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Randbats DS Classic Open - Round 2 but i actually selected all the winners this time (256)
by Mathy Mon Jul 31 2023 01:58:54 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Pairing mode: Unknown


@Gyarikkuho  vs  @Syrinix
@teresbahji  vs  @Blessed
@Lin  vs  @Brammi
@apache71164  vs  @YBW
@Trout In Space  vs  @hobo21
@Add1subtract1  vs  @crow crumbs
@MrSoup  vs  @giove97
@Ghoulish Champ  vs  @Thonker
@John Madden  vs  @PlasmaEnergised
@Shing  vs  @drakonium
@Ramzi65  vs  @Prqk
@Cowman25!  vs  @Zane(Bifloofendoofen)
@lio  vs  @Elgino
@Chains of Markov  vs  @idiotclips
@WinterKnightVGC  vs  @Tiamokodubs
@paolode99  vs  @iamnathan
@DkKoba  vs  @Irene
@Joltoh  vs  @MichaelderBeste2
@pisxel  vs  @breakfast enjoyer
@blareposeidon  vs  @Tenai
@Vertigo  vs  @ademalawer
@JJ09LIE  vs  @flippy-chan
@greywavesazura  vs  @Jonathan81
@NotThatDitto  vs  @Golden Warrior
@satvik123  vs  @Javi
@Patar136  vs  @Betathunder
@Medeia  vs  @-Mera-
@Cryometer  vs  @O1V7O2X9O
@TentacleRatGf  vs  @SpectralThief
@gorex  vs  @PikaPlayer
@landorockz  vs  @JacintoElGrande
@Limetree345  vs  @technobruh37
@drifttrick  vs  @Nine Iota
@Elkay  vs  @Soap (Camilla12)
@FritzThePancake  vs  @PogRamsey
@Velociraptor09  vs  @Rival Andrew
@omnavious  vs  @BigLaw
@07aint  vs  @Skrublax
@CronusVGC  vs  @BrunnoGreen
@MoltresEnjoyer  vs  @yakarimseni
@Micoy  vs  @Pia
@Cielo4980  vs  @pokeblade101
@Amendxv  vs  @InvejaMata
@Tarrembeau  vs  @beymonboy13
@Taka  vs  @mj
@ackquaria  vs  @Infinite Misery
@GchisRTK  vs  @35Q71N
@ElectricityCat  vs  @Slowpoke Fan
@Lrogue  vs  @rizen1
@yyate888  vs  @Wigglytuff
@sychillz  vs  @nemoauditur
@Milkshook  vs  @Amaranth
@VanitasEcho  vs  @bodi
@Daniel072004  vs  @Landon
@yogo896  vs  @jursharp
@Elvinagrio  vs  @Giga-Chandélure
@BlazeOfVictory  vs  @ewnellie
@shadowtime2000  vs  @Akuu
@cubicalxd  vs  @Zygarde12
@deftinwolf  vs  @Zoyotte
@ShckSheep  vs  @Jordy004
@boris69  vs  @JacrispyMcrib
@RaJ.Shoot  vs  @Dragonillis
@davidelbello  vs  @Dummy
@LoSconosciuto  vs  @MOHAMEDALL
@Career Ended  vs  @Dogebonk
@BandedCrizor  vs  @Fantos13
@Murphy’s law996  vs  @jmbrrk
@Coolbear489929  vs  @Trainer Z
@El químico del pueblucho  vs  @BlazeMarc
@tausifur  vs  @AlphaIma
@RagnarokSS  vs  @Frozoid
@swinubfan44  vs  @Maus_Satoshi
@Kilometer0042  vs  @johnkharkiv
@bellenguer2  vs  @Emerald Kat
@HaunterBoy28  vs  @Emboar02
@fish anemometer  vs  @Knele97
@Fragments  vs  @Vinsanity224
@MushroomSoupii  vs  @WiteFeng17
@flameingpigey2  vs  @Wubben
@platinumCheesecake  vs  @dunoks
@GoldenCyber  vs  @TMD 99
@Kinetic  vs  @Lime
@Fluore  vs  @memedose46
@Shiny_Raptorch  vs  @CoolWinnerChicken
@handermander  vs  @Lialiabeast
@Sylveon used calm mind  vs  @Dorron
@VigilanteVigoroth  vs  @DukeOfKings
@faygoes  vs  @Shadows4
@Michielleus  vs  @Amukamara
@Galaxy_5121  vs  @soTsoT
@Casual dot exe  vs  @Mannaggiamme
@Nashe  vs  @Ninja Mob
@PrinceOfAllTacos  vs  @Luchik
@OhHiMark493  vs  @TheBigWazowski
@MelancholyBill  vs  @Flights of Fantsy
@Hakimi  vs  @TheAura
@Siddakid  vs  @ihaverare
@Wait2Seconds  vs  @hammy3581
@Kaneki-san  vs  @Achyuth-kun
@Sparzza  vs  @Elvira
@Pumpkinoc  vs  @ShaingChaiSubbLe
@Xerzack987  vs  @Rasmuth
@Kiryu Gaming  vs  @Sae
@Lady Writer  vs  @TheBoyWithTheBugz
@SHONE  vs  @Ky
@skatt7000  vs  @freebird88
@Don Bork  vs  @Ethan Kironus
@VertGreen  vs  @Trefleuh
@ZSG-  vs  @Drifting
@Rex15808  vs  @Clementine
@Felix-felines  vs  @snorlax142857
@Cam16  vs  @Majorjetlag
@maxhooij  vs  @Realblazing
@VineVGC  vs  @IceLoverFrostalicious
@Tyrlire123  vs  @relevartemit
@Steven Stone 007  vs  @Limprofit
@Banbadoro  vs  @za
@Xceloh  vs  @EnchantedCrocs
@Bigwubben  vs  @Tbolt
@McChicken221  vs  @justdie69420
@Redfeatherz  vs  @ETJX
@Poipole is so cute  vs  @sunsets
@Ubo  vs  @RTM
@Failbor  vs  @Masterfinn
@Celestia74  vs  @yonmd
@Memoriazero  vs  @NoobHereWaddup
