Recent content by burstbean

  1. burstbean

    Tournament UUPL XII (And UUFPL IV) Set & Team Disposal Centre

    Late to see this thread,use this team dump to memory my 7-0 uufpl moment UUFPL W1 vs Le Don Le don is outstanding in dpp tier.As I scout his replay he use solid balance or stall in this tier.I met him in dpp ou half a year ago and I...
  2. burstbean

    Tournaments DPPPL IV - Week Six

    calling act
  3. burstbean

    I'm on smogtours now

    I'm on smogtours now
  4. burstbean


  5. burstbean

    dpppl available at weekend from 10am-11pm +8

    dpppl available at weekend from 10am-11pm +8
  6. burstbean

    Tournaments DPPPL IV - Week Five won gg
  7. burstbean

    so I can play at your late night

    so I can play at your late night
  8. burstbean

    no as +8 monday noon is the deadline

    no as +8 monday noon is the deadline
  9. burstbean

    or we can reschedule for another time like monday 10-11am +8

    or we can reschedule for another time like monday 10-11am +8
  10. burstbean

    dw I'll wait

    dw I'll wait
  11. burstbean

    on smogtours now

    on smogtours now
  12. burstbean

    right +8 here works at sunday 2am -3

    right +8 here works at sunday 2am -3
  13. burstbean

    Tournament UUFPL IV - Chapter 7: Viva La Revolution! won ggs maybe some luck in tour but 7-0! shoutout to micciu for teambuild and supports and thanks all my teammates's encouragement thanks jianzhang106 for all the team test(bro I can't pin you cuz you don't...
  14. burstbean

    ……on smogon as burstbean

    ……on smogon as burstbean
  15. burstbean

    you need to wait half an hour cuz I have dpppl that time

    you need to wait half an hour cuz I have dpppl that time