to pick up the slack. Looking for an easy KO, the Lickitung summons a dirty tsunami made of mud, sand, ground and whatnot aimed at his opponent. But a Texas Ranger never goes down without a fight. With a last, fierce smile, Chuck Norris conjures a lightning sphere of energy, and sends it to his enemy before being overwhelmed by the Muddy Water. George already smells his victory, but is caught completely offguard when from the wave of mud erupts the glowing orb of force. A huge explosion marks the hit of the Focus Blast, as Chuck Norris finally falls in defeat.

While waiting for smashlloyd to calls forth his new competitor, George takes countermeasures to ease the upcoming confrontation and douses the surrounding fires with another Muddy Water. Then he makes some sudden movements to conjure an illusory clone of himself. The Double Team will make smashlloyd's life harder...


Chuck Norris (Machop)
HP 0
Energy N/A
Item: None
Other: Fainted


George (Lickitung)
HP 77
Energy 80
Item: None
Other: +1 Evasion

It's Smashlloyd20's turn now. He needs to send out his new Pokémon (his last one), and he has to issue his 3 actions.
Alright. Grass Skirt the Embirch, you're up!

Start out with a Fire Blast on the ground in front of you, which will hopefully set the grass on fire and keep George away. Whatever happens, use Will-O-Wisp next. Then fire another Fire Blast at George. If George tries to use Dig, replace your current action with firing a bolt of Earth Power through the ground at him.

Fire Blast~Will-o-Wisp~Fire Blast
If George uses Dig, Earth Power.
George, we can't afford to get burned here. Use Double Team first, then Muddy Water to extinguish the flames around you. Then cool Grass Skirt off with another Muddy Water.

Double Team >>> Muddy Water >>> Muddy Water

Embirch [Grass Skirt] (Male)
Nature: Modest (+1 * Special Attack, -1 * Attack)
Type: Fire/Grass
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Solarbeam has Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed, Growth, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Nature Power, Sunny Day, Sweet Scent, and Swords Dance have have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

HP: 100
Atk: *(-)
Def: **
SpA: ****(+)
SpD: **
Spe: 50

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Leaf Guard: (Innate) In bright sunlight the Pokemon is surrounded by a faint green glow. The glow protects it from all permanent and temporary status conditions.
Battle Armor: (Innate) This Pokemon’s thick armor prevents it from taking critical hits.
Chlorophyll (DW): (Innate) During bright sunlight, this Pokemon’s cells absorb more solar energy, doubling (x2) their speed.

Pound (*)
Sweet Scent (*)
Growth (*)
Ember (*)
Leech Seed (*)
Bullet Seed (*)
Flame Wheel (*)
Fire Spin (*)
Giga Drain (*)
Dragonbreath (*)
Earth Power (*)
Sand Tomb (*)
Fire Blast (*)
Will-O-Wisp (*)
Flash Cannon (*)


George (Lickitung)
HP 77
Energy 80
Item: None
Other: +1 Evasion

The fiery plants enters the battle blazing in unquenched fury. Seething flames course through him as he emits a blinding Fire Blast and set the surrounding meadow on fire. George carefully makes a step back and creates another clone to join his Double Team.

Grass Skirt decides to give his opponent something else to worry about. A couple, blue spectral orbs fly in the air and aim for George's head (or tongue, as the case may be). The Lickitung suddendly realizes the ghostly flames are heading in the direction of his true self and shudders, but luckily for him, the Will-o-Wisp misses him. Eager to put another hole in the Embirch's plans, George summons another disgusting wave of mud and submerges the fires in Muddy Water.

Angered to see his plan falling apart, Grass Skirt conjures another Fire Blast and launches him at one of his opponent's selfs, hoping to target the right one. This time George is not as lucky, and the fiery star blows right upon him, leaving him scorched and sweaty. Moreover, one of his clones poofs up, due to his duration being expired. But the Lickitung doesn't give up, and answers with another wave of Muddy Water, which this time submerges Embirch in a dirty marsh.


Embirch (Grass Skirt)
HP 88
Energy 78
Item: None
Other: None


George (Lickitung)
HP 60
Energy 56
Item: None
Other: +1 Evasion

Son_of_Shadoo goes first now.
Hehe, that couldn't have gone much better. Nicely done, George. But we're not out of the woods yet, we've taken a lot of damage... It's time to get up close and personal. Use Ice Beam as you advance, then smack Grass Skirt with a Hammer Arm. The speed loss probably won't make much difference. Finish the round with a Zen Headbutt.

Ice Beam >>> Hammer Arm >>> Zen Headbutt
Alright Grass Skirt, let's do this!

Fire a Fire Blast at the Ice Beam as George comes in, then shoot a Will-o-Wisp at him point-blank, seeing as you're twice as fast as George. Take the weakened Hammer Arm, then shoot another Fire Blast at George to knock him away.

Fire Blast~Will-o-Wisp~Fire Blast

Embirch (Grass Skirt)
HP 88
Energy 78
Item: None
Other: None


George (Lickitung)
HP 60
Energy 56
Item: None
Other: +1 Evasion

Grass Skirt erupts from the pile of mud with a loud roar - he doesn't look amused! In fact, he instantly fires off a deadly star of flames to blast Lickitung where he is. The Fire Blast meets George's Ice Beam along the way, which goes through the heat creating a minuscule hole, subsequently engulfed by the flames. Lickitung sweats heavily as the fiery star approaches, but he manages to dodge it barely. The same cannot be said for Grass Skirt, who is hit by the ray of frost - luckily for him, his flames are too tough for the beam to actually inconvenience him.

The Lickitung dashes forward (as fast as you could expect a Lickitung to dash - so yes, kinda slowly) along with his tongued clone, ready to leave a bigger mark on the Embirch. The mark, however, is left by the latter, who manages to hit the right opponent with Will-o-wisp. George finally connects with his Hammer Arm, but the burn he suffered greatly diminishes the weight of the hit. Plus, he suddendly feels heavier as his speed is lowered (1) stage.

Grass Skirt smiles boldly, as he finally understood who the true Lickitung is, and blasts him with another Fire Blast - this time, hitting him without error. George attempts to reacts with a Zen Headbutt, but the attack is very weak, and the Embirch shrugs it off with ease.


Embirch (Grass Skirt)
HP 65
Energy 57
Item: None
Other: None


George (Lickitung)
HP 39
Energy 37
Item: None
Other: Burned

smashlloyd20 goes first now
Alright Grass Skirt, we've got the momentum. Let's keep it!

We're at point-plank range, so landing a Fire Blast should be easy. Then shoot a Fire Spin at the ground in front of you to set it on fire (again), followed by another Fire Blast.

Fire Blast~Fire Spin~Fire Blast
George, Supersonic. The close range advantage he has works both ways. Then use Muddy Water to hopefully extinguish the fire, and maybe splash Grass Skirt too. Finish with Ice Beam.

Supersonic >>> Muddy Water >>> Ice Beam
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