Monotype Zapdos (Electric)

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Zapdos @ Choice Specs
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- Roost
- Volt Switch

Have you ever seen a Zapdos OHKO a Grass-type Pokemon like Amoonguss or Celebi from full HP? Well, wake up, because the powerful wallbreaker Choice Specs Zapdos is the new Electric trend, as it significantly improves the Grass matchup with its access to Hurricane! Hurricane also allows Zapdos to cover the Ground and Dragon matchups by getting rid of Pokemon like Garchomp and Hippowdon, and it's especially great because there aren't many strong Hurricane switch-ins. Heat Wave hits Steel-types like Excadrill, Aegislash, and Ferrothorn, as the first two Pokemon notably resist its Hurricane. Roost allows Zapdos to stay healthy throughout the match. Volt Switch allows Zapdos to pivot out of checks like Blissey and Tyranitar, and it's great against types like Bug and Dark without Electric immunities. Zeraora can KO the aforementioned specially defensive checks with Close Combat. Rotom-W makes a great teammate, as it forms a Ground immunity core alongside Zapdos and gets rid of Stealth Rock that chips Zapdos, with Defog.

I rearranged the moves to my likings, 995/1000 characters
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Zapdos @ Choice Specs
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- Roost
- Volt Switch

Have you ever seen a Zapdos OHKO a Grass-type Pokemon like Amoonguss or Celebi from full HP? Well, wake up because the powerful wallbreaker, Choice Specs Zapdos is the new Electric trend as it significantly improves the Grass matchup with its access to Hurricane! Hurricane also allows Zapdos to cover its weakness in Dragon- and Ground-types by getting rid of Pokemon like Garchomp, Kommo-o, and Hippowdon that resist its Electric STAB. Would try to include something about there not being many good strong Hurricane switchinsHeat Wave hits Steel-types like Excadrill, Aegislash, and Ferrothorn as the first two Pokemon notably resist its Hurricane. Roost allows Zapdos to stay healthy throughout the match. Volt Switch allows Zapdos to pivot out of checks like Blissey and Tyranitar and generate momentum for the team. Volt Switch is good as fuck against certain types without an Electric immunity

Rotom-W makes a great teammate as it forms a Ground immunity core alongside Zapdos and gets rid of entry hazards, particularly Stealth Rock that that chips Zapdos with Defog. Zeraora can KO specially defensive Pokemon like Blissey and Tyranitar with Close Combat.

I rearranged the moves to my likings, 995/1000 characters
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Zapdos @ Choice Specs
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- Roost
- Volt Switch

Have you ever seen a Zapdos OHKO a Grass-type Pokemon like Amoonguss or Celebi from full HP? Well, wake up, (AC) because the powerful wallbreaker (RC) Choice Specs Zapdos is the new Electric trend, (AC) as it significantly improves the Grass matchup with its access to Hurricane! Hurricane also allows Zapdos to cover Dragon- and Ground-types by getting rid of Pokemon get rid of Dragon- and Ground-types (you could also do like "...Zapdos to cover the Dragon and Ground matchups by getting rid of Pokemon...) like Garchomp and Hippowdon, (AC) and it's great since especially great because there aren't many strong Hurricane switch-ins. (added hyphen) Heat Wave hits Steel-types like Excadrill, Aegislash, and Ferrothorn, (AC) as the first two Pokemon notably resist its Hurricane. Roost allows Zapdos to stay healthy throughout the match. Volt Switch allows Zapdos to pivot out of checks like Blissey and Tyranitar, (AC) and it's great against types like Bug and Dark without Electric immunities. Rotom-W makes a great teammate, (AC) as it forms a Ground immunity core alongside Zapdos and gets rid of entry hazards, particularly the Stealth Rock that that chips Zapdos, (AC) with Defog. Zeraora can KO those specially defensive checks like Blissey and Tyranitar with Close Combat.
char count will get tight if you do the alternate option in my comment so just make sure to check, lmk if you want me to find a way to remove more chars
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Zapdos @ Choice Specs
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- Roost
- Volt Switch

Have you ever seen a Zapdos OHKO a Grass-type Pokemon like Amoonguss or Celebi from full HP? Well, wake up, (AC) because the powerful wallbreaker (RC) Choice Specs Zapdos is the new Electric trend, (AC) as it significantly improves the Grass matchup with its access to Hurricane! Hurricane also allows Zapdos to cover Dragon- and Ground-types by getting rid of Pokemon get rid of Dragon- and Ground-types (you could also do like "...Zapdos to cover the Dragon and Ground matchups by getting rid of Pokemon...) like Garchomp and Hippowdon, (AC) and it's great since especially great because there aren't many strong Hurricane switch-ins. (added hyphen) Heat Wave hits Steel-types like Excadrill, Aegislash, and Ferrothorn, (AC) as the first two Pokemon notably resist its Hurricane. Roost allows Zapdos to stay healthy throughout the match. Volt Switch allows Zapdos to pivot out of checks like Blissey and Tyranitar, (AC) and it's great against types like Bug and Dark without Electric immunities. Rotom-W makes a great teammate, (AC) as it forms a Ground immunity core alongside Zapdos and gets rid of entry hazards, particularly the Stealth Rock that that chips Zapdos, (AC) with Defog. Zeraora can KO those specially defensive checks like Blissey and Tyranitar with Close Combat.
char count will get tight if you do the alternate option in my comment so just make sure to check, lmk if you want me to find a way to remove more chars
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i edited and I make some minor changes also to cut off some stuff but we are sitting at 1030/1000 characters
i edited and I make some minor changes also to cut off some stuff but we are sitting at 1030/1000 characters
oh, I just realized that 1030 is how many characters you have with spaces. It just needs to be below 1000 without spaces, for which we're at a clean 867 and should be good.
oh, I just realized that 1030 is how many characters you have with spaces. It just needs to be below 1000 without spaces, for which we're at a clean 867 and should be good.
i am so dumb BAHA LOL thanks