Recent content by LJ23FTW

  1. LJ23FTW


  2. LJ23FTW

    gg rematch somtime

    gg rematch somtime
  3. LJ23FTW

    Tattle Taler's Paradise (Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist as of May 1st, 2013)

    MrFryingBear MrFryingBear false report on me he think i dc in the match i had with him i never dc in that match it was the game it shelf or bad wifi cause it dc however you call it i have battles on youtube i got 5-0 6-0 my opporent upload them on youtube it was not me who dc i am telling you...
  4. LJ23FTW

    Tattle Taler's Paradise (Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist as of May 1st, 2013)

    YahyaK yahyak dc on me 2 times 2nd time he put counter team against my team i was about beat him again till he dc on me here link that went down on the chat Edit this video