It's not really dependent on their tiering status because they'll end up in BL (OU) whether they're good enough for it or not if they're OP in UU.
Anyway, this was more relevant before the Heracronite ban, but I've been using this set to some success:
Hawlucha @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sky Attack
- Acrobatics
- High Jump Kick
Hawlucha is a really fun Pokemon to use right now. Its fast Speed lets it come in after something gets killed and fire off a powerful Sky Attack without much worry. Then, the Unburden boost kicks in and allows Hawlucha to beat every relevant Choice Scarf Pokemon while also boosting the power of Acrobatics to a respectable 110. However, I find Hawlucha to be somewhat difficult to use, because you absolutely need everything that can take a hit out of the field before sending it in, since the Unburden boost only occurs once, and if you switch out, Hawlucha loses the Speed boost. Its bulk is also pretty bad, making it relatively easy to revenge kill with bulky tanks. Because of this, it's useful to have Pokemon that can deal with the likes of Slowbro and Doublade, such as Mega Ampharos and Escavalier. Also, it's pretty difficult to get a Swords Dance off unless you know for sure the opponent is going to switch or go for a non-attacking move (usually doesn't happen, but something like Toxic?). This was more easier when Mega Heracross was still in the tier, as Hawlucha could switch into any of its attacks granted it doesn't get a crit and SR isn't on the field, and then go for the SD on the switch, but it's still manageable with Mega Gardevoir and Mega Medicham still being found on every corner. Hawlucha isn't the best late-game sweepers out there and needs support and proper prediction to be used effectively, but it's still a fun Pokemon to use and is very rewarding if used right.
Also, I agree with all the bans that happened, especially with Deoxys-S and Heracronite, although I'm a bit unsure on Thundurus-T but I can see where it's coming from.