Recent content by Loncle

  1. CAP 12 CAP 1 - Art Submissions

    Here's my design, based off of the Aztec Feathered Snake. The idea was a python or boa(the species Quetzecoatl was based off of) are made of pure muscle, I slapped a set of fairly muscular and arm like wings on it, and we have a bruiser that could fight on either the physical or special...
  2. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer (CAP Edition) - Mark II (READ THE OP)

    Maybe I just missed it when I looked through the rule CAP rules, and in that case I'm sorry, BUT, my question is in means of art. To submit an art design for a CAP pokemon I do have to wait until everything up until that point has been selected?Obviously stats typing and movepool will effect...