First off I've been trying to get Reuniclus ranked for like forever. Reuniclus is a very solid pokemon despite its lackluster typing and the metagame shifts recently towards faster wallbreakers like keldeo and away from voltturna and priority really benefit it. Reuniclus OTR set still destroys HO while Aegislash can be an issue Shadow Ball, Focus Blast Psyshock can cover it and since Trick Room is in effect "faster" pokemon such as Bisharp can deal with Aegislash incredibly well in Trick Room. Reuniclus' CM stallbreaker set is still good yet outclassed by Clefable in most areas except the added unpredictability that Reuniclus brings being both a stop to HO and stall depending on the set. Reuniclus' offensive power combined with excellent bulk make it a B/B- rank pokemon IMO.
A pokemon that I would like to see bumped up is Escavalier at least to C+ as looking at the C rankings Escavalier clearly does not belong. Assualt Vest Escavalier can fit a large variety of teams because of his excellent typing and requires very little support just a pokemon to absorb burns and fire moves. Pursuit Trapper Escavalier fits really well a very common team structure as of late: Keldeo, Zard Y + pursuit trapper. Drill Run makes Fire types such as Heatran much more wary of switching in while Knock Off makes Escavalier excellent utility. Escavalier is not outclassed by Scizor as it is more powerful with STAB megahorn and is more bulky with an Assault Vest.
Yet every time we discuss new rankings, we get people discussing the same old things every time...
I'll second Reun nom, but I'd see it as B- at best. Psychic is such a liability this gen that it gets a little ridiculous with all the Knock Off spam and Sucker Punching ya see. While his old OTR set is not as epic as it once was, I would still like to see it ranked based on its merits of how useful it is in the fact it can do a heck of a lot at such a slow pace. You have stated the points several times, so I don't think they need to be reiterated.