Recent content by Laurel

  1. Laurel


  2. Laurel

    Tournament CAPPL X - Policy Discussion

    DPP will be competitive. Trust me the boomers will sign up to play. Nostalgia trumps all.
  3. Laurel


  4. Laurel

    Tournament CAPPL X - Policy Discussion

    Don’t have a dog in the fight here but pretty sure CAP originated during DPP. Dropping it from the CAP team tour would be a feel’s bad…
  5. Laurel


  6. Laurel

    thursday better

    thursday better
  7. Laurel

    Np that works for me too

    Np that works for me too
  8. Laurel

    Thats all gonna be kinda rough, i work until like 6pm EDT. Im remote tho so I can RFN it at work...

    Thats all gonna be kinda rough, i work until like 6pm EDT. Im remote tho so I can RFN it at work , can you add me on discord its 1aurel
  9. Laurel

    Sunday evening okay?

    Sunday evening okay?
  10. Laurel


  11. Laurel

    Resource DPP Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    This is a good question. It’s likely just due to people not wanting ti play stall on the ladder… apologies for only seeing this message now. If you look at Clefable usage in JCI or SPL it’s much higher.
  12. Laurel

    All Gens RoAPL X - Manager Signups

    Manager: Laurel Assman: JabbaTheGriffin Team Name: York New Yanma (or any old franchise that is open) Why should the hosting team pick you: Me and Jabba combine for like 30 years of experience playing all tiers included in ROAPL and have both managed several team tours, played in several SPLs, etc.
  13. Laurel

    The LC Open XIII - Round 1

    oppo gave win
  14. Laurel

    I hope ur okay man all good.

    I hope ur okay man all good.
  15. Laurel

    The UU Open XIII - Round 1

    won ggs got some luck g3 thanks for being accomodating w schedule