Tournament World Cup of OMs - Stage 2


5 am in Toronto
Well shit, shit hit the fan but hey, still had fun.

Uselesscrab thanks for letting me be ur assman and help make decisions as a duo. Also, i'm pretty sure everyone loved ur enthusiasm and ur "dont give up" mentality. Thanks again, hope to work with someone as great as you again :)

Aaronboyer even if we didn't do well, you definitely worked hard every battle you had to play and played ur heart out in each one. Also, i had a great time working with you even after you exposed me lmao. Hope to work with you again.

Xayah we have our differences but, ur a great guy to be around. You are very sociable and like helping others out. I need you to teach me ZU too, looks fun. I hope ur success in tours and ZUTL continue! assman 2.0

MaceMaster I have known you for the past year and I consider you one of my friends. You did well this tour, probably one of our little shining points on the team, and continue to shine everywhere else. Continue to be a great man and you will continue to succeed.

Official Fissure I didn't get to talk to you much but, you were another shining point on the team and helped out the team in building, which is always appreciated. I hope to see you again and would gladly pick you up in ompl if i had the chance to captain.

BankaiGenius While you didn't have the best record, you definitely played really well and tried every game you played, which is always great to see in a teammate and player. I really hope u get picked up for ompl because i see alot of potential in you. Also, i need to teach you 1v1 as you mentioned.

SuperSkylake ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SKYLAKE TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ but on a more serious note, you worked hard to prep for every game and talk to everyone for suggestions and tips. You definitely are underrated and play really well. Stick around for longer, improve, and i see you being a top prospect.

Birds30 Well man, we didnt get to play you but, u still seem like a great player and have a great record on ladder as well. Just wished you communicated more and talked to the team more instead of being silent the entire tour.

UBERLandon21 Landon, i love you no homo, and im sorry you didn't get to play. I know ur busy and you have alot to do currently but, you are an amazing 1v1 player and continue to get better by the day. I hope u continue to be at the top of the food chain and thanks for being a friend :).

also grats to all the people who made playoffs
I'm not gonna write shoutouts, cause quite frankly, I don't think we should write any without even making playoffs. Just wanted to say this was a great experience anyway, happy with all the guys I picked for the team (even if zugu did get banned the day after he told me he can sub in for me, but thankfully I managed to play :phew:). I especially wanna point out that even if I didn't know anything about some of the tiers, I was very impressed by everybody. I thought tzop signed up for BH till phase 2 LOLO, thanks for just taking the bullet to play that disgusting tier lmao. Leru and I managed to pick up stabmons in like a few hours which was kinda suprising but mans managed to deliver 4 hot teams over the course of this and get the W every time we needed it. Learning how to build AG teams was a pain, getting haxed in one series and getting perishtrapped in a another didnt really make the experience any better though unfortunately. GL to the teams remaining, I'm pretty confident Canada is taking the whole thing and I'm excited to see who can take them down

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