amazing artwork by Kiwi
Welcome to the ZeroUsed Swiss! This tournament is a part of the 2024 ZU Circuit. This is a type A tournament and entering will earn you points for the overall circuit, which contributes to achieving the ZU Circuit banner!
Specific Rules:
- This is a standard SV ZU (Generation 9) tournament.
- Matches are to be played on PS!, preferably on the smogtours server.
- All rounds will be a best of three
- If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
- 2024 ZU Circuit information can be found here.
- Replays will be required from round 2 onward!
- Players will be assigned a random opponent out of the pool of players with the same record as you each round.
- Top cut players will then play in a single elimination bracket.
- More info below in the HIDE tag.
Standard Rules and Clauses:
- General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
- Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same Pokedex number on their team.
- Evasion Clause: The moves Double Team and Minimize are banned.
- OHKO Clause: The moves Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, and Fissure are banned.
- Endless Battle Clause: Anything capable of intentionally creating an endless battle is banned.
CaydenButBubbles? VS big tony 2014
THE_CHUNGLER VS na-kanon69
BloodAce VS FlamPoke
feen VS sleid
teal6 VS TBasedGod
BaitWiz VS TWiTT
Danny VS sasha
CrazyStevy VS yo cho
Beka VS ySagaz_
diegoyuhhi VS Estragos
Maia VS Toto
adpg.2007 VS Zpice
Vaictador VS Monai
Seed Sower VS Tuthur
OranBerryBlissey10 VS LustfulLice
[0,1] Bracket
missangelic VS luciefour
aptedepresence VS Scarf Kricketune
LettuceLeaf07 VS giove97
JojoOui VS Drud
t_zard06 VS TomatoZause
StreetBoom VS SMHorizon
baltap310 VS Maarck
viet noa VS Inferno Monferno
5gen VS sinnabyss
wooper VS Aurora_Veil
des121 VS Tizio
dirtbowl VS Don Bork
mestreoscar VS Lizardu
Ryu VS Sputnik
Deadline is Monday 7th October, 6pm GMT+2. No extension will be allowed.
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