Recent content by awolffromspace

  1. awolffromspace

    Technical Support v2 [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    Hello, the PokeCommunity server has been experiencing technical difficulties with our battles. For the past three days, battles have stopped functioning after roughly 18 hours of server uptime. This occurs each time after a server restart. This error message is constantly repeated in...
  2. awolffromspace

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  3. awolffromspace

    Ask A Simple Question, Get A Simple Answer - Pokemon Showdown! Edition

    Thanks for the replies! Ah, I mean I want users to be able to ignore chat messages from those with custom ranks (i.e. -). I just realized that it is possible to ignore voice users, so ignore the part about it. Unfortunately, moving "receiveauthmessages" in config.js does not change how /ignore...
  4. awolffromspace

    Ask A Simple Question, Get A Simple Answer - Pokemon Showdown! Edition

    Is it possible to make /ignore work on voice and other non-staff ranked users for a custom server? If you do know, please show me how to go about doing so.