Resource XY Little Cup - Rules & Policy

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Welcome to the LC Subforum of Uncharted Territory! All general UT rules apply, however there are a few differences.

PLEASE ask a mod of this forum for permission before posting a thread. Many simple questions can be resolved in the simple questions/simple answers thread. Mods are: Rowan, macle, QuoteCS.

Individual Pokemon Discussion - Unlike the main UT forum in which there are discussion topics on mostly every individual Pokemon, here at the LC subforum, individual topics are reserved for major threats in the metagame. If you plan to post one, it has to be a quality topic of a Pokemon that is actually relevant to the metagame (sorry guys, no Pidgey discussion, I don't care if it's actually LC).

IF you want to spark a discussion about a certain Pokemon, or anything else which does not warrant a new thread, please post in the metagame discussion thread

Little Cup Rules:
Pokémon: Players are allowed a team of up to 6 Pokémon that meet the following conditions:
  • The Pokémon must be able to evolve.
  • The Pokémon must be the earliest evolution stage obtainable.
  • The Pokémon must be at Level 5.
  • The Pokémon must not be on the Ubers list.
Ubers - The following are banned from use in Little Cup:
  • Gligar, Scyther, Sneasel, Swirlix, Tangela, Yanma, Meditite, Murkrow, Misdreavus
Abilities and Moves:

Abilities: Moody is banned. Due to the fact that not all Pokemon are currently available with their Hidden Abilities, please check here when using Hidden Abilities.

Moves: Pokémon in Little Cup can use (nearly) any move available to them at Level 5. All non-genderless Pokemon can use their level-up moves, and genderless Pokemon can use any 3rd generation level-up move in conjunction with any TMs. Sonicboom, Swagger and Dragon Rage are all banned moves. Further information on illegal move combinations is located here.

Battle Mechanics:
  • Species Clause - Only one Pokémon may be on a team from each species.
  • Sleep Clause - Only one Pokémon can be put to sleep by an opponent at a time, per team.
  • OHKO Clause - Moves that score a guaranteed "One-hit-KO" on the opponent, such as Sheer Cold, Horn Drill, Guillotine, or Fissure, are banned.
  • Evasion Clause - Moves that boost evasion (i.e. Double Team and Minimize) are not allowed.
  • EVs: Contrary to some beliefs, it has been proven that even with a level 5 baby, any EV spread is possible on any Pokémon. Thus, the standard in game maximum of 255 EVs per stat, 510 EVs total is the only limitation on EVs in Little Cup.

Below are a few helpful resources on the Little Cup metagame:
#pokemon and #littlecup

#pokemon is Smogon's main channel for all things related to competitive Pokemon, but #littlecup is usually the main channel for LC discussion on IRC. You can either follow the Smogon IRC guide for information on how to connect using various clients (located here), or use']this[/URL] link to directly connect to #pokemon by simply entering a username and clicking connect. Here is a way to connect to #littlecup. We also have a room on Pokemon Showdown!, so feel free to chat there as well.

Have fun chatting!


Please get all LC threads approved before posting.

Hi everyone,

The current Little Cup tier leaders are macle and Rowan. The other Little Cup moderators are: QuoteCS. If you want to make a thread, ask one of us for approval. We will almost always approve your threads, because we want you to contribute and talk about the things you want to. However, if there are changes to be made, we will discuss them with you. Feel free to PM us on the forums, or find us on IRC. A completed thread is not necessary when asking for approval, but please make sure your OP is complete before posting. Ask us for help if you need it!!

macle, Rowan, & QuoteCS


Do not use illegal movesets/abilities/combinations on the ladder!

While Pokemon Showdown! is awesome, some technical illegalities are difficult to program and/or not high up on the list of things to be fixed. Examples of such include [but are not limited to]:
  • Genderless or male-only Pokemon with level-up moves that can't be learned at or before level 5 (such as Shadow Punch Golett or Brave Bird Rufflet).
    • NOTE: Exceptions to this are Pokemon that can get level-up moves using the Pomeg Glitch in gen 3. However, they cannot use level-up moves with any abilities they couldn't have in gen 3 except for instances in which the Ability Capsule is applicable.
  • Hidden Abilities on Pokemon that are released. Check here for Pokemon with released Hidden Abilities!
  • Pokemon that are currently unavailable due to the lack of a transfer mechanism between Gen V and VI. See this list for more information.

If you are found to be using anything illegal in this manner on the simulator, you will be warned, and if you continue to use them, banned.

New Suspect Policy

For XY, we are changing up the suspect policy. Our goal is to create as balanced of a metagame as possible. It is my personal belief that a balanced metagame will be more fun. With the influx of Generation 6 additions and the nearly reset ban list, we will have a lot more Pokemon and items to deal with. Many of these Pokemon and items might seem broken initially. However, as the metagame progresses, we might find that they are in fact perfectly balanced. As such, it is our goal to minimize rash decision making and to ensure that everything banned is something we, the Little Cup players, are positive that we do not want in our tier.

As such, the following describes the new Suspect Policy:
  • Every so often, we will have a new Suspect round. I honestly do not know how frequently we will have them right now, but know that they will be more frequent earlier in the metagame than later. There will be time between each round to let the metagame settle.
  • There will be a laddering period for each Suspect round. There will be a specified ladder ranking and deviation necessary.
  • By obtaining the required ranking, an individual receives the ability to nominate what Pokemon, Item, or Ability they believe should be suspected. I believe that the only people who really know what should be suspect tested are the people who ladder. As such, they will be the ones who nominate the suspects. You can nominate 3 suspects in order, and the top 2 things will get suspected.
  • After the suspects are chosen, there will be suspect threads devoted to them. Posting in this thread and discussion in IRC can give you a seat in the rotating council.
  • There will be a council of 7 who vote, along with x amount of individuals chosen from each suspect round. These x amount of individuals had to have qualified for the ladder vote. A simple majority will ban a suspect. The council positions can be changed.
  • Council members will be removed if they fail to contribute to discussion or meet the ladder requirements.
  • Rinse and repeat!!
There is no council of 7 at this time. I will not be a part of the council, as I am overseeing it. macle is the only member right now who is part of the council. When nominating suspects, it is fair game to nominate Pokemon, abilities (if that ability is broken on everything that gets it), and items. Complex bans will be considered. An individual who qualifies to nominate a suspect via ladder will receive 1/2 of a vote for Tiering Contributor. If one of those individuals is chosen as one of the 4 members of the rotating council, they will receive another 1/2 of a vote.
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In early XY Little Cup, if you want to post threads about individual Pokemon, abilities, items, or moves, please do so. Ask for permission before doing so.
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